Allison Tumbleweed Vs. Skylar Jones

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Allison Tumbleweed Vs. Skylar Jones

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Hentai Match
Victory by making opponent orgasm 3 times

Skylar Jones was going to town on a punching bag, raining down blows as she waited for her name to be called. The brunette brawler was topless, prepared for a hentai match. These had always been a favorite of hers. Hell, one of the promotions she worked for back in the States, the Sex Wrestling Federation, did them almost exclusively. The only clothing on her body was a pair of torn and tattered jeans, which complimented her ass pretty well if she did say so herself.
"The following contest is a hentai match set for 3 falls! Entering the ring first, from Perry, Iowa, the Brawling Puppet, SKYLARRRR JOOONES!!!"

The crowd cheered and jeered as the brunette came down the ramp, hands in her pockets, her beautiful C cup breasts hanging free. Once she'd reached the end of the ramp, Sky grabbed the top rope and flipped over, before rising her fist in the air to get a pop from the audience.
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Re: Allison Tumbleweed Vs. Skylar Jones

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Meanwhile in the opposite locker room. Skylar’s opponent was putting the finishing touches on her outfit for her match. Something that would no doubt stun the crowd with every move she made. At least, until it was all inevitably torn off of her. The cowgirl had no qualms about it, if anything it just made her even more excited as she heard the telltale knock at her door, informing her of her time to shine.
So, stepping past the curtain of the gorilla position, Allison walked out with her arms spread out wide! Taking in the mass of cheers and flashes of cameras! Making her way down to the ring, the cowgirl would slide inside before popping to her feet to another round of applause. It would be here that she would get her first glance at her new opponent. And it seemed that this Skylar was perhaps more shameless than her!

Allison at least had a bikini top to cover her chest, this girl had none of that. Funnily enough, they both seemed to have a similar idea in attire if their jeans and boots were any indication. Allison simply let a small giggle pass through her as she took off her hat and put it down behind her. ”Well now. If you’re already trying to charm me with that body of yours. I’ll admit that it slightly working hehe. I’m Allison, and ah hope we have a good match.”
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Re: Allison Tumbleweed Vs. Skylar Jones

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Skylar leaned on the ropes, arms draped over as her opponent made her entrance. She had to say, that cowgirl was pretty hot. Made Sky all the more excited to fuck her brains out in this match. "Heyyy, cowgirl~." She greeted seductively, putting her hands in her pockets as she strolled over to Allison. "Gotta say, you're killin' it too. Nice tits." She complimented. She leaned into Allison so that their foreheads touched, their lips inches from one another. She wore a smirk. "Skylar. And trust me bitch, we're gonna~!" The brunette teased. The referee separated them, but as Allison turns around, Skylar smacks her ass, before heading to her own corner.


Once the bell rang, Skylar moved out of her corner and towards her opponent, fists raised. This may have been a fuck fight, but who said she couldn't bruise Allison's sexy body up a bit? Once she was close, she shot a punch at Allison's stomach.
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Re: Allison Tumbleweed Vs. Skylar Jones

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It seemed that Allison’s opponent was more than happy to greet her personally. The cowgirl was never one to back down from a challenge, so she remained unmoved as the topless girl came towards her and pressed her forehead against her own. Allison’s response to Skylars “greeting” was nothing more than a giggle and a small lick of her lips with her tongue.

Sadly, before things could truly heat up. The referee had to get in the middle of them and shove them away. Though skylar would get the last word as she sent a stinging spank to Allison’s ass. The cowgirl jumped slightly at it, before giggling and letting a challenging look cross her eyes as she turned around. So that’s how her opponent wanted to play, she can work with that.

So when the bell rang, Allison would walk towards her opponent with her hands on her hips. Giving Skylar a charming smile as the girl came towards her. Yet when the brunette sent her fist towards Allison’s belly, she would find nothing but air as Allison would dodge out of the way and step inside of her topless girls guard.

And then she gave her a nice long kiss. Hand holding her in place by pressing into the back of her head. Her free one though, would deliver a punch of her own to her opponents bare belly.
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Re: Allison Tumbleweed Vs. Skylar Jones

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The two women returned to their corners, turning to face each other once more. As Skylar saw the challenging look Allison gave her, she shot her a smirk and a wink. This cowgirl was cute, but she'd be even cuter once she was screaming her name.

The bell rang, and Sky shot forward with a hard punch aimed at Allison's gut! But right before the hit could make contact, the girl side stepped it, sending the brunette off balance! Before she could gather herself, she felt Allsion's lips claim hers, her mouth invaded by the cowgirl's kiss! Sky blushed, caught off guard as Allsion took hold of the back of her head. And then, she felt the girl's fist dig into her gut! The loud grunt of pain was muffled by Allison's mouth, Sky unable to pull away. Skylar decided to go on the offensive, her tongue making it's way to dance with Allison's, grabbing hold of the cowgirl's hair to hold her in place as well, before giving her a hard punch to the belly in return!

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Re: Allison Tumbleweed Vs. Skylar Jones

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Now this was a way to start a match! Looking like things are going to start off hard and fast only to end up being hot and heavy as Allison ducked underneath Skylars punch and instead slammed her lips into hers with a steaming kiss! Of course that didn’t mean things couldn’t still go hard as Allison was sure to let her opponent know with a punch slamming into the brunettes bare belly.

However it seemed that skylar was quick to pick up on the mood of things as she would respond with equal vigor. Both in the kiss and the punch as she returned both to the cowgirl. Allison let out a muffled grunt at her opponents punch, but she refused to break the kiss and instead began to fight skylars tongue with her own. However, the cowgirl would begin to back up against the ropes seemingly unknowingly. Only for it to be a trap as when skylar would attempt at another punch, the cowgirl would catch it! Then with a sudden twist she would trap the brunette between herself and the ropes! Keeping her pinned while she continued her kiss before finally breaking off to continue down her throat.
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Re: Allison Tumbleweed Vs. Skylar Jones

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The brawler and the cowgirl kissed one another deeply, their tongues wrestling about in their mouths in their erotic battle, each one holding the other in place by grabbing the back of her head. Already there was a heat in Skylar's nether regions as their tongues danced about. It looked as if they might eat each other alive. She noticed Allison backing up toward the ropes, and were her lips free, she would've smirked. If she had Allison against the ropes, that'd give her quite the advantage. As she threw another punch however, Skylar realized the trap.

Her arm was twisted, and she was swung back, her back to the ropes as Allison trapped her there. "Mmm~." The brunette moaned, as Allison's tongue left her mouth and glided down her neck. She wouldn't let herself end up puddy in this girl's hands though. She tried slipping her hand down the cowgirl's jeans, and began fingering her.

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Re: Allison Tumbleweed Vs. Skylar Jones

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The bell had only just rung and already things had heated up a good few degrees! Managing to sandwich skylar between herself and the ropes, Allison would let her lips do most of the work as she tried to dominate the ravenettes with her own. Their tongues wrestling one another and vying for dominance before Allison suddenly broke the kiss and instead began to kiss along her neck.

But her opponent wasn’t just going to lay there and take it unfortunately. And soon the cowgirl would jump as she felt a hand slip inside of her jeans and begin to play with her sex. ”Oooo! Going right for the honey aren’t you darling! Not even wanting to play a bit huh?” Allison moaned before traveling further down and latching her lips onto one of skylars bare nipples. Hoping to distract her with pleasure.
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