When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Standard Match
Win by Pinfall or submission

Backstage Thereisa can only chuckle seeing that the fans are eager to see her wrestle tonight. She had asked for this match anyway due to meeting the fiery younger wrestler backstage and talking with her. And now her opponent for tonight is none other than Ingrid the scrappy but talented wrestler who was able to defeat Tia... who while older is still a dangerous wrestler in her own right.

Cracking her neck muscles as she feels good enough to compete tonight... after that beating she took from the hands of Kathleen... she was lucky to not injured anything serious but did require seven stitches to close the cut on her head... and a badly sprained thigh which is still wrapped up tightly. But that wouldn't have stopped her from taking this match with the determined woman at all.

As her muscle plays, and she makes her grand entrance with her arms raised up soaking in the cheers from the fans, this is what she wanted since she became a baby face... the roar and cheers of the crowd chanting her name as she makes her way down the ramp and to the ring. A smile on her face, as this is what makes her feel alive... being in the ring and wrestling someone who may lead the next era of wrestling.


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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Ingrid Galatea
Ingrid had never been more excited for a match in her life. She was gonna wrestle a legend in Thereisa Niedermeyer, someone she looked up to since she was young. Even if Thereisa maybe isn't the wrestler she used to be. Ingrid was sure that she was still an incredibly skilled wrestler. Ingrid was ready for this, and when the LAW staff member told her that her entrance was ready, Ingrid immediately head out, and went to the Guerilla Position.

"And her opponent, coming down to the ring, weighing in at 125 pounds, THE ELITE PEGASUS, INGRID GALATEA!" The ring announcer yelled as Ingrid came out of the curtain to a mixed reception of boos and cheers, still as controversial as she ever would be. Ingrid walked down to the ring, walked up the steel steps, and jumped over the top rope, before heading to her corner.

Ingrid saw her, a smile on her face, she was ready to wrestle Thereisa, For a first action, she held her hand out, hoping for a handshake. She was ready for this.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Seeing her opponent making her way down to the ring, she can only see herself in Ingrid. But she will put her feelings aside and give the young woman a match she will never forget at all, walking towards her opponent who is doing the same to her and seeing her opponent holding out her hand for the handshake.

Not wanting to look like a heel in front of the younger girl, Thereisa would close her eyes thinking on what to say to her, ' You will get a handshake after the match Ingrid... Depending on how this match goes, you will either leave with me raising your hand up in victory, or seeing mines be raised instead.'

Saying her piece to the young woman, wanting her to bring her best right out the gate. The bell rings in the background as the match is underway and Thereisa comes out of her corner raising her hands wanting to test and see what kind of power Ingrid has due to the height advantage she owns over the smaller wrestler. ' Prove to me that you can be one of the pillars that will carry on this era of wrestling...' as she waits for the lock-up to happen.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Ingrid nodded, she will get her hand shake at the end of the match. Ingrid was confident, her LAW Record gave her good reason to be. She headed to her corner, all the energy in the world came through her as the bell rang.

"I'll prove to you I will." Ingrid said to Thereisa with a sense of confidence and excitement that hasn't been seen out of her since the beginning of her LAW career. Ingrid took up her offer, and locked hands with Thereisa for the test of strength. Ingrid was strong herself, and tried to push the bigger Thereisa to the ropes. Hopefully it will work.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Thereisa can actually say that she is looking forward to this match with Ingrid. Hearing the words coming out of the younger woman's mouth just makes her want to see how far Ingrid can go in the company. Feeling her hands lock up with her smaller opponent, as she can feel herself be slowly pushed back a little by the determined woman in front of her.

'Not bad, good power in your form... But let me show you how it's done.' Thereisa would say, with a chuckle and smirk on her face, knowing she is going to show her opponent what real strength is. As she let's out a grunt and takes a step forward pushing her opponent backwards, but not to the ropes... but more of the turnbuckle wanting to pin her opponent in the corner and cut the ring in half. Which would allow her the advantage due to her length and reach against Ingrid.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Ingrid and Thereisa locked up, but then it became obvious to Ingrid who was the stronger one of the two, as Thereisa pushed her back to the corner. Now she was being pushed into the corner, obviously strength wasn't working out as this point. She needed to quickly change strategies.

So while still in the corner, Ingrid launched a quick kick to the side of Thereisa's thigh, hoping for at least a small bit of stun from the much older wrestler she looks up too.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Thereisa was able to win the power match up pretty easily, by not going easy on the younger woman who was able to hold her own before she put her back into it. As she was able to back Ingrid into the corner and trap her there for the time being.

' Now you are trapped what are you going to do...Ahhh.' Before Thereisa could finish speaking, a kick lands into her thigh that sends her back. Taking a few steps back feeling the power of Ingrid kicks, and winches since it packed more power than she realized.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Ingrid was more smart then she let on, she knew easily that she would be overpowered by the Heavyweight, and decided to take advantage of her strong legs to do some damage. "You should know better Thereisa. Never taunt while your opponent can very easily shut you up." Ingrid said, a smug Grin coming across her face.

With the Veteran now stunned, Ingrid felt the best strategy was to bring Thereisa down to her size, so Ingrid went for a Thrust Kick to the knee she just hit, hoping to wear the bigger women down.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Seeing that her own advice is being told to her by her younger opponent. Thereisa can't help but have that smug grin on her face hearing words that she herself would say to her opponent, before going for a move to punish them for dropping their guard.

And seeing that Ingrid is doing the same as she buckles a bit from having her knee kicked back, before falling to her side due to her leg giving out from a still healing injury. 'AAAAGGGHHHH' she would cry out as she clutches the knee cap and starts to slam her hand against the canvas in anger, but not wanting to ruin Ingrid's big moment, she hops to her feet with a noticeable limp.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Ingrid had her much older opponent reeling on the ropes. Ingrid was very smart in the ring if she could keep her calm. She could see that Thereisa was noticeably limping when she held herself up. This told Ingrid that Thereisa was on unstable legs, and Ingrid would just need one big move to bring the bigger woman down.

Ingrid then came up to Thereisa, before jumping and quickly attempting to wrap her arm around Thereisa's neck. If that work, Ingrid would use her momentum to bring Thereisa's face to the mat with a jumping DDT.

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