Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

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The Ominous Future
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Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

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The act of having oneself a rival was something of a curiosity to one Diana Accera currently. She had her rivals per-say, one in the form of her close friend Alaina Sanders, but not in the way she perhaps strove to have. Not to lessen the threat Alaina did pose to the Italian of course; but any interaction between the two that would occur would have been lightened, even just a touch, by the fact the two were close friends when the gloves were off.

Nay, when Diana said she desired a rival, she desired a woman that not only pushed her to her limits as the Amazon did, but outright forced her to; through fear of falling behind a woman she had nothing but disdain for.

But how would one go about finding such a foe? Diana was stern, but far from hateful, and even further from cruel. It wasn't in her nature to go out and seek victims, but simply opponents. She was good at discerning by simple appearance if a woman could give her the fight she desired, but it was more than difficult for the powerful Italian to get a feed on someones personality from mere glance. Such things, she'd simply have to leave up to luck.

With such thoughts to her mind, Diana had found herself yet again on the premises of LAW; for perhaps the first time since her initial appearance, today clad in aught but casual gear. Her toned frame and sizeable breasts somewhat on show by a tight cutting red tanktop, with jeans that wrapped around her shapely, jiggless rear, Diana would pace her figure with keen intent towards the admin side of LAW headquarters. With training going more than well, now could not have been a greater time to dip ones feet as it were directly into the LAW talent pool, and gain herself that oh-so-important shot at a debut.

A simple, quiet task, she believed.

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Re: Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

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Angela had just finished a long workout session her body still ripe with sweat and a bit of fatigue starting settle into her muscles, lactic acids having built up and started to make the French beauty feel rather sluggish, she had downed half a 50cl bottle of water and then tossed it to the side. Deciding she needed something other than just water, a bit of energy and protein. Perhaps a protein shake or a protein bar, that was what she was missing right now.

The blonde wasn't one to do these kind of tough work outs. She had always been rather gifted, physically so she hadn't actually needed to do the extreme workouts that others did. Yet, because of the suggestions of her manager, Angela had decided in order to get her off of her back, workout session would be a good way to get some alone time.

Angela stepped out of the gym and walked through the hall. Her body still glistening from the sweat as she had her towel draped over her shoulders and neck, one hand grasping one end of the towel and she used it to rub and dry off her hair a bit. Not really paying attention to where she was going, because in her mind she didn't need to! Angela turned a corner and with *BAM*

The French beauty pumped into someone, backing up from the impact, Angela winced in annoyance and eyed the woman she bumped into. Raven hair, buxom features and a pretty face...some bitch wrestler from LAW she bet. " Watch where the fuck you're going, Salope!" Angela barked out at the raven haired beauty in front of her.

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Re: Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

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With the height of the frames far from extreme in difference, each and every part of Diana would bounce against the respective part of this mysterious, if sweaty white haired beauty as she turned the corner. Far from clumsy on her feet, but not exactly preparing herself to react to the sudden arrival of a frame into hers, Diana would take but a step back as a bead of sweat from Angela dripped onto her fabric; her eyes rolling down her own front for a moment, before she'd latch them to Angela's.

"You're the one sprinting round fucking corners..." Far from being a figure who found people to pick on, Diana was certainly by no means a victim to herself. Responding to hostility with equal if not more, Diana did not need to speak this figures language to get the vaguest ideas of what she spoke. That became apparent, as Diana's right hand came up and down in but a flash; smacking that mostly empty water bottle right out of this figures hand, as revenge for her apparent lack of manners!

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Re: Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

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Angela's eyes narrowed as she heard the words from the raven haired Italian. She could hear that accent come from that mouth...a soft groan of disgust escaping from Angela's mouth at the words that Diana spoke. Of course Angela hated Italians....she also hated the British, the Spanish, the Scandinavians....Most people from Europe. Oh and most people from Asian....and America.

South America she didn't have that much problem with, and most French people were a pain. Germans were cool though. No real matter, it was just a point of making her even more annoyed at the raven haired woman in front of her. Even more so as she smacked that bottle out of her hand....

Angela's reaction was instinctual, one reflex that had the speed of a cats. As a balled fist flew up high and fast and aimed to smack right into the Italian's pretty face.

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Re: Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

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Had positions have been reversed, Diana, rarely for a change, could not have said she would have said the same. Things would most certainly escalate to the point of outright violence, but not before a moment of perhaps forehead-to-forehead pressing, with goading words exchanged back and forth, almost as a test of sorts from the Italian to see if this girl really wanted to throw down.

A part of her admired that Angela had skipped the foreplay, in a way.

"Woa~" Narrowly tilting her frame both back and to the side, the goading part of Diana would emerge regardless as both hands came up, pushing hard upon the frame seemingly determined enough to strike at her. Not enough to shove her down, even if Angela was made of leaner stuff, but certainly not light enough a push to be ignored. She was somewhat curious as to how the girl would respond, given Diana pushed upon the parts closest to her in doing so. Namely, that bouncy chest.

"You wanna fucking go albino?" She'd roar, shaking her head somewhat as she tensed up her frame, almost as if to scare off a predator. Her fists tensing all the while though, a part of Diana preyed this predator didn't seek to turn tail.

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Re: Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

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Angela would narrow her eyes on Diana as the woman's hands gripped onto her chest and shoved Angela back a step. The blonde would shake her head and moved up to grab the towel over her shoulders, tossing it to the side as she would raise her hands up. Both hands coming up as closed fists as she would look on at Diana with a foul expression.

It was an expression that was hard to explain, as it wasn't a smirk, nor a smile, nor a look of disgust or anger. Yet a combination of all. Angela was for sure willing to go.

As she stepped froward and closed the distance again between the two. Angela would drop low and aim to crash in shoulder first into Diana's taut tight well trained tummy. Slamming into it was like hitting a brick wall, but that was what sledgehammers was for and in this instance Angela was a sledgehammer!

She aimed to try and tackle and bring Diana down hard onto her back. Ready, willing and looking to go until the woman in front of her was down, bloody on the floor!

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Re: Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

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Diana didn't need a answer to know this woman wanted a piece of her. Had the two frames merely grazed one another instead of outright colliding, Diana would have still figured as much from the girls expression. Her frame tensed, body seemingly prepared to defend itself, Diana's lack of attire would not adhere her intention to beat this white haired beauty for her efforts. No inappropriate clothing would leave this Italian backing away!

Breath knocked out of her as Angela quickly tucked into her guard, the two frames now matching with Diana's firm bust pressing to the girls shoulder blades, Diana would aim to make the girl pay for her fearless attempts to bring her body down. Parting her legs in an attempt to hold her ground, knowing a takedown was very much on the cards, the Italian's sharp elbows would try and find their home in this mysterious girls back, as she brought her right down, over and over, right in the centre of Angela's spine!

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Re: Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

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Angela drove her shoulder into that chest of the rather busty Diana and started to push the woman back, she could hear the squeak of boots skidding against the slick hallway floor, clearly polished very often to be as slick as it was. Yet Diana seemed to be quite capable as she widened her stance and kept herself upright.

To Angela's surprise that elbow came down right into her spine, causing the French woman to gasp out in pain. A cry came, as her body then locked, her hands went down from Diana's waist. One hand grabbing a handful of well-shaped gluteus maximums and the other to lower thigh by the back of Diana's knee. With a heave the blonde would try and lift the raven haired woman up and then try and drive her down back first into the floor with a spinebuster! If her spine was going to get wrecked by elbows, then the French Woman would decided to wreck the Italian mare's spine with the floor!

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Re: Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Diana had to give it to this figure she hadn't even had chance to learn the name of; she was durable. A elbow strike from one such as Diana, that whilst not skilled in said strikes possessed colossal arm power from her years among the boxing circuit, was often enough to turn the rest of the fight in her favour, no questions asked. But not only did Angela shrug off the blow, or perhaps simply hide its damage, but she outright fought through the moment, and rag dolled the toned figure now on the floor!

Her head tilted forward, narrowly avoiding what could have been a concussion-like injury, Diana did not relent much like her foe. The more the two battled through the others injuries, the more Diana felt her heart racing! She had just met this figure, and already, she wanted to perhaps literally tear her head off!

Eyes clenched from the agony of the spine buster, Diana would find her arms moving on their own to the figure now sat atop her midriff. Head still tucked from Angela's previous take down attempt, Diana did not waste time even as her back cried out for rest. If Angela wanted to sit atop those perfect abs, she'd have to pay for it, as Diana bore down on the French beauties head with a guillotine lock!

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Re: Diana Accera/Angela Guillot - Reasons To Improve

Unread post by Devastated »

Angela had a very easy mentality and mindset to the raven haired buxom woman she had just met, the Italian mare before her that she had but one desire for. To rip into pieces...a sentiment that grew and was cranked up to eleven when Diana's arm moved around Angela's head and neck and trapped the platinum blonde beauty in a Guillotine choke of all holds.

" Rrrrh!" Angela literally growled out in pure unadulterated anger. Her own move? This bitch had to die...

Angela growled and placed both her feet down against the floor on each side of Diana. Rising her lower frame up and getting her ass up into the air as she was leaning forward and down. She would move one hand up an place it down against the Italian's forehead and the other down against Diana's shoulder, pinning the woman down as Angela would tippy toe...then jump up a little.

Aiming to come down with her knees and try and spike them into Diana's well-trained abdominal muscles for a brutal double knee drop.

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