Sex: Female
Age: 24
Eyes: green
Hair: red
Height: 5'5
Weight: 145
Nationality: american/japanese
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Alignment: heel
Fighting Style: kaede's fighting style is quite aggressive and fierce in terms of fighting as he trains in a way that pushes his body to the limit and with that he gains great strength
Entrance Music:
Wearing Her fighting Clothes

Personality: Kaede's personality could be defined as a cruel, sadistic and cold person for all people since all the time she wears a cold or basically emotionless expression, she does not show many of her emotions but she has a friendly bond and there are few occasions when that demonstrates a smile, when she is with someone she will simply respond with quite cold and cutting words in addition to acting completely disinterested although not because he shows emotions he could show certain expressions of pain Besides, she doesn't care much if she wins or loses in a match.
History: kaede was someone cold, obedient and without feelings when she was little since her parents didn't care much about her and treated her like a slave and didn't really see her as a daughter, sometimes her mom hit her because she got quite stressed from her work , her father simply ignored her or sometimes asked her for something to drink, kaede lived for a long time following orders and in the good school she was practically alone all the time she had no friends or anything, after living that hell she finally turned 18 years to get out of there or well her parents kicked her out of there
after she got kicked out she was able to stand on her own as she searched for a way to release all that frustration she had but she couldn't find anything to release that frustration until she finally found a way to release all that frustration she had inside her at LAW, but kaede first enrolled in a training program to be prepared to enter LAW and once she was all set she entered LAW
Signature Move
Torture rack
Bear hug
Boston crab
Power bomb
Kneeling suplex slam
Swinging fisherman suplex
dragon suplex
camel clutch
Power bomb
Kneeling suplex slam
Swinging fisherman suplex
Abdominal stretch
Bow and arrow
Boston crab
Backflip kick
Corner backflip kick
Big boot
Bicycle kick
Football kick
Dragon whip
Gut kick
Heel kick
Scissors kick
High kick
Spinning heel kick
Spin kick
Mule kick
Heart punch
Mounted punches
Spinning backfist
Brainbuster DDT
crimson lightning

crimson grip

crimson deathquake

ancient crimson trapped

finishing moves
red bridge

crimson rumble

Red Fury

chrysalis of destruction

air skate

crimson hell

Record: 0-0-0
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