Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Standard match
Win by Pin fall or Submission
Ryuko leads 1-0

Backstage, looking at herself in the mirror... Thereisa is going over her loss over and over again in her head. As soon as the opening bell was rung, she was rocked by her opponent in what really was a squash match to start the best of seven series off on the wrong foot.

Even just thinking about it just sends the wrong message to her that she maybe past her prime against someone younger and more driven instead of her, even dealing with the comments being made about her online from fans alike. 'Mom you be fine alright...' Ana would try to cheer her up, but the older woman has been moodier since that embarrassing lost... and Serilda isn't making it any better due to her bragging and insults at her mother.

'Just focus on your style, and she will crumble, and it will be tied alright.' Saying her piece, the younger woman would hug her before leaving. Wearing another of her older Joshi outfits, she makes her way out on stage with her music playing in the background, she is focused and no longer taking Ryuko lightly anymore, after tonight it will be tied at one all. As she slides into the ring, waiting for her opponent to show up.

Last edited by The Riders on Mon Jan 24, 2022 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Thunder Ryuko was brimming with confidence as she was sure she could follow up once impressive victory against the legendary hall of fame wrestler Thereisa with a second win further cementing herself as one of if not the top woman in the industry. Ryuko was clad in her black swimsuit with some red trim and a white dragon insignia on one side of the chest. As she entered the arena the crowd cheered loudly.

Ryuko paused at the top of the ramp and held her arms out taking in the noise before striking a pose. The thunder empress began to head down the ramp, strutting with confidence while swaying her hips about. Ryuko climbed up onto the apron and through the ropes, strutting around the ring with her one hand held high as she basked in the cheers of the crowd. "I will make this quick just like last time. You may have been amazing, one of the best at one time. Now is my time though." Ryuko said matter-of-factly to Thereisa. "Maybe once I finish with you I can go on tour putting down the old women who cling to wrestling like Dana Ashford, Aurora Lund, Alaina Sanders-Haines and Brunhild." She added with a non-chalant shrug before settling in the middle of the ring looking ready to go.

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Re: Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Thereisa doesn't say anything as she watches her opponent strut her way down to the ring. She knows what she has to do now to defeat Ryuko, the only difference is being able to do it, since the woman is almost a carbon copy of herself when she was a middleweight when she first started out.

Being able to out speed her opponent, and punishing them with strikes and painful submission holds before finishing them off, breaking their will and then putting them down for the count with a finisher or another submission hold. But now it seems that the shoe's on the other foot as she glares at her
opponent from across the ring.

'You will never get that chance to do that tour, you little bitch.' she says as the bell rings in the background to start off the match. This time she is going for a more defensive approach to the match, as she plans on circling her smaller opponent looking for an opening to strike. 'Were going to be tied after this Ryuko... Your dreams of grandeur are going to die in this ring against me.'

Thereisa would say before making the move wanting to grapple and wear the other woman down with her wrestling skill, as she tries to grab the other woman head in a headlock grapple. Wanting to put a stamp on who going to overpower who at the beginning of the match.

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Re: Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Ryuko shook her head at Thereisa. "I won't let a has-been who is hanging on to past glory keep holding back the wrestlers of today who deserve the spotlight." Ryuko said as the bell rang. She stepped up to grapple but it is clear that as strong as Ryuko is she is not as strong as her opponent. Before Ryuko can adjust she finds herself in a standing side headlock, bent over a bit with her arm around Thereisa's back. Ryuko reaches her other arm around the front of Thereisa to clasp her hands together giving her opponents torso a squeeze. While Ryuko isn't as strong as her foe she is more than capable of lifting this amount of weight up so she counters the side headlock with a backdrop, sending Thereisa crashing down onto her back on the canvas!

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Re: Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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There is nothing Thereisa hated more in the wrestling business, then little punks who thought that can come in and take over. While having the nerve to call her and the other women in this company has-beens, the anger she feels right now at this woman is reaching it boiling point as she starts to really squeeze tightly on the woman head, really digging the headlock tightly.

Before she can make her move on doing a headlock takedown to her opponent, Ryuko was able to get the leverage in her favor, by getting underneath her and lifting Thereisa off the canvas into the air before falling backwards slamming her back first to the mat. ' AAUUGHH' Thereisa arches her back up in pain from the move, more stunned that her opponent was able to get her up after being caught in her move, her feet kicking the canvas lightly as she is laying stunned on the mat.

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Re: Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Ryuko got up to her feet next to the downed Thereisa and grinned. Ryuko jumped up and tucked her legs in hoping to add to her foe's agony by way of a double knee drop right to the abdomen! "You can't steal the spotlight forever, all it does is deny deserving women trying to claw their way up!" Ryuko said as she crashed down on top of Theresa's mid-section knee first.

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Re: Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Slapping the canvas in disgust at herself for being taken down again by her opponent. She refuses to allow the match to go the same as the first match went, with her being overwhelmed by her opponent before being put down with ease. But before she could get to her feet her opponent had already made her move as Thereisa let's out a 'AAAHHH' cry of pain, taking a double knees to the stomach that forces her to curl up clutching her chest. Leaving herself wide open for Ryuko to take advantage of her down state. Glaring at the younger woman as she is unable to stop Ryuko from taking over the match again.

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Re: Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Ryuko had Thereisa down and she recalled a nice little combo that helped her cement her last victory fully planning on using it again to hammer her opponent. Ryuko bent down to grab hold of Thereisa, lifting her up and holding her before stepping forward to deliver a big back breaker to Thereisa! However instead of letting go or shoving Thereisa to the mat Ryuko grunted and howled as she stood up lifting Thereisa a second time to hammer her with a second consecutive backbreaker!

Afterward Ryuko would push down and bend Thereisa across her knee looking to destroy the lower back of her opponent!

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Re: Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Thereis a would let out a moan of pain from taking that move. She refuses to allow this to happen again as her pride demands that she get up and fight instead of taking Ryuko offense again after being stunned and defeated in record time, she would never be able to live that down as she would struggle to try and get to her feet, but her opponent had other ideas... Being lifted by Ryuko again with ease, knowing what about to happen but unable to stop it as a crack is heard from Thereisa back being slammed against her opponent knee 'AAAUUUGHHH' being bent over the other woman knee, she can feel her back starting to throb as she is lifted again and slammed once more on the same knee with another loud creak 'AAAHHHH'.

Before being silenced due to Ryuko trying to bend her into a C shape over her knee, the sight looks painful as Thereisa head is touching the canvas and her feet are too, being forced to bend in a painful angle. Letting out a whimper as she struggles to lift her leg up to try and knee the other woman on the head so that she can escape the painful looking move.

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Re: Match 2-Best of 7: Thunder Ryuko vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Ryuko was pressing down and her arm partially blocked the strike to her head but Ryuko knew if she could get struck once she could be struck again. "Ngh.. damn it!" Ryuko shouted as she shoved Thereisa off her leg to the mat below. The thunder empress stood up and stomped down on Thereisa before grabbing her by the hair to pull her up to her feet. Ryuko was running towards the corner as quickly as she could looking to smash Thereisa's head off the turnbuckle as hard as she could as many times as she could!

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