Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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Smother Match
Victory by Smother Only
Erina vs Peaches
Rage was the motivator for this match. Ever since her defeat at the hands of Vanille 'Cream' Cadieux, Erina had seethed with anger and a desire for revenge. But just going after Cream wouldn't do. She would get to that. To hurt her and make her suffer for that humiliation she endured in the ring. So instead Erina plotted. She looked up some information on her opponent, which was something she rarely did. After all, what did she need to know about someone she was going to grind into the mat?. And that's where she found her perfect target. Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix. The tag team partner of the person she wanted revenge on. And Erina could only roll her eyes at the tag team name of Peaches N Cream. But now she just had to get a match set up with her opponent. If she could humiliate Peaches, that would certainly help her to get back at Cream before their match even began.


So Erina just had to get the match set up with her opponent. Of course she'd agree to just about any kind of match. As long as she could pummel her opponent, it hardly mattered. It was her usual bravado of overconfidence that led her to accept that the match be a smother match. But it was something she figured would be perfect. She could use Sydney as her punching bag until she was finished, and then just easily smother her.

So the night of the match couldn't come soon enough. Erina even had trouble focusing on her usual pre-match music. Tuning her guitar and playing a song or two. She was just eager to get things underway. So when the time came and she was ready to stomp her way out onto the ramp leading to the ring, she barely even reacted to the booing that accompanied her entrance. She was dead set on this match, and would slide into the ring quickly and rise to her feet. No fanfare at all this time compared to her usual entrance. But she was punching her right fist into the palm of her left hand. "Get that stupid punching bag out here! I'm ready to go!" Like usual the lack of a mic did nothing to lessen the roar of her voice.

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Re: Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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Sydney is a nervous wreck at this point. Rubbing her hands together, worried about her opponent for the night, but more annoyed than due to her ex partner and what she did to Erina in their match has now gotten her involved in the drama now. As she is busy making sure that her outfit is in place, while pulling the thin thong down as good as she can covering her backside. 'Great now I have to deal with Cream problems... just great, but I got this... I can defeat her and really make a name for myself tonight by smothering Erina to sleep.' she says, giving herself a prep talk before heading towards the stage.

Music plays as she makes her entrance. Raising her arms up while waving to the crowd who cheer her name, taking one small step forward before blowing a kiss to the crowd before making her way down the ramp to the ring. Even high-fiving some fans while walking before sliding into the ring from underneath the ring ropes, giving her opponent a quick glance... making sure she stays in her corner before turning and leans over the top rope showing off her busty chest and blowing another kiss to the crowd again. After that, Sydney turns and stares at Erina... before walking over and holding her hand out to the younger woman. 'I hope we have a good match... and sorry for what my ex partner did to you."

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Re: Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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It was fairly obvious that Erina was quite impatient. She was practically stomping back and forth, looking like she might wear a rut in her corner of the ring. Her eagerness to start felt like it was only matched by the fury that she felt. She was going to get her revenge, and it was something she couldn't wait for.

Of course there was one problem that halted her once Sydney finally entered the ring. She was going to just deck her. but she held out her hand and Erina heard her words through the haze of anger. Ex Partner? Dammit! Perhaps she should have done more research. But all this news did was just add on to the anger she felt. She would glare at Sydney as she clenches both hands into fists.

The bell hadn't rung yet. But both the crowd and the ref were expecting the usual reaction from her. To simply lash out. Which was exactly what she did. Her hand came up to slap the offered hand to the side, and she almost immediately followed it up by bringing her right boot up high to aim a bit boot kick right into her opponent's chest. "Shut up!" Her anger kept her from saying much else. She was practically seeing red at this point.

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Re: Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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Sydney figured that she would try to make peace with the younger woman in front of her. She had nothing against Erina at all, since she no longer partnered with Cream, but it seems that the trouble the little blond got herself in is starting to rear it ugly head again, and now she is in the crossfire for no reason at all.

As she stares just waiting for the woman to shake her hand... nervously biting her bottom lip since she heard that her opponent is known for getting upset really easily, but she figures that her apologizing for the mishap will settle things between them... Sydney couldn't have been more wrong as her opponent hand slaps hers aside with a loud smack. 'Oww... why would you GUUHHH' as she would be sent flying from a big boot to the chest that sends her on her backside.

'Owwwieee... why would you do that? I told you that I was sorry...' she would cry out clutching her chest with her hand, a small tear appears on the edge of her eyes from the pain of the move, as she slowly starts to crawl backwards away from her enraged opponent who looks like she really wants to hurt her badly.

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Re: Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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There was no making peace with Erina. Luckily for her, Sydney didn't seem to know that. She didn't know her well at all. Which wasn't surprising. She hadn't made as much of an impact as she had wanted to lately. And part of that she blamed on her opponent's ex partner.

"I don't care how sorry you are. I'm here to kick your ass even if it doesn't look like your stupid 'friend' will care what I do to you." Normally Erina would be smiling, happy to thrash her opponent in the ring. But instead she was just fuming. Stupid! She hadn't thought this through nearly enough it seems. Which meant blowing off some steam on her new punching bag.

Even if Sydney was crawling away, Erina would be stomping along after her. She wasn't in a rush, but she didn't intend to let her get away either. If her opponent decided to stay down on the mat, she didn't have any complaints. She would aim to lift her right boot up high and try to launch it down into her stomach. Not only was she looking to drive the air out of her, but to also pin her in place on the mat and stop her from running away.

"'re an idiot. Even if I accept your apology, we're not here to play nice in the ring."

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Re: Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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Sydney would keep trying to crawl away from the angry woman in front of her. She knew that whatever Cream did to people in her matches... she would take the fall and punishment, since her ex partner would strangely disappear the time for the match to begin and sure enough she will get beaten and humiliated in Cream's place.

But this time she is not going to be Cream punching bag for her opponents to beat up on, she refuses to be that again any longer... no she is going to fight back and defeat Erina and teach her a lesson when dealing with someone like her.

'AAAAHHHH' Sydney cries out, feeling the blue hair woman boot stomp onto her stomach. Coughing and choking, she is unable to move as she is forced to stare up at her opponent with a small frown on her face, refusing to show Erina that what she said is starting to annoy her.

'Well, I make sure to let you know once I beat you in this ring...after I'm done with you, you're going to be my butt slut for the rest of your career.'

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Re: Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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The threat made to Erina made her smile. A rather big, unfriendly grin as she started to lean a bit more into her leg to put more pressure onto Sydney's stomach as she kept her from escaping. It was humorous to her that her opponent was threatening her right now. While she was in control and standing over her like this.

"Go ahead and try. I'll crush you and make you wish you could tap out rather than wait for me to smother you out."

That boot would be lifted up as Erina looked like she was going to step back and let Sydney go. But instead she simply bent her leg back and fell forward, fully intent to drop her knee into her opponent's stomach. At this point she didn't care how much connection her opponent had with Cream. She was going to give her one hell of a thrashing either way!

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Re: Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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'Uggghhh' Sydney would groan out after saying her threat to the blue-haired woman, but the other woman doesn't even care at all as she put more pressure on her stomach keeping her pinned down.

All she needs is a moment for Erina to make a mistake and she can take advantage and show the younger woman that she is serious about making her a butt slut, just waiting for the right moment to strike as she feels the woman's foot leaving her stomach.

Seeing the knee coming at her stomach, Sydney would roll over onto her side so the knee lands into her plump side, 'Aaaahhhh' she cries out knowing that she going to take some pain for now, but soon she will pay back Erina for this. It

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Re: Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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Erina didn't care about the threat at all. To her, actions certainly spoke louder. And she was done with words now as she landed her against Sydney's side. It wasn't where she had intended to hit, but it looked like it hurt anyway. Knowing that she was causing her opponent pain brought a smile to her face. She would grab for her opponent's hair as she rises to her feet, not caring at all as the ref shouts at her.

"Piss off." She was enjoying leaning into her heel performance. Yanking on the hair, she would aim to drag Sydney up into a seated position before letting go of the hair and using that same right knee to kick forward, aiming to slam it against the side of Sydney's head. Soften her up for a bit before she could follow up with some big moves. Of course the crowd was similarly voicing their displeasure, leaving her to flip them off with a smile on her face. Perhaps she should pay more attention to her opponent. But she hadn't done anything to seem like a credible threat yet.

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Re: Smother Match: Erina Lorriun vs Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix

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Sydney was hurting badly after her opponent has gotten off to a really hot start. Even as her hair is grabbed and yanked on by her blue hair opponent who is enjoying every minute of beating her up badly, as Sydney would be kicking her feet as she is dragged to the middle of the ring for everyone to see her like this.

'Let... let me go...' she would cry out, struggling and kicking to get herself free from the cruel woman. But instead would get a knee to the side of the head that leaves her stunned, her head ringing and throbbing from the pain as she is mostly powerless in Erina's cruel clutches. But soon the other woman would make a mistake and that is when she will strike, just waiting for the right moment to do show... seeing that Erina is focusing on the crowd more than her.

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