what Samus wears under the hoody

“Hey Tokyo! How are you doing? Happy to see me?”, the question was answered with a loud cheering and Samus would only smile. “thanks, thanks!” She would wait a few more moments until the crowed calmed down to speak on.
“I am touched by this! Really!” she would look down for a moment. “This, this right here is it! That is one of the moments. One of the moment why I do this. This is why where all here. Thank you guy. Without you guys I wouldn´t be here or anyone else backstage there!”
She would say pointing to the back. Now another short break before going on. “but why I am here won´t be such a great news for you guys!” She would start a bit sadder. “It is to answer all these mails and stuff I always form you. The topic of these mails were mostly sounding like this. Hey Samus, why you’re not taking part of the heavyweight tournament? Or Please Samus join the heavyweight tournament and win the title! Or isn´t the management letting you join?” Samus would walk around for a moment.
“Hm no… the management isn´t holding me back from joining. Quite the opposite. They asked me, or almost begged me to join! They wanted a little bit more star appeal in the tournament and to make sure that some high-class matches would be on the card. Who would think bad of them for that… after all my match with Alison was one of the most popular matches ever happening on law.” She would take another break looking around for a moment. “no the reason is a bit different than this… and way simpler… I just didn´t want to join!” when she speak this the crowed would go quiet for a moment.
“it seems a bit strange at first but please let me explain. It is this title that bugs me… these people run around and talk about how big of a deal it is… the biggest title ever to exist in law. The highest gold of law… for them it is something important. For me not quit. It is a belt that you get for winning one match, with luck or by cheating, or maybe you earned it for yourself. If the last chase is it… good for you. But you see normally you put a title on someone to showcase how much of a deal this person is… to elevate him, showing that he is on top of the card!” Samus would take another breathing break looking down to the mat. “and here is the problem I see. No matter what title they bring in here… no matter what they do to get it… I am above it already!”
She would walk around the ring for a moment. “Think about it… this is just a stupid piece of metal. I traveled around the world and hold championships everywhere! Literally everywhere! The only place I didn´t win a title would require me to suplex around a penguin. And the first time I held a belt just like that I was hipped as fuck. I did it I was the biggest girl around I was the best and bla bla bla.. I could hold on it for some time before it was taken away from me once again by some cheating asshole… oh girl did I mess this slut up in the next match and I took my gold back. And then I started to travel I won belt after belt and defend them without losing! And after some time they just felt worthless… yeah you got the belt woooo how great… come one the belt isn’t the fucking thing… the thing that is important is the one the belt is attached to! And the matches and the wins! “
Samuela would take a longer break. “these titles are great to bust your ego and give you some great opponents for matches. But you know what… I don’t need that any more. I don´t need to bust my ego and I defiantly don´t need it for some great matches.” Samus would lean over the ropes and rest her arms on them. “look at my matches while I joined up to law… one great match after the other… and to top it off I am undefeated! Not because I cheat or because I use any dirty tricks or run away from opponents on my level. No! I take anyone on head first and beat them. That is the reason why I am standing here with my own little winning streak of 6-0! I am not planning of running from anyone and I will always give my best. I will rip down the ceiling of the building and beat anyone getting in my way. No matter who it is. It can be someone holding a title or someone without. It doesn´t matter I will just beat them simply and clean. I don´t want to walk around here with that piece of junk around my waste to slow me down. Let me tell you something having this title brings more problems and work than you think… to much unnecessary work… going to press meeting and stuff like that. Always keep that good and responsible look outside the arena… you can´t even party without getting into problems afterwards. So I stopped it, I just didn’t go and get these titles anymore. It let the Kids get it and Play around with this toy. Becuas simply in every leuge I go it is pretty clear. The top title holder is only number 2. The number one will always be this woman.” Samus would point at herself. “samuela Healtway, the destroyers of worlds!”