❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

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❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

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continued from here:
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... +christmas

Sometimes it was strange how things got together.
Why do we love, why do we hate.
At this particular moment in time you could have asked the Forster and Edelstein Siblings.
One formed in hate, the other in love.
Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster were in love. Not just the rose coloured glasses one but a deep, caring relationship that went further as a simple romance. These two women, Wrestlers at LAW had searched and found each other. Plain and simple.
There could be no other explanation as why those two got interested into one another after 10' minutes.
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Going so far as forgetting their match when Harmonia got hurt and Molly cared for her. Molly cared. And Harmonia needed someone to care. And this was the point. After six years of loneliness, fake friends and superficial relationships, Harmonia Edelsteins soul was hurt and lonely. She had money, fame and still she was'nt happy, lacking something that made her go on. When she entered LAW, everything started to change, significantly, but still, under everything that she accomplished there was this lingering fear of not adding up, not being good enough, not deserving to be good enough.
And when she met Molly and went on a date with her that almost ended in tears, thanks to Harmonisas issues, the Austrian finally overcame it and sealed her bond with Molly.
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Of course if things were that easy it would'nt be a challenge and a week after they got together, a now infamous christmas party was held at the Austrian Eagles Mansion, not short of Drama as misunderstandings, bad guests and short temper was threatening to ruin the party and shake the young love. But this time it was Molly who was staying strong, declaring her love for Harmonia once more.
And here we start, at the evening of the party:

Harmonia sighed as she peeld out of her ruined dress.
"That was a Louis Vitton...that bitch.", she whinced. At the end of the day, Harmonia maybe did'nt enjoy the modellife like the more exciting wrestling life but she still had found a certain taste for the good life, eating at fancy restaurants, buying expensive perfumes and dresses and spend her nights at the most exclusive bars.
And the best thing was, she could share all of this with Molly now.
Harmonia had changed in a lightblue costume and a black blouse,
something that could get wet, destroyed or even burnt, it was old and cheap anyway.
She looked at the remains of her ripped dress.
"5000 Euro from Paris...I strangle that bitch with it!", she snarled.
Then the door to her appartment opened and Molly came in.
Harmonia quickly threw the dress away.
When Molly came, her sun started to rise and all bad things were forgotten.
"Ok, so, the last guest is gone?", she asked.
"Finally time for us?"
She wanted to be clear. If she and Molly shared some private time tonight, the last thing she needed was a pinkharied maniac that came in their bedroom and shot them with a burgerking gun or whatever.
She sighed and stripped off of her costume, remaining in the black blouse and stockings.
"What do you say Molly...we get something to eat and drink and hit the bathtub?", she smiled.
Of course she had done this with Sheila too but this was a playful thing between friends...here the implications were more then clear. They would see each other naked for the first time. And Molly had a little advantage as Harmonia had undressed before her eyes,still her panties had remained.
This was the next step they took...

Harmonias Bedroom:
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Re: ❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

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To say that tonight had been a whirlwind of emotion for Molly might not have been doing it justice. First, she was overjoyed by the prospect of being at the Edelstein Christmas party, with her new girlfriend Harmonia - and she was quick to settle into her role as a fellow hostess, doing her part to make sure the party was a success even as it descended into chaos. Trouble started to rear its head when Alexa Taylor began berating Harmonia starting from the moment she walked through the door, and when Molly tried to quell the unrest, it only led to Harmonia feeling like she had abandoned her, stirring things even more until a fight broke out. Though Molly was distraught at first, it soon became clear that the bond between her and Harmonia couldn't be broken so easily - and when the two came back together for a kiss and a passionate embrace at the end of the night, it made it so much more the better.

Now, Harmonia had invited Molly to stay the night, and the Englishwoman was honored. She'd been over to visit the Eagles' Nest before, but now she had the chance to stay there - like she belonged. The thought of it made her grin a little wider. She and Harmonia were really going somewhere.

"Yeah...I think it is," Molly said as she walked through the door to the bedroom. She took a look around the room, seeing Harmonia's red dress in the trash, and the slump of her shoulders as she let out a sigh. "Real sorry about your dress, Moni," she added. "If it helps, I know Gwen's good with things like that..."

But it soon became clear that Harmonia didn't have such things on her mind. She began to undress, and Molly's cheeks grew a little bit redder. Suddenly, she knew why she'd invited her here. A part of Molly wasn't sure if she was ready. Their relationship felt like it had only just begun, and yet already they were talking about...well, this. She hadn't even considered it being this soon. But at the same time, she instantly knew it was right. She and Harmonia had something special, and it was no question they were ready.

"That sounds...really nice, actually. Seems like just what we'd need after a night like this, huh?" Molly chuckled a little to herself, but moved in closer to meet up with the Austrian model by the side of the bed. Following Harmonia's lead, she slipped off her own dress, pulling it over her head before working down her leggings. It seemed to come naturally to her. It wouldn't be the first time Harmonia had seen her in a bra and panties, but more than that, it only felt right that they could be that close without feeling awward.
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Re: ❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

The last four weeks of Harmonia Edelsteins life, could easily been described in one word: Chaotic.
It all started with a Tag Team Match at the beginning of December, a date in the middle of december and now, close to christmas, a Party that almost shattered all of the dreams Harmonia had for a future with Molly.
Of course, everything that happened was a big misunderstanding, caused by a certain troublemaker called Alexa Taylor.
Harmonia wanted to puke by the sheer mentioning of the name.
They had'nt seen each other for the last time that much was clear...

But now, finally, after all the chaos, the party went on and became that what Harmonia wanted.
A hit. A small one, but neitherless, all the guest were entertained, had a good time and went home with a smile on their face, of course mostly because Harmonia and Molly, well Harmonia first and foremost, had dropped the bomb that everyone was expecting.
And when she and Molly kissed in front of their big christmas tree, everyone seemed to got in festive mood as the party went on without any incidents.

Harmonia and Molly played the perfect hosts and Harmonia could'nt help but wonder how good both of them worked off each other.
The Ex-Model needed someone to rely too, give her shelter, give her hope and copious amounts of love and confirmation.
Molly...what did Molly need?
Harmonia still was puzzled.
Molly did so much for her, she became her girlfriend, went on to start manage her and just wanted to do everything that made Harmonia happy.
And so the question was obvious...
Was Molly just so in love?
Or what secret was it that made Molly fall for her.

But she was thrown out of her train of thoughts as Molly came over, took to her side, and slipped her dress and her leggings from her.
Harmonia tried to look confident, just like the new gimmick she had given herself, but still her heart was beating at an unhealthy rate right now as she saw Molly before her.
Her slim, athletic body presented itself to Harmonia like a gift, still wrapped in Bra and Panties.
Harmonia did what she felt was the right thing...not too much question. Not right now.
And so she gently laid her hands on the sides of her girlfriend and started to kiss her, like she did countless times before.
But this time the kisses...the touches...were different.
Molly felt it and Harmonia knew it.

The kisses were short but loving, filled with a desire that left no question of what the Austrians intentions were and Molly seemed to comply as the returned the short but intense kisses.
Harmonias hands stroked up and down Mollys sides, gently caressing them before her arms went south, grasping the englishwomans thighs and her firm behind.
The two of them stood at bedside and were'nt just sharing butterfly kisses anymore, something that soon went clear when small gasps could be heard among the room.
Meanwhile the bathtub filled itself with hot water, perfect for relaxing on this cold winters day.
But the Blondes did'nt need any bath to get hot as both their bodytemperatur was rising.

Harmonia had closed the distance, their bodies pressed into each other, their kisses became wilder, more intimate and playful as Harmonias hands were all over Mollys delicate body.
Yes, there was no question about it...this night...was their night.
And with a sudden "SNIP", Mollys Bra was opened by Harmonias left hand and finally Harmonia could see the price...
At least a part of it.

The Bra went down to the ground and Harmonia looked down at Molly who looked up to her.
She wanted to say something but she was sure it would kill the mood so she just smiled and kissed her forehead before Harmonia proceeded to went down, her lips started to to kiss Mollys mouth again, wandering down over her chin to Mollys neck, were Harmonia playfully sucked and nibbled on the sweet skin of her girlfriend until a big hickey appeared.
"Hmmm...", she chuckled and went on.

Her lips trailed over the ivorywhite sensation that was Mollys body and finally she reached her first destination.
And now she knew there was no turning back...as her lips slowly wrapped themselves around the tip of Mollys right breast, starting the magic, while her hands went down, softly grabbing at the panties of her girlfriend.
They did it. They really did it, and Harmonia could'nt be happier while her mouth explored the softness that were Mollys breasts...
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Re: ❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

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Molly wasn't, by any means, undaunted. This was going to be her first time. Not just for such a deed, but for going this far and committing this much to a relationship of any sort. All her life, the person she'd been closest to had been her sister, and while she did talk about how much her fans meant to her, there was only so far she could go with that. But now...everything was different. Around anyone else, she never felt the way she did when she looked at Harmonia.

She remembered what the Austrian said to her, during their date - that Molly had, in seeing her for who she was, in being supportive and not judging her no matter what, become exactly what she had needed in life. Someone who could be there for her, who would understand her struggles and help to ease that burden. Molly wanted to be what Harmonia needed. And perhaps that feeling, in turn, was what she had needed.

She had been drifting through life unsure of where she'd go. Getting to spend her last year of high school in Japan had been exciting to her as an anime fan, but she knew that was just a fleeting desire; even if she wanted to stay here with LAW, that was just a matter of business, and holding onto a job she enjoyed. Besides her sister, she never had anything that made her truly feel anchored here, that made the thought of being anywhere else unfathomable. Perhaps, on some level, she was looking for something she could use to justify her decisions in going so far from home to herself.

But whatever the case was, now she could say beyond a shadow of a doubt, Harmonia was just what she needed.

Molly blushed a little as she inched closer to Harmonia's side, biting at her quivering lip. Even when the two of them had been rolling around the ring in not much more than what they had on now, it wasn't the same. That was just part of the show, and they had an audience of thousands. But here, it was just the two of them. This moment was theirs, and theirs alone. It was special; it was sacred. And Molly didn't know how to deal with that. But what she did know was that there was no question that the two of them had come this far. They had earned a moment like this.

"Mm..." Molly sighed softly, letting her body relax as she let the tension out of her. She leaned in against Harmonia's side, feeling the warmth of their skin brushing against each other's, and every place that Harmonia touched made Molly feel a tingle going through her skin - not merely from the touch alone, but with the thought of all it meant. Molly kissed along Harmonia's neck and her shoulders, running her own arms gently along her side as she guided her close. Molly might never have had any experience like this before, but somehow, she already knew what to do. Something was telling her as much. It was only natural with all they shared.

When she felt the clasp of her bra come undone beneath Harmonia's hands, Molly blushed a little harder. She looked down at herself, and then back up at Harmonia, where an awkward but sincere smile played across her face. Molly had never been this exposed to anyone before - sure, she'd changed around other girls in locker rooms, but once again, the context of it all made this so much different. Her body, in this moment, was something for Harmonia's eyes only. Something the Austrian could know she had earned. And she, too, had earned this moment of sharing it with her.

When the two embraced once more, Molly returned each kiss Harmonia made, her breasts pressing against the model's own as she pushed her body into hers. As she nuzzled closer against Harmonia, it only caused them to rub together further. Emboldened by what Harmonia had done, Molly began to undo her bra in turn, her fingers kneading and caressing at her back. Her moans were growing louder now as the beating of her heart quickened. This was it.

Molly sighed and shivered, feeling Harmonia's fingers glide down along her sides. She could feel her tugging at her waistband, and even with the gentle brush of her lips against her breast, a sensation that drew a moan from her lungs, Molly could voice two words. "Go ahead..." she whispered softly. She let her head roll back over her shoulder as she massaged down Harmonia's back to come to her panties as well. If any moment was right for the two of them, this was it.
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Re: ❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Two words.
That was all Harmonia needed to hear,to know that the path was settled.
Two easy words, spoken in Mollys wonderful, charming accent.
She loved it, she really did, even if Chelsea overdid it, she found a certain charme and sexyness in british accents.
She had a british girlfriend once. One of this shallow puppets that just stayed with her too leech on her money and fame.
Molly was the first person in her life that gave Harmonia the feel that she meant what she said.
And Harmonia would'nt doubt her a minute.

"Go ahead..."
Two small words that meant so much.
I trust you, I love you, I want you.
Harmonias mind was clouded, intoxicated by the scent and taste of Mollys body.
And, oh how good it tasted.
Harmonia was sure she could get addicted to kissing the skin of her lover, hearing the soft pants that left the sweet lips of Molly as her mouth went on to start its journey.
Harmonias tongue and teeth worked on the sweet orbs of Mollys breasts while her hands softly touched the englishwomans slip.
Sticking in her thumbs, Harmonia looked up into Mollys eyes and nodded as she felt Mollys hands on hers too.
And careful, one after another, they slipped out of their undies, facing each other naked for the first time.

Only the water that flowed in the bathtub was to be heared as the two women stood there and looked each other into the eyes.
"Ich liebe dich Molly.", she said in german and smiled as she hugged Molly and let her hands slide over the back of her lover, feeling every muscle that twitched, and finally she reached the softness of Mollys firm behind, letting her hands rest there while both women shared a deep embrace.
Harmonia wanted to go slow, for Mollys Sake, she knew that Molly was still a virgin and she had to give her all the time she needed.
And Harmonia was quite ready to do so.

The first shots of the evening were fired and both had made a significant step.
Harmonia grabbed at Mollys behind and lifted her up on her arms,seemingly effortless carrying her girlfriend into the exquisite bathroom that was not less impressive as the rest of the Eagles household.
"I told you, you are my princess...",she whispered as their mouths met again for those fiere, short, kisses of passion that they shared since both started to undress themselves.
Harmonia walked them over to the bathtub and carefully stepped into the warm water, taking Molly with her as both of their bodies slowly went into the welcoming, relaxing waters.

Harmonia lent back, taking Molly with her and rested her head on her breasts for a short pause, giving them time to evaluate what had happend.
Harmonias hands never stopped to stroke Mollys back, down , over her back to her behind and back up again.
The warm water caressed their skins after this long and stressful day.
Harmonia closed her eyes and held her girlfriend tight.
"Molly...you know what will happen tonight when we leave this bathroom?", she asked without any uncertainty in her voice.
"Something we cannot take back. Are you sure...", she just asked and stroked Mollys body, up and down her beautiful backside.
"Before you answer just let me say...I never felt more ready.", she said and opened her eyes, giving Molly this distinct sly smile again that she
had grown to love.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

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The thought of Harmonia seeing her naked body was one that caused Molly's cheeks to grow warmer, as her heart quickened in her chest. She knew that this would be a step further in their relationship, and a step further than Molly had ever taken before. And yet, she was ready. There was no question about it - the warmth and welcoming she felt whenever she was close to Harmonia told her as much. She and Harmonia were made for each other, and it was only going to be a matter of time.

She could feel that in the soothing sensation that ran over her body each time Harmonia's lips met Molly's skin, sending her quivering with anticipation for more, and in how she wanted to do everything she felt back to Harmonia in return - every touch, every kiss, every caress, and every softly-spoken word. Molly wrapped her arms around Harmonia's sides, tightening her embrace as she guided her body in closer to press her skin against her partner's. She worked her kisses down Harmonia's neck in turn, coming to round the contours of her breast as she nuzzled closer against her chest.

Yet, as they at last felt the last garments between them slip away, letting whatever walls between them fall thereafter, Molly stopped. She looked back up at Harmonia, and as her eyes sank into the Austrian's own, she smiled. She wanted them each to know what this moment meant, and to see how special it was for each of them. A tear ran down Molly's cheek; she could hardly contain her emotion. While she didn't speak German, she knew enough what Harmonia had said, and she knew what to say in return. "I love you too, Harmonia," she said, in English this time.

Trusting Harmonia, she let her weight rest against the model's body, allowing her arms to wrap around her and guide her up so that she was laying in her grasp. Molly gently rest her hands on Harmonia's shoulder, and as their faces met, each of them aglow with a warm smile, Molly brought herself closer to plant a kiss on her girlfriend's lips. Even as she was brought into the bathroom, and even when she found it just as breathtaking as the rest of the mansion, Molly couldn't say anything about it. She knew that it paled in comparison to Harmonia herself.

As they stepped into the warm water, Molly let herself sink deeper, letting out a sigh as the tension flowed away from her body. She raised a hand to pull the ribbon from her hair, letting her ponytail down and shaking out her hair as it fell loose around her shoulders. Then, she leaned in against the front of Harmonia's body, draping her arms gently around her shoulders. As the model's hand worked down her back, smoothing out whatever aches and knots it found, Molly could only sink deeper in the warm water, guiding herself closer against Harmonia's form.

"Mm..." She closed her eyes, letting out a content sigh as she nodded her head. "Yes, Moni...I know. And yes, I'm sure. With someone like you, on a night like this...I couldn't think of a better first time." This was something new for Molly, it was true. It was a step further than she had ever taken before, with anyone. And yet, as the blonde planted a kiss against the side of Harmonia's bosom, she knew it to be right. If there was anyone she would want to spend such a moment with, it was Harmonia.
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Re: ❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia held Molly tight.
She knew a thing or two about the art of making love and Harmonia was far from a virgin but being here with Molly, a person that loved her, was something completly different.
Here it was'nt about the act itself, rough, fast, cumming as quick as possible, here it was about love and a desire that went deeper then everything Harmonia had ever felt.

Yes, Desire, like her new theme song, she desired this woman in her arms, this beautiful, innocent, englishwoman, that always was there, always helped.
Molly was a good person and Harmonia felt a love for her so deep, if she would start to describe it to her, the night would be over.

The two blondes entered the hot water and immediatly every tension fell of their shoulders but also the tingling sensation that Harmonia felt when in Mollys company, got stronger.
And she knew what it was.
Putting it blankly, she had the hots for Molly and her whole body screamed for her touch.

Then it happened. Molly opened her hairband. As far as Harmonia could remember she always had seen Molly with her ponytail, her trademark hairstyle.
But now, they spent their first night together and Molly opened her hair...that fell onto her shoulders likes silken gold.
Harmonias eyes were stuck on the other woman, chained to her, if a threeheaded dog would have walked by, Harmonia would have just had eyes for her beautiful girlfriend.
"You...should wear it like this...more often. You are beautiful, Molly.", she whispered and stroked through the golden silk that was Mollys hair, before meeting her lips in another soft kiss.
How good this kisses, felt, how right they felt, as if all that happened to them in life had to be culminating in them meeting and...loving each other.
Harmonia could'nt have enough of this soft lips, she kissed, licked and nibbled on them, playfully biting Mollys lower lip and pulling it a little after he kiss ended.
Harmonia chuckled seductively.

Molly always asked Harmonia if she had deserved such things that Harmonia presented to her but did she deserve an Angel like Molly Forster?
The Forster sisters were both lookers in their own right but Molly easily took the price with her big blue eyes, her beautiful hair and her angelic features was a model dream come true and as much as Harmonia loved Molly on the inside, she loved her as much on the outside.
And this heavenly body was hers to explore tonight.
To kiss, to embrace, to love.
And Molly made it more then clear that she was ready for it.

She licked her lips and her hands slid up and down the body of Molly, grasping the firm behind of her girlfriend and remained there as she shifted her own lucious body, leaning back more, presenting Molly with breasts that so many fans at LAW lusted for.
And they were all Mollys tonight.
"Ooh...", she sighed as she felt Mollys lips planting a soft kiss onto the side of them and this time it was Harmonia who said:
"Go ahead..."
Her hands still on Mollys soft behind, grabbing it tighter...
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Re: ❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

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Letting her hair fall loose around her shoulders, Molly let out a sigh of relief, her body sinking back into the warm water. As it washed over her skin, it took the tension out of her body, and she let out a long, deep breath to match. Now, there was nothing to worry about. Nothing to be concerned over. They had each other, here and now, and everything was going to be right with the world. Here, Molly could be safe. She could be happy. She could have whatever she wanted. And right now, all she wanted was Harmonia.

When she caught a glimpse of the awe on Harmonia's face, Molly looked up, raising an eyebrow as she sat up straighter in the water. "Huh..?" she began, only for her cheeks to deepen in a blush at Harmonia's praise. The Austrian seemed like the picture of beauty to her; she could hardly imagine anyone looking more radiant. Molly knew she was pretty, but she could never imagine herself coming close to Harmonia's looks. Yet...to Harmonia, right now, Molly was every bit of that and more.

"O-Oh, Moni..." she huffed, blushing harder and glancing down at the water. "You...really don't mean that, do you?" Nevertheless, Harmonia invited her closer, and Molly abided. She let out a sigh as she let her body settle against her girlfriend's own, with Harmonia's fingers brushing through her hair - and, when their lips met once again, Molly was quick to deepen the kiss. Her moans were muffled into Harmonia's mouth as the two drifted closer together, Molly's chest brushing against the edge of Harmonia's own. She let her fingers run down Harmonia's back and along her sides, exploring the curves and contours of her figure, and Harmonia wasted no time in doing the same; Molly's hips shifted a little closer as the felt the model grasp her rear. When Harmonia presented her bountiful chest to her, Molly's heart quickened - not just because of how amazing her body was, but because she knew that to have such doors opened to her and to her alone was a rare privilege, one she could hold with pride.

"Thank you, Moni...really. Thank you..." Leaning closer, she continued to kiss along the contours of Harmonia's breasts, working around to the inner edges of her cleavage, while her fingers kneaded down her back, drifting down to grasp at her thighs.
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Re: ❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Molly spoke and Harmonia listened, but still she was too distracted by the beauty of her lover to quite understand what she' d spoke.
But she knew anyway...by now, Molly was quite an open book for her and Harmonia knew how to read in it and to get to the best chapters...
"Oh...my sweet darling.", she chuckled and stroked Mollys beautiful blonde hair some more before their bodies met again.

Like a puzzle, their two bodies connected with each other, their forms sinking into each other while their kisses slowly but surely turned to more then soft pecks.
Slowly progressing, the tips of their tongues met, such a kiss both had'nt shared with each other to this point and Harmonia was sure Molly had never kissed someone like this before, so she decided to leave her time and get Molly into the dominant position, exploring the untamed land that was Harmonias body.
At least for now...in the bathtub she would leave the control to Molly but Harmonia knew that afterwards, in their big bed, under the cover of the night, she would take control, taking care of Molly and share with her the closest form of phsysical human interaction possible.

The tips of their tongues met and Harmonia felt Molly softly touching hers, almost as if to find something, testing out what the other one would do before slowly but surely getting more courageous, helped by Harmonias hands that found just the right spots on Mollys body to let her moan into her mouth, deepening the kiss...
And after a few minutes both women lay arm in arm in the bathtub, greedily kissing one another, their tongues dancing while sweet gasps escaped their lips. All the while Harmonias arms held her tight, like the promise she gave Molly. To keep her safe, protect her and letting just good things happening to her.

The kiss was nothing short of mezmerizing, powerful, dominant but then again so soft and protective, so full of love.
Their eyes were closed as they just gave in into each other. The love they both shared fueled their needs to be close to the other and Molly, laying on top of Harmonia, their bodies in the hot water, pressing against one another, there seemed to be not a single doubt in the englishgirl anymore.
When they broke their kiss they gave each other a longing look.
They did'nt speak a word except when Harmonia pushed out her breasts and leant back, sinking deeper into the water and letting her bossom stuck out of the water more, directly into the face of Molly.
"Go ahead..."
And go ahead she did as Molly, seemingly without any hestiation started to comfort the lucious breasts of her girlfriend with all so soft kisses, licks and soft breaths.

Harmonias head was relaxing against the edge of the tub, her eyes closed, her lower lip slowly nibbled between her teeth as Mollys tongue explored her cleavage, her hands grasping Harmonias thighs making her gasp.
What was Molly up to?
Harmonia was excited but remained quiet.
She did'nt want to get spoilered so she decided to go with it as her hands slowly began to massage the soft behind of Molly, kneeding the tight flesh, letting her nails dug softly into it while she carefully went for her thighs too...stroking along, up and down...exploring every inch and teasing Molly in the process...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: ❤️ Making up/Making out ❤️(For CaptainL)

Unread post by CaptainL »

Hearing such sweet words in Harmonia's soft voice, Molly's heart quickened, and her cheeks took on a redder hue as she hugged herself closer to her girlfriend's side. She had never heard words quite like this from anyone before, yet coming from Harmonia, she already knew she meant them more deeply and more truthfully than anyone possibly could. Molly pressed her chest up closer to Harmonia's own, and her arms pulled tighter around her sides, deepening the firm and passionate embrace they each looped around each others' bodies.

And when their lips met, the feeling was electrifying. Molly's whole body was bathed in a warm and welcoming sensation, and she pushed even closer to Harmonia, every inch of their skin meeting each others'. She was closer to Harmonia than she had ever been before, and it was a sensation that she wanted to lose herself in forever. And even then, Molly knew, she still had bigger things yet to look forward to on the horizon.

When they parted from their kiss, Molly looked into her girlfriend's eyes, her smile playing across her face as she nodded her head to her invitation. But she wasted no time in showing her appreciation to the Austrian, burying her face into her chest. The feeling was soft and warm, with Molly letting herself be enveloped in the contours of Harmonia's body each time she leaned closer with another kiss. At the same time, her fingers traced around hips, thighs, buttocks, pressing gently yet longingly against Harmonia's skin, and kneading into the flesh, savoring each moment they felt each other.

She could feel Harmonia, too, growing more daring, and she began to pant with growing excitement, her breaths growing hotter and throatier against the model's sternum. Her hips gently rocked from side to side, inviting Harmonia to show her more. With each touch, each kiss, and each passing moment, Molly felt as though she and Harmonia were growing closer together - and that the feelings both had held for so long were building up to their inevitable summit. It was a moment she anticipated, a moment she felt was a long time coming. And yet, Molly still didn't want to rush it - she was happy enough just where she was.
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