An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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Standard Match
Victory by pinfall, submission, knockout, or disqualification.

The LAW arena filled with cheers as countless fans celebrated the end of the match they'd just watched. It was an exciting, high-energy affair, one that made sure the crowd got their money's worth. RIngside crews turned over the area, setting everything up for the next highly-anticipated match on the card... But nothing happened. Viewers turned to their scheduled, confused to find that there was a little over half an hour before the next match was even scheduled to start.

Just as some might have started to voice their complaints, the lights suddenly cut out throughout the stadium! Only the glowing blankness of the jumbotron's empty yet powered screen told audiences that the power outage wasn't total. Before the crowd could rise to too much panic, though, the image on the screen quickly shifted to an aged brick wall. After one beat... two beats... three, the characteristic tktktk... SCHHHK! of a can of spray paint would play from the stadium speakers, accompanied by a line of white spray paint across the video wall and a high-energy instrumental.

At this point, several particularly well-informed fans realized what they were seeing. The rest of the crowd, though, wouldn't have to wait for long, as seconds later, the stage lights came back to life -- with a number of spotlights pointed right in the center of the ring!

Gasps rang out throughout the arena as a figure stood atop the Jumbotron itself. When they threw a grappling hook around a nearby rafter and leapt, those gasps turned to screams. And as that figure swung into the light and flipped onto the canvas, those screams turned to excited, disbelieving cheers. After all, there were few in Japan who would have never heard of The Impossible -- Asia's most prodigious viral video star, urban legend, and master thief!
The Impossible, LAW's Biggest Mystery
"Awright, LAW!" The newcomer cried out in an unmistakably yet inexplicably Cajun accent. "How are ya all doin' tonight?!?" A roar swept through the crowd, and beneath her mask, Satsuki Hayano grinned. Her early career in LAW had given her some of the most exciting moments of her life. But this was a whole new level of fun -- after all, it wasn't every day that a world-renowned prankster and master criminal made a public appearance in an up-and-coming wrestling promotion.

"For those'a ya who dunno what I'm all about... well, I'm The Impossible, and I steal things." She began to pace around the ring, her motions getting more and more energetic as she continued. "Priceless artifacts, hard-earned fortunes, well-protected recipes... But I've got an announcement. I'm comin' to LAW. And I'm here to steal the whole damn show!" If the crowd could get any louder, they did just that.

"And I heard that there was, oh, about half an hour before your regulary-scheduled-programming is set to resume." Of course, that was Satsuki's doing, thanks to a bit of good old social engineering that earned her access to LAW's inner workings. "So...!" Her hand swept towards the entrance ramp. "Which one'a ya back there is woman enough to take on the World's Greatest Mystery?"

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Re: An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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As far as dramatic entrances went at least this one was filled with something interesting, intrigue on the mystery of this new fighter and wondering what she presented. Sure she made her intentions clear but no one would know how much the Impossible D meant until they really saw her in action, but what really mattered was that she had them in the palm of her hand eating up every word of dialogue. Chelsea could tell right away nothing she could come up with on the fly was going to beat that, especially when the upper management was barely giving her the time she needed when making her entrance or they they just cut it from the broadcast. Instead Chelsea decided that she would need to a make a less flashy but just as dramatic stand when her music hit and she came out looking as cute as ever and having grabbed a microphone before she stepped out in the open.

"So LAW has some wrestling thieves now, this place never fails to surprise me." Chelsea said stepping down the ramp and pointing at the masked wrestler. "I don't think anyone's going to deny what you can do, you stole everyone's attention pretty easily, almost like a full on pro. But now you have the hardest task a thief can ask for, stealing a show I'm already the star of!" Chelsea would say before she jumped and landed on the ring apron with her legs split, she would slowly crawl through the ropes making sure to stick her butt out for the camera behind her, flipped in the ring to get back to her feet and was soon standing close to the new Impossible D. "Standing out when one is up against me is an impossible task D." Chelsea added before letting the mic drop and staring down the new girl who she intended to beat both in the ring and in the hearts and minds of the viewing audience.

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Re: An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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"What? No, I'm totally on the roster. I did the contracts and waivers and everything. Ugh, why aren't you listening?" The Impossible was currently arguing with a ringside official as to her clearance to be here. A few weeks ago, she'd broken into LAW's central offices and typed up all the necessary roster documentation. That just meant that her documents weren't forged, though! "I'm just as much of a bona-fide LAW wrestler as any of 'em backstage!"

Then music filled the arena, and the Impossible pointed to the entrance ramp. "Just like... um... that chick!" Who was that pretty little number anyway? Surely no anyone she recognized from LAW's roster pages... Based on how she swept herself into the ring, though, the girl knew what she was doing.

"Wow, you're cute! But, uh... no offense, but who're you? I'm pretty sure I checked through the roster before jumpin' in here all flashy-like..." It was mostly true. In her downtime, Satsuki wasn't one to scout out the opposition. That was boring. Buuut she'd admittedly looked at lists of names and faces pretty often, just to get familiar with them. And she remembered neither this pretty face nor this rockin' bod. "So, Young Lioness? Management intern? Fellow perpetrator of breakin'-and-enterin'? What's your deal?"

She paced near the center of the ring before stopping to stretch. "I mean... you'll do, of course." Like a dad in a tracksuit, she goofily pulled her ankles back to stretch her calves while desperately trying to keep her balance. "It's just... I'm kinda a big deal, y'know? Bit of an urban legend, and I do live up to the legend. I'm not sayin' I need an Akan or a Reinhardt or a Midori. I just wanna know who I'm about to make famous."

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Re: An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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Chelsea's mood nearly dropped but she stopped herself from showing it, this was typical behavior. She couldn't let herself get caught up in the trash talking of an opponent trying to get her mad before the bell had rung. "Cute, but if you haven't heard of the greatest wrestler of all time Chelsea Loski, you haven't been paying attention to wrestling at all. I may not be fully signed LAW wrestler but I will be the one who not only beats you but goes on to prove myself all across LAW." Chelsea said her boasting not slowing down. She wasn't going to let herself be upstaged even by a mysterious new girl.

"That name alone should help carry weight, I'm no wrestling family but I didn't need a dad or mom who ran the ropes to learn how to do it myself." Chelsea said staying in her corner while she waited for this match to start, assuming this girl wasn't making things up she would be a mystery to her as well which means she could try to make the match cater to her whims while she the newbie was unaware. But for now she'd assume that she had some idea of who Chelsea was and plan to have to force her style through to an opponent who would seek to counter it.

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Re: An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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The Impossible simply shrugged at Chelsea's words before flashing her a pair of finger guns and a million-watt smile! "Awright! If ya say so!" Whatever concerns that Chelsea had about style and strategy were far from mirrored in her opponent's mind. For The Impossible was nothing but mercurial. The kind of woman who simply did whatever she felt like, when she felt like it. That was her approach when it came to escaping from guards, running across rooftops, and dashing into steal all sorts of random things. Why wouldn't it be her approach in the ring?

The thief started hopping from one foot to the other. "Ooh, I'm gettin' all excited!" When the bell rang, she dropped down into an exaggerated fighting pose. "Ooh! Now it's time for me to show ya some of my Impossi-Fu!" Practically skipping towards her opponent, The Impossible would start things off nice and simple, yet still flashily. She spun and swung her leg around, firing her heel out at Chelsea for a high reverse hook kick!

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Re: An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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Chelsea once again had to remind herself that stuff like that shouldn't bother her, even though it was doing a good job of getting her annoyed at how this Impossible girl seemed to know nothing about her. In fact she had such an indifferent attitude to this that Chelsea had to wonder what she could do to make sure that this girl wasn't about to pull some trick given how she seemed completely excited as if Chelsea was not a threat, but right now she just watched her skip towards her and go for an attack. Her 'Impossi-fu" started off with a high kick that Chelsea just backed away from, trying to get a feeling for how fast she was before she would really put that to the test by going in for an attack herself.

"I can't wait to show you a real fighting style." Chelsea said before she would move in and go for a running kick, a move that the thief would need to move out of the way of or suffer the consequences. Either way Chelsea could start to see if the thief had any speed to her legs or if her talent for taking things came from elsewhere because so far it didn't seem to be from stealth given how bombastic she made her entrance.

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Re: An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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Her opponent simply backed away from the kick, which made sense, given how theatrically telegraphed it was. But did Chelsea really have to go so far as to disparage the proud tradition of Impossi-Fu? Still, if Chelsea wanted to show her a thing or two herself... "Ooh!" The Impossible chirped. "I can't wait either!"

Then, Chelsea took a few steps towards her, and The Impossible would surprise the audience by not only running right towards her herself but also bringing her arms out! Ordinarily, the motion would look like a routine block, but The Impossible was anything but routine.

Finally, the moment of collision came. The springy canvas, her practiced aptitude for freerunning, and her running start all came together as the thief planted her hands on Chelsea's leg and hopped over them like a hurdle! If she managed to stick the landing, she would swiftly turn around and deliver a quick slap of her palm across Chelsea's cute bottom! Then she would back away herself, posing wide for the audience and giving them a cheerful "Ole!" like a bullfighter!

She bowed, winking at Chelsea. "That was fun! What's next?"

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Re: An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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Chelsea moved quick, not wanting to let herself be the one who got played in this match when she was the one who was the wrestler and not some publicity stunt thief. She didn't expect the girl to come running at her but that would just make her easy to kick, but somehow the girl moved just as her kick would have hit her and actually pivoted off her to get behind her and soon she felt a hand on her ass.

"D-heey!" Chelsea said jumping before she turned to see the girls stupid smile and act like she just dodged a bull. The fact she had the nerve to ask about what's next only showed a level of disrespect that Chelsea wouldn't stand for while trying to get a contract. She had to shut this girl up before she made her look like a fool, and this time would try to rush in and grab her so she couldn't just bounce around her.

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Re: An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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An uproar of laughter and applause swept through the crowd as The Impossible delivered a swift tap to Chelsea's ass, like a raunchy bullfighter! The thief giggled as well, but for some reason, it seemed like Chelsea wasn't having as much fun. The Impossible only had time to cock her head and shrug before the incensed pinkette rushed back towards her!

And this time, the thief wasn't quick enough to dodge. The Impossible found herself swept up in her opponent's arms! "Whoa, hey there!" she chirped, still sounding casual and excited even as she pushed in vain at Chelsea's grip. Her expression turned flirty, and she playfully waggled her eyebrows at the wrestler bearing down upon her. "Oh, eager ta get more up close 'n' personal now, are ya?"

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Re: An Impossible Invasion! Chelsea Loski v. The Impossible [D...?]

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Unlike a raging animal Chelsea moved in closer and was able to grab the thief instead of letting her dance around her longer, but once they got the floor Impossible showed no fear. Instead she acted like Chelsea was trying to get on top for a different kind of wrestling, but Chelsea wasn't getting paid to be sexy this match so her flirtatious attitude was met with a cold glare that didn't mix.

"I don't get close and personal with criminals." Chelsea said trying to ignore the laughter of the crowd behind the extravagant Impossible. Her arm came up pulling on Impossible's arm to stop it from pushing against her any more and cross it over her arm, before trying to choke her by pushing down on her arm and throwing an elbow into her face to slow her down.

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