Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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Standard Match
Win by Pin fall or Submission

'Great, another match for me, huh?... And who am I facing some submission specialist who swears she's going to make me tap out... Well, that girl has another thing coming after I'm done with her.' Luiza says with a cocky smirk on her face. She has always been battle tested, going up against some of the best wrestlers in the world. The only thing she needs is to just get herself back into wrestling shape, and she will be able to compete with the best like she used to when she was younger.

Making her way down the ramp to the ring. Eager to show a cocky young wrestler what it means to get in the ring with a vet like her.


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Re: Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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Tonight was the night Christina Perez decided to spice things up. She had wrestled girls within her weight class but hadn't wrestled someone like Luiza before, who appears to be a strong heavyweight based on her physique. Indeed this would be a test for the young wrestler as her opponent is also an older and experienced wrestler.

"Best be careful...this old cat might have some tricks on her sleeves." Christina began to talk to herself before entering the ring to see Luiza face to face and amazed at the older woman's muscular body.

"Wow...someone's been on the juice..." Christina commented as she got closer to the older woman and offered a hand to shake.

"Nice to meet you." She stared intensely at Luiza, wanting to see how she would react to her handshake.


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Re: Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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Luiza stares, seeing her opponent make her way down to the ring. Seeing that she holds a weight advantage over the younger woman, she figures that it will be able to over power her foe with ease.

Before she can comment on the sportsmanship that her opponent is showing... she catches that little comment about being on the juice. 'What did you just say about me?'

The nerve of some young wrestler trying to say that she has taken steroids... that sends her through the roof with anger, as she smacks Christina hand aside, giving the younger woman a glare.

'Well, it is not nice to meet you... I'm going to teach you a lesson tonight for that comment you made about me.' Luiza says as the bell rings in the back to begin the match between the young up-and-coming wrestler and the former champion.

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Re: Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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The bit of joke she made about Luiza possibly being on the juice made the older woman angry with Christina as she smacked her hand away and glared at the girl. This behavior made the younger woman chuckle and shake her head, giving a confident grin back at Luiza.

"Jeez, looks like your roid rage is showing~ calm down, why don't ya?" Christina went to her corner, waiting for the bell to ring. The ref checked both women if they harbored any contraband in the ring as Christina playfully taunted.

"Hey, ref~ I'm pretty sure she took some gym candy before the match...maybe she should get a DQ?" She chuckled as she was trying to get Luiza as angry as possible. This may backfire on her, but she didn't give a fuck. When the match started, Christina confidently walked up to the bigger woman taunting her with her hands to come to her.

"Come on; me your best hulk impression~ entertain me, please~."

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Re: Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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Luiza has never been humiliated like this before. Being called a granny, much to the laughter from the fans, but the nerve that her opponent would even mention something like that about her. Each comment just makes the older woman even more angry than the last, as she is glaring daggers at Christina again.

Marching right up to Christina... Luiza raises her hand back and slaps the woman across the face. Wanting to make sure she pays for being so disrespectful to someone like her. 'How dare you say that to me. I will make sure you learn to humble yourself when you step into the wrestling ring...' She screams, seeing red, at the younger woman.

Too angry to even put her guard up. As her hands are on her shapely thighs.

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Re: Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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Christina got what she wanted when Luiza got angry with each insult she threw at her. It honestly made the Younger woman amused and made her grin seeing how some fans were mocking the muscular woman. When they approached, Luiza was ready to give Christina a bitch slap to the younger woman's face causing her to move back and place a hand to rub the slap mark left on her face. Christina gritted her teeth but calmed herself and used some acting to set up an attack.

"Ow ow ow! OK, ok, I'm sorry..." she looked at Luiza with puppy dog eyes to make herself look apologetic to throw Luiza off guard, and luckily for Christina, the veteran already had her hands on her thighs.

'Perfect' Christina shaped her right hand to a fist and attempted to aim right at Luiza's solar plexus to bend forward. If the attempt were successful, Christina would use the opportunity and set up her DDT right off the gate.


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Re: Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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Luiza should have known better to let her guard down this badly, but she had figured that she had proved her point to the younger woman and that was the end of it... but it wasn't, as Christina took advantage of her lack of awareness in a brutal way.

'AHH' Luiza would bend forward taking a punch to the stomach. The impact and force of the punch almost lifted the heavyweight woman off her feet, before clutching her stomach with her arm. That left herself wide open as her opponent grabbed her head and spiked her to the canvas with a DDT. The impact almost knocks Luiza out cold right then and there, as she clutches her head with her hands, kicking the canvas with her feet.

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Re: Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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When Christina got Luiza slammed for the DDT, she could hear some crowd go wild. The younger woman smirked as she was satisfied with how much damage the move did as she could see her opponent Clutch her head and kick the mats. Getting up after the DDT, she would walk around her opponent like a lioness playing with a pray as Christina began to keep talking shit.

"Wow...all that muscle and juice and your down like a little bitch~ Guess you can't be at all natural, huh?" Christina giggled before attempting to trap her downed opponent with a personal favorite wrestling hold, the CrossFace. Before she would try to lock in the CrossFace, she would say.

"Let's see you handle this~."

Crossface reference:

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Re: Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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Luiza can't believe she has been outsmarted by her younger opponent. The throbbing pain in her head just confirms that thought that she got out smarted and taken advantage of by Christina. And seeing that she is down defenseless and her opponent is still standing... just means that the older woman is going to be in for a world of hurt and pain.

Feeling her body being moved around... Luiza can only watch and wait before hearing another taunt from her opponent... before pain shoots up her body from the being locked in a cross face submission. Feeling the torque in her upper back and head area, she screams out, “AAAAAAAAAAHHHH! AAAAAGHH!' desperately looking for the ring ropes but seeing that they're too far away.

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Re: Nap or Tap: Christina Perez vs Luiza Ishikawa

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"What's wrong, granny? Can't use those muscles of yours? What's the point of having them if you can't wrestle?" Christina taunted and laughed, hearing the older woman cry out in pain as she was on top, applying a crossface to harm her upper back and neck. The more Luiza screams, the more vicious Christina becomes as she will keep using more pressure to weaken and soften up her opponent.

"So far, you were nothing but a disappointment. Go ahead and tap before you face any more embarssment~" Christina would lean a bit to whisper into Luiza's ear as she keeps the Crossface hold on. Her sadistic side showed as she held on to the grip to hear Luiza scream even more.

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