Age: 24
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 175cm/5.8ft
Weight: 70kg/154lbs
Nationality: Brazilian
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Tweener with Face tendencies/Jobber/Young Lioness
Fighting Style: Technician and Striker
Signature and Finishers: As a beginner, Joyce still didn't develop none.
Fighting Strategy: Joyce tends to stick to throws, locks and holds, occasionally using punches and kicks against her opponents. However, her lack of discipline and experience may do her to switch her moves, and prioritize punches and kicks over locks and holds, even when blows end up being less effective.
Entrance music: Be the One - Beverly (English Version)
Training attire
Primary attire
Secondary attire
MMA sports bikini
Strength: 3/5
Speed 3/5
Agility: 2/5
Endurance: 4/5
Charisma: 2/5
Wrestling Stats:
Strikes: 4/5 – She has a good strength at her blows, but lacks technique on throwing punches and kicks
Submissions: 5/5 – Her favourite moves, both due to her knowledge about human body, and just to make an excuse to wrap herself with other girls
Powerhouse: 2/5 – Effective by lifting only opponents smaller than herself. Opponents with the same size of hers can easily break free.
Aerials: 1/5 – She's very clumsy when it comes to jump from top ropes. She can easily be countered when trying such moves
Counters: 3/5 – She's a decent counter and can use it in a way to turn the tables, but lacks refinement
Apprentice Potentials:
Fast learner: Joyce can easily learn from her mistakes, when driven by a good trainer
Anatomy's connoisseur: Due to her studies about the human body, Joyce can make her holds and locks more effective, and get critical strikes
Jogger: Practicing jogging daily gives Joyce more stamina and endurance to use on wrestling.
Stubborn: Sometimes, Joyce just want to do things on her own way, and she may take sometime to change her mind.
Easy to frustrate: Joyce really doesn't react well when things go out of her control, reason why it may not be a good idea to book her against heels on her early months/years. Tantrums are very likely.
Pervert: Joyce is prone to grope her opponents, and her kinks involving MILF-like wrestlers and thick wrestlers can cost her victories on her matches or even make her go into matches where she has little to no chance of winning
An example of how Joyce let lewdness drive her to helpless situations
Personality: Joyce always used to be good in the things she put herself to do, learning fast and dominating it quickly. This made her, in her childhood, to be quite arrogant towards her colleagues. As she got older, she learned to be more humble, but she still is very prideful in some aspects, frequently questioning things she is told to do. As a starter, she should jobber around, and she reacts to this in a mixed way: sometimes she likes or even love that, sometimes she hates it with all her guts (although this probably depends more of her opponent/partner rather than from the jobbering itself). Joyce is kinda introspect sometimes, and not much sociable, but when she makes a friend, she does her best to be faithful to her, sometimes even roasting herself when she feels she failed with that said friend.
Joyce is also a perv. Kinda often, she's staring at other wrestlers in suggestive ways.
Joyce is currently after a trainer to help her to improve as a Young Lioness Wrestler.
Available for: Standard, Tag Team, Submission Only and Smother matches. Hentai Matches are available only for the ones that really grow up intimate of Joyce.
Difficulty: 2/5
Record: 3-2-0
Friends: Courage Takemi, Astrid Ostberg
Crushes: Courage Takemi
Be sure to check out my other wrestlers: Sana Hanayo, Estella Ambroise