
Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Match type: tables hardcore
Victory conditions: pinfall, submission, knockout
Special conditions: hardcore rules are applied; tables are draped against each turnbuckle; there are also many tables around and under the ring

"Your discontent hangs in the air like mercury vapor," Victoria said, going over her documents, "can you explain what is the matter?"

Instead of answering, Astrid snorted in annoyance. She was finishing her warm-up and she had no desire to continue this conversation. She expressed everything that she considered necessary, at the moment when Victoria first handed her a contract for the match. The blonde has always been a very proud woman and it seemed to her that the manager decided to just make fun of her in this way. And she didn't like this joke at all. Astrid got to her feet and turned to Victoria.

You know perfectly well what is it,” she said.

The Englishwoman sighed wearily and put the documents aside. After that, she raised her eyes to Astrid and her gaze became much more serious. However, the Norwegian woman did not succumb to this pressure. She continued to look at the manager. She was always ready to defend her point of view and even Victoria cannot force her to refuse it.

"Remind me why are you here?" asked the brunette, adjusting her glasses.
"To fight the best women and write my name in history," Astrid reminded her, still irritated, "you know about it and yet you..."
Then listen to me,” Victoria didn’t let Astrid finish, “if this is really what you want, then please, shut your mouth and go to the ring. I know what kind of opponents you are looking for, which is why this match is awaiting you today. Either you trust me, or you have to fint another manager for yourself. However, I am sure that I will hear your apologies later. Don't underestimate the opponents I'm looking for for you. Never. You got it?"

For a moment, it seemed that the Norwegian woman would explode with anger. Victoria narrowed her eyes when she saw a strange gleam in Astrid's eyes, for a moment she thought her lavender eyes were turning red. But the blonde pursed her lips, took a deep breath, and then left the locker room. She walked down the long hallway, trying to get the whole conversation out of her head.

In fact, she never had any prejudices or anything like that. And she never judged anyone in advance, always remaining unbiased. But now she was really angry with Victoria. When she first saw the contract, it seemed to her that there was some mistake. It cannot be that she was offered a match against a woman who is almost a head shorter and almost twenty kilograms lighter. This can only work in anime. Astrid stopped in front of the curtains. Taking a deep breath, she slammed the straightened left palm with her right fist.

"To the last drop of sweat!" she told herself.

Entrance Music

Her dynamic music began and the Golden Dragon came out from behind the curtains to applause and cheers from the audience. The young woman smiled confidently, and then raised both hands above her head, palms jointed in the manner of a crown. She began to walk down the ramp, confidently approaching the ring.

She paused only for a moment, taking in her surroundings. It was a truly impressive sight. A large number of wooden tables stood here and there. About six of them were unfolded and positioned around the ring. Under the ring, she saw even more tables folded. And, of course, tables are draped for each turnbuckle. There was nothing to deny, in any case this match promised to be interesting.

The Golden Dragon rolled under the bottom rope and then quickly jumped to her feet. Coming to the center of the ring, she looked around at all the assembled spectators. After a very dynamic start to her new career, she received a lot of support. And it was important, she knew it very well. The blonde confidently pointed her thumb at herself, accepting the last cheers from the audience.

When her music was over, she greeted the referee and headed to her corner. The blonde knocked on the table and chuckled slightly. They weren't kidding, it wasn't thin plywood, it was a real wooden table. And if enough force was used to break this by the opponent's body, then Astrid was sure that the sensations would be unforgettable. The descendant of the great Vikings leaned back on the table and folded her hands under her chest. She was really unhappy when she saw this contract. But on the other hand, since her opponent agreed to this match, it was a very serious signal that she was either confident in her strength, or she was too arrogant. Astrid was hoping for the first option. It remained only to wait for her rival.
Last edited by skip-stop on Tue Mar 22, 2022 7:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Tables Hardcore Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Weiss Schnee - Like ice and fire

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Tonight, was a special night for everyone in the arena. They would be witnessing a match unlike any other, with opponents that couldn't be further from the truth. But there was a sizable chunk of the audience that were in attendance for one reason and one reason only. They wanted to to watch a slaughter. More accurately they wanted to watch the Heiress Weiss Schnee get slaughtered. While there was a group of people on Weiss's side. It was a minority, and it seemed like some people behind Weiss felt the same way.

Hey, Weiss, are you sure about this? Ruby said as she finished reading Weiss’s contract for her next match
What’s there not to be sure about, you read the contract didn’t you” Weiss said, finishing up the last parts of her stretching.
Tonight, was a big match for Weiss, almost everyone knew that fact. But it didn’t seem like everyone was on board with the match the same way Weiss was. It’s not often where matches like these happen if anything they are under special circumstances. That or the higher ups just want to punish someone.
Yeah of course I read it, but you don’t even do these unless the match is a super duper big deal Ruby said with a good amount of worry on her face
Well the match is a big deal, and I have to prove a point Weiss said plainly to her redheaded friend. Ruby’s look was becoming more and more worried. She saw and knew what Weiss was going up against. Being the optimist that she is, Ruby couldn’t even find a way to spin this in a good way for Weiss.
How did you even get this to happen. No way your opponent would just agree to this so easy” Ruby said taking a seat on the nearby bench.
Does it matter? The match is literally a few minutes from now Weiss said finishing her stretches now moving on to the striking part of her warmup.

So what you’re saying is that I’ll lose? Ruby please I am a Schnee Weiss said stopping in the middle of her strikes.
I’m just saying things don’t look good for you here. Think about it, there is a reason why weight classes exist. Not just that you aren’t…” Ruby was saying confidently before slowing down
Well that thinking right there doesn’t help, I know I can win and what am I not Ruby spit it out” Weiss said rolling her wrists trying to get Ruby to say what she was thinking
You aren’t Yang or Pyrrha… Taking dangerous matches is Yang’s thing and fighting people like your opponent is Pyrrha’s thing. Ruby said looking away from Weiss not wanting to get any flak from what she was saying.
So just because I’m not Yang or Pyrrha I stop? No Ruby that isn’t happening, this match will happen, and I will win. I have to Weiss said her tone becoming more serious than before.
ALL THIS FOR WHAT TO MAKE A POINT!?!.... Your parents aren’t watching this and you have nothing to prove to me or anyone else” Ruby said as she now looked Weiss in the eyes.
That’s the thing Ruby I have to do this for me, because doing this will Before Weiss could finish an official interrupted the pair to tell them that Weiss was needed for her entrance. Not wanting to leave on bad terms the pair hugged it out. Ruby letting Weiss to do her entrance. Waiting for the team backstage to give her the signal to go.

I’m doing this for myself. Not only do I have to prove my family wrong, but I must know I can do this with my own hands. Afterall a Schnee doesn’t know defeatWeiss thought to herself.
This Life Is Mine
Weiss’s theme song began to play, and the Heiress came out from backstage to a good wave of cheers from the audience. Weiss looked like she had not doubt on her face whatsoever. Her game face was on here and she paid no mind to the people. Walking down the ramp with enough confidence that it was oozing off her. That and giving more than one person in the crowd the cold shoulder.

Making her way to the ring Weiss noticed her surroundings. They weren’t kidding when they said tables match. There were so many outside the ring, and Weiss was sure that more were nearby. Even crazier were that even the turnbuckles had tables strapped to them. It was safe to say that plenty of these were breaking. With Weiss or her opponent going through them.

Getting to the ring Weiss used the steps, climbing them and going through the middle ropes. Standing upright in the ring she finally got a good look of her opponent. Astrid. Ruby wasn’t kidding when she was trying to make Weiss scared by giving Astrid all the physical praise. Scoffing at Astrid, Weiss spread her arms out wide as if to receive the last set of cheers.

After greeting the referee Weiss would head into her own corner. Right where a table laid, unknowingly doing the same as Astrid and inspecting it. “This isn’t some knock off table either… It was going to take a lot more than some theater throw to break this table” She thought to herself. Now turning around and looking at Astrid once again. Almost wearing her emotions on her sleeve, Weiss could tell that Astrid was unhappy. Sighing at her opponent, Weiss straightened her body facing Astrid. Now Astrid was fully witnessing Weiss’s pale, slender yet toned body. Wipe that expression off your face, you are in the ring with a Schnee. Consider yourself grateful to even be in the same ring with me Weiss said, finishing things off by whipping her hair to the side. As if signifying to Astrid early on that Weiss saw herself as the superior.
Last edited by Tiamat on Fri Dec 10, 2021 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Tables Hardcore Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Weiss Schnee - Like ice and fire

Unread post by skip-stop »

Astrid turned her head to the side when the music, unfamiliar to her, began. The white-haired woman was walking down the ramp, who practically did not pay attention to the audience. But even so, she received a very warm welcome from them. It was pretty strange. Astrid knew for sure that viewers rarely give preference to those who treat them with indifference. However, to each their own, maybe someone knew something that Astrid didn't.

The Norwegian woman was completely calm at the moment when her opponent got into the ring. She only raised her left eyebrow slightly when she heard a chuckle from the white-haired woman before she raised her hands, accepting greetings from the audience.

The gaze of lavender eyes ran over the white-haired woman from head to toe. As promised, she was almost a head shorter than Astrid, not to mention the difference in weight. But there was no point in denying it, she had excellent physical fitness. Maybe she didn't have such a noticeable muscle mass, but her body was toned and well-built. It seems that there really was more truth in Victoria's words than Astrid initially thought.

Someone could probably say that the long-haired blonde's first reaction was excessive. But if you had put yourself in Astrid's shoes even for a moment, then most likely your reaction would have been about the same. She thought the manager had made a mistake, and that was what made her angry. But on the other hand, Victoria has never let her down, choosing for her only those opponents who could give a good match.

So she decided to do the same as she always did. No prejudices. Let the match show how things really are. Besides, there are only a few moments left before the start of the match. Astrid pushed away from the table and headed to the center of the ring in order to greet her opponent. Be that as it may, but she was a warrior and saw nothing wrong with expressing some respect for an opponent before the start of the match.

But even before she could say anything and extend her right fist forward, the white-haired woman spoke first. And these words made Astrid blink several times in disbelief. Her hopes that this match would take place without something personal were quickly destroyed. The white-haired woman looked like a little evil chihuahua who fancied herself too much. The Norwegian woman lost not only the desire to greet her rival, but also to talk to her in general. She turned to the referee.

"I think we can start the match," she said.

And after these words, she took a fighting stance. Astrid took her right foot back a step. Her clenched fists rose to the level of her chin. The torso was slightly tilted forward and her left side was slightly turned towards her opponent. It was really naive to expect that this match would be different from all the others. Every match she took part in after arriving in Japan was accompanied by conflict. And now there was no doubt that this match would be just a match with another narcissistic and arrogant bitch. Well, then so be it. The Golden Dragon nodded to the referee, making it clear that she was ready.

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Re: [Tables Hardcore Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Weiss Schnee - Like ice and fire

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Weiss was looking to establish a foundation in this match. Her opening words were just that, it was a display to everyone in the arena that Weiss was not scared. Despite Astrid being built like a modern-day amazon, though that was not something new to her. A testament to her ally and friend in Pyrrha Nikos. Weiss needed to put away the notion that power will be the sole factor to her victory. Astrid was more than likely able to put the heiress through several tables. Another fact she would have to admit, was that she AND Astrid were going through their share of tables.

Despite this being an uphill battle, Astrid was the perfect opponent for Weiss. So physically dominating, that a victory here would only be a show of her skill. Not some fluke win that her detractors argued often in her past matches. As much as Weiss hated Yang’s demeanor towards most things. Weiss was beginning to share Yang’s anticipation for a fight. One thing for certain was this this was going to be a good match.

That said perhaps Weiss was a bit heavy handed with her opening statement. While it being a show of courage and confidence. It did little the change the mind of the people who came for a slaughter. Even less so for the person standing in the same ring as her. Chances were low that Astrid would have a warm response to Weiss. So as an added precaution Weiss kept her distance, despite Astrid pushing away from her table and made her way to the center of the ring.

Weiss was used to the normal banter that comes before the bell rings. But in this match, it was something different. Astrid simply turned to the referee and essentially told her to start the match. Before Weiss could say anything else, Astrid took a fighting stance. A rather basic stance, though effective leaving little gaps. Weiss would do the same, assuming her own fighting stance. Admittedly one more for grappling, Weiss did not see herself out striking her opponent.

Outside of physical appearances, Weiss could not make much out of Astrid. More namely her personality and guessing her mannerisms. Something Weiss would have to learn as she fought in this match. The referee, looked to Astrid who nodded at her signaling her readiness. Now the referee would look towards Weiss to gain the same confirmation. Weiss would also give the referee the same nod. Seeing both wrestlers ready the referee would wave off the nearby officials to ring the bell and start the match.

Weiss was unsure how to start this match. She could easily be overwhelmed by Astrid or counter her. So many different possibilities, but now Weiss settled for keeping her distance. Looking for any sort of sign that helped her in the opening moves. That is when something hit her mind. Suddenly sprinting towards Astrid, Weiss would take a page out of the Ruby’s and Yang’s book. A shock to everyone watching, Weiss running at her opponent with reckless abandonment.

First Weiss would seemingly go for a wide boxing hook, aimed towards Astrid’s unguarded abs. Holding this course of action until the very last moment. That’s when Weiss showed her hand, hopefully deceiving Astrid. Weiss broke down into a baseball slide, possibly drawing Astrid’s attention down below. Weiss would follow a simple flowchart to her next actions. If Astrid were to intercept, Weiss would kick her leg up. Aiming for Astrid’s chin, if all this worked Weiss would lean up and catch the fighter. Using her toned legs and wrapping them around Astrid’s abs for a body scissor. If Astrid didn’t intercept for whatever reason, Weiss would slide past Astrid. Aiming for the back of the knee closest to her. This would be an effort to buckle Astrid and bring her down. Allowing Weiss to quickly use this moment and latch onto Astrid’s back for a sleeper hold. Hoping to start things off strong.

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Re: [Tables Hardcore Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Weiss Schnee - Like ice and fire

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"Well, let's see..." thought Astrid.

Everything was almost ready. Her opponent took a fighting stance almost immediately after Astrid and soon the striped shirt received a nod from the white-haired woman. This was more than enough for the referee girl to raise her hand and then drop it abruptly. An exciting moment, no doubt. The bell rang loudly, marking the start of the match.


The audience began to shout and applaud, it seems they were very intrigued by tonight. And their screams only intensified at the moment when Weiss broke from her seat and rushed at Astrid. For some it may have been a demonstration of confidence, for others it was a demonstration of recklessness. But the fact remained, it was enough to impress those who came to see the match. But this was not enough to impress the descendant of the great Vikings.

The Golden Dragon's eyes narrowed slightly and she began to sway on her toes. Perhaps for someone with a hot head, her rival's actions might seem like something really out of line. But Astrid had enough experience to understand that the white-haired woman probably had a plan. Of course, it was impossible to forget about the option that she just decided to start an open fight and exchange a few fists with Astrid. But something told the Norwegian woman that Weiss was not so naive.

And when the white-haired woman pulled her right hand back, Astrid did not stop concentrating on the rest of her rival's body. Even if it really was a preparation for a cross, then this punch is too slow to start a combination. Everything was decided by the moment when her opponent's body began to deviate back. It became crystal clear that Weiss decided to start with a lower attack. And she probably had hundreds of options for the development of events. But Astrid had no intention of checking what exactly the white-haired woman was up to.

Perhaps it could be said from the Golden Dragon's stance that she is very straightforward, especially in moving, because this is one of the features of boxing. But she wasn't just a boxer. And that's exactly what she was going to demonstrate by quickly straining her legs and then pushing off with her left foot from the mat. She wasn't going to stand still in Weiss' line of attack. Therefore, the Golden Dragon jumped aside, and for a woman with such a volume of muscles, she moved more than easily and quickly.

And even after her feet touched the mat again, she didn't stop. She used the acquired speed to get closer to the ropes, turn around and fall back on them. The long-haired blonde was going to bounce off three ropes, gaining extra speed, and then rush to her opponent in order to try to catch her by surprise and knock her down with a classic, but fast and powerful shoulder block.
Last edited by skip-stop on Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Tables Hardcore Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Weiss Schnee - Like ice and fire

Unread post by Tiamat »

The audience cheering and applauding was the perfect backdrop to this David vs Goliath match. The reason behind the cheers was unclear, some cheered for the bold move coming from Weiss. While others cheered hoping Astrid uses the heiress as a glorified punching bag. Still though a fast start was something everyone liked.

Astrid on the other hand kept her eyes focused right on Weiss. Keeping her head on a swivel, since she wasn’t quite sure what Weiss was up to. It paid to be observant and watch Weiss’s next movements. Despite going for the hook, she wasn’t catching Astrid in any fake to start things off. Weiss would make a mental note to practice her boxing more to have better fakes. Not breaking down to her baseball slide since Astrid made her move.

Astrid made the smart move to not stick around and watch what Weiss was going to do. Essentially sidestepping Weiss, thankfully she could respond in time thanks to her speed and position. Weiss watched what Astrid was doing, carefully moving herself near the ropes.
Watching Astrid hit the ropes and use them to get a boost of speed. Weiss’s eyes widened as she saw Astrid come at her like a train.

What could she do? Does she block? No she would just get run over. What about countering? If she did what counter would stop this woman? Weiss’s head was being filled with thoughts of indecision. The longer she sat like this the closer Astrid came. Once Astrid had reached the halfway point. Weiss intensively dropped down and rolled out of the ring.

This would essentially dodge whatever Astrid had coming. Though the boos coming her way would be hard to ignore. Instead of focusing on the boos, Weiss just focused on Astrid who she was confident was going to be leaving that ring to come and get her. Getting to apron and reaching under the ring, bringing whatever she could close to her but not directly on hand yet.
Last edited by Tiamat on Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Tables Hardcore Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Weiss Schnee - Like ice and fire

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At first it seemed that the Golden Dragon had done everything right. A real fighter knows that they should never dodge the opponent's attack ahead of time. An experienced fighter can determine what kind of attack the opponent is planning, even by minor details. But if the fighter tries to evade the attack ahead of time, then the opponent will have time to change plans. While if the evasion occurred at the very last moment, the opponent simply does not have time to change anything.

It was this principle that Astrid used, waiting for her opponent's attack. Only when the white-haired woman was close enough, she jumped aside. The Norwegian woman was sure that the acquired speed, combined with her opponent's unsuccessful attack, would be enough to catch Weiss by surprise. Bouncing off the ropes, she increased her speed even more. But apparently someone forgot to turn off the slow motion mode for her. Astrid did not have time to go even half the way, and her opponent rolled out of the ring.

The long-haired woman stopped, then tilted her head to the side, after which there was a crunch of cartilages. This course of events was a bit annoying, although the Golden Dragon suspected that events could go this way. She always preferred direct confrontation. She always preferred to exchange blows with her opponent in order to check which one of them would surpass the other.

At least that's how most of her matches went. From the first day, the Norwegian woman began to pursue the best and strongest women. And, to give them their due, they did not disappoint her. Especially the match with the blue-haired woman, who, unlike many others, was not afraid to enter into a real grueling confrontation with the Golden Dragon. But considering the size of the white-haired woman, it was not surprising that there would be no direct exchange of blows in this match. And that meant only one thing.

Astrid had no intention of standing and waiting for her opponent to deign to return to the ring. Therefore, almost immediately the descendant of the great Vikings ran to the ropes. Without losing speed, she dropped down, throwing her legs forward in order to slip under the bottom rope. For a woman of impressive size, she acted quite freely. And a moment later her feet touched the concrete floor.

It was obvious that Weiss wanted to find something under the ring. The rules more than allowed the use of improvised means. But the long-haired blonde was going to interfere with her rival. Therefore, without delay, Astrid accelerated, approaching the white-haired woman. And in order not to waste time, she was going to send a quick right cross to Weiss' head. It was too early to hope for a kick or something like that. Therefore, a quick but powerful attack was exactly what the Golden Dragon needed.

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Re: [Tables Hardcore Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Weiss Schnee - Like ice and fire

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Thankfully Weiss was able to think quick on her feet. Weiss was also thankful that her body was able to match that speed. Meaning that it was safe to say Weiss was above Astrid in the speed department. Weiss had no intention on meeting Astrid head on, even if it were something minor like a shoulder tackle. That one move could spiral negatively for Weiss in the worse way possible. A chance Weiss was not willing to take right now.

Weiss was never one to run away from a challenge or anything for that matter. The only circumstance was if the walls opponent ahead of her needed such planning. Astrid was a part of that exception to Weiss’s never run-away rule. Still though she needed to fight, and just like another green-haired heavyweight Weiss fought before. Astrid was coming looking for her fight.

While not a brawler like Astrid, or someone she was hoping to find. Weiss needed to out think this woman. Despite it was just a simple action of slipping through the bottom ropes. Astrid seemed imposing as ever. For someone with Astrid’s size, body, and all it was a marvel to see how she could move so well. Astrid was always quick to start the engagements. Coming in quickly with a right cross aimed right at Weiss’s head.

Weiss had been looking for something under the ring she could use to turn the tides in her favor. Bringing whatever she could close, but not directly in hand as to not set off Astrid to any particular strategy. But seeing as how Astrid was head hunting Weiss, she needed something now!

In a moment of complete desperation Weiss was able to pull the first thing she could from under the ring. Which happened to be a steel chair out from under the ring. Weiss barely had enough time to bring up the chair right. Using it to block the killer punch coming her way. Astrid’s fist CAVED in the seat of the chair knocking a few bolts loose. It would do Weiss better to not imagine what would happen if Astrid landed that blow on Weiss.

It wasn’t like Astrid could run away at this distance. Taking the chair in her hands, Weiss lunged forward looking to hit Astrid over the head with a chair. After all a good chair shot could take down anyone a peg or two. Best case Weiss can smash the steel chair over Astrid’s head. Worst case Astrid catches the chair since Weiss is the weaker of the two, making that an easy feat for her. But there were plans in motion. Weiss is many things but unprepared is not one of them. If she wanted to win, she needed to out think Astrid.

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Re: [Tables Hardcore Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Weiss Schnee - Like ice and fire

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Looking back, Astrid caught herself thinking that this was the first time she had to literally run after her rival. This definitely didn't happen to her in the days when she was an MMA fighter. And this did not happen in her first four matches at the LAW Arena. But everything happens for the first time. Sometimes it is necessary to run a little to achieve the goal. And the Golden Dragon was ready for it.

As soon as her feet landed on the concrete floor outside the ring, the long-haired blonde headed towards Weiss. Any delay in such a situation was not in her favor. It was very clear that her opponent was prowling under the ring for a reason. There was nothing forbidden in this match, and if she finds an improvised means to complicate Astrid's life, then the rules will be on her side.

Therefore, the Golden Dragon intended to prevent Weiss from completing the search. This woman had already run away once and Astrid wasn't going to run after her forever. The blonde flexed her muscles, putting strength into her right arm. And after a moment, her furious fist headed towards her opponent's head. One more moment and then she would no longer have to think about the fact that in the near future this white-haired woman would run away from her. BAM.

"Gach!" Astrid cried involuntarily.

Her fist had indeed found its target. But, unfortunately, it wasn't her rival's head. Instead, Astrid's fist smashed into the metal seat of the chair. There was a screech of metal. She didn't have time to look at everything in detail, but she was sure that at least she had left a good dent in this seat. Although, of course, it didn't bother her at all right now.

Hitting metal with such force is no less painful than punching a concrete wall. A resonance of painful sensations passed through the Norwegian woman's right hand. Physics is a very interesting thing. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The force that Astrid put into this punch was enough for the retaliatory impact after the collision with the chair to make her take two steps back.

"Damn it!" she thought irritably.

The pain in her hand made her lose the concentration. And yet her instincts were still working. This is what helped her to orient and concentrate. The long-haired blonde raised her head just as Weiss took a step forward, swinging the chair. Oh, what she was up to didn't need an explanation.

Astrid snorted in annoyance, and then threw her hands forward, intending to grab the edges of the chair and thereby not allowing herself to be hit. Ignoring the pain in her right hand was hard, but she was confident she could handle the task. And if she really managed to stop the white-haired woman's onslaught then she would not disdain to use her strength to push the chair in the opposite direction, trying to make it crash into Weiss' head.

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Re: [Tables Hardcore Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Weiss Schnee - Like ice and fire

Unread post by Tiamat »

Running away is a sure-fire way to get the crowd to hate you. But in Weiss’s opinion, losing would be worse than just having some boos thrown her way. So she would have to deal with them for now. It was easy to say that though, no one else in the arena was fighting Astrid. Meaning their opinions didn’t mean anything to Weiss.


Astrid had just caved in a metal chair like it was nothing. Naturally there had to be some recoiling damage. There just had to be, Astrid is human right? Human or not Weiss was fighting her. So using something like a chair, she saw as a tool. After all it wasn’t like Weiss was going to lace up boxing gloves and duke it out with Astrid. That idea would have her going to the emergency room faster than their entrances.

Even with all of that facing her, Weiss charged at Astrid with the chair. The idea was to cave her head in with the chair. That would knock her down more than few pegs. “Now’s my chance” Weiss thought to herself. But even with all of the power Weiss was putting behind that chair strike. Astrid was able to catch the chairs by the edges, not allowing herself to be hit.

Weiss’s mind was going a million miles an hour. Was Astrid not taken aback even a little bit by her blow? Even then the difference in strength between them could not be that large right? If the showings before weren’t a clear demonstration. This definitely was a rude awakening for Weiss, despite her already knowing the truth.

Though thinking about her position. Weiss could possibly use this to her advantage. If Astrid was this strong surely, she could’ve just punched the chair out of Weiss’s hands. But she didn’t instead she caught it. Wanting to act first Weiss would jerk the chair forward with all her strength, if needed. Weiss was looking to slam the backrest of the chair right on Astrid’s jaw. If this worked surely a blow to her jaw would rattle her brain the same way it would a boxer. Potentially even worse, with that in mind Weiss did not stop looking to jab Astrid with the chair. Now with her aim moving from her jaw to all over her face.


As relentless Astrid was in her pursuit of Weiss. Hopefully these were there sounds that echoed throughout the arena. Just showing how serious Weiss was in her current assault. Weiss would aim to repay that treatment over multiple times. Finally feeling as though she found some semblance of an opening in the match.

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