The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia was never mad at Molly, how could she?
Things did get out of hand and everyone had something to do with it.
Even Harmonia.
Even Molly...
Was'nt this the point of a relationship? To forgive the things that make us human?
Well that was the case for Molly, for Mina and others...but not for Alexa.
Alexa deserved nothing but the worst Harmonia had to offer...
Both women struggled as Harmonia had stopped the woman from strangling her.
"Crazy bitch! Whats wrong with you?", she screamed as they were struggling at the table
and then it happened...
Harmonia an Alexa were separated from each other by another woman in a Kimono.
"What...Skylar?", she asked and tilted her head.
No this was'nt Skylar...or was she? Was she that drunk?
Anyway, the woman pulled them away from each other and before Harmonia and Alexa
could really hurt each other...
And now that all eyes were on her, Harmonia felt nothing but shame...
She take a few steps back.
"", she said and did'nt know where to go expect backwards.
" am terribly sorry how everything went...I...will no longer bother you and if you want to
go and never come back or don't want to talk to me again or anything
...I understand...", she said and turned around to face...Molly.

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Chris couldn't help but smile and lightly blush. She had actually said something smart! She'd definitely earned that glass Shiori would hopefully bring her. And while she was sure Ishtsr did most of the work, she had at least been able to contribute somewhat.

As the three then left the room Molly ran to, the rockstar saw the sight of a newcomer to their party intervening and trying to separate them. And thankfully, she was holding Harmonia and Ishtar had the troublemaker in her arms. She was saved from having to figure out what to do to separate them! 'Oh thank god.' She couldn't help but think, audibly breathing a sigh of relief that could be misconstrued as relief for the fight breaking up.

Soon after the Austrian offered an apology to everyone. Chris figured it wasn't her place to say anything, especially given how late she had shown up. But once Harmo calmed down some and the party started up again, hopefully. For now, she just stepped aside, letting Molly run up to her if she wanted. And if not, then she'd just look like she were awkwardly shifting away. Hoped it would just be the running up.

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

While all this commotiion took place, a certain darkhaired woman who was on a hiatus with the league was coming down the stairs of the Eagles Nest.
"Man, what happened here?", Raven asked and looked around only to finde a certain bluenette.
Slowly and on her toes she approached said woman and wrapped her arms around her from behind.
"Feliz Navidad!", she grinned and gave Gwen a Kiss in the neck.
"Gwenny...long time no see...", she said and smiled.
She hugged her friend tight.
"How have you been, huh?"

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by TheSuitedOwl »

Alexa hands trembled with anger and effort. She wanted nothing more than to see her Hostess passed out on the floor and for everyone's night to be ruined just like hers. It's not like she knew any of them. They could all freeze for all she cared! So Fuck them! Fuck this party and especially fuck these two whores!

Though just when she thought she was finally making some progress in her attack. She would suddenly feel a hand on her shoulder and be unceremoniously flung off her foe. As her back crashed into another table. While Maya having already stepped between them would urge everyone to calm down but by then it was already too late. Alexa was seeing nothing but red and everything the old hag had to say went in one ear and left the other. As Alexa would scream out with a banshee like yell and rush at the interloper! Thinking she had only intervened to help Hermonia gang up on her.

However, Alexa wouldn't make it very far in her charge. As Takeshi would manage to come in the nick of time, wrap his arms around her waist, and lift her off the ground. Causing Alexa's legs to kick wildly in the air for a second or two before she would finally turn her head and try to slam her elbow into the side of his head. Only to stop halfway through her perpetration as she saw the unmistakable head of Takeshi Ishikawa looking back!

"Ishikawa! I... They.... I'm..." Alexa started her voice going almost into whispers. While her face slowly turned into a cherry red at the embarrassment of having Takehsi not only needing to stop her but finding her like this in the first place. "Easy. We'll sort it out."

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia wanted nothing more to get Molly and run away from here.
Far,far away from everything, Alexa, her guests, her friends, even her sister...she wanted to go somewhere where no one could find them for a while. This was so embarressing...her dress was ripped, showing of her generous thighs, here make-up was running down from the tears and sweat and her hair was a mess.

The big Christmasparty of the Austrian Eagles. What a fluke.
Was this nothing more then a bad omen for her big break in 2022? Should she let it be?
Maybe Harmonia was really just made to be a model, based around her looks.
And that thought shattered her at her core.
She had tried did'nt she? She wrestled against everyone she could find, won, took losses.
Was that not enough?
An iceball formed in her stomach as she heard Takeshi speaking.
Oh..for this she had enough motivation...

Almost like a Zombie she turned and walked ovef were Alexa and Takeshi struggled.
"Yeah...figure it out. But not here."
She looked to Takeshi.
"I am sorry Takeshi-san, you seem decent enough, but the bitch you brought in here unleashed seems to suffer from rabies. Better take her down or I will do it.", she said and shot a glance at Alexa.
"I am terribly sorry and I would enjoy it to hear from you again under better circumstances. I would gladly invite you to stay with us, but your "friend" should'nt be left alone or else she gets ideas in that empty head of hers.", Harmonia said cold as ice and turned around.
She saw everyone looking at her...all the gazes staring like daggers and finally the frustration broke out:


A soft earthquake could be felt in Tokyo that night.
She clenched her fist, her head red as a cherry and looked away from all her guests.
"As I said...I am sorry. And if you want to go, go... I won't hold you...", she said depressed.

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Maya was in a very bad mood. She'd come here wanting to get to know people and now she was breaking up an ugly fight. Her head turned towards Alexa as she heard the brunette scream and lunge toward her. She gave the woman a glare that made Steve Austin look burning hot. Maya didn't like fighting, but if Alexa wanted to attack her, she was ready to make her deeply sorry.

Before the girl reached her though, she was swept up by Takeshi, much to Maya's relief. Harmonia taunted the girl as she was carried off, before turning to the other guests. With the heartfelt apology she gave, Maya couldn't help but feel sorry for the Austrian. She approached Harmonia from behind, placing her hand on her back. "It's fine, sweetie. It's not your fault." She said in a soft voice.

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Johanna Johnson arrived rather late to the party having forgotten of it while she went about her daily routine. However the milf was glad to have come at all, hoping to mingle since she was still new to LAW. Noticing a fight being broken up Johanna went over to peek.

@RedShinigami @TheSuitedOwl
Last edited by Mysterdio on Wed Dec 29, 2021 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by Lederface »

Gwen and Nadia were drinking their beer quietly, while Yukari as if she was a little girl, was wandering around the party, appreciating and admiring all the stars she saw in that place, although when Gwen was with Nadia, they would not have noticed before someone came and hugged Gwen, scaring her a little, before hearing a voice that reminded her of her beginnings, turning around and noticing that it was nothing more and nothing less than the woman who had given her debut some time ago, listening to her speaking in Spanish, Nadia would feel honored, saying happily
So this is the girl who kicked your ass, got you drunk and basically gave you the personality you have, thank you so much Raven!!! it's an honor to meet her, her beer is good, not like the Mexican, but it has nothing to envy either.

Gwen as soon as she finished that she got up and grabbed Raven with all her strength, giving her a hug that was about to be more of a bear hug.
It's great to see you again! After my debut, I couldn't hear from you anymore, and Yukari was busy so I couldn't hear from you anymore.


It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Well... That was interesting, to say the least. Well, at least it was settled now... She hoped. On one hand the fight was broken up without anyone ending up broken. On the other, Harmonia made for a miserable sight. Guilt, sadness, and regret tapering inside her after the storm of fury she formerly felt. Well, mostly formerly, there was one little snap. She was tempted to press her luck and help the other half of the couple like she had Molly...... But that wasn't her place. It wasn't before either, but someone had to, and the person who should was currently engaged with the source of it all.

So with a little pat of hopefully encouragement to the English woman, Chris then scooted away. There was something that was needing to be done, but wasn't because of this.


With regret looming, the rockstar came up behind her former waltz and missiletoe partner and tapped her on the shoulder. "It's Finella, right?" She asked, hoping she was right. The wolf had only given an abbreviation, so she hoped this was the right girl. "Um, my friend Shiori got some 'Russian eggnog' all over her earlier, and Harmonia said you might have a spare shirt she could use." Hopefully she'd predict the human whirlwind correctly, and she'd end up whooshing her away from the scene and all this heavy air.

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Re: The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party! (Open Thread)

Unread post by CaptainL »

Molly had entered the scene just in time to see Alexa take off in a charge, hurling herself straight toward Harmonia no sooner than Maya had forced the two of them apart. At the sight of it she sucked in a breath, biting her lip and averting her gaze as she shied away from what was sure to be a brutal collision. But the crash and the screaming and shouting and gnashing of teeth she had expected never came. Instead, Molly looked back up to see that Takeshi had grabbed at Alexa, holding her off of her target just before she could make impact.

The Englishwoman let out a sigh of relief. That could've gone a lot worse, she thought to herself - but a moment later, she was reminded of how bad things really were when she saw Harmonia boiling over with rage. She winced at the thought of how intimidating Harmonia could truly be if she wanted to; she'd seen that earlier with Mina, but now that things had actually come to blows, the fury the Austrian was truly capable of unleashing seemed all the more real.

But beyond that, Molly saw how everyone was staring at Harmonia in shock, and heard the pain in her voice when she all but called off the party then and there - and that was what really hurt. She knew how much this night meant to her, and it stung all the worse to know how much it had to hurt her to do such a thing.

But...if there was anyone who could help now, it was Molly. Her face crossed by a concerned frown, she walked up to Harmonia. "Um...Moni? I don't want to go..."

(@RedShinigami )

Sheila, on the other hand, had quickly lost her attention now that the fight had been broken up. Luckily for her, this party was nothing if not an eventful one, and she would soon find something else to do! She spun around to see Johanna drawing closer, and she greeted her with a wave. "Hi hiiiii!" Sheila cheered. If she knew that she was still in her underwear, it didn't concern her.

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