Sparring and Training Session

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Sparring and Training Session

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At the gym, a dark-haired woman was finally done taking a shower in the locker room. The woman's name was Christina Perez, and she was supposed to meet up with a new wrestler/Coach. From what little information she got, Christina knows the name Momoi Satsuki, and she is known for her analyzing skills. Being a competitor and willing to do anything to enhance her skills, she decided to schedule a session with the new girl despite not knowing her match history.

"I hope to God she knows what she is talking about or else..." she sighed as Christina began to change to her usual wrestling attire, which consists of a Black Leotard. Whoever this time around, Christina was going to leave her kneepads and Black wrestling boots as she didn't feel the need to wear them since it was supposed to be a sparring match. "No need to get these dirty...hopefully, I don't need to get too serious..." she got up to dry herself before going out to the main gym and doing some stretches inside the private gym's ring.
As the dark-haired woman waited, she had speakers that she brought in whenever she went out to work out. Her brothers suggested she get an entrance theme, and one of her brothers told a song for her to try out. Using her phone to connect to the speaker, she finally gave it a hearing labeled Filipino Trap Beat.
Christina started to tap her foot and chuckle as she went to text her brother about the song. 'Shit's pretty fire, I'm not gonna lie.' She kept the music playing on until Momoi arrived as she continued warming up while also playing the song in a loop so she could dance to it for a bit.

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Re: Sparring and Training Session

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Momoi Satsuki was waiting at the mats at a LAW gym. In addition to being on the LAW roster as a wrestler, she was also a manager who gave coaching and guidance to other wrestlers. Her first client in that regard was a middleweight by the name of Christina Perez. If she was being completely honest, it looked like she had been given a rather easy first job. Though Christina had a victorious LAW debut, it was a comeback victory, littered with flaws and errors that a much less skilled eye than Momoi's could pick out.

Though while the analytical part of her job had been routine, she couldn't actually go so far as to call the job easy until she actually met her client. Whom Momoi saw enter from the locker rooms, sit down, and begin listening to music. Seemingly waiting for Momoi. Well I guess that's my cue then, she thought to herself as she approached Christina.
"Hi there! You must be Christina, right? I'm Momoi Satsuki, the trainer you hired, Momoi then sat down next to Christina. "I have a few different things planned out for our session. First," Momoi pulled out a tablet with a video on it set to the beginning of Christina's debut match. "I want to go over your last match with you. I'll point out mistakes I noticed and and then show you how you could have done better in that situation, and then we'll practice it on the mat so you can really get it down. Does that sound good to you?
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Re: Sparring and Training Session

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As Momoi walked in to greet Christina finally, the dark-haired woman climbed out of the ring to greet her. "Momoi Satsuki... a pleasure to meet you...and yes, I'm Christina Perez...I heard your great ar analytics~" she went to try and shake her hand.

When Momoi went to sit down, she had a tablet with Christina's match with Fuko Kirisawa for her debut match. The pink-haired girl wanted to point out flaws and offer to practice with the BJJ expert, to which Christina nodded.

"Yes...of course, tho...I have a few questions myself about you..." She observed Momoi from head to toe and didn't find her too impressive. "I heard you a new wrestler and a couch, yet I never saw you in action you think you can help me with my skills?" She crosses her arms, looking at the more petite girl.
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Re: Sparring and Training Session

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So it looked like Momoi would see some resistance from Christina. It wasn't the questions themselves that surprised Momoi, she could definitely understand if her student wanted clarification on her methods before she used them. But instead she asked Momoi whether or not she was even qualified to help her.

But just because the Momoi wasn't expecting Christina's question didn't mean she couldn't answer it, though it did leave Momoi with a question of her own. "Christina, you did read my resume first before you hired me, right? All my qualifications were listed in there. While this is my first professional job, strictly speaking, I've been both competing in and doing analytics for wrestling since I was in middle school, and also through high school and university. And those teams I helped manage and coach saw success at a national level. I also graduated from Tokyo University with a degree in sports analytics."

"But regardless of whether or not you think I'm qualified, we're both already here and you've already paid for the lesson. So I say we get started!" Momoi pressed play on the video, and the first thing that came up on the screen was Christina getting thrown out of a collar and tie lock. Momoi paused the video and began her critique.

"So what happened here is that you just didn't react fast enough to Fuko's grab, but there's an easy way to fix that," Momoi pulled back her hair to make her shoulders more visible. "The grip you had, was one hand on the back of your opponent's neck, and the other grabbing at her triceps. What I recommend, is to use a grip that keeps your hand in contact with the shoulder muscle that connects the neck to the arm." Momoi then ran a hand over the muscle she was referring to.

"When someone moves their arm, this muscle is the first thing that really moves. So if you can keep contact with it, you'll notice your opponent doing something with their arm as fast as possible, and have a better chance to react. The best part is that you can still do a lot of different grips to find one you like and still do this. You can either have your entire hand on the muscle, or you can position your grip in a way that your touching it with a finger, or the side of your hand," Momoi explained this as she demonstrating some examples of the possible grips to Christina. "The muscle contraction is really obvious when it happens, so as long as you're touching it, you should be able to notice."

"So! You ready to try it for yourself?" Momoi asked as she began walking out to the mat.
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Re: Sparring and Training Session

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Christina would stare at Momoi as she listed out her accomplishments. Although Impressive, Christina was the type of student who was "hands-on" and would learn faster by seeing and doing it herself. "Yeah yeah...I read...I want to know for certain, is all..." she scratches her head as Momoi is ready to begin the lesson, to which Christina replies with a nod. "Yeah...let's do this..."

While looking at her debut match, it showed Fuko Kirisawa throwing Christina out of a collar and tie, a clinch that The dark-haired woman engaged in. Looking at the video, she scratches her head, wondering what went wrong as Momoi explained that she was too slow to react to, which Christina nodded her head in agreement. Momoi would then explain to her away to place her hands on the engagement as the Pink-haired woman suggested she keep a grip on the shoulder muscle that connects to the neck and arms.

When Momoi moved to the mats, Christina was ready to go. She approached Momoi and quickly latched on the collar and tie. She still had one hand on the triceps and the other hand trying to find the muscle Momoi was talking about. "So...right here, right?" She placed a hand in the said muscle trying to pull Momoi head to head.

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Re: Sparring and Training Session

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To Momoi's relief, Christina was at least willing to give her a chance. It would've been a huge waste of time and effort if Christina just refused the lesson because Momoi was too green for her liking. Especially so considering Momoi had her entire lifetime's worth of experience at her disposal, even if it hadn't been officially professional.

Once Momoi had finished giving her critique and her advice, she and Christina went out on the mat. The set themselves up in a collar and tie, but Christina seemed to be uncertain on Momoi's instructions. "Your right hand is where it needs to be, but your left is just on my triceps. You need to be making contact with the muscle on both shoulders, not just one. The right shoulder muscle won't give you a warning when the left arm does something.

"If you want your hand there, what you can do is stretch your thumb out and turn your wrist a bit for a wider grip," said Momoi as she adjusted Christina's hand to match what she was saying. "That way you have the thumb on the muscle, and the rest of your hand grabbing the triceps like how you seem to like it."

Once Christina got her grip how she wanted it, Momoi would continue. "Now what we're going to do, is I am going to break the lock up and try to attack. You need to stop me. Counter it, defend it, whatever you want. Just stop my attack. Once the exercise started, Momoi wouldn't attack immediately. That way, Christina wouldn't just be ready for it and would actually have to react. Once Momoi did go, she would try to pull her arm down and wrap it around Christina's back as she swung around to her side and put her hip on Christina's hip. Then Momoi would hook Christina's leg and lift it up to throw off her balance, then push Christina onto her back with her hand and hip. Will she be able to stop me? Momoi thought.
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Re: Sparring and Training Session

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Christina awaited Momoi's Instructions. As they set up the collar and tie, Momoi began to explain to her about her hand placements. "Ahhh....ok...ok, I got you..." she nodded and let Momoi place her hands in the recommended location.

With the grip newly adjusted, it was time for Momoi to test Christina on her reaction time and the dark-haired woman's job was to either Defend, Counter, or stop the pink-haired girl's attempt to which Christina smirked gave her a nod.

"You got it, coach, ~" she chuckled as the two would be in a stalemate as Christina patiently waited for her coach to be on the attack.

'Trying to throw my game off, huh?" Christina wasn't much for someone who waits as the Grappler was always looking to engage first. However, because this was training, she can concentrate trade on the more defensive side to which she is not a big fan of.

As soon as Momoi tried to pull Christina's arm down, she instinctively held her grip firmer and tighter as she didn't want this more petite girl to outmaneuver her. Christina would try and force a stalemate as she moved her body and legs away to where Momoi wished to hook her legs with Christina. Christina wanted to fight back and attempt to move her body closer and counter Momoi's attempts by trying to headlock her head with her left arm. If successful, Christina would then try to move her hips and sweep her legs for a hip toss to the floor, where she will keep jer hold onto the more petite girl.

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Re: Sparring and Training Session

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Momoi was actually rather pleased when her attack failed, as that meant she had done her job well. Christina was able to react to Momoi's movements and even tried to come back around on her side to reverse the maneuver back onto Momoi. But thankfully, Momoi practiced what she preached, and felt Christina's left shoulder move, allowing her to duck the headlock and slip away.

"Alright, stop!" called Momoi. "Good work Christina, you certainly got the first lesson rather quickly. Just remember that I can feel your shoulders too. Maybe a kick would work better in collar and tie scenarios. Now, let's move on to the next point. And this time, you'll get to put me in something."

Momoi went and grabbed her tablet, and continued the match film. "So after you got thrown onto your back, Fuko came down on you with a double knee drop. Now you tried to do a block counter, with is a common and perfectly valid response to those splash and drop type attacks. But you weren't able to get your guard up in time for your opponent to land on," Momoi explained. "Here's what I want you to try; once you see your opponent leave the ground, instead of trying to block, roll out of the way. And then when their recovering from landing hard on the mat, that's when you go in and hit them or put them in a hold."

Momoi brought Christina back out to the mat, and they would recreate the position from the match. "Now a couple things I want to mention before I jump. When you roll, tuck your head in hand cover it with your arms in case you still end up getting hit. And second, since this is training and I'm am giving you a free opening, you better not do anything too painful!" With her instructions given, Momoi jumped, aiming her knees straight at Christina's chest.
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Re: Sparring and Training Session

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Christina was pissed when Momoi slipped so quickly and avoided her headlock. With a growl, she was ready to engage at Momoi again, but her coach would tell her to stop as Christina took a second to register that this was a training session. She sighed and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

After a bit, Momoi wanted to work on another scenario with Christina, and this time, it was about the jumping and splashing knee attack that she endured in the match from Fuko as she remembered how much that hurt her stomach.

Given the instructions by Momoi, Christina did her best to listen and follow her suggestion again by rolling away from the splash attack rather than trying to block it. "Aww...ok, I see what you mean...let them splash and miss then it..."

The two would recreate the scene as Christina was on her back again with her legs instinctively raised in a BJJ Full Guard position. While waiting for her coach to begin the simulation, she warned her student to be careful with her when it was time for Christina to move at her, to which the taller woman smirked and chuckled. "Don't worry, coach~ I promise," she winked as Christina was ready.

When Momoi leaped in the air and emulated the move Fuko did to her, Christin did as she was told as she tucked her head, used her arms just in case she got hit, and then rolled out of the way.

Hearing Momoi misses her splash attack Christina was quick to get up and get back to the ground with Momoi as she had a headlock on the side position. With this position, Christina would use her BJJ skills to the test and try to see if she could lock in an Anaconda Vice while also being careful not to add too much pressure.
Last edited by Weonna on Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sparring and Training Session

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Since this was a training session, when Momoi jumped up for her knee drop on Christina, she made sure not to come down to hard. Both to protect her own knees since she expected that she would be hitting mat, and because if her attack did end up hitting, she didn't want to blast the person she was teaching in the chest. So when Momoi's attack missed, she landed rather softly on the floor.

As designed, Christina's dodge left her in prime position to counter Momoi. The pinkette started trying to get away to make sure Christina wasn't late on the timing of her attack, but Momoi was getting tackled before she could even get off of her knees. She soon found her arm and her neck trapped in a Ju-jitsu move that would've been a nasty choke had Christina been applying pressure.

Momoi tried to struggle for a moment to test Christina's hold before judging that it was well done. "Alright, alright," Momoi said as she tapped on Christina's arm. "Good roll, and good counter," Momoi would say once she was released. "Alright, let's see what's next," Momoi said as she went back to her tablet. It got to run for a bit longer this time since Christina started doing a bit better. "Good job on defending against that suplex by the way. Ah, the ankle lock," Momoi said as she paused the video. "This isn't something we need to devote a drill to, but I should still mention it. When performing an ankle lock, you want to stand on the same side of your opponent as the leg you're holding to stop stuff like that from happening."

Momoi let the footage run through Christina trading strikes with her opponent until Christina got hit onto the floor and into the ropes. "This," Momoi said, pointing to Christina standing up with her back to her opponent. "This was your biggest mistake in the entire match. You could have kept your front facing your opponent as you stood up. And even if you were truly stuck facing away from your opponent, it would've been better to just bail out over the ropes to keep your opponent from getting that huge opening. Come on, back to the mat."

What we're going to do now is an exercise on defensive rebounding off of the ropes. A lot of wrestlers will throw themselves into the ropes to but extra power behind attacks, and if you have the body control necessary, you can do something similar when someone else sends you into them." Momoi position herself with her back to the ropes, and then started turning back towards them as if she'd been hit. "The two most important things are to keep your feet underneath you as much as you can, and to try to run into the ropes with your back, or at least your side. Doing this with your front is noticeably slower. Once you rebound, if your opponent is close enough, then you can counterattack and put pressure on them."

"I want to demonstrate this in real time first before you do it," continued Momoi. "So you're going to kick me in the face and send me into the ropes like in the match, and then your job is to try to stop my counterattack off the rebound." Momoi then stood before Christina, ready for the kick.
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