As a matter of fact, Chelsea Forster was here. When she had heard Finella would be competing in her first singles match, she wanted to make a point to be there, just so she could see her get her teeth kicked in up close - after all, without her stupid sister there to help her, that was surely how it would go! Though the Englishwoman turned a few heads in her bikini, she was able to blend into the crowd, hiding in plain sight amongst the fans gathered on the beach. She barely knew who Lorelei was, and she didn't care either. She was happy to cheer on anyone who could beat Finella!
Except that hadn't happened. Finella had won. Chelsea had watched the Hellraiser squeeze Lorelei to the point of passing out, and even as the crowd had been cheering her on, her boos could still be heard if one listened closely. But what was worse was when Finella decided to single her out - calling out her name as she set up the same flag she had won in their Capture the Flag match right before her eyes, and proceeding to belt out an insulting rendition of the national anthem!
Some fans booed; others laughed, and some had no idea what was going on. But Chelsea knew a grave and personal insult when she saw one, and she wasn't going to take it lying down! Her teeth clenching in a snarl, she swatted a popsicle out of the hands of a fan sitting next to her out of sheer frustration. Then, she stormed out of the crowd, locking her eyes on Finella.
"YE SHUT YOUR TRAP, YE FLEA-BITTEN WANKER!" she roared, jabbing a finger in Finella's direction. "Ye really wanna pick fights, FINE! Juss kun oo it is you're pickin' fights wi'!"
The Hellraiser strolled around in her skimpy swimsuit, her breasts out,the lower part of it neatly shoved in between her legs as she finally heard a familiar voice...
"That noise...that headache inducing voice...oh!"
She turned around and looked down at her opponent from inside the ring as she walked over and leant over the ropes.
"Oh, whats wrong little boy? Got lost on the beach?"
The crowd started laughing.
"Oh, sorry! It's you Chelsea! What a surprise, sorry with the...small thing there I did'nt recognize you properly. So nice to see you! Did you watch my match? Ladies and Gentleman! Chelsea Forster is a Hellraiser Fan it seems!", she shouted in the mic and all hell broke lose as the crowd cheered and the cam of the titantron was on Chelseas red face.
"Well...because you are such a good fan, I gladly will meet you outside for an autograph!", the Hellraiser laughed and lashed forward, jumped over the ropes in a suicide dive, trying to slam onto Chelsea with her naked breasts burying in her face as the Hellraiser swiftly wrapped her arms and legs around the Brits body and started to squeeze.
"You can have a little hug too...and soft pillows to sleep...", she grinned and held her opponent tight, trying to choke and humiliate her, wanting to send a strong signal before PPV!
Chelsea's teeth clenched tighter with a grumble, and her fingers coiled over the ropes as she leaned in closer to Finella. If things weren't bad enough already, the Hellraiser had to take the low road, mocking Chelsea for her bust size. While Chelsea might've been fairly average in that department, she seemed practically miniscule by comparison when she was up against Finella, whose hefty breasts were out for the world to see - and reminding Chelsea of just how much she beat her out in size. Chelsea wasn't normally one to get too worked up about such a thing, but she did not want Finella to claim superiority over her, in any aspect. Finella, though, knew that all too well, and she was eager to boast any way she could. Especially now, as she turned the cameras to catch Chelsea's reaction when she boasted she had the girl's attention!
"I am not, ye shit-fe-brains, beer-smellin', wewds-pissin' cretin! I came 'ere ter give ye a piece o' me mind, and dat's-" But Finella couldn't care less about what Chelsea had to say, and before she was even finished, she lunged off the ropes, tackling the blonde and pinning her beneath the very breasts that had garnered such contempt! Chelsea hit the sand with a thud, her head firmly lodged in between Finella's boobs, which muffled her groans and shouts and buried her in a prison of heat and sweat. Even as she tried to twist and turn, kicking her legs, Finella held on tight to her, wringing more air out of her lungs with the crushing embrace of her arms and legs!
Chelsea was growing even more infuriated at the thought of being shown up by Finella, but powerless to do anything about it. She would try to wriggle an arm free from her rival's grasp; if successful, she would ball a fist and slam it against the Wolf's ribs again and again!
The Hellraiser played her game again and the british Bunny was all to eager to comply.
To say that the crowd went excited at this impromptu treat from the two rivals, maybe slapping themselves around in the ring in their bikinis, was something that they very much approved of!
"Chelsea, with you it's always a treat...", she grinned as Chelsea started to rant away.
The Hellraiser decided to take things a step further as she jumped at her rival and throw them both in the sand below, getting wolfwhistles and excited shouts from the fans!
"Strip her! We want to see Bunnyboobies!", some people shouted but Finella did'nt listen...again this was between Chelsea and her and she had the bunny humiliated between her larger breasts.
Every moan and shout vibrated back against her lucios rack, making her moan a little as she always liked the close contact to her opponents. even Chelsea.
When the blonde wiggled on arm free and started to punch her sides, the wolf whinced and decided to state her case to Chelsea, grabbing her arm and releasing her from the sweaty smother, slipping down do their respective breasts mushroomed into each other, making for quite a delicious sight as the "Wolf" had its "Prey" under its paws.
"Seems I got you there bunny...", she chuckled, pinning Chelseas arms over her head and using her legs, entangled them with Chelseas and spread them in a grapevine.
The crowd hollered, whistled, cheered and just sucked in the sight of these two women fighting for
"That was my second match...the third is know what that means, huh, huuuuuh?", Finella grinned and pressed her forehead onto Chelsea, both women again close and staring at each other while their bodies strained against one another.
"It means all will be official now...pick a good match for us Chels...ooooh I just can't wait!", she grinned her big wolfsmile and Chelsea could tell that Fin was still arroused and riding high from her previous match...
The Hellraisers eyes were gleaming, even on this bright summerday as Finella looked at her prey with hungry eyes.
"Lets make this a match for the LAW History Books!", she said with a husky tone and suddenly Chelsea could feel her cheek getting licked by her adrenaline driven Rival, getting a big reaction from
the crowd as security came in...the bell starting to ring relentless...
And what Chelsea had'nt felt...but sure would when she got up..was her top sliding off...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Tue Dec 28, 2021 1:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Chelsea didn't exactly have much in the way of plans when she stormed the ring. She just knew that Finella had pissed her off with her little show, and she wasn't going to let her get away with it. But whatever the case might have been...this was not going how she'd intended it to. Finella had pinned her down in the sand, her bountiful breasts smothering Chelsea out. While the Englishwoman's legs kicked and flailed, all she did was send more sand out into the air. She was faced with the growing realization that Finella had her under control, and nothing she could do could break her dominance - which was a thought even more offensive for Chelsea, who refused to be dominated by anyone, but especially not by Finella!
Chelsea got in a few punches to Finella's side, but the Wolf merely adjusted, pinning her wrists and prying her legs apart with a grapevine that both held her still and put her thinly-covered crotch on display for the cheering fans as her hips pointed outward and the fabric pulled snugly against the contours of her body. Hissing and groaning, Chelsea tried to twist and buck, but nothing was loosening her rival's hold on her - and that fact only infuriated her even more, as she shot a glare back at Finella. "Yeah, and they'll remember me kickin' yer sorry arse-!" she snapped, her voice choked under the pressure of Finella's weight. The Hellraiser leaned in to run her tongue along Chelsea's cheek, and that caused her to cough and sputter even more, turning her head aside in disgust, but finding it hard to move when her foe was holding her down as firmly as she was. "God dammit-! Ye make me sick, ye nah dat?"
With Chelsea powerless, and Finella showing no signs of stopping any time soon, security soon took to ringside to pull the two apart. Feeling the pressure off her chest, Chelsea lifted herself to her feet, catching her breath and looking back up at Finella with a scowl. "I 'ated ye enuff, ye realize. But now, I'm not gonna show ye any blewdy mercy-"
And then, Chelsea felt the air against her chest, and heard the cheers of the crowd. She paused a moment - and when she looked down, her face went red as she saw her bare breasts swaying in the breeze! At once, she gasped, throwing one arm over her bosom as she bent down to paw around at the sand for her missing top. "EDELSTEIN!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Dammit! Where'd it go!?"
Finella not just hated Chelsea, she despised her. Their Rivalry would make history as would their PPV Match. Since their Tag Match the tough, pervy and brutal Rocker has had a name for herself with her undeniable charm, her total denying of any rules and her sexy body, she loved to show of in as much matches as possible.
Standing here, the breeze of the ocean around her lucious, sweating breasts that raised up and down from her previous hard fought win against Lorelei that she ended on terms only the Hellraiser would do.
She squeezed all her powers out of her until the body of the sexy bluenette was lifeless and after it Fin took her prize, dominating the woman with her tongue and her pure lust. A form of "present" for her opponents that the Austrian liked.
Chelsea she liked not.
Chelsea Forster was thorn in her side, a nuisance, s constant reminder of her problems with Harmonia and worst...they were even and alike...
What made their feud so compelling for the fans had many factors. Both were beautiful, downright sexy in their own right, both were rebellious, hard hitting brawlers who could command a room of grown up men.
The term "Hellcats" was given to them by Karl Schneider, an Ex-Wrestler who lived with Finella and the Austrian eagles and who had a fateful meeting with both women in a certain English Pub, ironically called "The Wolf and the Bunny" where there rivalry started with a billiard game and an armwrestling contest.
They did'nt like each other but since these days they downright hated the guts of the respective other, in total contrast to their sisters who were an official couple now, ironically enough.
Schneider put their first match, this evening and all he could find out about Harmonia and Molly into a fittingly named Article called: "Of Angels and Demons"which gained him the respect of LAW Magazine veteran Eiji Matsumoto and a new job at LAW.
Finella and Chelsea knew the article and dissaproved strongly, especially as Karl called them "Mirrorimages" of one another which hurt their pride and their understanding of each other.
For Fin, Chelsea could not be more far away from her. She was proud, strong and sexy while Chelsea was just a barking british Bulldog, lame and not even close as good looking as she was.
Of course Karl and the fans saw this entirely different as they saw the two beautiful and deadly Hellcats they were and who teared into each other every time they could, making their feud an absolute fan favourite.
Finella held Chelsea in place, and pressed her bare breasts into her face, spread her legs and gave the crowd a good view of their curves, their skimpy undies turned upwards leaving the crowd on the titantron with the sight of Finellas bare and juicy butt and the perfectly shaped flower of Chelsea Forster, getting tightly hugged by the little fabric here panties were made off.
They almost looked like lovers but this was a pure scene of dominance.
When Securities came, Fin greeted them, showing no signs of fighting back as the big men taking them away from each other.
She just looked at Chelsea and wondered when she would realize...
Then it hit her opponent and Chelseas sexy, bare breasts jiggled on the titantron for everyone to see.
When Chelsea screamed and searched for it, Finella just held it out to her and smiled...before taking it with her in the ring...
And to make things worse for the older Forster, all went as Finella had planned...
The securities held her tight, not letting her follow the Hellraiser who climbed the turnbuckle, her body glistening in the setting sun that made her strange eyes gleaming again, a gaze Chelsea knew too was the gaze of the Hellraiser, looking into her soul, trying to rip it apart...
And with an almost primal scream, she threw the top into the air as if it was titlebelt and presented it to the crowd.
She had won, this match and the struggle against her opponent.
Humiliating her...hurting her...destroying her...
As a final stab into Chelseas pride, the Hellraiser tried on the top of her opponent and looked down.
It had hugged Chelseas breasts nicely but with Fin it just barely fit, it pressed on her breasts in the form of two blue triangles. A rather sexy look as her breasts squeezed together and the Hellraiser looked at Chelsea.
"A little tight for me...but I like it. Think I keep it, I look better in it anyway!", she grinned; cupped her breasts and show them in Fins direction.
The crowd laughed, booed, cheered and Chelsea could hear some jokes in her direction.
"Too bad Chelsea, that was nothing...better luck next time, you know where to find me...anywhere, anyhow you want!"
Humiliating her...hurting her...destroying her...
Fins theme started to play as Chelsea got dragged out, the Hellraiser gave her a big smile and then turned to the crowd again...
This round went to Finella Edelstein, the Hellraiser, sending another nail in their coffin of a feud...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Blinded by rage and whipped into a furor, Chelsea had little on her mind other than getting back at Finella, and repaying her for all the indignities and humiliations she had dealt her. Overpowering her and stripping her at their Capture the Flag match, making threats against her sister, getting the better of her at their game of billiards, and now singling her out to mock her and taunt her at a match that wasn't even hers...that was too much. All she wanted to do was tear the Hellraiser limb from limb, and it was even more frustrating to her when she had her pinned down under her bare breasts, powerless to fight back!
It wasn't until the two of them where pulled apart that Chelsea at last realized Finella had undone her top in the commotion - and when she looked up to hear the cheers of the fans and saw her own naked breasts hanging free, fifty feet high on the screen, she let out a shriek born from pure, animalistic rage as much as it was from shock and shame. Finella had really crossed the line now, and Chelsea wanted little more than to strangle her.
But what was perhaps even worse for the Englishwoman wasn't just that she'd been humiliated before so many spectators. It was that she couldn't get close to Finella, when she wanted more than ever before to give her a piece of her mind. As she went looking for her missing top, the guards closed in on her, grabbing her by the arms! She twisted and turned, trying to pull herself free from the guards' grip; as her body lurched, her breasts bounced, drawing a few more cheers. But all Chelsea had to say was a low and angry snarl, her eyes narrowed as she fixed them on Finella - Finella, who was now climbing the ring post to pose triumphantly, rubbing in her victory, and stirring Chelsea's scorn further.
It was only then that Chelsea realized where her top had gone - Finella was holding it over her head! She was mocking her now! She gasped, but moments later Chelsea clenched her teeth, her face growing red as her cheeks flushed hot. Her anger was building up in her, and she wanted to lash out - but she froze as the Hellraiser's cold stare met her eyes, taking in a gulp. Finella knew she had won, and next to her, Chelsea felt smaller and more insignificant than she ever wanted to be. Particularly as Finella put her top on - which strained to contain the brunette's rack. It was several sizes too small, just another reminder of how Finella found whatever excuse she could to gloat about her superiority.
Chelsea's eye twitched, and her body quivered, but she couldn't do anything now. No matter how hard she struggled, security was dragging her off. All she knew was that when she and Finella next met, she had a few choice words - and fists - for her.