Stretches (for Ducky)

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Stretches (for Ducky)

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Yuna Matou was a full-time professional wrestler now. Coming from the days of doing odd jobs to support her kids and meeting with a director to film her apartment wrestling matches a few times a month, there was a lot that had changed. Not only was she busier, she was used to only having the camera crew, and sometimes a select few paying guests, to watch her wrestle; it was a quieter and more intimate affair. Now, though, she had been thrust into center stage, with lights, a stereo system, and a whole crowd of eager fans cheering her every move. For many, it would be overwhelming, but for Yuna, it had been the confidence boost she needed. Wrestling already kept her active and made her feel powerful and accomplished, but now she had a bigger audience than ever before, and the cheers she got told her she was still a fan favorite.

But with new fame came new responsibility. Yuna's opponents were high-level athletes, and if she wanted to stand a chance against them, she needed to step up her training. She was already working out when she could to stay healthy, but she couldn't get by on staying healthy any more - she needed to be competitive. Of course, she always got a kick out of visiting the gym to see fit young men and women working out; perhaps more than she should've. But her husband left her a while back; who was going to stop her?

Sure enough, the gym was quite active at this hour, and Yuna strolled by a good few such fellow gym-goers on her way in, dressed in a tight-fitting sports bra and gym shorts that did little to hide her curvaceous frame. She came to a mat where a few others were in the middle of stretching, and she chuckled to herself at the sight. "Looking good," she said to no one in particular, before she took an empty spot on the mat, kneeling down on her hands and knees to put her back through some careful range of motion.
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Re: Stretches (for Ducky)

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When Yuna Matou entered the gym, a bit of self-reflection on her mind, there were already a fair amount of folks in the gym, and it seemed that the busty MILF was perhaps in the mood for a bit of people watching, but at the current moment, there was something else of a people watcher with her in the gym, and neither one had seemed to notice the other yet! El Rey Del Cielo, the somewhat short, but quite stocky and well built luchador that was currently an active and happy participant in LAW's mixed wrestling division also happened to be within the training facility at the time, and in similar fashion to Yuna, was also doing a bit of introspection and people watching!

The male had come far in his own career, he had never imagined that as a youth in Mexico he would end up wrestling on a grand stage in a top tier promotion in Japan, even less likely that it was one being predominantly filled with gorgeous women! He was even in the same league as the woman who had inspired him, the legend... he knew he wanted to catch up to her someday... but for now, who could blame him for taking the time to enjoy himself, the sights around him, and the beautiful women he faced off with, in addition to those in the gym with him now!

Still, he wasn't here just to ogle gorgeous ladies, even if unbeknownst to him, a standout, busty, beautiful heavyweight had entered the room, and instead the male was attempting to focus on his stretches, working on a hard day of keeping his body up to standard! Spreading his legs just slightly apart, El Rey would bend down low and touch his hands to the floor while keeping his lower half straight, leaving his (admittedly quite large) rear in the air, perhaps attracting some attention, unbeknownst to himself!

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Re: Stretches (for Ducky)

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Yuna, caught up in her own thoughts as she was, wasn't paying much heed to the other gym-goers. She found a spot on the mat, and she got down to stretch, working her back up and down - and, in the process, alternating between sticking out her voluptuous behind and her equally impressive chest with each move she made. This was all just routine for her, and she had settled into the rhythm, just as she would any other time she felt herself at the gym. She was used to getting her fair share of interested looks, of course, but by this point she had accepted that as inevitable whenever she was working her body. As far as she was concerned, anyone who wanted to was welcome to watch - it was barely worth a second thought.

Finishing with her back stretches, Yuna went on to roll over, sticking her legs in the air and circling them in a bicycling motion. Each rotation caused her shorts to ride up more and more along her backside, causing a few people on the machines across from her to slow down in order to get a better look. But eventually, Yuna would grow tired of this, and she knew she needed a break. That was when she rolled forward into a seated position, then rose to her feet, wiping sweat off her brow and adjusting her shorts (although they were still straining to cover her glutes). She reached for her water bottle, taking a long swig of it, and as she caught her breath she used this opportunity to take a look at her surroundings.

And there, she realized that in her own thoughts, she hadn't realized who it was she'd been warming up next to! A smile crept across Yuna's face at the sight - the mask on the man's face, though it hid his features, only let her mind wander at the thought of the dashing look that might lie beneath, while at the same time, it gave him an exotic air of adventure and mystery; after all, it wasn't every day one encountered a masked luchador backstage, even when you were working in a wrestling promotion. It was a romantic thought to Yuna that this man could be anyone, and she wouldn't even know!

Well...that was assuming she wouldn't recognize what else about him caught Yuna's attention - because his backside was stuck out in the air, and Yuna couldn't take her eyes away! She chuckled to herself, leaning in with a playful eye. She might have come to wrestling to support her family, and because it helped her take control of her own confidence - but she couldn't deny it had introduced her to plenty of good-looking men and women alike, too!

With a teasing grin, Yuna reached out to smack the luchador across the posterior. "Looking good," she purred. "You come around here often?"
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Re: Stretches (for Ducky)

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The gymnasium offered a place to train oneself and one's body, but something else that it offered, at least within the LAW gym, was the chance to meet other wrestlers of all types, and as El Rey and Yuna Matou both happened to end up in the gym at the same time, it seemed that the two were set on a course to collide with one another! It wasn't El Rey who noticed first, however, as the luchador was still absorbed in his stretching as Yuna eyed him, the masked man unaware that someone very close had set eyes on him, continuing to go through his routine as he bent low, reaching down to the mat, the short but wide luchador having no idea what was coming!

Yuna's eyes floated over him with a look that he might have felt were he not so absorbed, but he was so absorbed as it happened, and so he wasn't aware of her moving even closer for a better look, and to be close enough to touch! Which she would do after a few more seconds, reaching out and giving the luchador's large rear a slap, El Rey's behind making an easy target for her hand, and causing the masked man's eyes to grow a bit wide, before he would shift upright, turning to take a look at who had just spanked him so boldly!

And as soon as he looked over, he'd find a large, busty MILF standing next to him, El Rey looking her over for a moment before he'd straighten up and flash her a smirk, as she greeted him! She was dressed in a small sports bra and perhaps even smaller spandex shorts, which most certainly didn't cover her large rear end, and El Rey would respond to her with a smile and confident demeanor!

"Hmmmmm, I could say the same to you, hermosa. I come around her sometimes, how about yourself? Depending on your answer I might have to work in more visits..." El Rey said with a chuckle and a wink, flirting back with the busty MILF who had spanked him, eager to see what she had in store for him!

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Re: Stretches (for Ducky)

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Yuna could hardly resist. Sure, she was a good deal older than many wrestlers on the LAW roster, but she never failed to turn heads wherever she went, something that tickled her fancy every time. She figured it was only fair she could afford a little fun of her own - and when she caught sight of El Rey right by her side - or, to be more exact, his ass - Yuna could hardly resist getting a closer look.

She giggled to herself like a woman half her age as she saw the luchador's reaction to her slap, holding a hand to her mouth. As El Rey turned back around to face her, she fluttered her eyelashes, coyly folding her arms behind her as she leaned closer, not so subtly leaving her ample cleavage on display. Her smile would only grow wider as she heard his compliments, which, coming from such a husky and alluring voice as his, only seemed that much sweeter.

"Oh, me?" she teased, chuckling to herself. "From time to time, yes...but I'm pretty sure if I knew you were around here, I'd show up more frequently. She winked to El Rey, stepping just a little closer to his side. This, she knew, was going to be fun. "Perhaps the two of us should compare schedules? Maybe even take turns spotting each other?"
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Re: Stretches (for Ducky)

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A slap on the ass coming from seemingly out of nowhere would be enough to surprise most people, and El Rey was no exception, shooting upright after Yuna's hand smacked his rather large behind, the luchador caught by surprise as he turned to see who was the one who had done it! And to his credit, the beefy luchador shook off his surprise very quickly after he turned around to find a large, busty, gorgeous MILF standing behind him, being the one who had been so bold as to approach the luchador and give his butt a slap, with El Rey's eyes running up and down her curvy frame before he quickly responded to her teasing with some flirty talk of his own!

Yuna seemed to be quite receptive to his flirting, letting out a giggle as he spoke to her, the heavyweight fluttering her eyes at him in an alluring display, playing into his flirting and giving much back as she responded to his comments! Yuna's teasing comment about coming here more often for El Rey had the luchador thinking that perhaps he'd need to make trips to the LAW gym more often, but it was her follow-up comment about comparing schedules and spotting one another that would raise his eyebrow!

"Ah, of course! I would love to compare schedules, perhaps you and I can spend a lot more time together here, and perhaps elsewhere." El Rey said with a smile, moving around to stand in front of Yuna, though the two had zero distance between him, with El Rey pressing up into Yuna's curvy body as she stood in front of him, a smile on his face as he lowered his voice just a bit while continuing! "And of course we can spot one another, and anything else you'd like to do. Perhaps some wrestling drills, perhaps a practice match... perhaps I can help you... stretch..." El Rey said, an extra emphasis put on that final word, which was no doubt quite obvious to Yuna!

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Re: Stretches (for Ducky)

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Already, Yuna could tell that she had the luchador wrapped around her finger, and she couldn't have possibly asked for anything less. She was grinning ear to ear with the thought of it, leaning in closer to El Rey while her arms hugged at her bosom from either side to accentuate her already impressive cleavage. The thought that she could captivate others like this even at her age was more than enough to tell her that she still had the touch - and when she could win over a man with a body as enticing as El Rey's, so much more the better!

Nodding her head, Yuna moved closer still, up until the two were face to face. The brunette's chest brushed up against El Rey's own just from how closely they were standing, and Yuna was ever-eager to play it up a little more, running the tips of her fingers along his shoulders as she giggled to herself. With her eyes seductively half-lidded she brought her face up closer against the luchador's, almost as if they were going for a kiss, and in the process causing her breasts to sink into his own rock-hard pectorals.

"Oh ho that the case? Well, then...~" Yuna's own voice grew lower and huskier as she flashed a wink to El Rey, her hands running up along the back of his head. They were in the middle of a gym that was very much in use by many other employees of LAW, and yet, neither of them gave a care about how openly they were willing to flirt. "Allow me to put myself in your capable hands, good sir..."
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Re: Stretches (for Ducky)

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It had caught El Rey off guard when he had been slapped on the ass, but now he had shaken off the initial surprise of the way that Yuna had approached him, left now with the gorgeous heavyweight throwing a few flirty quips his way, El Rey answering quickly back with some of his own, already having shifted from a surprised attitude to a playful one! There was still some lingering surprise as to why the brunette woman had decided to go out of her way to approach El Rey and begin flirting with him, but El Rey could scarcely look too hard at something like this, and it was likely that if he had noticed her first, he would have flirted with her just the same!

But she was certainly quite bold, and it further showed as she turned to face El Rey, leaning forwards with her eyes somewhat closed as if going in for a kiss, her breasts smushing gently against his muscled chest as her fingers danced along his shoulders! If El Rey were a bit less experienced, he might have gone in for a kiss then and there, but the luchador was a bit of a ladies man, and as she teased her hands over his shoulders and across his body, he was reminded that the action of flirting like this was a great deal of the pleasure for women like her!

As her hands slid to the back of his head, El Rey would give a smile, the two barely having any space left between them, and as Yuna let El Rey decide what would come next, the luchador placed his own hands on her shoulders, giving them a gentle rub! And then... he seemed to have an idea!

"Hmm? Ah, my dear... you're tight." Came the statement from the luchador, his tone almost sounding like a surprised whisper, though in truth there was little surprise there! Wrestling could often make one tense, and while Yuna was most certainly not THAT tense, there was still the opportunity for some work to be done soothing her muscles... no doubt with a lot of touching involved!

"Hmmmm... your shoulders, your back..." El Rey continued, his hands trailing down Yuna as his arms wrapped around her body, pulling her in close to make sure he could truly inspect the muscles in her back... and just so happening to push her chest into him even more! And his hands snaked downwards, gently tracing across the muscles in her back before he would feel the waistband of her shorts, the luchador's eyebrows raising as a teasing smile crossed his face! And slowly, he reached even further, his hands collecting some of the fabric of Yuna's shorts in them, before gently pulling upwards, slowly and carefully pulling Yuna's shorts between her thick, round asscheeks, turning them into something far closer resembling a thong! And once Yuna's ass was fully exposed, El Rey's hands would hover for a bit... before clapping against her thick ass, the luchador taking two large handfuls of the MILF's massive, round buttcheeks!

"...And your glutes... Especially your glutes it seems..." El Rey said, his hands groping her thick cheeks, unable to even collect all that ass in his grip, as he gave her a teasing look! "Perhaps a massage would help work some of your... tension out." El Rey suggested, eager to see how Yuna would respond!

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Re: Stretches (for Ducky)

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El Rey might have been taken aback by Yuna's advances at first, but as he warmed up to them it didn't take long for him to get into the mood himself - and Yuna's smile spread wider across her face with the satisfaction. Not only was he (and his ass) a fine specimen, he knew how to treat a lady, too. His fingers worked their way along her shoulders, and she leaned in closer with a soft moan, in the process pressing her chest even closer up against his. Yuna chuckled to herself, knowing the game he was playing. He was trying to seduce her in his own ways, impressing her with his fine touch as well as his concerns for her well-being. Yuna, of course, was happy to play along. She was eager to see what else he had to show her - and she was eating up his attention as much as he was hers.

"Ahh..." she moaned softly. "Yes, by all means...I think the touch of a big, strong man like you would do me wonders~" She could barely resist the urge to giggle like a little girl, grinning at El Rey with a waggle of her eyebrows. Both of them had each other wrapped around their little fingers, and they were loving every second of it!

Yuna felt the luchador's fingers work their way down lower, exploring the muscles of her back and massaging out the kinks and knots in them. They soon came down lower still, cupping at her rear, and she purred softly as she felt his hands clamp around her glutes; her own fingers squeezed tighter at his back in the process as she gave another push closer to squash her bust up against his chest. When El Rey made his next offer, Yuna turned her head up to look at him, where a grin crossed her face.

"Oh, a massage would do me wonders, I'm sure~" she said, her eyes half-lidded and a smile crossing her face. "Why don't we head on over to the tables? I think they're not too far from here..." Yuna's gaze wandered over to a room leading off from where they were, where a few massage tables were set. If El Rey didn't stop her, she would meander over that way, lying down on one of them - and in the process leaving her sizeable rear pointed toward him, her cheeks on full display with the scant fabric of her shorts hugging her hips. She gave it a playful wiggle, inviting him closer.
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Re: Stretches (for Ducky)

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Flirtatious teasing was no doubt nothing new to El Rey, as plenty of his matches had been filled with it, and the luchador had a fondness for women, something that was readily apparent when meeting him, though he was friendly no matter the person he was introduced to! With Yuna, however, it seemed that the two both took an immediate interest in one another, and as such, regular flirting was left completely at the wayside as the two immediately got close and personal with one another, El Rey reaching around and rubbing Yuna's shoulders and back, as she pushed her large breasts into his chest, moving close as she enjoyed his touch!

When his hands eventually slid low enough to touch the fabric of her shorts, a slow and gentle pull would take her very tiny bottoms and slowly pull them upwards, turning them from being generously described as shorts, to something far easier to compare to a thong! With her thick ass now exposed, El Rey's hands came to her cheeks and greedily groped them, taking her large rear end in his hands and massaging it softly, little care of anyone watching the pair as he fondled her behind, all while the two shared some more flirty dialogue!

The mention of a massage seemed to entice Yuna, and with a smile on her face she pointed out that there were massage tables nearby, and as El Rey turned to look, Yuna was already on the way over, eagerly heading towards them! El Rey smirked as she set off towards them, but his gaze drifted downwards to her swaying hips, and as she got to the table and lay down upon it, her massive ass wiggled in the air enticingly, pulling him over as if he were under a spell!

"Ah, how convenient for us! Let's see if I can't... loosen up those kinks that I felt." El Rey said with a smile, approaching the heavyweight as she wiggled her rear at him, El Rey stepping over and moving so that he would stand over her at the table, positioning himself so he was standing just over her thighs, facing her head! With such a vantage point, it was easy for him to quickly reach down and once more take Yuna's massive rear end in his hands, gently jiggling it simply to watch her perfect cheeks wobble and shake, before he would begin to slowly knead and dig his fingers in, working her rear end with a skilled touch as he began his massage!

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