Age - 18
Hair Color - Dark brown with the tips dyed red.
Eye Color - Pink
Height - 4'11" (149.9 cm)
Weight - 94 lbs. (42.63 kg)
Nationality - Japanese
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Alignment - Face
Fighting Style - Still a novice, Himari will attempt to keep on the edge of her opponents range, trying to bounce in and out of position to let her opponent tire themselves out before going in for a take down. Due to her size, she knows once she is in, it is going to be hard for her to get back out. So she will do whatever she can in order to gain an advantage, and keep wailing at her opponent while she is vulnerable.
Normal attire



Wrestling attire


Play time at college

Personality: A quiet girl, Himari has recently developed a sense of adventure, and goes out of her way to try new and interesting things. She struggles to some degree in social situations, but loves exploring.
As a child, Himari's parents were killed in an air plane crash, leaving the only child to be taken care of by a nearby orphanage. Having come in at later part of her life compared to many of the other children, she found her self the target of many bullies in her center. This forced the young girl to isolate from the other children. Due to a lack of resources, Himari found herself growing attached to drawing, and started to learn how paint. At the age of 16, the girl was scouted out by a university of art, and was offered a scholarship when she completed highschool. Off on her own for the first time, a few of the other students approached Akari in the guise of being friends. The young girl was weary of this at first, but eventually started to use and toy with her, having her do homework assignments for them, helping them purchase drugs, being used as a reference for NSFW material, and even helped her into their beds. After a semester of this, Akari slowly stopped coming to class and grades started to drop until after he end of her first semester, Himari found herself being let go from the school.
Stressing her new life without a direction, Himari didn't know who to turn to or where to go. As she was at her wits end, the young girl received an offer from The Young Lioness Training Program, offering the girl the chance to become a wrestler for LAW. The teen didn't know alot about the company, only hearing the name in passing a few times, but the offer of free room and board enticed her. She knew that over the previous 4 months that she had done alot worst than whatever this training would involve, so she joined thinking if nothing else, it would give the teen time to figure out something more for her life.