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Match type: street fight
Victory conditions: pinfall, submission, knockout
Special conditions: place - back alley; attire - street style; anything goes

"This is something new," said Victoria, looking out the window, "was it really necessary? A street fight... it's somehow... I don't know, it's somehow unaesthetic."
Imagine for a second that you had the opportunity to see all your ancestors,” Astrid replied, looking out the opposite window, “when they ask what you have achieved in life, what will you answer them? I don’t know what your answer will be. But when I will meet with my great ancestors, I will tell them about my fights, about my victories and how I did not lose confidence after defeat in order to get back on my feet and continue to go forward, to new victories. And I want them took pride in every tough fight I went through."

Victoria adjusted her glasses. The girls and women who formed her team were truly unique. Each of them had their own dreams and aspirations. None of them were like the other. Each of them had a purpose in life. But perhaps it was Astrid who, according to the manager, had the most unusual point of view. It was really important for this Norwegian woman to leave a legacy. And the Englishwoman saw that the blonde spoke absolutely seriously and believed with all her heart in her destiny. The car stopped. The Norwegian woman opened the door and was about to get out of the car.

"Astrid," Victoria said without turning to the blonde, "if I meet my ancestors, I want to tell them about how I helped amazing girls and women become great and that I was there when they got to the top."
"Oh?.." Astrid turned around and her eyebrows were raised high, she did not expect such words, a sincere smile appeared on her face, "this is a worthy goal, Victoria."


The Englishwoman nodded and Astrid left the car. There was a long back alley in front of the blonde. It was a sleeping area of Tokyo. Late night created a very ordinary atmosphere, there were practically no people here. There was almost perfect silence all around. The Golden Dragon headed deeper into the alley. Victoria's words were inspiring. Perhaps every manager wanted success for their charges. But this Englishwoman was clearly different from all the others. For reasons unknown to Astrid, Victoria really did care for her, Charlotte, and everyone else on their team. And that was reason enough for the Norwegian woman to do whatever was necessary today and every day after.

Astrid stopped in the center of the alley. The referee girl was already there. The blonde greeted the striped shirt and then looked around. This place was definitely not spectacular. There was dirt everywhere. Here and there rubbish like boards, sticks, bottles was scattered. Several metal bins with lids, one huge trash can. However, there was enough free space here, this was a clear plus, because fighting without being able to move freely would be very problematic.

Back alley

Besides, there was plenty of light here. Perhaps this might seem strange, since usually such places were dark as night. But the explanation for this was more than simple. The blonde looked up and saw many cameras on the walls of buildings. The light was necessary so that the federation could broadcast this match to the audience. Astrid grinned, staring directly into one of the cameras. She pointed her thumb at herself.

Moving a little to the side, she leaned back on a large trash can. She could not say that she often had to fight in the street. She usually spent time in bars and this is where she got into most of the fights. Although now she was in anticipation. Her rival agreed to take such a match, which means that this night will definitely be interesting. The Golden Dragon had already gotten used to her wrestling outfit, but today she had to dress in her regular clothes in order to fit the type of match. The blonde chuckled softly, momentarily imagining what her father would say if he heard that she would fight in the street like a wild dog. Well, the Spartans didn't need comfort. And she didn't care where she'd have to enter a new match. Now all that remains is to wait for her rival.
Last edited by skip-stop on Tue Mar 22, 2022 7:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Street Fight Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Eve Rios - The fighters don't sleep tonight

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I’ve gotten into my fair share of fights, but this is something… new.Mirko said as she walked with Eve to their destination. Not sure what the draw is here
Really? I guess its where it takes place that adds to it, and I guess the no rules. Besides in some messed up way, it kinda reminds me of back home. I got into my fair share of scraps in the worst places. Eve replied taking a look at Mirko. Fighting like this, with no fancy arena or ring. It really puts you at the roots of it all don’t you think? Not like a ring is going to be there every time a fight happens.
You’re right, that is a messed-up way to look at it. You made it out, unlike so many other people. At least I wouldn’t be looking for a reason to look backwards.

Chuckling a bit after Mirko’s response. Mirko was right though; Eve still had some sense of attachment to her life before organized fighting. Despite most people going through what Eve did would rather not want to look back. Mirko had aspirations big enough to engulf the entire world. Eve was the polar opposite, where she was going with the wind. Not quite sure what tomorrow brings, but she would try to make the most of it. Both of them stopping as the reached their destination.

Eve, are you sure about this? We are close to the point of no regrets Mirko asked Eve turning to look back at her. This is a match that can easily go sideways. No need for something so dangerous.
Haha, That’s rich coming from you Ms.Daredevil. Tell you what if I lose, then I might regret this. I win then no regret on me whatsoever. Eve said joking back at Mirko for her more dangerous habits and fights
That’s because being scared doesn’t come to me. I mean look at me I’m a badass, but I am worried about what you are getting yourself into. Mirko said for the first time being serious with Eve.
Worried about me? Hell really must’ve frozen if you are saying that. Just before Mirko could say anything in response Eve put her hands up. I’m not going to back off from things just because they seem dangerous. Half the things worth doing are the scariest things after all.
That is some bullshit you just made up right now Mirko said as she deadpanned to Eve.
I won’t tell Eve being sly as ever wouldn't give Mirko the response she wanted. Which she figured would get a certain reaction out of her.
You pain in the ass, *sigh* regret or not I’ll be here Mirko said as she turned her back to Eve and started to walk away. Leaving Eve to the hell she was going to get into.
Wish me luck? Eve said with a coy smile on her face
Not a chance Mirko said plainly as she walked away. Now at a distance where Eve was by herself.
And hell is on fire again Eve sighed from the response. But still smiled as it was true to Mirko.

Eve turned the corner and looked into the alley. It was a nice, small and quiet part of Tokyo. Something Eve still had to get used to, compared to when she’s from. It was going to get lively quick though with this match. Eve wouldn’t say it but she was glad that Mirko showed some worry. After All most people see the badass, so it was nice to get that glimpse into her.

Moving close to the center of the alley, Eve paid her opponent no mind. Wanting to greet the referee first and take in her surroundings. Hey there ref, I’m sorry you had to get this match. Probably wished for something more “normal" Eve joked moving on to getting used to her “ring” Nothing about this alley was special. If anything it was like any other alley, dirt everywhere, boards, sticks, bottles, metal bins and one huge trash can. All that was only the stuff she could see. Who know what other stuff the L.A.W execs put in this alley. The light was just fine, she didn’t need to squint to see better. Wouldn’t be long till Eve noticed the cameras recording the whole thing. Letting out a small chuckle knowing they couldn’t miss this ultra violent match, no way. Eve chose one of the cameras to look at and brushed off her shoulders. Already showing off some confidence as everyone knew what that meant.

Now the Torrente would turn around and finally face her opponent. Today Eve had to dress in something more fitting the match. Despite what she wore already works for both. At first glance Eve noticed that Astrid was built tough. If that was anything to go by, it would mean that this match is going to be hell for both. Opening up her jacket, Eve at least needed to show off her own abs if her opponent was going to do the same. Craning her head down a bit to make eye contact. Hey there, the names Eve. Can’t say I did much reading on you. But you must be the right type of insane if we are meeting like this right? Dragging this poor referee to this brawl. What the hell did we get ourselves into Hahaha Eve said joking along. Trying to gauge what her opponent was like.
Last edited by Aqua on Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Street Fight Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Eve Rios - The fighters don't sleep tonight

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Hearing footsteps, Astrid turned her head to the side. However, she had no doubts about who exactly was heading here. And she was right, because after a few moments her rival came out of the shadows. The long-haired blonde slightly raised her left eyebrow when the purple-haired woman walked past without paying any attention to her. Astrid has never had any prejudices and she preferred not to judge her rivals in advance, but such a demonstrative gesture already said something.

Her opponent greeted the referee first, and then spent some time showing off to the camera. Astrid was very patient and therefore had nothing against it, especially considering that in this way she got some time to look at this purple-haired woman. Well, it was worth admitting that there was something to look here. For the first time in a very long time, Astrid met someone who was taller than her. In addition, this woman was somewhat heavier, the experience of the Norwegian woman allowed her to notice this.

Besides, in addition to physical data, it was very difficult not to notice something else. This woman had a very unusual and attractive appearance. Perhaps it would be fair to say that at the moment she stood out from everyone Astrid managed to meet here, in LAW. However, given the circumstances, the Norwegian woman should not have thought about it. The Golden Dragon pushed off from the trash can and took a few steps forward.

It was then that the purple-haired woman first paid attention to her. And, to Astrid's slight surprise, it wasn't bad. For the most part, before the match, she heard banal shitty things at the level of "who are you", "I'll kick your ass" and so on. But this woman, not forgetting to demonstrate her hard abs muscles, greeted the blonde and even made a joke about the fact that they met under such circumstances. Astrid grinned good-naturedly.

"Astrid Advisson, the Golden Dragon," she introduced herself, "I guess we'll find out soon, won't we?”

With these words, she was going to put her right fist forward, offering her opponent to bump with her fists before the start of the match. The descendant of the great Vikings was a real warrior. And she was here for only one purpose. But, nevertheless, she believed that any opponent can and should be respected. And this simple but belligerent gesture reflected that there is nothing personal here.

And if her opponent had enough honor to accept Astrid's gesture without any problems, then in that case the long-haired blonde would have taken a few steps back in order to take a fighting stance. Fists at chin level, left fist slightly in front. The right leg was set back a step. The torso is slightly turned to her opponent with the left side. There was excitement in Astrid's eyes, she was in anticipation. She was going to nod to the referee to make it clear that she was ready to start the match. And then it only remained to get the same confirmation from Eve before they could get down to business.

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Re: [Street Fight Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Eve Rios - The fighters don't sleep tonight

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While kinda unsure about the whole fight beforehand. Now under the dim lights and facing her opponent Eve felt comfortable. So much to to even make joking gesture about Astrid and have some jokes to say. She needed to make an impression, not that she needed to force one. With a personality like hers it was natural to say the least.

Surprisingly enough Eve's opponent was patient enough to let Eve do what she wanted. Chalk that up to either her opponent being a good sport or trying to come up with a plan, right before they start swinging. After for the first time giving her attention to her opponent. Eve said her piece to the referee and her opponent. Striking a good button, since she would respond with a name and smile.

Astrid Advisson huh? Short and sweet, can't say I hate it. Ah who am I kidding, looking at you and knowing me. This is sure to get lively! Eve said somewhat loudly, hotly anticipating the start of the match.

Astrid put out her right fits looking for a fist bump before the fist starts flying. Some honor piece here? While I ain't no bad sport,should probably save this for somewhere more... ring like? Eve said leaning more into a question at the end. Regardless, Eve extended her fist and bumped it with Astrid. Here's to both of us beating the shit out of each other

Watching Astrid take a few steps back, Eve stood her ground watching Astrid get into her stance. (Ah so this woman is a boxer type Eve thought to herself. Taking a simple guess, she was confident that Astrid was looking to close the distance and brawl it out. While not opposed to that Eve would start things out her own way. First she would take off her jacket, not wanting that to be the reason Astrid grabbed a hold of her. Tossing it near the referee so they figured out what to do with it.

Now Eve would get into her stance spreading her legs out, putting her left leg in front. With her left hand extending slightly forward opened palmed. Her right arm much closer but lower around her abs. Despite her jokes before Eve showed a stance with great discipline and foundation. The referee waited with baited breath to see how this match would start. Even with their stances they wonder how the hell they got here. One thing they wished was that they wouldn't be involved against these two.

The only thing left now was to get this show started.

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Re: [Street Fight Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Eve Rios - The fighters don't sleep tonight

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At a certain point, Astrid began to doubt that her rival would accept her welcoming gesture. However, these doubts turned out to be unjustified. Eve, after making a few comments, still took a step forward and their fists bumped. The long-haired blonde nodded to her rival as a sign of gratitude and respect. There really was a lot of truth in Eve's words. They were going to beat the shit out of each other right in the middle of a dirty alley. But who said that even under such circumstances there is no place for mutual respect?

"In my homeland, they believe that enemies should be dealt with without any mercy, huh," said the Norwegian woman, "but for a real warrior, meeting another warrior is always an honor."

When the purple-haired woman took her own fighting stance, Astrid noticed that her opponent was watching her closely. Despite the fact that this woman seemed very light and even to some extent frivolous, the Golden Dragon accepted that this had nothing to do with her fighting skills. Even from Eve's physique, it was easy to tell that she would fight to the last. And because of this thought, pleasant goosebumps ran down Astrid's back. She was sure that her opponent would give her a hard fight. And that was all the descendant of the great Vikings needed.

Eve threw her jacket towards the referee, and then made it clear that she was ready for the start of the match. The striped shirt, took another look at the fighters, and then raised her right hand. It was obvious that the referee girl was nervous, it was clear that she did not often have to participate in something like this. But this is pro-wrestling and the fighters here are ready to find themselves in the craziest environment in order to test their own strength. The striped shirt abruptly lowered her hand down, signaling the start of the match.

And at the same moment, the Golden Dragon rushed forward. This usually happened to loud shouts and applause from the audience. But this time they were surrounded only by night and silence. The blonde shifted left and right at each step in order to slightly disorient her opponent. From the outside, it might seem that it was too easy, but Astrid knew that even this was enough to disperse the opponent's attention during the fight.

It was a very simple but effective boxing technique that allowed relatively safe to reduce the distance, enter the opponent's space and launch an attack. And perhaps this was exactly what was to be expected from the Norwegian woman, especially considering that boxing was the first martial art she mastered. She needed to take another step and shift to the side in order to try to send the first punch to her opponent's head.

But instead of shifting to the side, Astrid accelerated sharply, continuing to move in a straight line. And then she pushed off from the asphalt. Instead of trying to send a punch to Eve's head, she intended to lift her left leg and put her left knee forward. At this speed, considering Astrid's weight, she was more like a train. And now she was going to try to hit her opponent in the solar plexus area with a jumping knee strike, hoping to catch Eve off guard!

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Re: [Street Fight Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Eve Rios - The fighters don't sleep tonight

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Eve wasn’t quite sure what to make of Astrid. All she could get was that Astrid was built tough and probably hits harder. Even despite their setting Astrid had this noble air around her. Like she was destined for this. This being a fight in a dirty alley. Still she acted and treated like this was a fight for her honor or something. Very old fashioned.

And in my homeland, you’d be lucky to sleep in an alley like this. It was never sweet, but we all have to make due don’t we? Also I gotta say you were definitely born in the wrong era talking like that Eve said seriously before joking again.

Astrid looked like a pro boxer from the way she stood. Eve taking a deep breath since she already knew Astrid was going to be landing some heavy fists on her. It was unlikely to walk away from a fight like this with no damage. So the first step of mentally preparing for that was done.

The ref starting the match although hesitantly since she was just a formality. Really the referee was someone that got front row seats to this brawl in an alley. Anyone could say who wins and who losses. For her sake stays clear of whatever Eve and Astrid have planned for each other.

Astrid started off shifting her body left and right. Eve thought it would be a way to make her a moving target and harder to hit. Still Eve held her grown, considering from everything she picked up on Astrid. Astrid would be the one to start things off here. Eve was right thinking that as Astrid launched herself forward to Eve.

It was like a rampaging bull coming at Eve, but still she held firm and calm. Despite everything about Astrid screaming boxing. Her arm muscles never tensed up like they would for a punch. Instead Eve noticed Astrid lifting her knee up. Not wanting to take that move at all, Eve would sidestep the knee attack. Wanting to strike while the iron is hot, Eve would try to get to Astrid before she landed and got her bearings again.

Eve grabbed onto Astrid’s arm. Pivoting on her front foot, it made things easier and faster being on Astrid’s side. Now getting her off balance on one foot was easy enough considering that rising knee attack. Eve would get behind Astrid while she was facing the other way, bending forward, and using her own leverage to throw Astrid over her hips. Slamming her onto the ground hard.

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Re: [Street Fight Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Eve Rios - The fighters don't sleep tonight

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Perhaps in another situation Astrid would have asked a few additional questions after her rival's words. But now was neither the time nor the place for too long conversations. The phrase that in Eve's homeland she would be lucky to sleep in such an alley sounded like a kind of reproach towards Astrid. And the blonde did not quite understand why her rival said this at all and what did she, Astrid, have to do with it at all.

However, there was more truth in another part of the purple-haired woman's words. It's not the first time Astrid has heard the opinion that she is a follower of too old traditions. But this is a personal matter for everyone. The Norwegian woman was proud of her origin and her great ancestors. She was convinced that traditions were important. Without traditions, man would have turned into an animal long ago. But the philosophical conversation about this should also be postponed for another time.

The only thing that mattered now was that the match had already started. Astrid's plan was relatively simple, but reliable. At least from her point of view. The long-haired blonde was well aware that even a powerful knee strike would not be enough to knock down such a strong woman as Eve. However, this would surely be the first chord in this match. Moving from side to side, the Golden Dragon pushed off from the asphalt, intending to ram her opponent with an unexpected knee.

But, apparently, the Brazilian woman knew something that Astrid did not know. Despite the movements of the Golden Dragon, Eve reacted to the blonde's attack so quickly, as if she knew even before the start of the match that it would be a knee strike. Astrid didn't even have time to be surprised. Her opponent took a step to the side and the knee of the descendant of the great Vikings headed into empty space. Realizing that because of this situation she found herself opened, Astrid was determined to change her position. But it was too late.

Almost immediately, the purple-haired woman grabbed the Golden Dragon's arm, and then took advantage of the fact that Astrid was very unstable due to an unsuccessful knee strike. This greatly facilitated the task for Eve, who turned to the side. Astrid guessed exactly what her rival was up to, but she didn't have the opportunity to do anything about it. A moment later, Eve threw then blonde over her hip, forcing the Golden Dragon to land on the hard asphalt. It wasn't a powerful throw, but considering Astrid landed not on the mat, even that was enough to feel the pain.

"Ghh..." Astrid breathed out painfully through clenched jaws, trying to orient herself and understand exactly how her opponent predicted her attack, which should have been at least a little less obvious than it was for Eve.

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Re: [Street Fight Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Eve Rios - The fighters don't sleep tonight

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Astrid was coming in fast and hard. If anything, Astrid was true to herself, everything about the woman said she was upfront. That at least made things fun because Eve wouldn’t have to worry about some weird level of deception. Warriors couldn’t be deceitful right? Well that the guess Eve was going with.

Eve wasn’t going to question how many fights Astrid was in. The woman looked like she was in her fair share of fights. But Eve knew for a fact she had been in more street fights. Even with this being a sanctioned street fight, all this meant was that what came from this match was legal. Eve had seen every trick in the book, people swearing they have the best fake out. Fights like these don’t last long because most times people go for big and dumb moves. Not to call Astrid dumb at all, but she was swinging big with that knee of hers.

Using all the leverage she had from the moment. Eve was able to latch onto to Astrid and throw the huge woman onto the concrete floor. The throw itself wasn’t Eve’s strongest. It was just showing the foundation of her fighting style. Many people look at Eve and don’t expect her to be well practiced. But that reality could not be further from the truth. Even if thousands of people couldn’t see that in this alley. Astrid would definitely feel that.

In a fight like this, most people would probably latch onto Astrid and try to pummel her. Eve though was not most people, still looking down at Astrid You alright from that throw? It looked like it hurt there was enough concern behind it that made it genuine. But Eve wasn’t going to take a break here for Astrid’s sake. Despite this match possibly being one of the most dangerous Eve has fought in a long time. Eve for some reason treated that throw just now like it was a spar. How Astrid took that was up to herself.

Whether or not Astrid answered Eve. Eve would grab onto the closest thing to her. Being Astrid’s arm, Eve would do her best to first come down and jab Astrid’s face. Afterall it wouldn’t make sense for a throw like that to keep Astrid down. The woman was built like a tank. If that worked, Eve worked to wrap her legs around Astrid’s arm and body to secure an dangerous armbar on the concrete!

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Re: [Street Fight Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Eve Rios - The fighters don't sleep tonight

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Trying not to think about the reasons that led her to failure, Astrid was determined to concentrate on avoiding the deterioration of the situation. Although, of course, it was not so easy. Even considering that her opponent's throw was not too serious attack, the Norwegian woman lost her pace. And she knew that this could lead to sad consequences. Considering that she was now lying on the concrete, she was open and she had to do something about it.

But before anything happened, she heard the purple-haired woman's phrase. This almost instantly made Astrid think that she was in a hurry at the moment when she formed a positive impression about Eve. The descendant of the great Vikings literally hated trash talks. And part of that, from her point of view, are such phrases after each successful attack.

She has already come to terms with the fact that many fighters here somehow inexplicably find time for long phrases during the match. But she was not going to come to terms with the fact that someone was trying to throw a sharp phrase at her after a successful attack. It was annoying. Very annoying. Astrid hated those who did this at every opportunity during the match.

And, as strange as it may sound, the blonde was glad that instead of continuing to talk, her rival decided to do more useful things. When Eve grabbed her arm, Astrid made the assumption that now the Brazilian woman would try to sit on her and then start throwing punches. This assumption was based on the fact that Astrid herself would have done so.

And she was right. At least partially. Eve sent a simple but quick jab into the Norwegian woman's face. Using her experience in MMA, Astrid almost instinctively strained her free hand and covered her face. Her opponent's fist smashed into her forearm. And it was painful, considering the musculature of the Brazilian woman, but it was definitely better than getting the same punch right in the face. The Golden Dragon prepared to meet more punches.

But, to her surprise, this did not happen. Instead of hitting Astrid, Eve decided to do something else. Using the blonde's captured arm, she put her legs on Astrid's neck and chest. A moment later, a pulse of pain passed through the Golden Dragon's arm due to the hard armbar.

"Phhh..." it came out through clenched teeth.

The descendant of the great Vikings strained her arm, using almost all her steel muscles in order to resist the strong pressure that Eve was now exerting. The situation was aggravated by the fact that now there was not a mat under the Norwegian woman, but hard asphalt. The veins on her arm bulged due to the strain. Every second in that hold felt like an eternity.

"Shit..." she thought.

Rationally assessing the situation, the Golden Dragon understood that it would take her too much time if she tried to start twitching from side to side in order to free herself. Given the strength of the Brazilian woman, she would hardly have let Astrid go so easily. Therefore, she was determined to go on a more painful, but less long way. The Golden Dragon took a deep breath in order to fill the blood with oxygen and slightly numb the pain.

The long-haired blonde began to turn towards her rival. The pulses of pain in her arm tried to stop her, but Astrid kept moving. Strangled groans kept coming from the Norwegian woman's lips. However, she was determined to bend her knees and face Eve. Using her free hand, she was going to grab one of her rival's hips, she didn't want Eve to run away from what she was planning.

"Raaahhh!" Astrid would have let out a battle roar.

The Golden Dragon was about to get to her feet, at the same time lifting Eve off the asphalt like a dead weight. Considering the weight of this purple-haired woman, even Astrid wouldn't be able to hold her with just one arm for long. But she didn't have to cover too much distance. It was enough for her to take just one step forward. And after that step, she was going to abruptly send her captured arm down. Yes. Right now, she was about to send her opponent straight to the edge of the large metal trash can with a one arm powerbomb!

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