LWS2021 Round 1: Courage vs Ashley

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LWS2021 Round 1: Courage vs Ashley

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LWS2021 Round 1
Victory by knockout only

Courage Takemi vs. Ashley Lucas
Courage Takemi
Ashley Lucas

Ashley took a deep breath in and out as she stood backstage, preparing for her first round match of the Last Woman Standing 2021 tournament. This was the first time in her LAW career that she was participating in an event like this, and she was understandably nervous, but apparently her fans were quite excited to see her competing so she would do her best.

She'd heard little about her opponent for the first round, all she knew about this Courage Takemi was that she was the daughter of Mina Takemi and that she was also an idol. While Ashley was not one to judge her opponents without seeing them in action she didn't feel all that intimidated by Courage, this shouldn't be too hard of a match.

Once her theme started to play Ashley would walk out from the gorilla position, pumping a fist into the air as her fans cheered at the sight of her. With a grin on her face she'd make her way down to the ring, climbing in and parading the ring while playing to the crowd before settling in one of the corners. She'd await the arrival of Courage in her corner, eager to see this idol wrestler for herself.


The Last Woman Standing Tournament would be another attempt at clinging to her beloved place among her sisters in Courage Generation. Yumi had matured too quickly for the likes of her producers. Her hips too wide, her breasts too full, and her stature too tall. She stood out against her peers who were lithe ideals of Japanese beauty... And if she didn't find a way to stand out in a more positive way... Then it meant the end of her career as an Idol! Something she had fought for and cherished ever since she was 14!

"Now introducing! Representing COURAGE GENERATION!" The announcer roared as the stage was bathed in ocean blue hues. "COURAGE! Ta-Ke-Miiii!"

She emerged onto the stage mic in hand! Her angelic voice rang out against the instrumental of Courage Generation's hit single "One of My Petals"! The crowd went wild and began to sing along with the Megane Idol's upbeat and energetic performance! All smiles and grace, Courage Takemi twirled and danced her way down the ramp, waving, pointing, and appealing to her fans!

Her attire was a tribute to the music video that had Courage Generation performing upon a naval ship. A bikini themed after a sailor's uniform! The bottoms clung tightly to her hips and left her long, voluptuous legs exposed. She was and had been a dancer her whole life and the thiccness of her thighs and backside had benefited from that. Above her waistline her soft waistline and delicate tummy was exposed. A cute blue tie fell between her heavy breasts which stretched the top to its' limits.

Courage climbed into the ring as she belted out the final lyrics of her song! She gave one final twirl as she cast her sailor hat into the audience to be received by a lucky fan!

"Thanks for supporting me!"


Ashley watched closely as Courage made her entrance, marching down the ring while singing what Ashley assumed was one of her songs. The blonde has a pretty one-track mind when it comes to her hobbies and interests, and since idol music has nothing to do with wrestling she had no interest in it or knowledge of it. That being said she would still keep a watchful eye on Courage as she approached, giving some light polite applause when her performance ended.

After both women's entrances were finished there was some time before the actual start of the match. Ashley decided to empty the silence with some small talk "You know when I heard that I was facing an idol I was expecting a lightweight, since from what I've seen they tend to be smaller, but this is a pleasant surprise. Let's have a good match, alright?" she said, unknowingly commenting on a sore point for the idol.


Courage couldn't help but purse her lips in dismay at Ashley's words. Her fists balled tightly and she brought one up as she took a step towards Ashley.

"How dare you say my hips are too wide for an idol!! And my breasts are too heavy to be cute!!" She forced out through gritted teeth. A vein in her forehead throbbed rather uncutely as she was overtaken by frustration.

"I'll show you!" She narrowed her eyes and stomped her foot. Ashley of course hadn't said any of those things. But that didn't matter to the incensed idol!

*Ding Ding Ding*

The bell rang and Courage immediately surged towards her opponent!

"SORYA!" She cried out, not unlike her mother, as her right arm swept in a deadly arc right towards Ashley's sternum! A lariat was the opening shot fired directly across Ashley's bow!


In spite of what Ashley thought was a friendly greeting towards her soon-to-be opponent Courage would get angry at the blonde for some reason and yell at her about her breasts and her hips "H-huh!?! What are you talking about!?!" The idol clearly wasn't just mildly irritated either, if her grit teeth and the vein popping in her head was anything to go by Ashley's words had infuriated her somehow. Ashley had no idea what was going on as Courage's actions completely baffled her, and as the bell rang her confusion would leave her slow to react to Courage's opening attack "Ooough!!!" Ashley screamed out breathlessly as Courage smashed her forearm right into the blonde's chest, gasping in pain as she was knocked down to the mat from Courage's devastating opening strike "Ugh... what did I do?"


Her clothesline connected! The dull pain caused by smashing against Ashley's chest radiated up her arm pleasantly. She grasped her shoulder and rotated said arm once, allowing some of the ache to fade as she looked down at the floor girl.

"You got a problem with an idol having a realistic body?" She protested as she placed her feet on either side of Ashley's head and sneered.

"My butt is too big to be cute huh? I'll show you!" And she intended to do so with a close-up!

Courage kicked her feet out and dropped all of her weight downwards! If Ashley didn't move then she would be on the receiving end of a sudden hip drop! Courage's cushy plump butt would engulf her face, while her weight would bounce the back of her head off the canvas with concussive force!


After Courage's confusing tirade dropped Ashley's guard and left her open for the idol's clothesline Ashley would be left sprawled out on the mat, in both physical pain from the blow to her chest on top of mental pain from trying to figure out how exactly she had set the brunette off. Though as Ashley was busy writhing in pain on the mat Courage would stand above her head and demand the blonde tell her what was wrong with her body "N-nothing! I was complimenting you!!" she protested, though it would likely fall on deaf ears.

Courage would then jump up and extend her legs in the air so that her butt would fall down onto Ashley's face and trap her underneath it. Sensing the impending danger Ashley would roll out of the way at the last second, leaving Courage to land ass first where Ashley's face was just a second ago. With widened eyes at the unexpected ferocity of her opponent Ashley would push her way up to her hands and feet "Jesus, she's crazy!"


Courage kicked up her legs with confidence that didn't especially fit her skill level! Her eyebrows knit with determination as she descended! But then widened in shock as her backside found nothing but canvas! "Ah!"

She couldn't help but let out a little squeak as she had done little more than throw herself down upon her soft, round posterior! She felt the impact travel up her spine and couldn't help but roll over onto her knees! Her hands pawed at her butt as she prayed she didn't bruise it.

"Why you!!" She whimpered with frustration as she began to gather her senses about her! Her haste had given Ashley back the initiative!


After avoiding a potential cat-ass-trophe from her idol opponents Ashley would get up onto her hands and knees, but upon seeing that her last minute dodge had given her an opening to attack Ashley would quickly clamber up to her feet. She would then charge at Courage and lash out with a kick, hoping to strike the Megane in the chest and knock her down onto the mat! Ashley was still confused as to what exactly Courage's problem with her was, but at the end of the day the girl was still her opponent in the tournament and it didn't matter what she thought of Ashley so long as she stood in the way of her and victory.

If Ashley was able to knock Courage onto her back she would immediately follow up by running to the ropes, bouncing off of them, then running back a the idol before jumping into the air and flipping so that she could attempt to crush Courage's body underneath her own for a Moonsault!


Ashley was fast to follow up on Courage's mistake. If anything was obvious about this match, it was the gap in their experience. Courage was green and motivated by her frustration. But Ashley displayed a calm demeanor and surgical application of her attacks.

Ashley's running kick buried itself in her right breast! Her body offered a moment of resistance as it absorbed the force of the blow. Her face became a mask of pain, her eyes going wide beneath her glasses. And then she was blown off of her feet and onto her back! "AGH!"

Both of Courage's hands shot to her battered breast as she winced and rolled back and forth on the canvas. She was hurt, but not disabled. A veteran would have already been trying to find her opponent through the pain. But Courage was overwhelmed by the throbbing in her sensitive chest.

This gave Ashley free reign to execute her moonsault! A beautiful cocktail of grace and aggression! She arched through the air before coming crashing down upon Courage's vulnerable and undefended mid-section!

"OOF!" She barked out as all of the air in her lungs vacated her body along with a spray of spit from the force of the flying attack! Her bare belly caved in beneath the splash and she was left kicking her feet and coughing as Ashley continued to exhibit her excellence in the ring!

After successfully knocking her younger foe down with a kick to the chest Ashley would shoot up to her feet to dash at the ropes and leap off of them to crush Courage underneath her with a Moonsault! From this position Ashley could easily hook the idol's leg for a pin, but in the Last Woman Standing tournament there were no pinfalls, making the idea pointless. Instead Ashley intended to keep hammering away at the girl with slams until she couldn't get up.

With that goal in mind Ashley would grab Courage up by the straps of her attire and attempt to yank her up to her feet while Ashley stood up. Ashley would then manoeuvre behind Courage and attempt to grab her from behind, inadvertently pressing her bust against the idol's back, before attempting to haul her up and over to slam her with a German Suplex!


The moonsault bodysplash had left Courage grasping her belly on the canvas. While it was true that the match had only just started, Ashley had come out of the gates like a bullet train! She had quickly cut the angry idols feet out from under her and the repeated attacks to her soft body had left her winded.

"Mmmn~ no!" She gasped out as Ashley sought to pull her to her feet by her attire. She felt her tight-fitting top pull against her heavy breasts and compress them. It offered the audience a view of her cozy looking cleavage as it was enhanced by the strain on her heavy tits.

She wobbled slightly on her feet before planting them. She was stable. But her opponent had gotten behind her by the time that had occurred. She felt the other woman's body press tightly against her back as her arms wrapped around her still aching tummy. She'd only had a few matches in the past... But she knew this was bad.

"L-let go!" She lashed out, throwing an elbow backwards, intent to bounce it off the side of Ashley's skull! If it was enough to break the body-lock then she'd turn around and face her foe. But if it wasn't, she was about to go for a ride!
Last edited by Noob on Mon Jan 03, 2022 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LWS2021 Round 1: Courage vs Ashley

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In spite of Courage's overly aggressive behavior towards her Ashley held no real disdain or hard feelings for the former idol, but this was a tournament so Ashley intended to beat her down to move on, ideally while taking as little damage as possible in the mean time. That was why the blonde was hammering her with offence, kicking her to the mat and nailing her with a Moonsault before finally dragging her up and preparing her for a German Suplex. Her intention was to chain this into further throws and build up to her finisher, after which she would hopefully manage to steal an early win from her more inexperienced opponent.

Unfortunately Courage wasn't so inexperienced as to just stand there and let herself get squashed, and instead she would bash her elbow into the side of Ashley's head to force her to release the hold "Guh!" Ashley grunted as she stumbled back a few steps, clutching the side of her head as an ache pounded her skull. As Courage turned to face her Ashley would raise her arms defensively, recognizing that she didn't have time to throw any attacks of her own before Courage could, all she could do was try to prepare for Courage's assault.


Courage's elbow struck true. She felt a dull ache throb just above the joint. And she was free a moment later!

She staggered forward, turning mid-stride to face Ashley. She brought the back of her right hand to tbe corner of her mouth, wiping at the drool that had gathered there from the belly-busting moonsault.

"Grr. I'll show you!" Something about this bout had out Courage on edge. The typically a timid and sweet girl had developed a chip on her shoulder!

She took a step towards Ashley and whipper her other leg out, scythe-like, at her calves. A leg kick. Courage was inexperienced as a grappler! But her time as a dancer had honed her legs! Precision and grace became a violent, chopping leg kick!


Ashley had underestimated the resilience of her fresh faced opponent and was now paying the price for it as Courage broke her grip with a harsh elbow and forced her to allow the idol to escape. Sensing that an attack was imminent Ashley would raise her hands up to defend herself, but evidently defending her torso or her head was the wrong move as Courage attacked her leg with a sharp kick that held much more power than Ashley was expecting from an idol! "Ungh!" While the attack was not quite enough to topple Ashley and send her down to the mat it did compromise her balance, putting her on the backfoot and leaving her open to further punishment from Courage!


Ashley's guard had gone high, and as such Courage's leg kick landed effectively! It pulled her foot off the canvas and destabilized her! Perfect! Just like her coaches taught her. Low, then high!

Courage replanted her foot, braced her hips, and then turned into another kick with her right leg! This time she sought to send her shin into the side of Ashley's head! Her hands were up, but with her balance off, she was confident that Ashley's guard would simply be taken along for the ride and be driven into her head along with the kick!

"HYA!" She cried out in an exhale of willful force! She'd show her what her body was good for!!


After taking a sharp kick to her leg from Courage Ashley would be left stumbling off balance from the blow, and given that she had just taken an attack down low her hands would naturally go down to protect the hurt area. This would prove to be a mistake as Courage's next kick swung for the side of her head, and given that the idol had been intending to kick THROUGH Ashley's guard it was needless to say that her kick was quite effective when it connected completely unguarded.

The thing with getting kicked in the head is that it doesn't matter how big and tough you are, when you get kicked in the head it messes you up! So in that moment Ashley's skill and experience gap over her more green opponent meant nothing and she got dropped to the mat in no time at all! Ashley let out a cry of pain as she clutched the side of her skull, laying on her side on the mat and leaving herself wide open for Courage to attack!



Her shin bounced off the side of Ashley's head. Her opponent had hit the canvas before she could recall her foot to the mat. She watched... Wide eyed. It was the first time Courage had ever been successful, genuinely. She froze up, she wasn't sure what to do. "Uhh..."

Her palms grew sweaty and her cheeks blushed. It was... It was exciting. Watching Ashley cry out was sad, but the fact that it was her opponent this time, rather than her... Was exhilarating. It tickled her in places she knew it shouldn't. And it was proof, in that moment, that maybe she was meant for this business... Maybe she -did- belong here!

She sank back against the turnbuckle, panting and focusing on the dull ache in her shin. It hurt... Ashley's head must have felt like hell.

Dutifully, The Referee slid into place.


She began the count... A ten count would mean Courage won. Was that... Really possible!?


With every attack she took it was becoming more and more clear that Ashley had underestimated the young idol, while it was true that the girl was a recent hire and was very much inexperienced she was also far more athletic than Ashley had given her credit for, leading to Ashley getting overwhelmed by her strikes and taken down to the mat by a well placed kick to the head! With Ashley down on the mat from the attack the referee saw fit to start counting, and if she got to 10 before Ashley could return to her feet then Courage would officially win the first round of the LWS tournament!

Unfortunately it would soon be apparent that Courage was counting her chickens before they hatched, as after the second count Ashley would push herself up into a sitting position. The kick had hurt sure, but Ashley had taken far worse bumps in her wrestling career and gotten back up from them just fine. That being said she would take advantage of the count-out to rest for a moment and let the throbbing on the side of her head go down at least a little bit.

Either way once the count hit "8" Ashley would spring up to her feet, ending the count and beginning the fight once again "Sorry if I got your hopes up" Ashley would remark with a grin, getting into a grappling stance once again. She wouldn't move towards Courage however, as she was just about tired of being blindsided by the girl, and would instead allow the idol to come to her first!


Ashley wasn't the only one using the ten count to rest. Courage hung her weight over the top turnbuckle, supporting herself with her arms. She watched in disappointment as Ashley was already sitting up at the second count. Perhaps it was foolish to think she could win afterall.

The count continued. And as Ashley centered herself, Courage grew more anxious. She worried at her bottom lip with her teeth as she tried to plan her next course of action.

Loss after loss after loss... That had been Courage's career in LAW. But despite that, the fans still chanted her name. They still sang her theme with her when she walked to the ring... If she'd learned anything from her mother, it was that wrestlers were more than athletes... They were entertainers.

"Okay!" The words were directed inwards as she began to hype herself up. And as the eighth count hit, the match resumed.

Courage didn't wait for a signal. She knew the rules. Instead, she let out a war cry and charged! She couldn't allow Ashley to rest anymore! Maybe she was still dizzy... She had to hope!

"SORYA!" Emboldened, she threw herself at her adversary! Her hips turned in mid-air as she optimistically fired herself ass first towards the already troubled head of her rival!


As Ashley returned to her feet at the count of eight and began the match anew Courage would waste no time in dashing over to bring the fight to her! This was more than fine for Ashley, who would let the former idol come to her while she got ready to anticipate her attack and counter it. When Courage closed the gap she would leap up while swiveling her hips around for a hip strike, an unconventional offense to be sure but not an unexpected one given that it was quite a common move in an idol wrestlers arsenal.

For that reason Ashley had a defense prepared for such a move when she saw it coming, widening her stance and opening up her arms so that when Courage crashed into her Ashley could wrap her arms around the idol's waist and catch her in the air! This would leave Ashley with the idol's plump rear stuck right in her face, something that most other wrestlers would probably quite enjoy, while stumbling back a few feet and fighting to keep her balance. Once Ashley found her ground Courage would only have a few moments to react before Ashley would extend her knee and attempt to slam Courage onto it tailbone first for an Atomic Drop!


Confidence swelled within Courage's chest the moment she felt her backside make contact with Ashley's face! She'd done it! She'd landed a heavy blow that would take her to the canvas! It would build momentum that she could use to prove herself. To beat her opponent! To maybe even smother her unconscious... Something that Courage knew was effective through shameful personal experience...

But that confidence was quickly replaced by confusion as her momentum stopped without ever hitting the canvas. Her realization that she'd been caught came too late for her to react! Her eyes went wide and her arms flailed. Pointless!

"BEUGH!" The atomic drop forced a strange, choked sound out of her mouth. The scream caught in her throat and became a stifled, gasping sound. Ashley's knee caught her right between her delectable thighs, all of her body weight coming down upon it. Crushing her sensitive flower! Heart-stopping pain flooded through her body as she felt her plump pussy flattened against her pubic bone!

Tears formed in her eyes and she moaned in pain, but couldn't move beyond the twitching in her fingers! She had never been hit like that before... Not in that place! And it made her vulnerable!
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Re: LWS2021 Round 1: Courage vs Ashley

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After catching Courage's hip attack and momentarily getting a preview of what would have happened if the idol HAD landed a facesit Ashley would drive her down hips first onto her outstretched knee! Based on the way she reacted to it Ashley would have to guess that Courage had never taken an Atomic Drop before, her inexperience counting against her as she lacked the knowledge to at least brace herself for what's coming and as a result was devastated by the attack.

Ashley would stand up and allow Courage to fall down onto her front, but she wouldn't let her rest for long before standing over the girl's waist facing her legs and squatting down to take hold of her legs. Ashley would move quickly, attempting to hook Courage's legs under her arms and squat down to put pressure on her lower back for a Boston Crab! Only when Ashley performed the move she called it the Lucas Lock! Though if she did manage to lock the hold in it would have the unintended effect of making Courage's bikini bottoms riding up, giving the audience a view that would be quite embarrassing for Courage.


"Ahhhn~" Courage was left whimpering on the canvas. Her cheek pressed into the mat as her hands curled around behind her to paw at her recently battered backside. Her tailbone throbbed. She never expected to get attacked in a place like that, and the unfamiliar pain in a sensitive area had overwhelmed her.

It meant that Ashley had no trouble securing her hold. Courage's ankles were tucked securely under Ashley's arms. And a moment later she found herself being curled into a cruel C! "N-nooo! L-LET GO!" She cried out as tears began to well in her eyes.

Her eyes went wide and her heartbeat quickened. She was in pain! It hurt so much! She could feel her wide hips tensing and struggling to endure the pressure on them. Her lower back, still not recovered from the atomic drop, seared as if it were on fire! "Nnnn~ NYAAAH~" She screamed out as her fingers pressed into the canvas.

She bit her lip, holding back a sob. She could take it... She could endure. Even though there was no way out. And she wanted to die. She could endure.

And then she saw the big screen. The camera caught a perfect shot of her upturned lower half. Her bottoms had been pulled entirely between her ass. Her round, plump cheeks jiggled with every slight attempt at struggle. And the attire bit into her womanhood. The contours of her puffy young girlhood was traceable to the naked eye!

She closed her eyes and sobbed. And began to tap. "Give! Give! Give!" She plead desperately.

But... The bell would never ring. There was no quitting in a Last Woman Standing match!


With her resistance momentarily beaten out of her by the Atomic Drop Courage had no way of stopping Ashley from locking in her Lucas Lock, and once it was locked in the brunette would let her know by crying out in pain and begging for release! Though of course Ashley would not comply and continued to wrench on her hurting lower back, although a part of her couldn't help but feel bad when she saw just how humiliating a position this hold had put the Megane in on the screen.

It was no wonder then that between this and the pain from the hold Courage wouldn't be able to endure it for long and would start tapping out, screaming her submission. But this wasn't a match you could get out of just by submitting, it wouldn't be over until Courage was knocked out and down for the count! That being said Ashley would look to keep Courage in the hold until she had been drained of a lot of fight, she may have felt bad for the girl but she had no intention of giving her any mercy, lest she start to expect it from much nastier opponents.

Assuming Courage didn't break free of her own power Ashley would release her after about a minute, allowing her to flop down to the mat.


Tears welled up in her eyes and ran past the frames of her glasses and down her cheeks! She could feel her back bowing as Ashley bent her agonizingly deep. The muscles in the small of her back convulsed as her hips creaked. She was too far past the point of getting any leverage back, and so Ashley's weight was uncontested as it torqued on her fragile body!

"Give- Give- GIVEEEE-" She screamed desperately as her tapping continued! The hold never broke. Even as her mind began to.

Each tap became successively slower. Her screams got weaker. Until she was panting, whispering her surrender between every fourth breath. Until that too degraded into quiet sobbing.

When the hold was released her legs flopped to the canvas! She wanted to curl into a ball and die, but her hips hurt too much to pull up. A hand went to the small of her back as she sniffled back some of her tears. She'd already quit. Already lost the will to fight. "G-give-"

But that didn't matter under this cruel stipulation. She was still awake.


Despite her best efforts Courage could not get Ashley to release her no matter how much she struggled nor how much she begged, and she certainly did beg. Each desperate scream of "give" and each weak tap against the mat made Ashley feel more and more like she was just bullying a poor girl as opposed to facing another fighter in equal competition. Even so Ashley was not deterred and would keep the hold locked in until she had sufficiently weakened the young idol before releasing her.

The match was basically over and done with by this point but Ashley still needed to officially cement her victory. To do so she would squat down by the crumped body of Courage and wrap her arms around her waist before deadlifting her up off the mat and lifting her legs so that they were resting on Ashley's shoulders in a position that even a rookie like Courage would recognize as the set-up for a Powerbomb! With likely no resistance Ashley would drop down to her knees while leaning forward to slam Courage down for her Studley Bomber; a Gutwrench Powerbomb!

After it landed Ashley would stand up and back away from Courage, allowing the referee to come in and determine if Courage was fit to keep fighting or if the match was over. And from what Ashley could tell it was likely the latter.


Everything below her breasts ached terribly. Her stomach had tied itself in knots as she'd tried to fight through the pain. Her hips and spine had been contorted to the point of uselessness. She writhed on the canvas like a bug that'd been crushed. The random firing of nuerons.

There was no count, because Ashley didn't see fit to leave the match to chance. She had a killer instinct. Something Courage had proven she lacked earlier in the match.

"G-give!" She whimpered futilely as Ashley plucked her off the canvas. The grip around her belly made her gag andforced any aor she'd managed to gather out of her.

"D-don't! Please!" The women's ring was cruel. And this match would serve as a harsh lesson for the outsider.

*THUD* Her glasses slid across the canvas, one lens shattered.

There was no scream. The power bomb left Courage folded over on the canvas. Her curvy figure was motionless, save for the slow spreading dampness between her thighs. Her cheeks were wet with tears. Her eyes lightless. Her hair matted with sweat.

A ten count was administered, but it was entirely unnecessary. Tonight's display was concluded. Courage Takemi would be taken from the ring on a stretcher with oxygen. The undeniable consequences of a green amateur stepping in the ring with a pro.


Sure enough after being drained of fight by Ashley's Boston Crab Courage was unable to withstand her signature slam and was completely laid out. The referee stepped in to begin a ten count and Ashley would step back to let him do his job, but it would prove to be a token gesture as Courage did little more than twitch throughout the count.

Without any complications the bell would ring and Ashley would be announced the winner, though it would be a hollow victory given how far Ashley had gone to attain it. Usually whenever Ashley won a match it was against a fellow professional who could take the beating and who she could feel proud to have overcome; but while Courage had put up a much better fight than Ashley had initially assumed she would the girl still ended up in quite a pitiable state, left broken on the floor and leaving Ashley feel more like a bully than a fighter.

Either way there was nothing Ashley could do for the girl. Even if she was conscious enough to hear any apologies or words of encouragement Ashley might have had they would have rung hollow and sounded condescending at best. So Ashley would simply allow the medics to do their jobs and take her away, turning to the crowd and giving them a raised fist in triumph, not letting her feelings show and instead allowing the audience to shower her with praise for her domination of the former idol. After holding that pose for a few moments Ashley would make her way out of the arena so she could begin to prepare for her second match.

Winner by Knouckout: Ashley Lucas
Last edited by Noob on Mon Jan 03, 2022 4:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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