Tisalia Vondergarden

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Tisalia Vondergarden

Unread post by Lederface »

Name: Tisalia vondergarden
Specimient: Centaur
Alignament: Face
Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Blue
Height: 2.20 M
Weight: 110 kg
Voice Reference:
Theme Song:

Fight Stats
Grip Force::star:
Stroller Force::star::star::star::star:
Phsical Stats
Hentai Stats
Sexual Desire::star::star:
Sexual Technique::star::star:
Sexual Resistence::star:
Special or Signature Moves:
Embestida:Tisalia will start running around her opponent, and then she will dive hard and try to throw the opponent through the air.

Spear charge: using the joust she normally uses, Tisalia will use it to combine it with her speed and deliver a powerful blow, with no intention of doing deep damage with the tip.

Hentai Moves
really ..... i don't know how to do that

Strengths and Weaknesses
One of the things that Tisalia prides herself on is her capacity for long fights, although she has a certain weakness if her hind legs are caught as she won't be able to do much.

(How extra, she is sensitive to her tail being stroked)

Tisalia is someone who is always confident that she can defeat her opponent, but she was almost never presumptuous or selfish, outside of fighting, she enjoys relaxing in the evenings in the meadows and looking at the scenery.

Tisalia had been born of a very respected family among many others, having a very simple life, when her indicated age arrived, she would begin to train herself for a duelist as many of her ancestors and relatives had been, demonstrating in a short time a gift for that, but in her interior, she considered her fighting style something outdated, since she only sought to knock down her opponent, so she would train twice as much as her new style as well as her old one, since she thought that by being combined, it would be perhaps a good idea, when the time for a real fight arrived, Tisalia would demonstrate that the combined style of fighting managed to bluff her opponent, improving both her new style and the old one, since she thought that when they were combined, it would be perhaps a good idea, when the moment of a real fight came, Tisalia would demonstrate that the technique of combined styles achieved the victory, thus following with many others, until one day, she would face a very peculiar girl, since she had not seen much of that species, but when flames began to come out of that girl, Tisalia would panic, not knowing what to do, she would be after a small fight, defeated by that girl, in her resting place, she felt disappointed, but when she saw that girl came to not only congratulate her for how she had the courage to face her fire powers, but she had also come to propose her to join her small team that she was forming, wanting them to be recognized everywhere, Tisalia would hesitate at first, but in the end would end up accepting, being then, she would explain the situation to her parents, who were sad, but would not stop their daughter, helping her to prepare, and after a farewell, Tisalia would undertake the journey with this girl, Sachiho and a beautiful stranger, their journey to be known as the strongest in all the lands.

Fight récord

Fun facts
-In their home they always try to be supportive in any way they can.
-tisalia has an angelic voice
-she has never participated in a fight with erotic touches, so her embarrassment before these movements will be more than visible
-She has a lot of money in her income, so she sometimes takes care of food and lodging for her new friends.




It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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