Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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LAW Fan Event on Odaiba Beach. Large table set up for the wrestlers with several stalls and a bar set up for patrons to enjoy

Aella Midori had a bright smile stretching across her face as she stepped out of her car and onto the soft yellow sands of Odaiba Beach. The closest beach located within actual Tokyo, small, romantic and perfect for cozy events such as this. Said event being a small meet and greet for fans with wrestlers being cycled out through the day, beachside to leave the option for more... promiscuous members of the roster to opt for more revealing looks to help appease fans. Naturally being one of those promiscuous individuals herself Aella had opted for quite the nice bikini, one she actually stole from her daughter but it looked better on her.. in her opinion at least. So here she was in a small black and gold trimmed bikini with gold sandals and her dark hair pulled into a small ponytail that made her bangs stand out a bit more.
"Ahhh brings back memories." She said wistfully with a wanderlust smile on adorning her articulate features. Having grown up the majority of her childhood in Tokyo she remembered her father often taking her and her mother here on weekends for 'beach day' which was always quite fun and being back after so long was bringing all those memories to the fore front. Stepping further across the sand she took quick but elegant strides, her assets bouncing and shaking pleasantly drawing the eyes of almost everyone nearby. Even those that weren't here as fans.

Although those who were instantly recognized her for her excellent return to wrestling and matches in LAW and were quickly upon her greeting and saying whatever they could making her smile and giggle from the enthusiasm. "Thank you thank you everyone. I appreciate the support and can't wait to meet you all individually, but for now lets wait till the event to start yeah?" Thankfully her words worked, some security guards were starting to approach and last thing Aella wanted was for there to be drama today. But her words were successful in getting everyone to tame themselves and back off, and a quick flirty wink to the security team made them do the same, with a blush of course.

In any case Aella would walk over to the main table set up with a LAW table cloth over it. Set up for two individuals it was a rather quaint workspace but more than enough. Walking over and sliding her sandals off Aella would pull one of the chairs out and take a seat. "Hm Looks like I'm the first here." She said before taking a looking at an itinerary taped onto the table to see who would be joining her. "Hmmm Harmonia Edelstein huh? How interesting I wonder what she's like." The former luchadora said as she sat back in her seat, relaxing her back and subsequently causing her chest to become just a bit more noticeable as she waited for her partner of the day to come.

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Re: Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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Harmonia Edelstein, rising star of the wrestling scene, Top Girl of the Austrian Eagles Stable, former Model and glamorous beauy idol arrived at the small and friendly beach.
She stepped outside, her expensive heels, Armani of course, touched the sand as went out of the limousine that brought her here and as much attention that wa given to the sexy Aella arriving, the people and reporters immediatly leff her alone when the Austrian arrived.


Harmonia wore her usual daring pink and black bathing suit she had debuted in and smiled, waving to all the fans that had gathered around her.
The gorgeous blonde gave a big smile to the cameras and struck a few poses for the reporters and fans.
"Hallo Schatziiiiis!", she said, of course the term "Schatzi",referred to her loyal fanclub that was expanding and expanding since her debut, meaning "Darlings" in austro-german.

The blonde wore big, expensive sunglasses and gave the waiting fans a glimpse of her beautiful blue eyes as she made her way towards the table were here partner for today waited.
//Aella...I have heard of her...she has a lot of of experience. Maybe she can give me some advice!//",Harmonia thought and got very excited
The fans were eager to speak and see Aella but what happened here was just insane as the securities had to literally fight of the fans while Harmonia stroll ed down the lane to their table, all the while waving, greeting and blowing kisses.
She approached their table and smiled as she bowed before Aella.
"Guten Tag, I am Harmonia Edelstein. I am honored to meet you Aella-san. I heard much about you.",she said and smiled at her when she took her seat.
"My, my the fans are really eager to see us, hm?",she said to Aella while the securities demaned from the crowd to form lines.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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As Aella relaxed against her chair she would look up when she noticed the new commotion going on amongst the fans which seemed to indicate her fellow wrestler had arrived. Smiling softly again at the excitability of the fans Aella would sit and wait patiently as soon the woman that would be joining her, Harmonia Edelstein made her way free from the crowd and approached the table to meet her. Smiling at the woman as she approached Aella would stand up from her chair and was going to offer a handshake before blinking in surprise from the bow. Smiling softly though Aella merely bent forward herself bowing right back to the blonde woman before retaking her seat at roughly the same time as her partner.

Konichiwa Miss Edelstein." Aella replied back playfully returning one international greeting in kind as she leaned back in her seat and turned her head to the woman while crossing her legs. It would take the security team more than a bit to reign control of the wild fans so they had the time to mingle a bit. "I can say the same given quite the impact if you've made in LAW for someone so new. Quite ambitious you are." Aella said respectfully giving Harmonia her due credit. After all it was quite the accomplishment for anyone to have a 6 and 0 record with the only loss on their record being by a tag team match.

Certainly enough to earn Aella's praise and interest as she leaned her cheek on the palm of her hand, a cat like curiosity swirling through her eyes. As they waited Aella would chuckled mirthfully at Harmonia's observation of the fans. "Why yes they are. Can't say I blame them considering we are who we are." She said with another chuckle as she turned and leaned back in her chair again, watching as the security teams finally managed to start getting organized. "So my dear." Turning to Harmonia once more Aella would send a smiled as she tilted her head to the side.

"Do you mind if I call you Harmonia? Or perhaps some form of nickname? We'll be together for the next hour so it would certainly making conversing between fans a bit more convenient." Asking her question Aella would lean back, eyes still trained on Harmonia's elegantly crafted form, waiting for a response with a subdued type of eagerness. Not necessarily from what to call the woman, but more so for the idea of getting to know her personality a bit through a simple question such as this. To see if the Austrian woman's personality lived up to the big reputation her skillful body had built for herself.

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Re: Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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Harmonia was smiling over the older womans nice words and behaviour towards her.
Here at LAW you could meet all kinds of people from the nicest angels to the cruelest sadists.
Harmonia, given her backgroung was looked down on, especially in her early days, but from day one and her debut she showed everything the crowd and fellow fighters could admire. Passion, an iron will, surprising strength and skills and alltogether behaving like a pro which won her the hearts of her fans.
Not only was the blonde a passable fighter but she was also beautiful, friendly, witty and charming, capturing the hearts of many men and women alike.

She sat down next to Aella, waving to the waiting crowd and then looked back to her partner for today.
"Thank god I am accustomed to such events so I am not nervous. The most important thing is to give them the feeling that the matter to you even if they are not. I love all of them but at the end of the day they are strangers...Strangers that jerk of to us beating the crap out of each other. Does this thought botjer you at all?",she said with an akward grin and shrugged.

"Well as we still have time, tell me something about you Aella-san. And you can call me Moni, all of my friends do that and as far as I can tell I think we are friends.",she smiled and laid her head onto her arm while looking at her.
"Let me tell you how fantastic I think it is for an elderly woman with a child to compete in this sport. Must be putting a real strain on your body each time, huh?", Harmonia just babbled away without any bad intention whatsoever. She was just a chattering goose who wanted to talk with her colleague.

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Re: Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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'Well she's easy enough to talk too, though I'm not sure how I feel about her view towards fans... even if she isn't necessarily wrong.' Thinking to herself as Harmonia talked Aella was taking stock of the woman. Not judging her per se but wanting to get a feel for what the woman was like and what kind of wrestler she was. For now she was nice enough at least, but time would tell what the woman's true colors were.

"Ah I see Moni. Lovely then." Aella said sweetly with a smile as she leaned on the table further herself, resting her cheek on her palm while looking at Harmonia who was doing something rather similar. "And yes I think friends will be applicable." She said with a nod while closing her eyes to enjoy the breeze that passed by feeling relaxed and at ease.

Till Harmonia's next comment that is. Immediately Aella visibly tensed and bristled in response to the blonde's comment about her being old. Had it just been a comment about her being a mother, that was one thing, but how Harmonia put in? Aella would have a very, VERY hard time letting that go.

Looking at Harmonia with a pointed and serious gaze any previous signs of friendliness were replaced by a cold seriousness that was amplified by the intense gold gaze of Aella. "Just who are you calling elderly young lady?" The older woman asked her cohort, the emphasis she put into the word elderly making it clear how much distaste she had for the use of it. "My body hurts as much as any girls after a match, but no more or less than you because despite my age I've taken care of myself and am more than capable of hanging with ex barbie models such as yourself." She said with a aggressive edge to her tone, doing what she could to keep her voice low and calm, which only served to make her sound more menacing in the end as her narrowed gaze turned into more of a glare towards Harmonia.

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Re: Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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Veronika was a true Lady and nice to be around but when she started talking it could end in endless monolouges about this and that,the model sometimes forgetting what she had said one minute before.
She liked Aella, she did, but she had thrown in a word, just a word, not a good or fitting word, but she did and that stuck with her opponent.
But Veronika did'nt realize that before...

Suddenly the beach felt like antarctica as the model, who waited nothing more to be underestimated, heard those two words.
"Barbie Dolls...", she repeat as if she could'nt believe what she had heard.
And with that, the other Harmonia came forward, the fierce bitch, that would put everyone in her place when she felt demeaned.
It had started so well with those two and then it ended so badly.
Really badly as the wrestlers looked at each other like they would tear into one another any second.
"What do you think you are dumb...", she started as the Organizer appeared.
"Aella-san, Harmonia-san, can we start?"

Both women turned to the man and then to each other.
"Sure.", Harmonia said,gazing for some seconds on the other woman before lifting her nose and smile a big Harmonia Edelstein Trademark Smile
for the crowd that waited eagerly for them.

And from then on it went better again. Both women did'nt talk to each other but rather sign photos of them and their matches, made selfies, gave kisses on cheeks, and so on.
Finally the Autograph signing came to an end and Harmonia and Aella were called to a stage with lots of chairs before them, with awaiting LAW fans who were wearing shirts of them and holding up signs.
The two gorgeous ladies took place next to each other, still in no need to look at or talk to each other, instead concentrating on the fans.
One had a question for Harmonia, intrested how long she would think her carreer will spend.

"Oh? Well, good question, never thought about that!", she said.
"But I think there is a certain point, especially in the life of a female wrestler, when she has to stop doing wrestling before she
becomes a joke. I saw countless of women who had kids and tried to get back into the ring. Forget it at a certain point.
It just seems they don'nt know how...
She looked over to Aella with a slight grin.
"pathetic a picture they are...", she closed.

Harmonia hated herself, Aella was so friendly but she had sad two words that were a no go in Harmonias world and so she would do anything
to get back at her...even if it was a big misunderstanding...or was it?
Maybe Harmonia just wanted to take up a fight today...who knew?
Last edited by RedShinigami on Tue Nov 30, 2021 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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Aella glared daggers at Harmonia in response to the girl's insinuation that she was elderly, one of the very few triggers that brought about the nastiest side of herself. At some part of her brain she likely knew it was just a cultural thing, elderly likely meaning something different for Harmonia than it did for Aella, or even that the blonde just hadn't realized what she said was insulting. Yet the rest of Aella's mind just couldn't allow this brat to get away with her slight, and thus the situation escalated quickly as clearly, Aella's own insult back to Harmonia had triggered her the same way Harmonia's words triggered Aella.

Just when it seemed things were going to explode between the two who were gradually getting in eachothers faces they were interrupted by the attendant saying it was time to start. Sending a parting glare to Harmonia it was clear things wouldn't get easier for either as Aella turned to face the crowd with a forced smile. After all how could she be especially genuine with the heat now burning between herself and her table mate who sat not even two feet from her!

Luckily however the event was a good distraction for the time being with Aella having her time and mind occupied by fans. Signing shirts, books, and various other memorabilia, as well as taking selfies and various other little meet and greet things. By the end of it Aella had all but forgotten about the friction between herself and Harmonia. Even as they walked to the stage to answer questions Aella was feeling confident they could get through the rest of this without a brawl breaking out. All they needed to do was get through this QnA without incident.

...So naturally the very first question Harmonia got she used it as a chance to take a dig at Aella, subsequently reminding the woman of her beef with the woman and reigniting the fury within. Glaring at the blonde Aella raised her own microphone up to cut in. "Apologies to my compatriot but I must disagree. Any man or woman regardless of age can keep up with the activity and physical requirements it takes to wrestle and perform at an exceptional level. So long as they take care of themselves at least, which is why models who starve themselves for instance tend to have shorter careers in the ring, since they break down far sooner due to lack of proper nutrition and proper training. Something I've seen time and time again being a legitimate medical professional."

Like a true debater Aella had countered Harmonia's argument, as well as using the chance to take her own shot at Harmonia while leveraging her professional credential to back her words up as the fans murmured and whispered among themselves before another fan came up with a question. "Miss Midori. In that case I'm curious what brought you back to the squared circle?"

Hearing the question Aella would smirk seeing another chance to try and bury Harmonia. "Ah well you see a big reason was my daughter of course. I wanted the chance to see for myself how far she'd go, and there's no better place to do that from the ring with her." She stated earning some applause and whoops from the crowd before continuing. "However I won't lie when I say that part of the appeal is the chance to tangle and show the newer generation a thing or two. Already I've found a student who I'm imparting some knowledge too, likewise I'm using such matches as an opportunity to... educate less than respectable girls who could use lessons in humility." As she said this Aella would look over her shoulder directly at Harmonia, making it clear who she was referring too with that statement.

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Re: Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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Harmonia sat there and got more pissed with every word the other woman threw her way.
The Blonde felt utter disrespected. She took into consideration that she could have insulted Allea with the dumb mouth of hers,
but that was no reason to go this far.
But here they were and a clash seemed inevitable.

"Miss Edelstein, as you are in the business for a year now you are no newcomer yourself but still at the beginning! Miss Midori talked about showing some of the younger Generation some humility. This would enclude you. Would you take her on in an official match?"
The Austrian had grabbed her mic so hard that her knuckles became white.
She brought it up to here lips.
"I came to LAW to fight the best of the best and to become the best! I will be the superstar of the middleweight division no doubt about that!", she said and the crowd applauded and started to murmur.
"That said I take everyone, everywhere. I am not here to play games, goddammit. I am no ditzy dumb Bimbo model for you to shove around! And I am NO BARBIE DOLL!", she said louder and looked directly into Aellas face.
"So if MISS Midori proposes where I can kick her OLD and WRINKLY butt, I take her anywhere and show her that you don't have to be an ELDERLY woman to have some tricks upon your sleeve!", she said not adressin the fan anymore but rather Aella who glared to her from her seat.
"Yes you heard correct you old hag...", she spat out and turned to the fan.
"Another question?"
Last edited by RedShinigami on Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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Sitting back after answering her question it was clear by the expression on her face that Aella was not in the usual playful and catty mood she had been known for since debuting in LAW. Rather the look on her face was rather severe and harsh and every ounce of it was directed towards Harmonia who she had at this point made clear she didn't like. Granted perhaps it had been an overreaction born from a simple misunderstanding but at this point it didn't matter to Aella. The dark haired woman's pride as both a wrestler and woman had been insulted and Harmonia showed no care or even awareness of her transgression, something the dark haired woman would not allow to stand.

Thus when Harmonia got up to answer another question it was no surprise when halfway through Aella got up to her feet herself, eyes narrowed into a deadly glare. It was clear to Aella at this point that this brat had either no respect or no sense of awareness with her response. Clenching her fists in absolute fury she at least had the decency to let the blonde finish her response to the fan, or really rather to Aella given the women were in a heated death gaze duel with each other at the end of the ex model's impromptu challenge.

Raising her mic to her lips Aella didn't even bother to look out at the crowd to see if another fan had a question or not before responding. "Unfortunately I think the time for questions is over." As she said this Aella would step close to Harmonia to the point that the two were now face to face with each other, the friction between the two making those in the front feel as if they were before a burning hot bonfire.

Raising the mic to her lips again Aella's gaze never left Harmonia once as she spoke again. "Superstar? What a joke, although I'd say porn star isn't out of the question for you." First insulting Harmonia's declaration Aella wouldn't give the woman a chance to reply before continuing on. "I can kick you're ass anywhere, anytime, so lets go! Right now!" As she said this last bit Aella through her mic to the side before diving forward, tackling her body into Harmonia's and hopefully pushing the woman off the stage altogether to crash into the sand below!

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Re: Queens of the Beach - For RedShinigami

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Usually Harmonia was'nt like this and usually she would say sorry to Aella after saying such an idiotic thing as "elderly" woman.
But then again, Aella had'nt behaved civilised either, instead of mentioning it and ask Harmonia to think about her words next time she started an extreme counterattack!
And this in turn just made Harmonia angrier and angrier and pushed all the polite Ladylikeness of the former model aside.
Aella had released the bitch in Harmonia and said bitch was about to take Aella down...

When Aella grabbed the mic and said that question time was over, it seemed that everything was about to fall into place, Harmoniad body tensed as she stared Aella down, waiting what the women had to say before their fight...and yes Harmonia just knew it...there would be a fight, no question about it, like a thunderstorm that was rising on the horizon, coming closer quickly, bringing lightning and thunder with it, those two proud women would collide today..

"Are you finished now?", the model tried to interrupt as Aella made her move and speared both women down into the sand right before their fans.
Harmonia would'nt let herself outshine by Aella and thankfully the sand was soft enough to catch their fall, but having Aella crush her under her still hurt!
Harmonias arms flailed around, reaching the bottoms of Aella and tugged them in hard for a wedgie, pishing it in as fast and hard as she could and then shove Aella of her...

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