Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

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Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

Unread post by The Riders »

Standard Match
Win by Pinfall or Submission


Can I move on from what I knew?
‘Cause I've paid my dues
From the rules I've played by
Well I know better than to struggle through and through

And if you’re with me, I’m with you
Time to let me loose
In this world I came by I hope it's better ‘cause I want this life to stay
This life to stay

Meet you in Sunset Paradise!

The crowd cheers and roars after seeing Ana perform live in the middle of her custom ring that she had made. She has been singing different theme songs since she got the message that she would be having a match and was given the clear by Dan himself, a lot of fruit baskets and a brand-new desk and chair was needed to get it cleared, but it doesn't matter because she's having a match. That why she has been singing and getting the crowd into a frenzy by giving them a live free concert and good publicity by doing it for them all. "Thank you, all of my lovely fans in attendance, to see me win a match tonight against the green mean fighting machine..." As the crowd start to boo at the mention of her male opponent, since this is going to be a first for Ana, a mix match against someone who her sister has been crushing/ stalking on for the past few weeks.

'Please none of that, no need to boo... From what I heard he is a very nice person and I hope we can have a very good match tonight… So please, for me, give him some cheers.' Ana smiles and blows a kiss to the crowd. As she takes a small sip of water and takes a minute break with the help of her personal stagehands taking the wires off her waist as she's getting ready for her match.

Last edited by The Riders on Mon Oct 18, 2021 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

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Deku took a deep breath backstage as he prepared himself for this match with...mixed feelings to say the least. It was about the strangest set up for one he had ever been in, with his opponent doing a concert before hand and the ring being so different. But on top of that said opponent would have the crowd right on her side, and worse yet she was part of the reason his last match with Liger went so bad...

Shivering to himself as he thought about the redhead he walked up to the guerilla positions in preparation for his entrance. Wearing his usual green tank top and wrestling pants he was doing his best to get his game face on, trying to use Ana's interference in his last match with Liger as motivation and yet... the words she spoke made him really confused about exactly what her stance was towards him.. But if nothing else it would at least keep the fans from booing him just for fighting back, unlike his first bout with the bluenette's sister.
Shaking his head to clear such thoughts, especially of ones that involved Liger being anywhere near here, he sucked in a breath as Ana introduced him. The moment the words left the girl the lights changed to green as the pop instrumental the idol had been singing too faded into Dekus's hard rock entrance music.
Coming out from behind the curtain Deku did his best to pose with a fist raised up into the air receiving a... fairly decent response. Not the best h had gotten but honestly better than he was expecting given the clear disparity in popularity between the two. Shrugging to himself Deku broke out into a run down the ramp and leapt up, clearing the middle ropes from the floor and landing with a roll into the ring. Popping up to his feet he would offer a respectful nod to his opponent.

"Thank you for the kind words.. I also hope to have a good and fair match." Deku was willing to offer credit where it was due, and in this case Ana had introduced him in a good way, but at the same time he felt the need to emphasize fairness given the roll the bluenette had played in his and Liger's rematch. None the less he would keep his eyes trained on her as he put his fists up and bent his knees, already prepared for the moment the bell would ring.

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Re: Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

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Ana can't help but chuckle at the man that her sister is crushing on. Eyeing the green cinnamon bun body with her eyes, she can clearly see why Serilda is stalking him, with his toned abs and strong arms that were made to hold someone tightly. Feeling her cheeks start to heat up as she can picture herself being held in his arms for a move or something more lover like. Shaking her head to rid her thoughts of those naughty ideas, before walking towards her manly opponent and pulls out her Samsung Galaxy Z Flip phone with a massive cheeky grin on her face for what she has planned.

'Oh, please, you can stop with your fairness speech and such. My sister told me to help her and that what I did... Nothing personal but that just how it goes you know.' Ana says with a shrug. Wrapping her arm around the man shoulder and holds her phone up using the camera mode and smiles, 'Say cheese... I know Serilda is going to be pissed when she sees this.' as clicking is heard from the phone taking photos before Ana leans close and plants a kiss on Deku cheek for good measure, letting out a small hum of giddiness before walking back to her corner with a smug grin on her face. But making sure to send the photo to her sister with the caption "Look at what I got in the ring today…"

The bell rings and the match is underway. Ana comes out with her hands down at her side, that big grin still hasn't left her face since she can tell that her opponent is still wary of her sneaky cheating ways. Reaching one of her hands out, wanting to see if Deku would go for a test of strength or not?. 'Come on, you're that concerned that I will cheat such a cute man like you.'

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Re: Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

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Deku was weary, that much was obvious in virtually all of his body language throughout his entrance and the initial meeting with his opponent. After all he had to spend two weeks in physical recovery after his last encounter with the blue haired girl and her deranged sister. Back then she had been willing to cheat, rather shamelessly in his opinion, and cost him any chance of even making the fight an even one.

So naturally he was suspicious of her. Something that Ana for her part was seemingly nonchalant about as in spite of his words she just brushed him off and came right in towards him. Instinctively he tensed his muscles up in preparation for a possible attack. Something that didn't come as opposed to his opponent simply coming up alongside him and... taking a selfie?

Blinking in confusion he sported quite the funny look as Ana took a picture of the two of them, the dumbstruck look on the male's face adding to the surprise and suddenness of this. Thankfully however it wasn't followed by an attack as instead Ana walked off as the ref got ready to start their match. "Ok.... weird. Is that whole family messed up in the head?" He asked himself in confusion as he sat himself back on his heels and raised his arms up in preparation once more.

Luckily there was no other sudden tactics or jokes from the girl. Instead she seemed to place her arms up, asking for a test of strength. Narrowing his eyes slightly at this Deku tentatively approached the woman with caution in his movements, showing his apprehension of getting close too soon. But if he didn't accept her challenge than he would only look like a hypocrite, so he raised his hands, grasping that of his opponent's and began pushing against Ana in a test of strength!

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Re: Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

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Ana giggles, seeing that her mind games are starting to get into Deku head. She not that bad of a Heel, but she is enjoying teasing the man in front of her, typically, since her sister is probably somewhere throwing a temper tantrum right now at the photo she just sent her. So seeing him come forward and accept her test of strength is something she didn't expect to happen, but she can't wait to see what she can do next to him.

Sliding her fingers into her opponent own. She flexes her muscles as a show of power to her fans, before yanking her opponent forward so that he is pressed up against her body. Sneaking in another quick kiss, but this time on the lips, before wrapping her arms around his body, and with a quick twist of her hips, Ana is able to lift Deku off his feet and slam him to the canvas with a belly to belly suplex. Eagerly pressing her breasts in his face as she tries to keep him grounded and not allowing him to get off to a great start.

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Re: Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

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Deku was apprehensive and suspicious of Ana, exceedingly so. For good reason as well as he watched the blue haired idol carefully. Not about to trust her. After all despite not having the same level of reputation as her sister Ana was still a part of the same group, and was known for cheating. That alone was enough to distrust her, but the fact she was Serilda's sister, as well as Cyber Widow's step daughter, not to mention her involvement in Deku's loss against Serilda... well he would be an idiot to trust her.

That was why the moment he was pulled in by Ana he knew something was wrong. Seeing her lips come in for his own the green eyed boy would narrow his eyes as she smashed her lips against his own. However he wouldn't react to it. Instead he tightened his grip on her hands before suddenly throwing himself backwards. If successful he would pull his feet up and brace them against the girl's stomach. If he was successful he would push his legs out at the apex of the roll to try and send his opponent flying with a monkey flip!

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Re: Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

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Ana could feel her opponent tense as soon as she yanked him forward. 'He is really on guard and would think that my kiss would loosen him up a bit, guess not...' she would think to herself as she didn't get a single reaction out of him, but all she got was his eyes narrowing before seeing him fall backwards and yanking her down with him.

But she knows all about the monkey flip move. Since she learned from ballet, she knows when one is coming as she uses her own body to pick up a bit more momentum, so she can rotate during her flip, so she can land on her feet in a perfect landing with her arms spread out. 'TADA a perfect ten don't you agree my hero?.' she asks, turning around slowly to face her opponent. But since she wants to enjoy her time playing around with her opponent, she allows the man to get to his feet, her tongue comes out slowly licking her lips. 'Come on, Mr. Hero, what are you going to do next, hmm?

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Re: Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

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Deku wasn't stupid and he wasn't going to fall for Ana's tricks or comments. That kiss was just a ploy and he knew it, hence his quick counter with the monkey flip to send Ana over him. But based on what he knew of the blue haired girl the green haired boy knew such a simple move likely wouldn't keep her down for long. If she even landed on her back it wouldn't be long, and he couldn't afford to waste time.

So as he himself landed on his back from the flip Deku would pull his legs up and kip back up to his feet almost immediately after. Turning around he saw that his opponent managed to stick the landing from his flip. Somewhat disappointing but not unexpected. Instead Deku would simply turn and run forward, leaping into the air he would spin before launching his leg forward for a spinning step up enziguri kick aimed at the idol's face!

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Re: Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

Unread post by The Riders »

Ana catches that disappointed look on her opponent face. Letting out another chuckle as she leans forward again, her busty chest bouncing and jiggling in front of the man facing her. ' Oh, why are you so disappointed, hmm? Oh, is it because you just wanted me on my back to get on top of me, you naughty boy...' Teasing her opponent as much as she can at this point.

But all of that teasing left her open... as Deku leg slams into her face, that sends her stumbling sideways before falling to the canvas in a heap. You can hear a pin drop before the loud rain of Boo's start to rain down from the crowd at the nerve of him striking their idol in the face no less. Even the ref comes over to check on the woman as Ana clutches her cheek and much to the shock and horror of her fans... and Agent... a small cut formed on her cheek that drips a bit of blood.

'I tried to be playful with you... but it seems you want to make things difficult with me, hmm.'

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Re: Hero vs Star Idol at the Neon Ring: Deku vs Ana

Unread post by Bare »

The moment Deku's foot connected with Ana's face he was already preparing himself for the extreme negative backlash that would get. After all despite the blue haired girl's promises otherwise he knew that the moment he landed a solid hit in the fans would turn on him.

As he got up following the kick he had hit her with that's just what happened and he wasn't shocked at all from the cascade of boos. But unlike before Deku wasn't taken by surprise or left in shock by the response. He had prepared for it the moment he'd been informed of the match up and as Ana stood up he would give her the best serious look he could muster. "I'm just fight the match seriously. Something you should try doing." He said with a glare before giving Ana the 'come at me' gesture.

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