Lee bounced up and down on the balls of her feet with anticipation as she awaited the call to the ring once more. She wore her classic wrestling attire - a gold and black one-piece leotard, matching long fingerless gloves and thigh boots. Her dark hair was tied into a bun and the skintight outfit put her toned body on full display for all to see. Grinning to herself, she couldn't wait to get to grips with her next opponent. A glorified streamer without a win to her name, this Sayako was the perfect mark for Lee to notch herself up a confidence-boosting victory.
Her entrance music erupted from the speakers and Lee went cartwheeling out across the stage at the top of the ramp, landing smoothly on her feet and striking a pose for the cheering fans with her hands on her hips. Pumping one fist in the air with a whoop, the Untouchable Lee Tenille strutted her way down the ramp in a zig zag, collecting high fives, selfies and blowing kisses as she went.
Reaching the ring she bounded up onto the apron, gripped the top rope and with practised skill catapulted herself head over heels into the ring, once again landing neatly on her feet with a beaming grin. She performed an extravagant bow for the fans before swaggering over to her corner and turning to face the ramp, awaiting the arrival of her next opponent in LAW.