Brynhild 'Stars and Stripes' Ederne

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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The Riders
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Brynhild 'Stars and Stripes' Ederne

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Name Brynhild Ederne
Age 50 (Born 12/19/71
Height- 6'9
Weight- 247
Nicknames: Stars and Stripes. All-American

Theme Song- SiM-The Rumbling

Endurance: ★★★★★ -
Strength: ★★★★★★ -
Speed: ★★★ -
Defense: ★★ -
Technique: ★★★-

Style: Pro-Wrestling
Type: Powerhouse

Causal Clothes

Finishing moves:

Mount Rushmore (Sit out two shoulder powerbomb)

Texas Bull Rope(Cradle Lift Arm Triangle")

Critical Finisher

Lone Star stampede

Brynhild is what you would call the 13 Wonder of the World. As soon as she enters the ring, she commands attention, her aura and presence alone forces people and her opponents to stare in awe at her massive frame. Inside the ring she is the cocky American Tweener character, loud, brass and very aggressive. Tossing around veterans and rookie wrestlers out of the ring, much to her delight.
Outside the ring, Brynhild is a different woman completely. She is seen as a sort of tomboy, she enjoys talk about fighting, and express an interest in participating in 'turf wars' against her neighbors. She is that big sister who is willing to help anyone in need, but her temper is as legendary as her bust size, as she has been known to toss her husband around.

Born in Vancouver, Canada. She was born into a family of five older brothers, each one ranging in height from six- three to the tallest being at six-eleven. As soon as her father placed a ball in her hand, she was hooked on playing sports. Baseball... to easy. Basketball... not too demanding... Soccer... she didn't enjoy not being able to slam into people. Not being to show off her skills and getting a massive growth spurt led to her grades suffering, as she took over the middle school yard and whole school since nobody wanted to mess with the giantess and her giant brothers.

At the age of fourteen her family moved to bright and sunny California, it was there where she learned and trained at the famous Muscle Beach alongside her family. Around the time she turned sixteen she was spotted by a local wrestling company owner who was looking for someone to be his big draw in the business, one year later she was champion and lured away to sign overseas with a Joshi company as their big bad American heel and talk about domination of the likes that some male wrestlers had seen. But at age eighteen Brynhild grew home sick and with the support of the Japanese fans she lost the title to a young raising star in the heavyweight scene, before returning home to America due to a what the paper said at the time was she was carrying the child of a male wrestler she met in Japan.

Taking two years off to care for her daughter Elm. She trained and forced her body to get back into her peak shape, signing with the United States Women's Wrestling. It was in the company that her career peaked as she took the title in brutal fashion and having a reign that has since been passed, but at the time was thought impossible. Having to battle two young rookies at the time who would have legendary careers of their own, before in a series of upsets that rocked the wrestling world. She was defeated and lost the USWW American Champion belt to a wrestler who would become the Amazon, wanting to shake off that defeat she challenged another promising rookie wrestler from the famed Lund family... which ended in another defeat for the once great former champion.

Seeing as she had passed the torch, Bryhild retired with her husband, moving back to Vancouver to raise her family... Even having another daughter with her husband, before getting a phone call from her oldest daughter saying that she had a problem with a few wrestlers in LAW. As soon as that was mentioned she hopped on a plane and after meeting the owner of the company was quickly signed to a contract, she not here to fight for gold she is just here to fight the good fight in the TRUE AMERICAN WAY.

Has seven rated 5-star matches
Undefeated streak in American- 35 matches without a loss in America
USWW American Champion- 1 time

Alaina Sanders- Ended her undefeated Streak
Aurora Lund- Defeated her in a one-sided squash match
Dana Ashford- Never met the woman but doesn't like her

- Darius Martinez (Husband, Former masked wrestler) The only man who ever slammed Bryhild... Lost his mask to his future wife and father to both girls... Is really short standing at five-foot five inches
-Elm Ederne (Oldest Daughter... Has her mother height and father dark skin complexion)
-Freya Ederne ( Youngest Daughter... Not as tall but has her mother love of short people... and more tanned complexion)

Fun Facts
Brynhild is a sore loser... She been known to pout and sulk if she loses a match or not get her way.
Owns a massage parlor business
Is a big Hockey fan ( Go Canucks)
Has a massive Bison skull tattoo on her back.
Enjoys teasing people shorter then her.
Loves all kind of foods.

Last edited by The Riders on Wed Feb 01, 2023 12:32 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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