I can't for the life of me find the original image I used for Julie's apartment. So use this Tweet for reference LMAO
Julie Dykstra-Liao was sitting in her new Tokyo apartment, doing what she did best. What she'd made not just one but two careers out of: Letting loose and having fun on camera. While she'd done MMA-themed tutorials and exercise vlogs for years, streaming was a relatively new addition to her repertoire. Nonetheless, it was something she thought she excelled at, at least if her follower and subscriber counts had anything to say about it. In times like these, she wasn't just Julie anymore -- no, she was JDLOfficial, the Notorious J.D.L., or whatever her channel decided to call her that day.
"But it's okay! Japan has all these really good soups and stews and curries that'll warm ya right up, hehehe!" As she giggled, Julie peered just past her computer monitors and into her kitchen, where a guest was leaning up against the countertop. A pretty-looking blonde with bright blue eyes and a smooth complexion, no doubt fixed with some kind of grin or another. She'd been well-acquainted with Allison Tumbleweed recently, and the Texan seemed pretty fun to hang out with. So, naturally, Julie invited her to do just that -- in front of her hundreds of viewers, of course.
Her eyes turned towards the stream chat. "What are we... Okay, yeah, that's actually a good segue. Today, chat, we're not actually gonna be playing anything. Which, y'know, we do pretty often anyway, just sitting here and chatting." She shrugged. It was true; sometimes, she just got so caught up in chilling with her Clique that the day's gaming plans just went by the wayside. Some streams were even planned that way: Just for hanging out. Julie raised a finger, as if to halt the stream of complaints that was undoubtedly being typed right now from around the world. "Buuuut, this isn't gonna be your normal chill day. I've actually got something planned that I think a lot of you will really like!"
"Soooo, some of you might know that I've been doing something new with all my kickass martial arts knowledge recently!" Julie waggled her eyebrows, looking half at the camera and half past it to Allison. As always, her words carried two meanings. On the one hand, LAW was her first real touch of professional fighting. On the other, it was also literally porn, something that her guest was well aware of, given how they'd met. "To go along with that, I've arranged a super-special guest to hang out with us tonight. Maybe give you all a... special perspective on what I've been up to in Japan?" Julie scooted over and reached behind her, pulling up a second chair.
"Tex, you wanna come by and introduce yourself to the JDL Clique?"