The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

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The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

Unread post by RedShinigami »

NO DQ Falls Count everywhere best of 5 Bikini Match-
Victory can be achieved by: Pinfall, Submission or KO
No Disqualification, No Holds Barred

The time has was written in stone that this would happen.
Nobody knews or how, but now they had their answer.
The feud of the LAW Newbies, the proud and arrogant Heel Veronika "The Queen of Hearts" Noir and the cocky, crowdpleasing Face Chris "The Rocking" Yukine had gathered some interest by many people at LAW and also had resonated greatly with the fans,
The reason why this feud such a hit had multiple reasons.
Both wrestlers involved were colourful and intresting personalities which could'nt be more different.
Veronika Noir the proud and arrogant European Burlesque Dancer who had rubbed her heads with few other girls at the company because of her
"difficult character" and the bubbly, energetic Highflyer Chris Yukine.
Booked in a harmless beach match this girls did'nt want to get harmless at all as they both teared at each other from the first second on, both women showing some strong wrestling skills, the franco-austrian Burlesqe Dancer sure had her body under control, no wonder as she was a ballet dancer and a gymnastic champ and a determined woman, wanting to show to everyone her superiority. But this behaviour also was her demise in some of her matches where she could have won easily, but her hebris often took over her talent.
As for Chris, she did'nt had as much matches or made as much as an impact on LAW until the fateful day of the beach match where the newcomer would find a foe for feud instantly, a feat rarely obtained by newbies.
Watching this match, no one could deny that both did'nt see eye to eye, yes they hated each other, both women fought with masterful movement and strength and Chris presented us with some formidable highflying skills, especially her finisher that she used to finish the Euro-Diva off!
But this was'nt the end of that!
At Veronikas own show "The Tell Tale Heart", which she would host herself, she invited her enemy only to present us a show of pure humiliation as poor Chris was spanked and forced into a Mud Match with The Queen of Hearts! Little did she know that this should be the biggest mistake of her career, that did'nt even had spanned that long by now. The Mud Match was nothing less than a humiliating squash where the young rocker was tortured mentally and physically by the sadistic Burlesquedancer! After a grueling torture against both her knees, I can realte to that, her highflying skills were quasi put out by her opponent, a sign that she feared them and I am sure she will try to go for Chris legs too today, so Chris, if you read this, don't let you get caught! The rocker is smaller and faster than her opponent and as far as I heard the young rockstar was hitting the gym frequently to prepare herself for this bout!
After Veronikas big show, even playing her theme while choking the poor Rockstar out with the austrian Eagles dreaded finisher "Eine kleine Nachtmusik". What a shocking ending! Sadly it was'nt the end tough as the real torment just began..
It was a disgusting sight to see but then again, arrousing to say at least. Veronika paraded around the unconcious girl, danced with her, threw her into a corner, she was her pretty little ragdoll. Finally Chris found herself naked and this sight prompted all the cameras, cellphones etc. in the arena to get to work.
There must be thousand pictures and dozens of dozens of videos from that bout.
Of course the LAW Lawyers would have nothing of it and looked for every photo and every video that circled around and took care of it.
Not everything could be obtained but at least most of them, but Veronika,as member of LAW had full access to the pic and vids, especially the ones she herself had made. At the end of the day every company was about money and stuff like that brought the big money...
After a few grueling weeks were our favorite Trash TV Host never let a chance of taking a punch at Chris who was surprisingly absent...
I tried to look for her, maybe interview her but she was nowhere to be found.
All of LAW was worrying until she made a triumphant comeback at the latest screening of "The Tell Tale Heart", where she stood tall in her great looking outfit to challenge Veronika to end this thing once and for all. And to emphasize who serious she was she offered nothing other than a non DQ falls count anywhere!
In true heel fashion the other woman declined , just not wanting to get her precious victory get doubted when Chris would again beat her, but the Rockstar was not here to take a no but only a "Yes and when".
And after striking the sadistic host down with her guitar, a truly dangerous weapon, she wrecked the Room in true Rockstar Fashion. The Stones would be proud. And after Veronika had risen from the dead she finally took the bait and added the stipulations to a best of 5, wanting to make sure she would have her hated foe in her clutches as long as possible...whatever the outcome may be...we have a match for the ages ahead of us!
Karl Schneider,
Wrestling Impact Magazine

Veronika came back in the arena triumphant just an hour later after the little Shithead had wrecked her set and smashed a guitar over her dared she! But now she was gonna pay...she would learn to stay the fuck out of Veronikas way..oh yes.
This time shit got real as no pesky ref was here to hold them up tearing into each other.
When Cockring thought the mud match was agony than she would have a lot to learn...
Veronika entered the ring in her usual "Less is more" attire she had fought the first match, she was practically naked but that did'nt bug her the least. She was'nt known for her prudery and so she appeared at the ring, slipped in to a popping crowd while she let her hands slide over her curvatious body...a body she was putting on the line, the guitar slam showed her that, her head still was stinging a little from the impact the attack of her hated rival gave her, but she was ready for the bitch and glared down to the entrance...
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Re: The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Chris stood in the changing room, making sure her bikini was tied nice and tight. Don't want someone to try and rip her top and bottoms off again. As she did so she was reading an article that some fan had sent her, concerning her and Veronika. Obviously this Karl Schneider was in the audience attending, or else he definitely wouldn't have gotten this article out quickly. Maybe he had been waiting for her to crash one of the shows. Or he just got lucky. Either way it was a good read.

Except for the part that called her a face. Yeah she wasn't really fitting into the typical 'tweener' role, but seriously? "Just means I'll have to correct that in this match and get a bit ruthless, I guess. Make sure he realizes that mistake if he's still here." With kne last double check of everything, Chris grabbed her guitar and headed back to the ring.

Her theme started playing, the rockstar stepping onto stage with her instrument on her back and devil horns raised into the air, her usual pyrotechnics accompanying her.
She smiled in the face of Veronika's glare, hand on her guitar before she slid into the ring."Glad to see you weren't too scared. Hope you're set to get rekt." The crowd cheered at her taunt, Chris having a good momentum right now. Plus, with her guitar by her side, it was a good deterrent to keep the Franco-Austrian from trying any cheap shots.
Golem's Guardians

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Re: The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika was pissed as the girl entered with a smugsmile, getting cheered on by this worthless idiots
She took a step forward and met Chris in the middle of the ring were both stared each other both göres filled with despise but also determination.
None of those feared the other as they had proven that they both were capable to hurt the other
And hurting it would tonight..
"I would never lose a chance to break you in half you little slut.",she said and grabbed for Chris guitar, throwing the thing away and jumpes at her in full rage mode! They landed on the floor in a messy heap , grunting, clawing and hairpulling, oh the crowd loved it! But the bell had'nt rang yet so the two foes were separeted by Securities who were at the ringside watching the crowd.
"Let me go! Let me at her her you asshole!", the dancer screamed and managed to slap Chris in the face before both were sent to their respective corners...
As fitting for such an epic event a ringannouncer was brought in.
"Ladiiiees and Gentleman! The following Contest is a No DQ Bikini Match, falls count anywhere, nooo holds barred!", he said and the crowd popped.
"In this corner, she is The Queen of Hearts, from Corsica, France, Veroooniilkaaaaa Noir!",
The sexy entertainer pumped her fists in the air and smiled, touching herself and strokinh her curvatious body. Boos and cheers between the fans mixed as the announcer turned to the other ringside:
"In this corner..."
Last edited by RedShinigami on Tue Nov 30, 2021 5:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Why shouldn't she be a bit smug right now? She got under her hated rival's skin, got the match she wanted, and the crowd was eager to see more of her aggressive side. Everything was coming up Chris.

Though with her guitar roughly tossed aside and Veronika going after her hair and scratching at her while they tumbled, she was in a bit off guard. She'd still go for her own hair pulling, even going for a knee to her rival's gut, and get her own licks in before security separated them and told them to get back to their corners. Chris did so a lot more willingly than the dancer did, as one last slap was sent to her face before they all but hauled her to her corner.

Though the rockstar's cheek was now sporting a red handprint, she just gave Vernokia a cheeky grin, promising she'd regret that, and went to her corner while the booming announcer introduced the match and Veronika. The crowd went wild, mostly for her but also partly because of the sensual display she had made of herself. Though some also booed her, given how brutal she had been the last time she was in the ring with the white haired woman.

"And in this corner," the announcer began, the crowd already cheering. "She is the challenger, from Tokyo, Japan. Chris 'The Rocking' Yukine!" Unlike the dancer, Chris threw both her arms up, shooting the fans her almost trademarked devilhorns. "Put your hands up!" She cried out, an eruption of cheers following. True there was some boos in there, some hardcore fans of the Franco-Austrian no doubt, but that wouldn't deter her. She was gonna beat up Veronika, and out an end to their little rivalry once and for all.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

The bell rang, and Chris all but sprinted at the dancer, not looking to let her get another cheap shot in and take the early momentum. Though while Veronika may expect Chris to zig, maybe spring back from the ropes near her, the rocker instead zagged. She halted in place right before her rival, possibly confusing her for a second or two, and kicked her right in the gut. If that went uninterrupted, she would then turn and wrap her hands around Veronika's doubled over head and fall down for a Stunner. If she was right it should give her a little time to set up another move.
Golem's Guardians

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Re: The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika was ready to go to her limits with this.
She had debuted against this girl and instantly those two women found themselves in a vengeful feud.
No holds barred was the name of the game this would hurt, it could hurt, hell, the Franco-Austrian would see THAT it hurt.
Finally the bell rang and this match was underway.
Veronika would try to grab her opponent and pull her in a bearhug to wear her out from the first second.
But Chris had other plans it seamed as the quick rockstar zick-zacked around the ring before standind directly before Veronika.
"What...guaaagh!", the dancer was able to say before she was nailed in the gut and got a stunner to the mat.
The crowd cheered as Chris delivered the first blow and seemed hungry for more...

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Re: The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

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Looks like she was right. The best way for the speedy girl to surprise her opponent was to stop moving entirely. And she was gonna keep up with the surprises.

With the stunner executed perfectly, Chris ran the nearest ropes and flipped right off them, before landing feet first right into Veronika's gut for a springboard moonstomp. If she hadn't moved Chris was hoping it would deal some serious damage. Possibly akin to another time she had jumped and stomped onto the dancer. Or at least she wanted to remind the dancer of that moment.

But she had no plans to stop here. After her moonstomp, the rockstat once more would run the ropes, rebound off them, and slide into a baseball slide dropkick to send the Franco-Austrian right under the ropes and onto the harsh, ringside floor. This was only a taste of what all she had planned for the dancer, but she'd stop there, pumping her fists up and down to get the crowd cheering for her.
Golem's Guardians

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Re: The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

Unread post by RedShinigami »

The arena was packed to the max, in the last hour since the challenge the ticketsale were rocketting skyhigh as the feud of those hellcats reached its boiling point with this ultimate brutal match up!

Verobika had underestimated the girl, she was quick and that was something that gave her an advantage against her opponent.
So she had to get to the legs again...somehow...but this time she would see that she couldnt use them for a much longer time...

The stunner hurt but not as much as Moonstomp, perfectly executed into her stomach, squeezing her insides.
The rockstar was'nt that heavy but she hit her full force, snapping Veronikas body up.
The blonde had no chance to escape those swift and brutal attacks and got hit full force.
She grabbed her stomach and coughed violently.

Then she saw her opponent charge again but she could do nothing as trying to build pressure on her body so the kick and fall would'nt hurt that much...
But it did.
The dancer landed on the thinly padded outside of the floor grunting and folding like s lobster, hoping to dull the pain...

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Re: The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

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Chris was in control, having caught her rival completely off guard and was proving to her, and the crowd, just what a force of nature the dancer had awakened. She was pissed at herself for falling for what was an obvious trap, and she was pissed at Veronika for her sadistic and humiliating showcase she had put her through. And surely her foe felt just how pissed was with each stomp and kick she'd deliver.

The rockstar kept energizing the crowd, getting them on her side as the dancer got back to her feet. She was gonna give her another flash back to their time at the beach. Once she was back to a vertical basis, Chris ran the ropes behind her and rebounded, jumping over the top rope and turning herself sideways. If all went well, she would execute a beautiful suicide crossbody onto her hated rival, sending her right back down onto the barely padded floor.

It might be a bit early, but if she got her down the rockstar would hook one of the dancer's legs going for the first pin in this match. If nothing else it would force Veronika to expend some energy to kick out. Either way, the crowd started the count since there was no ref to do so. "One!"
Golem's Guardians

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Re: The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika was also pissed.
Pissed that Chris had the audacity to challenge her?
Well, when the dancer was through with her "Eternal RIval" ,as some stupid LAW Reporter called them, then Chris would change the side
of the street when she jut saw the woman from afar.
But now it seemed that Chris anger, shame and pride had her back in the circled square after a few weeks absence, determined to get even with the Dancer.

Veronika groaned and cursed the fans were so easily brought to the side of this little shitstain. But they would see rather quickly that Veronika Noir was'nt beaten that easily.
The beautiful woman shook her head and got to her feet, trying to get in the ring again as she heared the crowd cheering and suddenly her rival jumped over the top rope, saiiling towards her and crashed Veronika back into the the thin mats again.
"Aaagh!", she groaned as her whole body was shaken and compressed between the thin and hard mats and Chris body, which lay on top of her.

The Rockstar waisted no time in going for the first fall as she hooked the leg of her rival in a safe pin and the crowd, in absence of a ref, started to count.
"Fuck you!", she screamed.
Veronika had her body under control as she was dancer and a gymnastics champ at her private school and so she kicked out with the full force of her strong legs, breaking the pin rather easily and fast.
Whistels and cheers and even some "Veronika!", chants could be heard as the elegant wrestler had kicked out after the first slap.
She groaned and tried to get up...but if Chris had some other surprises for her then this was the time for it as Veronika tried to shake the cobwebs and was in no shape to fight right now...

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Re: The finale Tale of the Dancer and the Singer: Apocalypse now

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Honestly she would have been surprised if Veronika had stayed down for the pin. She had hit some big moves, sure, but she had done so before and the dancer had still had fight after them. Plus, if she had then that would've been less time to beat the shit out of her.

"If you're gonna be like that," The rockstar grabbed Veronika's blond locks and pulled up up to her feet with her. "How about you cool down over there!" She would then attempt to irish whip her rival into the barricade that separated them from the fans. She'd hurt some, sure, but that was more just to put some distance between them. After all, she was outside of the ring. Might as well grab something from while she was there, if she successfully tossed Veronika away that is.

Lifting the apron she started looking for a certain something. "Where is... Oo, maybe later... Aha!" Stepping back, she pulled out what she had been looking for: a steel chair. With it in hand the rockstar would get back up, anxious for her hated rival to recover and come at her, if she hadn't already. "Feeling a little better, bitch?" She taunted, tight grip on her weapon.

If she was right the Franco-Austrian would charge at her, despite the weapon in hand, and in her anger wouldn't be ready for what she had planned. Chris would toss the chair at Veronika, planning for her to catch it. Then, immediately the white haired woman would run forth herself, aiming a dropkick right to the metal object and into her rival's face. Was it wise to give her opponent a weapon like that in the long run? No. Did she thing the chair would be dropped after the blindsided attack? Yes. But that would all be up to Veronika to see how she handled that.
Golem's Guardians

Discord: TheFanfictioner#8859

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