Seeking Retribution (For RedShinigami)

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Seeking Retribution (For RedShinigami)

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It had been a few weeks since Chris was Veronika's toy in their mud match. She had never been so violated, so exposed, even by all those punk ass kids when she actually did attend school. They may have beaten her up, drawn all sorts of graffiti about her, and even embarrassed her in front of her class, but she was never as mortified as she was after seeing all the photos and videos their match produced. She really needed to look into getting a manager who could handle this media stuff, because it was a nightmare trying to calm the horny internet down these few weeks. Heck, she didn't even finish her song she promised to release after.
As she jogged on the treadmill in her debut attire, her mind still racing from how one sided that match had been. She really was basically a one trick pony, she knew that, but after being handled so easily when her speed had been taken away made it clear that was also a disadvantage. Maybe her idea of rocking on and spending around the ring was worse of an idea than she thought it was. Or maybe wrestling wasn't actually for her. Maybe-

No. No she couldn't think like that. She had proven she could handle herself in the ring with Kiara. Her win hadn't been a fluke when she beat Veronika. The only reason she lost in that mud was because of that cheating, no good, fake ass, tits, and blonde. She got heated, taken advantage of, and humiliated horribly. She admitted that stuff was on her.

The Franco-Austrian's extended humiliation segment, her brutalization of her after she was broken, and groping and kissing her in the middle of their match. All of it was over the top. And it just pissed her. The fuck. Off.

Finishing her cool down, her head now in need of such a treatment, she stopped the machine and went to the locker room. 'Next time O see that bitch, I swear she's gonna pay.'

And when she opened her locker, an idea came to her. In it was the t-shirt her tormenter dressed her in for probably the fifth worst photo she had had to deal with. Veronika had been ambushed her numerous times. It was about time she was ambushed.
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Re: Seeking Retribution (For RedShinigami)

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Veronika, the beautiful and radiant Queen of Hearts was on the top of her game, slowly but surely she became a rising star at LAW, doing different kinds of matches against different kinds of bitches.
One particular bitch had been a thorn in her side for quite a while: Chris the feisty Rockstar who had debuted against Veronika, beaten her against all odds and humiliated her in front of her audience, no worse, she upstaged her!
This was something that Veronika could'nt accept, so after her first match up, she invited the feisty Rocker to her show (Link follows) where she humiliated the girl into a mud match before sending her out on the stretcher and then finally...the mud match.
Of course the whole thing was a careful planned trap by the witty Dancer to get the newbie into unknown territory, a territory that she herself knew how to handle herself in, and despite getting a halfway decent start, the match turned into a squash very soon as Veronika used the mud for advantage to its fullest, hurt the legs of the dancer, her arms, and then she started to, an article described it best: "Annihilated Chris Yukine" in every way possiblle, first physically by showing of the body of her rival, stripping her, showing the goods to the crowd while she had applied her signature move, groping her breasts, kissing and then, in an extravagant show of using her themesong, finished the girl off witht the Austrian Eagles Roster finisher, slowy and very painful...
But did she stop there?

Veronika was'nt known to do things only halfway and so the real terror for poor Chris began after the devastating KO brought on by the Dancer and Show Host as Veronika dragged her around the ring, paraded her around, even danced with her before sending her to the corner, feed the poor girl her own bikini bottoms and clothed her in a Fanshirt of her show.
She then proceeded to take a photo of it....and now...
"Woooow! 20k likes!", the Host of "The Tell Tale Heart" shouted excited.
The crowd cheered and hollered as the pictures taken from their fight where shown on the Titantron for everyone to see as Veronika had announced a "Best of Chris Yukine" Special at her show, of course without asking Chris for permission.
She swaped through the endless pics of poor Chris going through all sorts of pain and humiliation.
"Wait...that is my favourite I think!", she said and swapped to the photo of the naked Chris, hanging in the corner, her panties stuffed in her mouth as the horny crowd hollered and hooted.
"You like it too? Too glad! Because in the next hour we..."
And as she wanted to kick of her show, something other kicked off as the crowd went wild.
Veronika looked up to see how the titantron showed Chris entrance again where she had kicked Veronikas butt in the first fight.
The Franco-Austrian grabbed her mic tight and the them of Chris started.
Upstaged..upstaged..upstaged..., it went through her head and it made her furious!
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Nov 28, 2021 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Seeking Retribution (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Cutting the host's little clipshow right in the middle of it might be a little harsh, but right now Chris didn't care. She had heard the cries, whistles, and even the hollering when she approached, and what better way to stop them and turn them into cheers for her then reminding everyone about their first match. So as her theme hit, she was laser focused on the ring where her rival was, not even paying the fans much attention.
She still wore her purple/black leggings, but she had decided a change in top was in order. That being specifically the shirt Veronika put her in before she slammed her into the mud. She made one change, however, that being thick, black 'x's over Veronika's eyes. And she even had her guitar with her, the same one she'd used to taunt the Franco-Austrian at the start of their mud match.

Sliding into the ring when she got there, she brought a mic up to her lips, glaring at her former tormenter. "Sorry to barge in, but it didn't seem like you were doing anything important." There were a few 'Ooo's from the crowd at her burn, but unfortunately most were upset by it. This was Veronika's audience after all, and they paid to see the photos of her.

"I'll admit I fell for your trap and got made a fool of. You played me." The crowd was shocked by her admission of her mistake, wondering where she was going with it. "I paid for it by spending weeks trying to contain the hogwash you forced me through, all while recovering from that match." She stepped right up to her hated rival, glaring at her all the while. "So I think I'm owed a little something. Don't you?"

Turning to the crowd, a hate filled grin plastered on her face as she threw her free arm out. "Right here, right now. Let's give these people a show actually worth their money." And suddenly they were cheering, wondering just where this was going. "I'm challenging you to a no disqualification, falls count anywhere match." The crowd seemed to roar at the idea. "Perfect way to settle this tie, and I don't want any rules stopping me from kicking your ass in front of each and every fan of yours!" Turning back around, the smile faded, replaced once more by her aggressive glare. "So what do you say, Veronika? Or are you top afraid to fight me somewhere you don't have control over? Well?" The rocker stood her ground. Waiting for her answer.
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Re: Seeking Retribution (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika saw her rival approaching, crashing HER show and fumed.
What does this woman thought she was, she was still a fucking newbie, granted Veronika was too not too long ago but she definetly had made an impact with some very entertaining matches and last but not least, her show.
She had gathered a solid fanbase, people who loved her looks, her attitude and...yes even her skills as the beautiful woman was'nt all about looks, something Chris had to learn the hard way.
When Chris entered, Veronika kept her coolness, after all, lets see what the bitch wanted.
Those two women would'nt become friends in the near future, so much was for sure.
Just one thing bugged her and that was the shirt.
The woman walked up to her rival and grinned a all to fake happy smile.
"Cockring! You were the last person I would have expected here but actually this is great! We can watch the photos together, I even have some
videos, did you know how creative people can get?
", she asked as Chris started to speak.
"Oh no, nothing to important, just making a best of "Beating Chrissy into a pulp show.", she grinned as her rival went on.
"Oh? Is that so? Well don't feel bad cockring, we all are making mistakes you know? Its called learning. And it seems you have'nt learned to stay out of sight for at least one mile...",she said getting a huge pop from the crowd.
And theb Chris issued her challenge, giving Veronika all but a weak smile and a yawn.
"Are you finished?", she asked while the crowd was railing.
"A what? Are you insane? Did'nt have I beaten you up enough? Did you suffer some braindamage? Remember what happened in our supervised matches, what do you think I will do to you if no ref is stopping me?", she said and the crowd seemed to be really into it.
"But the answer is no. I have a full schedule and you are not on my list. You had your chance and blew it and as you said you were dumb enough to fall dor my trap. What excitement could the people here possibly await with a fucked up little newbie like you?", she asked but the crowds opinion on the matter seemed in total contrast to Veronikas.
"So, is that all? Can we resume? As said you would'nr believe how creative people can get! This was sent in by an avid fan! You may enjoy it! Look...", she said as a all too familiar sound turned on Chris ear as one of her songs started to play and a video appeared in the titantron playing clips of Chris torture and humiliation while her voice sang over it.
Veronika knew that must hurt and she relished in it.
The woman turned around to grab something to smash over Chris head again as she was sure the rockstar was just to occupied with the video than to look out for her.

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Re: Seeking Retribution (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Of course she knew Veronika was gonna refuse. Not that she had a lot of ground to stand on at the moment anyways, with those pictures of Chris still around and all. "Trust me. The only reason you've still been able to walk is because of a ref. So don't think you're the only one with some sly moves." And then Veronika began a new video that was made by some hateful fan. It was one of her first songs, the one that had put her on the indie map at all. And it was being paired with her humiliation, the complete opposite of what that song meant to her. To say the rockstar was hurt was an understatement.

Pissed as hell, even more so.

On the turn of a dime, Chris grabbed her guitar and while the hated host was more than likely going for another heart-shaped item to bash over her head, swung it as hard as she could. With the instrument being as hard and aerodynamic as it was, if it struck true then Veronika'd definitely be in for a very, very hard blow to the head.

But Chris wouldn't stop there. Veronika had soiled something she held so precious, so it was only fair that Chris do the same. "I'm gonna show you just how hard a rocker thrashes." And the guitar would keep flying, breaking numerous of Veronika's props, knocking over her lights, and even going so far as to break that motherfucking love test machine of hers.

It was cathartic, breaking the set where all the humiliation began. And it made her feel a lot better. Some in the crowd booed, but it seemed that many of them enjoyed her aggression. Her anger peaking as it turned into pure violence. Wood flew in all directions, stuffing from some of the props floating around. It was as if a twisted symphony played about before the dancer's eyes, if she were even still conscious to a degree.

And how to end it all? The rockstsr could think of no better way then toppling the couch Veronika interviewed so many on, kicking it onto its back as she stood over Veronika. "Now, about that match?" The crowd chanted for her, wanting to see more of this aggressive rocker. And Chris could only wonder what excuse the bitch would try to make this time to set her further off.
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Re: Seeking Retribution (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika was sure that Chris was just bluffing, proving her arrogance once again.
Not for a single second she believed any of the words, leaving the mouth of her cocky little rival.
Rival...a rival was an equal, this little shitstain was nothing more than a bug she had squished.
Totally ignoring the outcome of their first encounter where Chris had proven, swiftness, toughness and strength,
all that circled in her head was the last two encounters of the women.
First their meetup at Veronikas Show " The Tell Tale Heart", where Veronika forced a challenge out of Chris, but unlike here
she did it because she wanted that little insect squished under her heel.

Chris could'nt fool her, not one tiny second. She was afraid!
No one that had endured that mach torture mentally or physically would have come back to see the person who commited the
torture on them.
But Veronika was'nt against the idea of Chris being here, on the contrary, she was glad. Having her hated opponent standing in the ring
while watching her "Beating up Chris" compilation on the big screen was not a bad publicity stunt.
And to ensure that the smaller girl would stay, Veronika used the same old trick she did last time only...

Suddenly some dull pain exploded on top of her head and a wave of dulling agony forced itself to the body of the dancer who tumbled against the ropes and fell flatt on her butt.
"Ooooh...", she moaned and grabbed for her head then looking at her fingers to see if she did'nt bleed.
Her whole head went numb with pain and her body ached when she looked up seeing Chris, her guitar in both hands but...the other around as if to use it...
Veronikas vision blurried for a second as her brain tried its best to not shut down.

//Veronika, stop! What are you doing to Michelle? That little bitch upstaged me! She walked in my way! No one walks in MY way! This is no reason to beat her up, are you insane? Fuck you, what do you know? The whole world is a fucking stage and if you want to play the lead you have to show such little shitholes that you won't give up your spotlight so easily...Veronika I swear if you get in a fight again...It is over Veronika, I have it. Go wherever you want, but you won't be staying here, understood?"//

Her vision cleared as she looked up and did'nt saw two Rockers but only one and that was when she snapped, a sudden rush of adrenaline got her up to her feet as she grabbed the ropes, still holding her head.
"You...little...slut...", she said with hate in her eyes.
The crowd was a mess of cheers, booing, hollering and hooting as the host looked around the battlefield...her studio...
Of course all of this stuff was replacable but the message that Chris had sent was clear.
She wanted Veronika and she wanted her for her alone, without a ref, both women one on one with their hatred and rage.
The Dancer looked at the remains of the Luv-o-Tron and grabbed her special mic that was still intact as she walked to Chris, so close that both women were face to face, Chris was not that much smaller but still a little smaller than Veronika as she began to speak.
"You've got your match...", she said.
"Right here in this very ring. In on hour we will meet her to finally decide this. Oh,you will regret to ever have spoken the words NO DQ, I tell you that.", the Dancer said and looked to the people.
"And to make sure you learn your lesson we make .....5!", she shouted and pumped her fist getting loud cheers from the crowd.
"And as I know how you little horndogs love to take a look we will fight in bikiniiiiiis!", she added and now the crowd finally came to live.
The host looked at Chris with a deathstare.
"What do you say Cockring? Is this acceptable for your loser ass?",she asked and spat on the floor where the remnants of her broken studio lay like after the war...but the war was about to start...and would get epic...

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Re: Seeking Retribution (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

With her little thrashing all over, Veronika now back on her feet looking just as pissed as Chris. Possibly a little more so, given that while replaceable it would surely cut into time she wanted set aside for other shows. The dancer would have to get all of her props again, spending however long to get it all right. Just like Chris had the past few weeks with those godamned pictures.

Yes it was a little over the top, but it seemed her message was clear, shouted as loud as her lyrics were in each of her performances. She smirked in satisfaction, even after Veronika added her own little stipulations. Multiple falls just meant multiple chances to shut this bitch up. It was a perfect way to settle things, once and for all.

"Sure. Just means these people are gonna get the perfect show. Since we fought all our matches in those already, it'd be the perfect way to rock you like a hurricarana." The crowd cheered, excited for this heated match. "Though if you change your mind after the hour's up, I won't be surprised." With her last little taunt over she dropped her mic, and headed out of the arena to change. She was satisfied, and she was surely going to feel moreso as soon as she stepped into the ring and shut Veronika up for good.

Continues here:viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9738
Last edited by GolemGuardian on Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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