JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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I can't for the life of me find the original image I used for Julie's apartment. So use this Tweet for reference LMAO
"Oh god, yeah, it's super cold here this time of year. Well, not like super cold, but still way colder than Cali."

Julie Dykstra-Liao was sitting in her new Tokyo apartment, doing what she did best. What she'd made not just one but two careers out of: Letting loose and having fun on camera. While she'd done MMA-themed tutorials and exercise vlogs for years, streaming was a relatively new addition to her repertoire. Nonetheless, it was something she thought she excelled at, at least if her follower and subscriber counts had anything to say about it. In times like these, she wasn't just Julie anymore -- no, she was JDLOfficial, the Notorious J.D.L., or whatever her channel decided to call her that day.

"But it's okay! Japan has all these really good soups and stews and curries that'll warm ya right up, hehehe!" As she giggled, Julie peered just past her computer monitors and into her kitchen, where a guest was leaning up against the countertop. A pretty-looking blonde with bright blue eyes and a smooth complexion, no doubt fixed with some kind of grin or another. She'd been well-acquainted with Allison Tumbleweed recently, and the Texan seemed pretty fun to hang out with. So, naturally, Julie invited her to do just that -- in front of her hundreds of viewers, of course.

Her eyes turned towards the stream chat. "What are we... Okay, yeah, that's actually a good segue. Today, chat, we're not actually gonna be playing anything. Which, y'know, we do pretty often anyway, just sitting here and chatting." She shrugged. It was true; sometimes, she just got so caught up in chilling with her Clique that the day's gaming plans just went by the wayside. Some streams were even planned that way: Just for hanging out. Julie raised a finger, as if to halt the stream of complaints that was undoubtedly being typed right now from around the world. "Buuuut, this isn't gonna be your normal chill day. I've actually got something planned that I think a lot of you will really like!"

"Soooo, some of you might know that I've been doing something new with all my kickass martial arts knowledge recently!" Julie waggled her eyebrows, looking half at the camera and half past it to Allison. As always, her words carried two meanings. On the one hand, LAW was her first real touch of professional fighting. On the other, it was also literally porn, something that her guest was well aware of, given how they'd met. "To go along with that, I've arranged a super-special guest to hang out with us tonight. Maybe give you all a... special perspective on what I've been up to in Japan?" Julie scooted over and reached behind her, pulling up a second chair.

"Tex, you wanna come by and introduce yourself to the JDL Clique?"

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Re: JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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As the Californian was speaking, or rather “warming up the crowd” as she told her earlier. A certain cowgirl was in the kitchen out of the camera’s view. Leaning on the counter, Allison had to put her hand over her mouth to keep her giggling down to a minimum. At the same time, the blonde couldn’t help but admire the Californians way of talking to what had to be hundreds of fans.

Then the moment came, and Allison would see her former opponent give her the signal as she began to hype up the watchers of the stream. The moment the Californian asked for her to introduce herself, Allison stepped into the cameras view with her arms spread out wide and a bright smile on her face. Instead of her usual sexy attire, Allison was dressed far more casually. A black beanie, black and yellow jacket, and some torn up jeans.
Making her way over to a free seat, Allison would make a quick detour to give her former rival a hug before sitting down and putting a pair of headphones on her head. ”Thanks for the hype up darlin. And at such a great time too! Any longer and I would have probably started to raid your pantry for a good drink hehe.” she laughed.

Turning her head, she could see the watchers of the stream absolutely losing their minds at the fact that Julies former opponent had made a guest appearance. The hilarious comments causing another giggle to rumble through Allison’s throat.
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Re: JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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Julie eagerly returned Allison's hug. "Aww, you could've taken whatever! No need to ask, mi casa es su casa!" On camera, JDLOfficial was always friendly and bubbly, but even out-of-character, Julie liked her former opponent. Of course, it didn't hurt that the blonde was, in her eyes, smokin' hot. Which, come to think of it, was something she probably needed to address.

"Okay, so first of all, mods?" She held up a stern finger to the camera, as if reprimanding an unruly child. "I want chat to be on their best behavior tonight for our guest. Delete or ban as you see fit." Julie looked once more at the seated Allison. Her moderation team included friends from back home, longstanding pillars of her online community, and as of a few weeks ago, her friends on Team Stanza. Tonight, they'd have their work cut out for them. Her audience was a pretty horny bunch already, which had only become more true after she'd joined LAW, but now Julie was sitting with someone that she'd literally made out with on international TV. Already, the chat was filling with a few particularly explicit remarks.

But most of them were nice enough... though Julie was definitely getting a bit of ribbing from her fans. "Now that that's handled, I just wanna get a few more things out of the way: Yes, chat, this is Allison Tumbleweed. And yes, she did beat me in my debut match. Ha ha, get your jokes in now, because with this many of you, they'll get old really fast." She gave a fake, unimpressed pout to the camera before shaking her head and turning to Allison. "I think you're a big enough girl to handle your own intro though. Go on, girl, tell 'em what you're all about!"

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Re: JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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To say that Allison was shocked to be invited to something like this by the Californian so soon after their “heated” match. It would be a very big understatement. But not a bad one, for Allison almost immediately agreed and soon enough the two ladies were talking about when and where the cowgirl and the Californian were going to meet. Such a place of course being Julies own apartment.

Now funnily enough, while the cowgirl had never streamed herself. She has done interviews and various podcasts over the course of her career. So thankfully the blonde wasn’t too out of touch with what was happening. Allison also couldn’t help but admire the way Julie maintained her stream, the brunette did it better than some big name shows sge knows of.

Guess it goes to show that fighting truly is Julies passion. Allison imagined that if the girl wanted, she could easily make enough money to live comfortably doing only this. Speaking of, Allison was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Julies introduction. So letting a bright smile of her own, the cowgirl would introduce herself. ”Aww. No need to go so hard on her guys. Somethin tells me we could have gone on a lot longer if that darn referee didn’t end things so quickly. But ya live and ya learn. Speaking of, thanks so much for invitin me darlin! It’s been a good while since I’ve done something like this ya know.”
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Re: JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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"Oh yeah." Julie nodded in playful agreement. "That ref totally fast-counted me. And right when I was getting ready to give you a real pounding, y'know?" She giggled, knowing full well that her comments would only stoke her fans' fires even more. Being just suggestive enough to keep people's interest while holding back enough to not get banned was a delicate line to walk, but she'd made a career of walking it well. "But gaaasp!" Julie brought her hand to her chest in mock surprise. "You mean I'm not your first? Allison, have you been cheating on me with some other streamer?"

Shaking her head with a grin, Julie turned back towards the chat, reading it for a moment. "Anyway... I thought we could do a short lil' Q&A for the fans. After all, this is kinda my new gig, and you've been here longer than I have. I'm sure the Clique's got some questions for the both of us, and I'm game to answer if you are, Tex." At the mention of her nickname for her fanbase, Julie grabbed a water bottle, taking a healthy swig as she waited for the questions to pile in.

"Oh, I think this is a good one to start with: 'What is it like being in LAW?'" Julie brought a finger to her chin and tapped away, pondering the question. "Well, first off, it's a lot of fun! Most of the girls here are super nice, like Allison here. And being able to fight again has been really great; I've missed it, really." She hadn't gotten a chance to fight consistently in a few years, what with her vlogging and streaming taking up much of her time. Still, combat sports were her first love, even if she'd since moved on. "What about you, Tex? You're a bit... longer in the tooth than I am, so what do you think about this place? Oh, and you can pick the next question if you wanna."

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Re: JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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”Nothin too big don’t ya worry. Just a few podcasts and the like from my run in the indies. Don’t you worry darlin, you’re the only one I got my eyes on today.” Allison giggled seductively. Her tone of voice already sending those watching the stream into a frenzy. It reminds her just how easy it was to hype the crowd up in the ring. Only this time, those watching were doing everything they could to watch every last second of sensual tension between these two beautiful ladies.

Leaning back in her chair, Allison listened as Julie spoke to her and the audience. When she as if the cowgirl was ok with a few questions, the blonde smiled and nodded her head. And thankfully it was an easy question too, simply what was it like to be in law. Allison took a small moment to think about her answer before replying.

”Oh it’s a dream come true for a girl like me ya know. Amazin challenge, great pay. The chance to fight in a much more massive crowd than you can find in the indies. The fact that you can find some tasty eye candy of both the masculine and feminine variety is just a bonus.” she said whilst giving Julie a wink at the end. But she wasn’t done there. “Though that doesn’t mean it’s all sunshine and rainbows partner. In my run I’ve met some opponents that have little care for the game we play and are either only interested in the money, or hurting as many people as possible. Management picks out the best, no doubt about it. But that don’t mean none of them aren’t shady.” she warned.
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Re: JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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"Oh, that's a good point." Julie nodded along to Allison's words. "I don't wanna name names, because... yeah, don't really feel like getting jumped." Of course, she'd give herself a literal puncher's chance against most of LAW's roster in a serious fight. Luckily for both her and them, though, she didn't exactly want to test that theory.

Julie looked back at the chat for her next question. Of course, they were fixated on Allison's flirting and her interest in LAW's "eye candy." As she rolled her eyes, though, Julie found that she couldn't really blame them. Two cute girls talking about a fairly lewd topic -- and that was without considering how much Julie usually reveled in riling them up. "Speaking of that, here's a good question: 'Who are you most attracted to in LAW?'"

A finger rose to Julie's chin, and she hummed. "Hmm... Well, that Harmonia Edelstein chick is pretty cute, but I guess that's to be expected. She's a literal model, after all. I think Clara Gaster is just adorable too, and not gonna lie? I'd wear Rindo Kobayashi's thighs as earmuffs." Obviously, the audience was looking for a very specific answer. In time, maybe she'd even give it to them.

"Oh, right, there's this really hot Texan chick too." She pointedly avoided looking anywhere near Allison as she said this. "Like, just cute as a button. Got a really nice drawl too, and a sexy cowgirl kind of aesthetic too. What was her name again?" Suddenly, she snapped her fingers. "Right! Claire McAllister!"

She looked back over at Allison, a shit-eating grin on her face. "So, what about you, Tex? Anyone you got your eyes on?"

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Re: JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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Allison was happy that Julie was taking her warnings to heart. From the look of it, the Californian also was unfortunate enough to meet the darker side of Law. Where there were people who were more interested in the excuse of hurting people than trying to amaze the crowd with a good show. Allison knew all too well that those are the opponents you need to look out for the most.

Thankfully, the conversation moved on to a much lighter topic as her friend took another question from the fans. A question that made the cowgirl let out a bark of laughter as she made an exaggerated look of thinking about it. Julie seemed to have the same idea too as the two ladies started pondering just who they were most attracted to in the league.

Allison nodded along as Julie listed out some pretty good contenders. She certainly had to agree with a lot of the Californians statements. Though when she mentioned a Texan cowgirl only to swerve by saying Clair McAllister. A girl that Allison sadly has yet to have the pleasure of meeting. Allison couldn’t stop herself from letting out a small giggle, so Julie wants to play that game huh.

”Hmmmm. That is a good question darlin. I’ll admit I’ve always wanted to go a few rounds with Angel both in and out of the ring. Have you met Nuo yet? That little spitfire is something else. Her girlfriend skylar also fits the bill in that regard too. I’m even slated to have a match with her soon.” she said. Listing off names with her fingers as her head tilted up in thought. ” Oh and there was this new girl that liked to stream on the side. I remember that she had thighs that could crush a watermelon and legs that just continued oonn. What was her name….” she muttered before finally snapping her fingers! “Emma Ozawa! That was her name!”
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Re: JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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Julie couldn't help but stifle a giggle at her former opponent's list. "I've met Sky, actually! We hung out at Thanksgiving. But y'know, I'm pretty sure she'd flay you alive for calling Nuo her girlfriend." She tsked Allison playfully. "That being saaaaid... I'm preeeetty sure my teammate Leonie has a bit of a crush on Miss Jones, too." Ordinarily, Julie wouldn't gossip about a friend like this, but she'd already basically said all of it on Twitter. "Anyway, she's pretty cool. Good choices, all around!"

Then, Allison started talking about a relative newcomer to LAW who also streamed and had clearly never skipped leg day. Julie already knew where this was going, but she still wanted to play to the crowd. Let Allison have her fun and all that. "Touche!" she giggled, leaning on Allison's shoulder briefly before getting back up.

The stream's chat was still going wild with suggestions and questions (about 20% of which were being swiftly deleted by her moderation team). Even through the breakneck pace of hundreds of viewers weighing in in the small window, she could still see a few trends. Rather understandably, much of her community wanted to know more about their match. A devious grin nearly slid onto Julie's face as she figured out quite the fun way to work that into their conversation, but the experienced streamer was able to hide it... mostly.

"Okay, Tex." She clapped, then rubbed her hands together. "Real talk. You've got some pretty crazy moves in the ring. Lots of... bends and holds and stuff. And a pretty hard head, too!" Julie rubbed her head where Allison's had struck it. "But a girl like you's gotta have some pretty crazy match stories. So go on, brag a lil'. Best spot or move you ever pulled on a chick -- what is it?"

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Re: JDL x LAW #1: Tex

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Even as Allison spoke, she kept her eyes on the stream feed. It looked like things were starting to heat up in the comments section. To the point that it looked like the mods were struggling to contain it all. The cowgirl had to keep herself from giggling and continue to tell her story. Using her hand to cover up her mouth before finishing and waiting for Julies next question.

And what a question it was. The craziest match the Texan had ever been in. Now that was a toughie she would admit, as there were plenty of matches that got a little hectic and a little steamy. Like the handicap match with team X-posure. Or the weird bed ring hybrid match with that strange white haired girl Miyabi. There were a ton of strange matches she had been it.

But then again. You never forget your first.

”The craziest match I’ve ever been in. I would have to say that my debut here is what sticks out to me the most honestly. I was put up against the Bitch of a woman who called herself janko or Junko? Whatever! The chick apparently had it out for blondes because her biggest rival at another league was one. So she targeted me like ya wouldn’t believe! I’m talking all the humiliation tactics you could think of like takin my clothes and throwin them to the crowd.”

“Of course. None of it truly worked, for this cowgirl as you know doesn’t mind a little skin.”
Allison winked while gesturing to herself. “So she tries to finish things off with a top rope suplex. Unfortunately, this chick was a little too arrogant for her britches and so I was able to turn it around and nail her head into the mat at terminal velocity! And to add the cherry on top. After it was all said and done and I got the ol 123. I took this girls outfit and rocked it better than she ever could! Still have it in my closet too.”
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