Six months ago, I made my LAW account. I still consider the date of my first thread to be my "real" LAW-iversary, but considering that we're still fairly close to the start of 2022, I figure I can make this both a retrospective AND a place for some New Year's LAW Resolutions.
So yeah, I've only been here a few months, and I've been super excited about all the plots and stories that I've come up with with all of you. Every thread has been an absolute blast, and I want to take a moment to thank you all for helping me get settled into the community.
That being said, there's a reason that I posted this in the Constructive Criticism thread. Even though this isn't what I consider my real LAW-iversary, think that this is as good a time as any to solicit feedback from my fellow writers. Over the past few months, I've felt myself getting better at writing and RPing in a lot of ways, but I've also become acutely aware of the areas in which I'd like to improve as a writer. That being said, there are known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. My own biases and writing preferences may be blinding me towards some ways that I might improve.
So generally, I just wanted to get everybody's thoughts on how I might best be able to improve as a writer and as an RPer! I'd love to hear thoughts from both my previous partners and
especially from those who are just reading some of my other threads. When it comes to planning, writing, starting, and replying to threads, how can I get better?
Any of my threads (I try to keep them as updated as possible in my characters' chronologies) should be good points of references, I think, but for those who might not be as familiar with my characters, I can point to some of my own. I think the threads that best showcase my style are
Shiori v. Chiaki,
Brooke v. Rose Gold,
Satsuki v. Yuki (even in its early days), and
Louise & Karl.
Feel free to reply here or DM me on the site/the Discord with your thoughts! Thanks for any time you might be able to offer!
TL;DR - I think I know what some of my weaknesses are as a writer and as an RP partner, but I'd love to hear some feedback from others.