Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
- RedShinigami
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
The sensation of having Chelseas face pressed between her cheeks, humiliating her was fanatastic and arrousing!
Finella felt alive like never before in her life!
To be here with her sister she had searched for so long, kicking ass or ass, was just amazing.
The austrians took their sweet time, blowing kisses, waving at the crowd and just having a good time as if they were just here to relax.
Finally the Edelsteins let go of her opponents and went up to their corner with Finella looking back at the english flag with a longing look.
When they reached their corner she put one hand on her sisters shoulder.
"Moni, they are done for! Lets drive this home!@
But her sister shook her head and smiled to the crowd.
"Look at the arena Fin. It is bursting, sold out after mere minutes! You know when I began the arena was halfway full at best! And look they waving flags, having fun, they chant and sing for their fighters. How dissapointed would they be if this was over now? I had to learn it myself Schwesterherz but half of this business is show. We put our bodies on the line, yes but we also have the duty give our fans the best show they can get! Also I really want to see what Molly and Chelsea are capable off!"
Finella did'nt answer, her proud look she gave to her sister was answer enough.
When Chelsea relocated to the outside of the ring Finella whisteld and stuck out her tongue while slapping her butt, teasing her.
"Alive again Queen Elizabeth? That sure was some bloody pickle you were in, don't you agree ol chap?",she mocked Chelsea in a stereotypical british accent.
"Hey don't look like that! You know some people would have to pay large summs for that service! And you are blushing, you do liked it!",she giggled.
Harmonia sighed and rolled her eyes.
Shittalking was perfected, good, now the next thing should be to learn the right applying of the own submissions holds...
But Harmonia was no Newbie anymore and so she and Molly exchanged looks and with some speed the Bunny was on her feet again and aiming for Harmonia. But as the blonde was prepared for it she stepped away, letting Molly hit the ropes.
And with that came an idea as Molly was entabgled in the ropes upside down she just followed Finellas example and tugged on Mollys top!
It seemed that the match was now a Bikini-Underwear Match at the Austrians suggestion.
Not that the crowd minded...
Finella felt alive like never before in her life!
To be here with her sister she had searched for so long, kicking ass or ass, was just amazing.
The austrians took their sweet time, blowing kisses, waving at the crowd and just having a good time as if they were just here to relax.
Finally the Edelsteins let go of her opponents and went up to their corner with Finella looking back at the english flag with a longing look.
When they reached their corner she put one hand on her sisters shoulder.
"Moni, they are done for! Lets drive this home!@
But her sister shook her head and smiled to the crowd.
"Look at the arena Fin. It is bursting, sold out after mere minutes! You know when I began the arena was halfway full at best! And look they waving flags, having fun, they chant and sing for their fighters. How dissapointed would they be if this was over now? I had to learn it myself Schwesterherz but half of this business is show. We put our bodies on the line, yes but we also have the duty give our fans the best show they can get! Also I really want to see what Molly and Chelsea are capable off!"
Finella did'nt answer, her proud look she gave to her sister was answer enough.
When Chelsea relocated to the outside of the ring Finella whisteld and stuck out her tongue while slapping her butt, teasing her.
"Alive again Queen Elizabeth? That sure was some bloody pickle you were in, don't you agree ol chap?",she mocked Chelsea in a stereotypical british accent.
"Hey don't look like that! You know some people would have to pay large summs for that service! And you are blushing, you do liked it!",she giggled.
Harmonia sighed and rolled her eyes.
Shittalking was perfected, good, now the next thing should be to learn the right applying of the own submissions holds...
But Harmonia was no Newbie anymore and so she and Molly exchanged looks and with some speed the Bunny was on her feet again and aiming for Harmonia. But as the blonde was prepared for it she stepped away, letting Molly hit the ropes.
And with that came an idea as Molly was entabgled in the ropes upside down she just followed Finellas example and tugged on Mollys top!
It seemed that the match was now a Bikini-Underwear Match at the Austrians suggestion.
Not that the crowd minded...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- CaptainL
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
To say that Chelsea was growing frustrated with Finella would be an understatement. Even after she had made it back to her corner, she looked over to hear the dark-haired girl heckling her, and she bared her teeth in a snarl, her eyes narrowing in a glare. "Ye try sayin' dat when I 'ave me 'ands ed ye, and you'll be sorry 'bout dat!" she hissed, already reaching out over the ropes to try and grab at the teasing girl.
Molly, however, was there to be the voice of reason, beckoning for Chelsea to stand down. "Calm down, I've got this!" she said. After all, the Austrians had the perfect chance to end the match, and they hadn't gone for it, showing sportsmanship even at a time like this. They wanted the British Bunnies to have a chance to prove themselves, and Molly was happy to take that opportunity! She climbed the ropes, pressing her feet against them to get a feel for their tension before she launched herself straight toward Harmonia!
Little did she know, that was going to be her own undoing. At the last second, as Molly came sailing through the air toward her, Harmonia stepped aside! The Englishwoman let out a gasp moments before she came crashing into the ropes, shaking the ring as she came to rest tangled upside down in them. She tried to struggle against the ropes, but to no avail - and Harmonia was already on the move, as she reached in to grab at Molly's top!
Molly gasped at the thought - with how Harmonia had been so friendly to her at the start of the match, she wasn't anticipating her resorting to the same tactics her sister had. Yet now, she was helpless as her top gave way, rolling down over her head and leaving her blue-and-white-striped bra exposed before it finally came free in Harmonia's hand. "Nooo-!" she cried out, blushing and trying to cover her chest. The ref began to count, seeing Molly was in the ropes, but the cheers of the fans grew even louder, drowning out the calls.
Chelsea, on the other hand, had waited for too long. It didn't matter if Molly had warned her not to interfere; something had to be done! Her own embarrassment meant nothing to her now as she rolled in through the ropes, locking eyes on Harmonia. "LEAVE 'ER ALONE!!" she bellowed, coming charging straight toward the model with intent to tackle her if she could get close!
Molly, however, was there to be the voice of reason, beckoning for Chelsea to stand down. "Calm down, I've got this!" she said. After all, the Austrians had the perfect chance to end the match, and they hadn't gone for it, showing sportsmanship even at a time like this. They wanted the British Bunnies to have a chance to prove themselves, and Molly was happy to take that opportunity! She climbed the ropes, pressing her feet against them to get a feel for their tension before she launched herself straight toward Harmonia!
Little did she know, that was going to be her own undoing. At the last second, as Molly came sailing through the air toward her, Harmonia stepped aside! The Englishwoman let out a gasp moments before she came crashing into the ropes, shaking the ring as she came to rest tangled upside down in them. She tried to struggle against the ropes, but to no avail - and Harmonia was already on the move, as she reached in to grab at Molly's top!
Molly gasped at the thought - with how Harmonia had been so friendly to her at the start of the match, she wasn't anticipating her resorting to the same tactics her sister had. Yet now, she was helpless as her top gave way, rolling down over her head and leaving her blue-and-white-striped bra exposed before it finally came free in Harmonia's hand. "Nooo-!" she cried out, blushing and trying to cover her chest. The ref began to count, seeing Molly was in the ropes, but the cheers of the fans grew even louder, drowning out the calls.
Chelsea, on the other hand, had waited for too long. It didn't matter if Molly had warned her not to interfere; something had to be done! Her own embarrassment meant nothing to her now as she rolled in through the ropes, locking eyes on Harmonia. "LEAVE 'ER ALONE!!" she bellowed, coming charging straight toward the model with intent to tackle her if she could get close!
- RedShinigami
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
Finella loved teasing the other girl. Both had just met and it was a match, but not made in heaven but in hell...
But then Chelsea jumped in and tackled Harmonia to the ground and Finella was pissed!
"Hey! So eager for my ass in your face again, huh?",Finella screamed and jumped over the ropes where she charged at her newfound archenemy and a nasty slap and punchig battle ensued, it was now more barbrawl then a serious wrestling match.
The ref looked between the two pairings but decided that Finella and Chelsea should be parted first.
"Hey, let it be! Go back to corners, I said stop!",the ref said only to get shoved away by Finella who managed to get Chelsea in a headlock.
"Stay out of this! This is between Miss Primeminister and me!",she said only to get punched by Chelsea.
Their fight got more intense by the minute and finally they went to the floor, punching, kicking and scratching until they landed outside.
Finella groaned as she got up and looked to Chelsea.
"Fuck the tag! We do this right here, right now Creampuff!",she said and tried to grab for Chelsea.
The crowd did'nt seem to mind as they got an extra brawl by some scantly clad beauties.
Meanhwile in the ring where the two "levelheaded" siblings resided did Harmonia shaking away the cobwebs as she had hit her head on the canvas with Chelseas tackle.
She looked up to see if Molly was still in the ropes but she had freed herself rather quickly it seemed.
"Sorry...",Harmonia began.
"But I can't resist to undress some sexy girls.", the womanizing ex-model said and got up.
But then Chelsea jumped in and tackled Harmonia to the ground and Finella was pissed!
"Hey! So eager for my ass in your face again, huh?",Finella screamed and jumped over the ropes where she charged at her newfound archenemy and a nasty slap and punchig battle ensued, it was now more barbrawl then a serious wrestling match.
The ref looked between the two pairings but decided that Finella and Chelsea should be parted first.
"Hey, let it be! Go back to corners, I said stop!",the ref said only to get shoved away by Finella who managed to get Chelsea in a headlock.
"Stay out of this! This is between Miss Primeminister and me!",she said only to get punched by Chelsea.
Their fight got more intense by the minute and finally they went to the floor, punching, kicking and scratching until they landed outside.
Finella groaned as she got up and looked to Chelsea.
"Fuck the tag! We do this right here, right now Creampuff!",she said and tried to grab for Chelsea.
The crowd did'nt seem to mind as they got an extra brawl by some scantly clad beauties.
Meanhwile in the ring where the two "levelheaded" siblings resided did Harmonia shaking away the cobwebs as she had hit her head on the canvas with Chelseas tackle.
She looked up to see if Molly was still in the ropes but she had freed herself rather quickly it seemed.
"Sorry...",Harmonia began.
"But I can't resist to undress some sexy girls.", the womanizing ex-model said and got up.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
- CaptainL
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
At this point, Chelsea didn't even care that she wasn't the legal woman, that Molly had told her to stay back, or that she was half-naked. All she saw was that her sister was at her opponent's mercy and about to suffer the same fate she had, and if there was anything Chelsea believed, it was that she'd stand up for her sister if nothing else. She came charging straight after Harmonia, throwing her body against hers with enough force to knock them both to the mat. But it seemed like Finella had the same ideas - because as soon as Chelsea had gotten back to her feet, the brunette followed her in, fists swinging!
Chelsea looked up at her newfound rival with a glare, her eyes narrowed and her teeth bared in a grimace. "Oh, sod off, ye pansy!" she snapped back at her, meeting every strike with one of her own. Chelsea swung punches, kicks, and slaps in all directions, not even caring which she landed as long as that she could get a few solid strikes in. Her hand shot up to grab at Finella's hair, pulling her head to the side to aim some punches against her stomach. Lost in the intensity of her rage and hatred, all Chelsea could think about was kicking Finella's teeth in - which meant that she didn't even see the referee coming to pull them apart.
Even held at arms' length from Finella, Chelsea was no less enraged. She seethed and hissed as she leaned in closer, fighting against the ref's desperate attempt to keep them off of each other. "Let me at 'er! This isn't finished, ye 'ear?!" she snapped. The elder Forster aimed a fist at Finella's face, only for the official to be knocked out of the way, sending her stumbling forward into the path of her foe's headlock. Even then, all the hold did was to make her snarl with rage, as she soon swung for Finella's ribs all the same! "Let's 'ear some 'o dat yodelin' from ye cretins!"
The two staggered back, limbs flying at a frantic pace. Even as Chelsea's footing gave way, and she dropped to the mat beneath Finella, the two quickly began rolling toward the ropes in a tangle of slaps and kicks, grabbing hair and raking backs, their legs tangling together as each aimed desperate kicks at each others' sides. Chelsea didn't even see the end of the ring coming - until she had already slipped off the side of the apron, knocking the two of them to the floor with a thud!
At first, Chelsea was stunned from the collision, going rolling off and clutching her side. She was still reeling from the landing, but her hatred for Finella was far greater - and she would soon get to her feet in time to see her opponent grab for her!
"Ye nah wha'?" Chelsea shouted back to Finella's taunt. "Fine by me, like! This way, I dun' 'ave ter wait ter kick ye sorry 'ead in!" She flew back at Finella at the same time, grabbing for her shoulders as she whipped her body to the side to try and spin the wolf-eared girl around, and then to shove her back against the barricade separating them from the cheering crowd! If that worked, Chelsea would kick up with her knee, attempting to nail Finella in the gut with it! "Take 'dat!"
By this point, Molly had managed to pull herself off the ropes, her shock at being divested of her top since fading. She stared off at where her sister was embroiled in a vicious brawl and let out a sigh; while she couldn't say she was surprised, she was at least hoping things wouldn't get this bad. Fortunately, the conduct between her and Harmonia was a lot more cordial; rather than gloat, the model expressed her sympathies and apologized for what she'd done.
"Oh, it's okay! No hard feelings!" Molly said. But...she had an idea. She thought back on how, just before she'd entered the ring, Harmonia had talked about wanting to give these people a good show. Win or lose, it seemed, she'd be content as long as everyone watching had some fun. That's why she hadn't ended the match when she could have - because it wouldn't be a finish worth watching. In the end, that's what this was all about; even beyond such petty things as national pride, Harmonia was here to put on something memorable. She got that, even when their sisters didn't. Molly was touched by the thought - enough so that she was ready to live up to it herself. And she had a pretty good thought as to how...
"But...if we wanna play that way..." She nodded to Harmonia with a wink, before hooking her thumbs in her shorts and yanking them down! Going the extra mile, she kicked off her boots and stripped off her socks and pads, then tossed each one into the cheering crowd. Come the end of it, she was facing Harmonia down in nothing but her underwear, balling her fists and lowering herself into a stance with a grin on her face all the while.
"...then let's do it!" With that, she came charging back at Harmonia, diving forward with her arms outstretched to hit her with a spear!
Chelsea looked up at her newfound rival with a glare, her eyes narrowed and her teeth bared in a grimace. "Oh, sod off, ye pansy!" she snapped back at her, meeting every strike with one of her own. Chelsea swung punches, kicks, and slaps in all directions, not even caring which she landed as long as that she could get a few solid strikes in. Her hand shot up to grab at Finella's hair, pulling her head to the side to aim some punches against her stomach. Lost in the intensity of her rage and hatred, all Chelsea could think about was kicking Finella's teeth in - which meant that she didn't even see the referee coming to pull them apart.
Even held at arms' length from Finella, Chelsea was no less enraged. She seethed and hissed as she leaned in closer, fighting against the ref's desperate attempt to keep them off of each other. "Let me at 'er! This isn't finished, ye 'ear?!" she snapped. The elder Forster aimed a fist at Finella's face, only for the official to be knocked out of the way, sending her stumbling forward into the path of her foe's headlock. Even then, all the hold did was to make her snarl with rage, as she soon swung for Finella's ribs all the same! "Let's 'ear some 'o dat yodelin' from ye cretins!"
The two staggered back, limbs flying at a frantic pace. Even as Chelsea's footing gave way, and she dropped to the mat beneath Finella, the two quickly began rolling toward the ropes in a tangle of slaps and kicks, grabbing hair and raking backs, their legs tangling together as each aimed desperate kicks at each others' sides. Chelsea didn't even see the end of the ring coming - until she had already slipped off the side of the apron, knocking the two of them to the floor with a thud!
At first, Chelsea was stunned from the collision, going rolling off and clutching her side. She was still reeling from the landing, but her hatred for Finella was far greater - and she would soon get to her feet in time to see her opponent grab for her!
"Ye nah wha'?" Chelsea shouted back to Finella's taunt. "Fine by me, like! This way, I dun' 'ave ter wait ter kick ye sorry 'ead in!" She flew back at Finella at the same time, grabbing for her shoulders as she whipped her body to the side to try and spin the wolf-eared girl around, and then to shove her back against the barricade separating them from the cheering crowd! If that worked, Chelsea would kick up with her knee, attempting to nail Finella in the gut with it! "Take 'dat!"
By this point, Molly had managed to pull herself off the ropes, her shock at being divested of her top since fading. She stared off at where her sister was embroiled in a vicious brawl and let out a sigh; while she couldn't say she was surprised, she was at least hoping things wouldn't get this bad. Fortunately, the conduct between her and Harmonia was a lot more cordial; rather than gloat, the model expressed her sympathies and apologized for what she'd done.
"Oh, it's okay! No hard feelings!" Molly said. But...she had an idea. She thought back on how, just before she'd entered the ring, Harmonia had talked about wanting to give these people a good show. Win or lose, it seemed, she'd be content as long as everyone watching had some fun. That's why she hadn't ended the match when she could have - because it wouldn't be a finish worth watching. In the end, that's what this was all about; even beyond such petty things as national pride, Harmonia was here to put on something memorable. She got that, even when their sisters didn't. Molly was touched by the thought - enough so that she was ready to live up to it herself. And she had a pretty good thought as to how...
"But...if we wanna play that way..." She nodded to Harmonia with a wink, before hooking her thumbs in her shorts and yanking them down! Going the extra mile, she kicked off her boots and stripped off her socks and pads, then tossed each one into the cheering crowd. Come the end of it, she was facing Harmonia down in nothing but her underwear, balling her fists and lowering herself into a stance with a grin on her face all the while.
"...then let's do it!" With that, she came charging back at Harmonia, diving forward with her arms outstretched to hit her with a spear!
- RedShinigami
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
Harmonis mouth gaped open wide when she saw Molly getting undressed and the crowd gave their approval with hoots and wolfwhistles.
A big, fat grin popped up on Harmonias face.
First, because she never would have expected this match to get even more intresting and secondly because Molly had quite the body too.
When she saw the socks and boots getting throw of into the crowd and the things the people did with them, she shudderd slightly.
True, she loved her fans and the crowd but it was undeniable that there were some...intresting people in it. She could imagine that the member of her fanclub that wanted to buy her used heels for a high price was under them but yeah to each their own.
"It seems that I have missjudged you Fräulein Forster.", she said with a wink to the beautiful brit.
"Alright...lets give them the best match they have ever seen!",Harmonia said and got into a fighting stance too before she was speared right back into there corner by Molly who possesed an advantage that Harmoni severly lacked in: Speed.
Harmonias usual style was based on her upper body strength, namely giving hard slams and strong submission holds to wear her opponents down quickly. She was'nt slow like a heavyweight but she was far from swift as the younger Forster seemed to be an Harmonia paid for it with a shoulder in her unprepared belly, pushing the air out of her and sending her to the corner, gasping for air.
But still she grinned totally excited as if she had lost her mind, but far from it, Harmoni was as rational as it could get!
Since her modeling days she always sought out the people who could do something that she could'nt and wanted to learn from them, building long lasting friendships with some of them, like her good friend Sheila who taught her some highflyer moves and in exchange Harmoni offered her help in submissions.
"We have to have training after we have beaten you Molly!",she said cockily as Molly started her next attack...
When Finella and Chelsea started their brutal brawl she sighed but never worried a second for her sister.
The reason for that be that Finella was fighting since she was little, girls, boys, even the older ones.
In the school, in the park , in the streets of their village, Finella always was a wild animal, hence her gimmick. Sometimes she won, sometimes she lost vut she always managed to come out stronger.
When she was fifteen and the battle started to take place at Metal Bars and Rock Clubs, she was sent to a catholic school but even there she would'nt stop her rebellious ways.
So no, Harmonia feared not but was rather intrested about who would came out victorious of these nasty battle of the Brawlers.
Finella locked up with Chelsea while they teared into each other, striking, grappling, slapping and clawing at each other.
The ended up in nasty catfight and rolled outside where both women landed on their sides.
"Ooof...", Finella said and grabbed her ribs but it seemed thst Chelsea was eager to go on as she grabbed her, spun around and threw her against the barricades which dislocated and sent some fans quickly jumping back.
It seemed that the status was the following, fair, sexy and technical wrestling inside, unfair,brutal hot brawling outside of it.
"Aaaagh!",Finella screamed as she hit the metalfence, clutching her back only for Chelsea to follow with a nasty knee into her gut bending her over, her face now in Chelseas moderate cleavage.
"Guffaaagh!", she was out of it for a second and in the older Forsters clutches...
"You pay for that you cunt...",she whispered.
The crowd did'nt know where to look first while the roof exploded!
A big, fat grin popped up on Harmonias face.
First, because she never would have expected this match to get even more intresting and secondly because Molly had quite the body too.
When she saw the socks and boots getting throw of into the crowd and the things the people did with them, she shudderd slightly.
True, she loved her fans and the crowd but it was undeniable that there were some...intresting people in it. She could imagine that the member of her fanclub that wanted to buy her used heels for a high price was under them but yeah to each their own.
"It seems that I have missjudged you Fräulein Forster.", she said with a wink to the beautiful brit.
"Alright...lets give them the best match they have ever seen!",Harmonia said and got into a fighting stance too before she was speared right back into there corner by Molly who possesed an advantage that Harmoni severly lacked in: Speed.
Harmonias usual style was based on her upper body strength, namely giving hard slams and strong submission holds to wear her opponents down quickly. She was'nt slow like a heavyweight but she was far from swift as the younger Forster seemed to be an Harmonia paid for it with a shoulder in her unprepared belly, pushing the air out of her and sending her to the corner, gasping for air.
But still she grinned totally excited as if she had lost her mind, but far from it, Harmoni was as rational as it could get!
Since her modeling days she always sought out the people who could do something that she could'nt and wanted to learn from them, building long lasting friendships with some of them, like her good friend Sheila who taught her some highflyer moves and in exchange Harmoni offered her help in submissions.
"We have to have training after we have beaten you Molly!",she said cockily as Molly started her next attack...
When Finella and Chelsea started their brutal brawl she sighed but never worried a second for her sister.
The reason for that be that Finella was fighting since she was little, girls, boys, even the older ones.
In the school, in the park , in the streets of their village, Finella always was a wild animal, hence her gimmick. Sometimes she won, sometimes she lost vut she always managed to come out stronger.
When she was fifteen and the battle started to take place at Metal Bars and Rock Clubs, she was sent to a catholic school but even there she would'nt stop her rebellious ways.
So no, Harmonia feared not but was rather intrested about who would came out victorious of these nasty battle of the Brawlers.
Finella locked up with Chelsea while they teared into each other, striking, grappling, slapping and clawing at each other.
The ended up in nasty catfight and rolled outside where both women landed on their sides.
"Ooof...", Finella said and grabbed her ribs but it seemed thst Chelsea was eager to go on as she grabbed her, spun around and threw her against the barricades which dislocated and sent some fans quickly jumping back.
It seemed that the status was the following, fair, sexy and technical wrestling inside, unfair,brutal hot brawling outside of it.
"Aaaagh!",Finella screamed as she hit the metalfence, clutching her back only for Chelsea to follow with a nasty knee into her gut bending her over, her face now in Chelseas moderate cleavage.
"Guffaaagh!", she was out of it for a second and in the older Forsters clutches...
"You pay for that you cunt...",she whispered.
The crowd did'nt know where to look first while the roof exploded!
Last edited by RedShinigami on Mon Dec 13, 2021 1:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- CaptainL
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
While she still had to blush a little at hearing the cheers of the crowd, Molly had no regrets. If she and Harmonia were going to put on a show, she'd do her part to make it an unforgettable one! As the last piece of clothing was thrown aside, Molly rose to her full height, planting her hands on her hips with a confident grin on her face now that her body was on full display. She might have been more famous as a cosplayer, and now as a wrestler, but she had herself been involved in modeling work before - and old habits died hard for her.
"That's right!" Molly said with a nod and a wink as she lowered herself into a stance. "I'm ready for anything!" And indeed, she wasted no time in throwing herself right back into the action - as she took off straight for Harmonia, nailing her with a spear to the stomach before the Austrian had any time to prepare! Against the force of the impact she was thrown into the corner, with Molly dropping to her knees and catching herself in a three-point stance. She was quick to rise and dust herself off, where she faced Harmonia down, ready for the next move.
Once again, Molly was pleased to see the kind-hearted and accepting attitude that Harmonia took; even when she had taken the brunt of the offense, she was still congratulating Molly on her efforts, and even offering to train alongside her. The Englishwoman nodded her head with a smile, stepping in closer. Harmonia was a nice girl, and she definitely wouldn't mind hanging out more. "Training, huh? Sounds like fun to me, but...I don't know so much about the beating me part!~"
Now that Harmonia was in the corner, Molly knew she had an opportunity set up to really wow the fans and her opponent alike. She grabbed Harmonia by the arm to lift her up to her feet before shoving her into the corner. Then, she would climb up the ropes, clinging to Harmonia's head and pushing off her stomach with her feet as she fell backward, going to hurl her opponent back through the air and into the center of the ring with a monkey flip!
With the other sisters, however, things were far less cordial. They had been locked in a whirlwind of brutality ever since they had charged each other, and while going out onto the floor had put a pause to their brawl, the girls soon recovered - and by that time, things were only going to heat up outside the ring! Chelsea rammed Finella into the barricade, leaving her stunned enough to hammer her stomach with a knee that sent her doubling over into her chest.
Snarling with rage, Chelsea tightened her grip on the dark-haired girl, slinging an arm over her head to hold her in place. From there, she would continue slamming a barrage of knee strikes into her unprotected stomach, punctuating each one with a shout. "That! Is! Why! Ye! Don't! Mess! Wit! US!" When she was done, Chelsea would fall backward for a DDT - this time, aiming to send Finella's head crashing into the ring apron!
"That's right!" Molly said with a nod and a wink as she lowered herself into a stance. "I'm ready for anything!" And indeed, she wasted no time in throwing herself right back into the action - as she took off straight for Harmonia, nailing her with a spear to the stomach before the Austrian had any time to prepare! Against the force of the impact she was thrown into the corner, with Molly dropping to her knees and catching herself in a three-point stance. She was quick to rise and dust herself off, where she faced Harmonia down, ready for the next move.
Once again, Molly was pleased to see the kind-hearted and accepting attitude that Harmonia took; even when she had taken the brunt of the offense, she was still congratulating Molly on her efforts, and even offering to train alongside her. The Englishwoman nodded her head with a smile, stepping in closer. Harmonia was a nice girl, and she definitely wouldn't mind hanging out more. "Training, huh? Sounds like fun to me, but...I don't know so much about the beating me part!~"
Now that Harmonia was in the corner, Molly knew she had an opportunity set up to really wow the fans and her opponent alike. She grabbed Harmonia by the arm to lift her up to her feet before shoving her into the corner. Then, she would climb up the ropes, clinging to Harmonia's head and pushing off her stomach with her feet as she fell backward, going to hurl her opponent back through the air and into the center of the ring with a monkey flip!
Snarling with rage, Chelsea tightened her grip on the dark-haired girl, slinging an arm over her head to hold her in place. From there, she would continue slamming a barrage of knee strikes into her unprotected stomach, punctuating each one with a shout. "That! Is! Why! Ye! Don't! Mess! Wit! US!" When she was done, Chelsea would fall backward for a DDT - this time, aiming to send Finella's head crashing into the ring apron!
- RedShinigami
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
To say that Harmonia was stunned by Mollys actions would be an understatement!
She was fascinated!
She had to admit that she did'nt knew The British Bunny until now but seeing her there, a fellow model having made the transition to the ring, even before her, was great.
Also Harmonia loved to wrestle cute and sexy girls and Molly was a solid 10/10 on the hawt cutie scale!
She attacked swiftly and effortless, getting Harmonia into the corner were the blonde anxiously awaited her next move!
And it came,right after Molly agreed to meet Harmonia.
She grabbed the Austrians head, jumped up and sent her knees to her stomach, performing a monkeyflip that sent Harmonia flying and made the crowd pop!
Harmonia groaned when she hit the canvas but looked up to her new friend with a sly smile.
"I wonder what you can show next...",she said but also did'nt want to be on the defense as she swept up her legs in hopes to get Mollys head between her ankles and shove her down into the canvas.
If successful, Harmonia would follow the Bunny, get her in a seating position and grabbing her arms, bend them back and put her knee into Mollys back, not to hard as she wanted to see what Molly would and could do in this situation, the women ready to test their bodies, eagerly wanting to see what the other one was capable off.
And Mollys body and breasts would be on a nice display for the crowd who whistled and cheered the two women.
"They like what they see..", she said in Mollys back with a low tone.
"...and I do too, to be honest.",she said in her usual flirtatious tone.
Finella was in trouble right now, yes, but nothing that she would'nt have gone through in countless rock and metal bars at 3am, at the streets and with those pesky nuns! Finella was'nt easily brought down but there was something new...Chelsea seemed to be a more than worthy and capable brawler too.
"Gufhhaa!",she groaned as the first knee hit her.
She knew she had to get away from english girl but she would'nt let her as the Liverpooler grabbed her head and mercilessly sent sharp knees after sharp knee into her unprotected belly, all the while talking how they should'nt mess with them.
"Guffh! Guffha! Ghagh! Guuugh!"
"Hah..",Finella said weakly as Chelsea prepared the DDT.
"Your wrestling history tells me that you are not that tough...", she said as the DDT hit full force.
Finella knew that she only made Chelsea angrier but this was who she was.
When the bigger children overwhelmed and kicked her, when some muscled rocker chicks hit barstools on her back, when the Nuns slapped her hands with a ruler, she always tried to have the last word,make them angrier, making their efforts seem less effective as they really were and effective Chelseas DDT was!
The Austrians head smacked against the apron and stars exploded before the Austrians eye who sank limply to her knees, her arms around Chelseas waist as if she hugged her.
And before the the brit could follow up she used her stance that she had to her advantage and kickstarted them of the floor, sending Chelsea hard and directly into the ringpost.
If Chelsea would go down, Finella would roll away a few feet to come to her senses after the blow to her head.
Depending on who had the faster comeback, Finella grabbed one of the thins mats on the ringside and shoved it to the side, walking over to Chelsea.
If everything went as planned she would grab the blonde and slam her onto the concrete in a swinging side slam!
"Don't...mess with us...either...",she panted as the crowd on the ringside popped in excitement about those two different matches they got presented here!
She was fascinated!
She had to admit that she did'nt knew The British Bunny until now but seeing her there, a fellow model having made the transition to the ring, even before her, was great.
Also Harmonia loved to wrestle cute and sexy girls and Molly was a solid 10/10 on the hawt cutie scale!
She attacked swiftly and effortless, getting Harmonia into the corner were the blonde anxiously awaited her next move!
And it came,right after Molly agreed to meet Harmonia.
She grabbed the Austrians head, jumped up and sent her knees to her stomach, performing a monkeyflip that sent Harmonia flying and made the crowd pop!
Harmonia groaned when she hit the canvas but looked up to her new friend with a sly smile.
"I wonder what you can show next...",she said but also did'nt want to be on the defense as she swept up her legs in hopes to get Mollys head between her ankles and shove her down into the canvas.
If successful, Harmonia would follow the Bunny, get her in a seating position and grabbing her arms, bend them back and put her knee into Mollys back, not to hard as she wanted to see what Molly would and could do in this situation, the women ready to test their bodies, eagerly wanting to see what the other one was capable off.
And Mollys body and breasts would be on a nice display for the crowd who whistled and cheered the two women.
"They like what they see..", she said in Mollys back with a low tone.
"...and I do too, to be honest.",she said in her usual flirtatious tone.
Finella was in trouble right now, yes, but nothing that she would'nt have gone through in countless rock and metal bars at 3am, at the streets and with those pesky nuns! Finella was'nt easily brought down but there was something new...Chelsea seemed to be a more than worthy and capable brawler too.
"Gufhhaa!",she groaned as the first knee hit her.
She knew she had to get away from english girl but she would'nt let her as the Liverpooler grabbed her head and mercilessly sent sharp knees after sharp knee into her unprotected belly, all the while talking how they should'nt mess with them.
"Guffh! Guffha! Ghagh! Guuugh!"
"Hah..",Finella said weakly as Chelsea prepared the DDT.
"Your wrestling history tells me that you are not that tough...", she said as the DDT hit full force.
Finella knew that she only made Chelsea angrier but this was who she was.
When the bigger children overwhelmed and kicked her, when some muscled rocker chicks hit barstools on her back, when the Nuns slapped her hands with a ruler, she always tried to have the last word,make them angrier, making their efforts seem less effective as they really were and effective Chelseas DDT was!
The Austrians head smacked against the apron and stars exploded before the Austrians eye who sank limply to her knees, her arms around Chelseas waist as if she hugged her.
And before the the brit could follow up she used her stance that she had to her advantage and kickstarted them of the floor, sending Chelsea hard and directly into the ringpost.
If Chelsea would go down, Finella would roll away a few feet to come to her senses after the blow to her head.
Depending on who had the faster comeback, Finella grabbed one of the thins mats on the ringside and shoved it to the side, walking over to Chelsea.
If everything went as planned she would grab the blonde and slam her onto the concrete in a swinging side slam!
"Don't...mess with us...either...",she panted as the crowd on the ringside popped in excitement about those two different matches they got presented here!
- CaptainL
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
Just because Molly had decided to show off for the crowd didn't mean that she wasn't a capable wrestler - in fact, she was just now proving quite the opposite, as she followed up her efforts to knock Harmonia into the corner with a monkey flip that sent her sailing through the air before she crashed back down into the mat! The crowd sent up a cheer for her efforts - at least, those who were following the action in the ring, rather than that around it. When things had erupted as much as they had, it was hard to focus on just one set of rivals!
But Harmonia was proving herself to be just as skilled! As Molly rolled herself back to her knees, she faced the Austrian with a grin, beginning to crawl closer to try and take advantage of her downed state. "Just watch me!" she began, fully intending to follow up on Harmonia's challenge - but it was just then that Harmonia lashed out with her legs and ensnared Molly's head between them! She let out a gasp just before she was rolled over onto her stomach, and from there, her opponent was able to haul her back up to a seated position on the mat. Molly panted for breath and tried to clear her head, but it was too late - Harmonia grabbed for her arms, bending her backward into an arc so that her spine would buckle against the model's outstretched knee!
Feeling the pain jabbing into her back, Molly coughed and sputtered. She twisted her body from side to side in an attempt to get free, but Harmonia was holding firm, and all she was doing was pushing her chest out further and further toward the ever-eager crowd - and putting more strain on her spine in the process! "Ow, ow-!" she moaned, wincing and clenching her teeth. At the same time, she caught Harmonia's comment, and took a brief pause to glance back over her shoulder. She was curious, she'd admit - but it would have to wait until after the match. Right now, there were bigger things on her mind!
While their sisters were showing off their wrestling skills in the name of friendly competition, Chelsea and Finella were far less friendly with each other. It wasn't that Chelsea didn't have plenty of technical expertise of her own - in fact, she had taught Molly practically everything she knew - but Finella deserved nothing less than the most brutal and hard-hitting blows she had at her disposal! Pinning her opponent up against the barricade, Chelsea bodied her with knee after knee, each impact of the Wolf's back against the bars pushing the barricade back more and more into the crowd. Then, she dropped down to slam Finella's head right into the ring apron! As the dust cleared, Chelsea rolled over onto her knees, picking herself up and brushing hair out of her eyes. She took a moment to catch her breath - but it was just then that she caught notice of what Finella had said to her a moment ago.
"Wha' did ye juss say!?" Chelsea's eyelid twitched, and she grit her teeth in a snarl. She reached for Finella's hair, going to pull her up higher and shove her back against the turnbuckle as she got into her face, so closely that the brunette could feel the heat of an angry snort against her cheek. "Nah, really, WHAT did ye juss say!?" Chelsea did not like being mocked. And in that moment, she let down her guard - just enough for Finella to take advantage! They were still pressed closely together, and Finella was able to tighten her hold on Chelsea's waist - enough to slam her own head into the ring post as she dropped to the ground!
"Gaakh-!!" Crying out in pain, Chelsea dropped down onto her knees, her weight giving out beneath her. She clutched at her skull, doubling over as she tried to dull the aches of her throbbing temples. But that wouldn't stop Finella from pulling the mat aside - and slamming Chelsea right into the unforgiving floor beneath!
Chelsea let out a scream, rolling onto her side and kicking her legs blindly in the air as she went writhing on the mat, her arms held up to shield her head from further damage. Some in the crowd winced at the brutality on display, but just as many were cheering on how far the combatants were willing to go!
But Harmonia was proving herself to be just as skilled! As Molly rolled herself back to her knees, she faced the Austrian with a grin, beginning to crawl closer to try and take advantage of her downed state. "Just watch me!" she began, fully intending to follow up on Harmonia's challenge - but it was just then that Harmonia lashed out with her legs and ensnared Molly's head between them! She let out a gasp just before she was rolled over onto her stomach, and from there, her opponent was able to haul her back up to a seated position on the mat. Molly panted for breath and tried to clear her head, but it was too late - Harmonia grabbed for her arms, bending her backward into an arc so that her spine would buckle against the model's outstretched knee!
Feeling the pain jabbing into her back, Molly coughed and sputtered. She twisted her body from side to side in an attempt to get free, but Harmonia was holding firm, and all she was doing was pushing her chest out further and further toward the ever-eager crowd - and putting more strain on her spine in the process! "Ow, ow-!" she moaned, wincing and clenching her teeth. At the same time, she caught Harmonia's comment, and took a brief pause to glance back over her shoulder. She was curious, she'd admit - but it would have to wait until after the match. Right now, there were bigger things on her mind!
While their sisters were showing off their wrestling skills in the name of friendly competition, Chelsea and Finella were far less friendly with each other. It wasn't that Chelsea didn't have plenty of technical expertise of her own - in fact, she had taught Molly practically everything she knew - but Finella deserved nothing less than the most brutal and hard-hitting blows she had at her disposal! Pinning her opponent up against the barricade, Chelsea bodied her with knee after knee, each impact of the Wolf's back against the bars pushing the barricade back more and more into the crowd. Then, she dropped down to slam Finella's head right into the ring apron! As the dust cleared, Chelsea rolled over onto her knees, picking herself up and brushing hair out of her eyes. She took a moment to catch her breath - but it was just then that she caught notice of what Finella had said to her a moment ago.
"Wha' did ye juss say!?" Chelsea's eyelid twitched, and she grit her teeth in a snarl. She reached for Finella's hair, going to pull her up higher and shove her back against the turnbuckle as she got into her face, so closely that the brunette could feel the heat of an angry snort against her cheek. "Nah, really, WHAT did ye juss say!?" Chelsea did not like being mocked. And in that moment, she let down her guard - just enough for Finella to take advantage! They were still pressed closely together, and Finella was able to tighten her hold on Chelsea's waist - enough to slam her own head into the ring post as she dropped to the ground!
"Gaakh-!!" Crying out in pain, Chelsea dropped down onto her knees, her weight giving out beneath her. She clutched at her skull, doubling over as she tried to dull the aches of her throbbing temples. But that wouldn't stop Finella from pulling the mat aside - and slamming Chelsea right into the unforgiving floor beneath!
Chelsea let out a scream, rolling onto her side and kicking her legs blindly in the air as she went writhing on the mat, her arms held up to shield her head from further damage. Some in the crowd winced at the brutality on display, but just as many were cheering on how far the combatants were willing to go!
Last edited by CaptainL on Sat Dec 04, 2021 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- RedShinigami
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
Harmonia had fun with Molly as she had always fun with determined opponents that wanted to give the people a good show. But this time there was something different. True she flirted with almost every cute girl she met, Cheelani, Sheila, Gil but Molly was a whole other case. And Harmonia would see to it to meet her again after this.
For now she enjoyed having Mollys body near her.
As Harmonia flirted away, the Liverpool Girl looked back into a smiling face that winked to her.
Harmonia pressed on the hold and decided that Molly arms had sufferered enough.
"Good Fräulein Forster, lets tighten things up,huh?", she smiled.
Harmonia let go of the blonde girl, and prepared to grab for her hair...if everything went as Harmonia said then Molly and she would be close up soon as the Austrian would pull her new friend into a bearhug, pressing their bodies together much to Harmonias delight.
Things were'nt as peaceful and flirty outside of the ring. The British Brawler and the Austrian Hellraiser had found and hate theirselves.
Finellas stomach and head were still dizzy as Chelseas attacks were hard, like really hard, a swarm of canaris flew around her head as she was laying next to Chelsea.
"You pay for that...I screw your head off you dumb bitch.", she said panting and got off.
The tough Hellraiser looked around and grabbed Chelseas hair with utter brutality, getting the british Bunny up.
"Stupid cunt!", she said and sent a hard fist into Chelseas short ribs.
"Making me mad!"
Another into the other side.
"Fucking Island Monkey pissing me off!"
She ended her assault by grabbing Chelsea as if to hug her and sent a hard knee into Chelseas gut, not pulling away immediatly but having the leg pressed into the Bunnies stomach.
"Come on...lets have fun Lady Di, shall we?", she said and tried to slam Chelseas head into the steelsteps next to them..
For now she enjoyed having Mollys body near her.
As Harmonia flirted away, the Liverpool Girl looked back into a smiling face that winked to her.
Harmonia pressed on the hold and decided that Molly arms had sufferered enough.
"Good Fräulein Forster, lets tighten things up,huh?", she smiled.
Harmonia let go of the blonde girl, and prepared to grab for her hair...if everything went as Harmonia said then Molly and she would be close up soon as the Austrian would pull her new friend into a bearhug, pressing their bodies together much to Harmonias delight.
Things were'nt as peaceful and flirty outside of the ring. The British Brawler and the Austrian Hellraiser had found and hate theirselves.
Finellas stomach and head were still dizzy as Chelseas attacks were hard, like really hard, a swarm of canaris flew around her head as she was laying next to Chelsea.
"You pay for that...I screw your head off you dumb bitch.", she said panting and got off.
The tough Hellraiser looked around and grabbed Chelseas hair with utter brutality, getting the british Bunny up.
"Stupid cunt!", she said and sent a hard fist into Chelseas short ribs.
"Making me mad!"
Another into the other side.
"Fucking Island Monkey pissing me off!"
She ended her assault by grabbing Chelsea as if to hug her and sent a hard knee into Chelseas gut, not pulling away immediatly but having the leg pressed into the Bunnies stomach.
"Come on...lets have fun Lady Di, shall we?", she said and tried to slam Chelseas head into the steelsteps next to them..
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Dec 05, 2021 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- CaptainL
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria
Molly's back was bearing the strain of having Harmonia's knees pressed against her spine, threatening to stretch it to the breaking point. She twisted and turned, her teeth clenched as she tried to stifle the urge to cry out in pain. But it was just then that Harmonia let her go. She wasn't out to finish Molly off like this - she just wanted to make sure she'd be properly softened up for her next move! When she released Molly, the Englishwoman fell to her knees, panting and groaning to try and get the air back into her lungs. Her face was red, and her brow was streaked with sweat - and still Harmonia wasn't done!
Grabbing Molly by the hair, she hauled her back to her feet. Suddenly faced with having to find her balance beneath her, Molly gasped, her legs kicking out in the air in a frantic attempt to stabilize herself while she reached up to try and grab at the wrist now holding onto her scalp. But then, Harmonia threw her arms around her, dragging Molly into a tight and stifling bear hug! Feeling the pressure mount against her ribs and waist, the younger Forster threw her shoulders from side to side, groaning and gagging. At the same time, she felt the warmth of Harmonia's body pressed up against her skin, soft and inviting against her touch - but she couldn't let that take her mind off the fact that she was still out to win this match! She had to fight back!
Molly's voice was hoarse and choked, but she still found the strength in her to call out in defiance. "You want tight, huh...I'll give you tight-!" Raising her legs, she began to run them along Harmonia's sides before she flung them around her waist, looking to counter the bear hug with a body scissor!
Chelsea, too, would be yanked to her feet by the hair, but that would only expose her to further attack! She was still reeling from having her head slammed into the floor, and her vision was spinning around her, her body teetering in the breeze. With each fist that lashed out and struck her, she cracked to the side, gagging and gasping; it was only due to Finella's hold on her hair that she didn't fall over. But still she lashed out at Finella all the same, aiming a solid punch for her chest from one side, and then the other! "Overgrown pewdle! Sausage-guzzling idiot!" she shouted, trying her best to match Finella blow for blow with both her fists and her words. Either way, it wouldn't stop Finella from slamming a knee into her gut, causing Chelsea to double over with a wheeze as the air was knocked out of her lungs. And from there, the Wolf was set to throw her straight toward the steel steps!
Her teeth clenching and her eyes narrowing at the thought of what she was lined up for, Chelsea knew she was going to have to act fast. Finella was on the warpath, but she wouldn't dare let anyone think she was going soft! The brunette still had her leg pressed up against her toned stomach, and Chelsea suddenly had an idea. As they began to fall, she reached down to wrap her arms around Finella's leg, and then swung her weight to the side, looking to use it as leverage to throw her into the steps instead!
Grabbing Molly by the hair, she hauled her back to her feet. Suddenly faced with having to find her balance beneath her, Molly gasped, her legs kicking out in the air in a frantic attempt to stabilize herself while she reached up to try and grab at the wrist now holding onto her scalp. But then, Harmonia threw her arms around her, dragging Molly into a tight and stifling bear hug! Feeling the pressure mount against her ribs and waist, the younger Forster threw her shoulders from side to side, groaning and gagging. At the same time, she felt the warmth of Harmonia's body pressed up against her skin, soft and inviting against her touch - but she couldn't let that take her mind off the fact that she was still out to win this match! She had to fight back!
Molly's voice was hoarse and choked, but she still found the strength in her to call out in defiance. "You want tight, huh...I'll give you tight-!" Raising her legs, she began to run them along Harmonia's sides before she flung them around her waist, looking to counter the bear hug with a body scissor!
Chelsea, too, would be yanked to her feet by the hair, but that would only expose her to further attack! She was still reeling from having her head slammed into the floor, and her vision was spinning around her, her body teetering in the breeze. With each fist that lashed out and struck her, she cracked to the side, gagging and gasping; it was only due to Finella's hold on her hair that she didn't fall over. But still she lashed out at Finella all the same, aiming a solid punch for her chest from one side, and then the other! "Overgrown pewdle! Sausage-guzzling idiot!" she shouted, trying her best to match Finella blow for blow with both her fists and her words. Either way, it wouldn't stop Finella from slamming a knee into her gut, causing Chelsea to double over with a wheeze as the air was knocked out of her lungs. And from there, the Wolf was set to throw her straight toward the steel steps!
Her teeth clenching and her eyes narrowing at the thought of what she was lined up for, Chelsea knew she was going to have to act fast. Finella was on the warpath, but she wouldn't dare let anyone think she was going soft! The brunette still had her leg pressed up against her toned stomach, and Chelsea suddenly had an idea. As they began to fall, she reached down to wrap her arms around Finella's leg, and then swung her weight to the side, looking to use it as leverage to throw her into the steps instead!
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