The arena was mostly shrouded in darkness, leaving the crowd in suspense about what kind of stars were about to emerge on that ramp.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this contest is set for one fall and introducing first!..." That is what all the announcer said. No name or region of origin. Lights started to flicker but the spectator's vision remained faint, but they were able to distinguish a feminine figure with noticeably strutting through the curtains. Without any hints, the crowd was left clueless about who this was. Some shady figure ready to enact chaos?
The mysterious person then knelt down and presented their now visible hands but face remained hidden. First she crossed her hands together, right hand horizontal. "Ushi..." Finally revealing her voice and quickly changing stances. Spreading out her hands in front, index and middle fingers touching. Then the index and thumb on both hands spread out forming an L shape as they crossed together. "U..." She spouted only to morph back into the hands spread stance again. Cupping her hands and placing them atop of each other, pinkies against thumb. "Saru.." Then spreading her hands one last time.
Most of the crowd were befuddled by this sign language, while media consumers caught on a bit.
The shrouded wrestler placed the left hand on top of her right palm before pressing it against the ground. Suddenly the sound of electrical sparks emerged from the speakers along with a spotlight with bluish hue shining on the hand flicking occasionally. Thus revealing the shinobi with the proudest smile imaginable.
"Hey everyone!" Only Mina Piper in her ninja garb would have plotted such an entrance. Jumping onto her heels and greeted her loving fans with a usual wave. A contrast to her ominous opening act.
The pinkette continued to skip along the mat as fans began to cheer in boatloads for the arrival of their lovable babyface, while newcomers were more enamoured by Mina's appearance and choice of entrance. It didn't take long for the wannabe ninja to arrive at ringside, jumping up onto the apron. She held the top rope temporarily before using it to springboard herself into the ring, performing a frontflip in midair and perfectly landing her feet with arms spread. The crowd were set on fire after this display of acrobatics, while Mina kept her pose until the next wrestler arrived.