Prized Fighter

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Prized Fighter

Unread post by Monsy »

Maria was strewn back-first across three steel chairs propped together. Her knees hitched over the sides, kicked idly as a leather hand-laid palm-up over her forehead. Eyes closed and mouth open; a soft snore rattled the back of her throat until the firm wooden edge of a clipboard smacked her windpipe, making her choke on the spit. “GAK!” “Now is not the time.” Adelaide said, dressed in a black blazer, white undershirt, a red tie and dress pants.

“W-What… I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” Maria replied. “Excuses are your life-long folly, it seems. Stand up, that’s an order.”

Maria complied, collapsing each chair and putting them neatly against the wall, then lugged her feet back to Adelaide’s front, who read from her clipboard, the point of her pen striking her silk cheek. “Maria… You’re slotted to make a statement on your behalf.”

She propped the clipboard beneath her armpit, “I will be accompanying you as your mouthpiece. Consider me your Guardian Angel, now let’s go, we’re on right now….” Maria lifted a finger as Adelaide turned around, “Uhhhhh…. Yeah, ok. Go, team…”

Nightwish theme time

The team emerged long after this lull of music and aggravating awkward wait as Maria Reinhardt finally emerged onto the stage. She was engrossed in a slow walk; her eyes lined up towards the overhead lights as she dragged down the ramp. Adelaide often passed her, then waited with a small smile. Small shouts rained down, if not for Maria’s heel status, then the utter disregard of their patience, fed up and ready to punch her themselves! Maria came to the ring steps, dragging her feet on each one until she stopped, cupped her ear and grinned. Another haze of noise fizzled down but some whistles too as the front-row crowd could gander at her skin-tight bodysuit leather. A red scarf cloaked her pleasured face, now slowly unravelled and dropped as she lumbered her way onto the ring-apron and yawned into her hand. Her shoulders leaned over the third rope, and she gave the crowd a mock salute before she kicked up, flipping back into the ring, though her hips fell to one side and she more-so tumbled in, saved only by her arms that hooked the ropes and allowed her boots to scamper beneath her. She laughed it off, stood up and took three steps forward to join Adelaide, who had long been waiting with a microphone in hand.
The noise dulled into white, and Adelaide now licked her lips. “Welcome, all of you. My name is Adelaide Reinhardt, here on behalf of Reinhardt MNC. Some of you may know me as Adela, and it’s true— I’m back— after almost a decade, I’m in this ring once again to show you what talent means. But not as a wrestler. I am here to endorse tomorrow’s brightest talent, THEE best the world has today to offer her. THE ONLY TALENT THAT MATTERS!”

She stood firm, feet shoulder-width as she shouted. Her head tipped up towards the lights, and she planted a hand on Maria’s shoulder.

〝See, it has always been Reinhardt’s destiny always to know best. We’ve made that our motto, lived it and now enjoy its fruits off the backs of you. Your hard hours, penny-pinching and unpaid overtime are what make us tick, so we can fly in private jets, dine on yachts and fulfill our every desire in a snap of our fingers. You people make your misery, and it is us who watches. And I know that must be tough to hear it so bluntly. We're all raised by our dear parents who tell you that you're all special, only to learn that you're just mediocre. And because we're on this side of the barricade, it only proves that we’re better than you. Smarter. Stronger. You see, it isn’t exploitation that you all think it is, no, we’re just…〞

Her hand lifted, and she turned to face Maria, who stood with crossed arms.

〝Prized fighters. We are champions. We play the game better than anyone else can, and that is why we win. That is why the Reinhardt family crown jewel has come to bless us tonight - because there is no better prizefighter than the one beside me, as a former M.M.A fighter, someone who’s academically flawless and an angelic philanthropist. She who makes more money in a single breath than any of you make in a year… Please, let me introduce you to the heir of Reinhardt MNC and the first prospect from Reinhardt Wrestling Academy. My niece….Scaaaaaaarlaheart!….〞

She arched back to shout the last word, only to straighten out and hand the microphone to Maria, who accepted, and Adelaide went back to fixing her suit.

〝Uhhh…. Adelaide, are you sure this shabby microphone has been cleaned? I don’t want to touch germs from some working-class snob at ringside paid minimum wage. Do you even know where they’ve been… ugh. Like, really, do they even clean these mats before you or I walked in? And I’m pretty sure there was no red-carpet or entourage when we came down. It’s such a scam and unbelievably cheap. Hell, this whole company is cheap, with cheap people filling its seats. Do you really expect any wrestler back there to be anything more than cheap? If I’m a prizefighter, then I’d have more challenges punching babies than wrestling any loser in the back. Because money talks, it proves I’m a winner and can’t be beaten… because—〞
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
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Re: Prized Fighter

Unread post by Frodouken »

A legend amongst the people of Japan, Keiko Kiryu didn’t think there’d be a day she would put herself on a huge display. She grew up a fighter and is damn good at it, cleaning up the streets of violent assholes. Despite the roughness growing up, she always stayed positive and continued down a path of righteousness.

When the fighting settled, Keiko thought it was time for a change of pace and decided to do the thing that helped her fight in the first place: wrassling. Not only can she do something fun, but give some money back to the orphanage that raised her. From backstage, Keiko was waiting for the right moment to make her big debut. She wrestled little on the independent, getting tons of cheers from her renown alone. The praise only got louder, once they saw what the Dragon was capable of.

Interest in making her debut finally grew today, as the Dragon saw someone she used to watch videos of: Adela. “Adelaide” is what she now decides to go by it seems. Keiko learned the idea of a Running Knee watching one of her matches, using the move on assholes whenever given the chance. Seeing one of her inspirations in the ring, this was definitely the time to step in.

Before doing so, she heard her talking big and high mighty of her family and the woman with her. MMA? Eh, she’s dealt with that before. She was more interested in a match with the mouthpiece than she was Scar-…what was her name again? Whatever, she’ll find out in the ring. She announces her debut on twitter right before making her way down to the entryway to the arena, as her theme starts cutting off whats-her-name.
Rolling eyes fall…

Ruling dies out…

Rolling eyes fall…

Ruling dies out…
With the lights out, Keiko’s shadow appears with her holding her plastic sword while resting it on her shoulder. The lights eventually reveal her appearance, as an uproar of cheers come from the Japanese crowd. She walks down the ramp with a joyous smile as she never felt so much love at once from a crowd, aside from her family at the orphanage. She stops for a second just to look all around her, taking in the sight of so many people thrilled to see the Upbeat Dragon in real life. After taking it in, she continues her path to the ring and walks up the steel steps, acknowledging the fans by pointing her sword to them all. She then enters the ring and gets on the top ropes, raising her sword with the arena cheering louder. It was an experience like no other, but it was time to face matters as she steps down and faces the redheads who look like they’ve been rudely interrupted. They’ll probably get over it, right?

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Re: Prized Fighter

Unread post by Monsy »

This entrance was rather unexpected. They looked at each other, shrugged and peeked back. Roaring crowds, that sword and punkish drapes. What may have they awoken? It’s quite the story to be told, so Adelaide hoped. Maria just stood there with tight lips, leaning against Adelaide’s arm with her shoulder. When they finally shared the same ring, Adelaide applauded them. Maria crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks out, which burst when the music died away.

“Alright, alright, alright!” Maria waved her hand about, taking two steps forward. “You can all be silent now!”

They became louder. Maria, defeated, stood there, tapping her imaginary wristwatch, kicking the canvas, and staring towards the lights. Adelaide clapped along, stricken with laughter as she looked left and right. She even snapped her fingers at ring-side workers, then pointed at this stranger to get her a microphone. And the noise, well, it had to die sometime. She’d be waiting when it did, patiently, and Maria, not-so-much.

“That was kinda rude, you know... Just who the hell are you, some cheap punk?” Maria started with a sigh, “Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something?”
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Prized Fighter

Unread post by Frodouken »

Well she did rudely barge into the arena and steal the spotlight, so Keiko decides to apologize to the complainer before introducing herself. She puts the mic close to her mouth with an upbeat smile, excited to greet everyone.

Gomenasientosorry, mam! But today, I must introduce myself!” Keiko looks out at the crowd, getting ready to speak. “Hello, everyone! My name is Keiko Kiryu! Your famous, legendary, Up-beat Dragon!” The audience reacts loudly, clapping and screaming for her grand appearance. She soaks it all in, before continuing on.

I’ve been waiting for a great reason to make my first appearance on LAW, so I would like to thank you all for having been waiting for me, for your patience!” More clapping and cheering happens, as the punk-clad woman takes in a deep breath and adjusts her glasses before revealing her purpose in the ring. “Tonight, I have come out for a reason I didn’t expect and that is you!” She points her sword towards the one formerly known as “Adela”. “You, Adelaide!

Keiko keeps her smile on as the audience reacts curiously. She places her sword back on her shoulder, strutting towards Adelaide while locking eyes and inches from her face. “I’ve watched you many times before and to see you now…it really has my blood pumping for I’m a fan!” She shocks the crowd with her intentions, but everyone is still behind her. “And I’d be very, fucking happy if me and you could have a match!

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Re: Prized Fighter

Unread post by Monsy »

That first word was letter-soup to Maria. She lifted a brow, leaned on a hip and scoffed, “What.”

One pop from the crowd, and she looked both ways. Something was odd about it; she wasn’t used to being out of the loop, so she turned to Adelaide, who put her hands up to shrug. It was fun; after all, why would she care? This whole thing. The roar of crowds, shouts, applauds and characters alike that filled the forty-year-old with that battle-lust that carried her into the business in the first place. She could only grin, approached, so she stood with her hands behind her back, chest puffed out and chin tipped up.

“Maria… Will you please hand me the microphone?” Adelaide outstretched her hand, and Maria’s eyes drooped, squinted and scrutinized with pursed lips, “Yeah, sure. Ask me to make a statement then just steal my spotlight why don’t you. Here.” Maria walked over, slapped it in her palm, then walked towards the corner with an exaggerated walk, her feet swinging waist-height in each stride.

Adelaide rolled her eyes, then lifted the microphone. “Aren’t you just the resident hero. It seems I’ve made a rather popular fan with how they react to your name. You must enjoy the spotlight, right?”

She chuckled, “An upbeat dragon. One who has the confidence to call herself famous AND legendary. That self-absorbance is such a treat. You’re just the kind of naive woman I’d take to school back when my career still had its neck. But that was ten years ago. Because if you were a fan, Keiko Kiryu, you’d know that I am retired and have been for some time. Why would I risk aggravating old scars for you? I can end up paralyzed, don’t you know? So, allow me to apologize when I say I can not make you ‘very, fucking, happy’ with a match tonight, but I applaud your bravery and appreciate the support.” The crowd rained down a herald of boos in response, and Adelaide lifted a finger. “However, let me re-direct you to one woman who can have a match with you, tonight. One who might be more your skill level, shall I say. My prized fighter of the evening. The one you rudely interrupted to try and drag me from the grave. Fight her, and maybe, just maybe, if you can somehow win... Ah, lets not get ahead of ourselves. What do you say?”
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Prized Fighter

Unread post by Frodouken »

Most would be disappointed from the response, evidence given by the crowd, but not Keiko. A comment that however struck her a bit though was on her self-absorbance.

You’re right, Grandma,” She jokes while stomping around playfully, “It is wrong for me to proclaim myself as “legendary”…at least here at LAW.” She pauses and stands across from Adela, keeping her eyes to hers. “I will make my name here like I have done so on the streets of Japan and I’m pretty fucking confident I can.” Keiko then begins to slowly walk towards the retired wrestler, smirking with knowledge of her own.

And don’t think for a second you have fooled me. I could see it in your snek eyes. You hunger for a comeback, looking for the perfect time to slip out of your hole and strike.” The dragon holds her stare for a good few seconds, before breaking away abruptly. “But you’re Grandma for now, so it looks like I have no choice but to humor you.” The crowd claps and cheers, knowing they are finally getting to see how she fights. The black and blue-haired woman points her sword towards the “prized fighter”, mimicking her exaggerated steps from earlier as she stomps towards the challenge.

So this skintight, sexy thaaaaannng will be my opponent?…You’re hot!” She brightly shouts to the fans’ amusement. They didn’t disagree with her either, as whistles erupt throughout the building.
Last edited by Frodouken on Sun Nov 21, 2021 8:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Prized Fighter

Unread post by Monsy »

Instigation was a fine dark art of charisma, but Keiko was no wizard. The word bounced off her conscious with a snicker. To watch the youngling spit with some fire was indeed a lovely sight to behold. The accusations, too, almost as though she were incriminating her in some lofty murder charge before it even happened. Not that they were unfounded. Telling with any knowledge of Adelaide’s career as an opportunist in the ring. A genuine viper in red hair. She stuffed a hand inside her pocket when she turned to Maria, but Adelaide remained forward-facing toward the ramp, chin tipped up.

“Correct.” Adelaide said as Maria peered up, brow cocked as she leaned into the turnbuckle with arms folded over her chest. A ringside hand offered her a microphone through the middle ropes, poking her elbow before she pinched the end with her fingers, then raised it. “Uh, wow, way to stab me then kiss it better, twat.” The crowd’s whistles were now mixed with boos, almost contested as the two sounds vied for dominance. “Honestly, I came out here just to make a statement, but since you and my aunt want to play mister and misses overshadow the heiress, I want to be the first one to kick your thug looking.” She took a step forward, “Sword swinging.” Then another, “Insignificant peasant-class, rancid smelling flat ass.” She took that last step so that delicate Reinhardt windpipe pressed onto the tip of that sword, and the mic dropped from her hands. Oh, how those tired eyes could pierce.

It shook Adelaide with a chuckling fit, which leaked into the microphone as she extended the hand towards Keiko. “WELL, KEIKO KIRYU?! WILL YOU WRESTLE MY PRIZED FIGHTER?!”
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Prized Fighter

Unread post by Frodouken »

The lazy looking red head boldy steps up to her sword, pressing her throat on Keiko’s plastic blade as she stares directly into the blue eyes of the dragon.

Ohhhh, you’re a hungrier bitch than I thought.” The dragon quips, flipping her sword back to rest on her shoulder. “Sounds good to me whatsyourname. And don’t bother telling me your name yet, since it won’t matter tonight because after I’m done with you…” Keiko gets face-close to her upcoming opponent for the night, making sure her lazy ass understands.“After I’m done with you, you’ll be known as this Dragon’s Bitch!” The crowd reacts loudly to her insult, then begin chanting “Dragon’s-Bitch” repeatedly, making Keiko lean her mic out to them so the redhead could hear it more clearly if possible. She then brings it back to near her own lips before speaking yet again.

And I also would like to promise the both of you that I’ll show you what I’m truly capable of and Grandma,” She darts her attention to the retired snake. “When I’m done with your Grandkid, you’ll have every right to be afraid of stepping in the ring with me.

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Re: Prized Fighter

Unread post by Monsy »

“Guh…” The Reinhardt heir’s eyes rolled at that. Disrespect was so bleak here; she hated it—every last crumb. Maria looked out, both ways over-shoulder, swiped her hand at them as though the gesture could command any sort of silence like a Roman Emperor. It didn’t seem to help, though. She was stuck staring at them, eyes dulled lower than before, a twisted frown and the twitch of a brow. “Hah. Hah. Haaaah.”

Adelaide didn’t mind the noise. She was smiling about it. Her hands held against her belly; a posture relaxed, loose shoulders yet straight and proper with pursed lips. That promise was something of a jewel. Ambition was a lovely thing, wasn’t it? So much fire to achieve an objective, yet it’s always so far from Adelaide’s grasp. This fire was about all the warmth of the concept she could feel, and she’s damn sure in love with this zeal. But she shrugged her shoulders at that last jab, smug, chuckling even before she raised that microphone. Then she did, “Are you sure it’s not you who’s the one with anxiety?” She asked, turning her head and cocking a brow, then waved a hand to dismiss. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You have a match tonight against the Reinhardt heir,” her hand rose, and the crowd roared, “and that should be your first and only concern. I’ve never seen Maria this worked up in a long time. I’d spend the time consoling with whatever hope you had of winning.” She bowed her head, “Tschüs, Dragon.”

The mics dropped from Adelaide and Maria’s hands, and they strode together towards the ropes facing the rampway. Adelaide weaved her leg over the middle and stepped out, while Maria, hands set on the top, torqued back and threw her hips over the top to land on the apron, then hop down to ringside. That ire was now emblazoned in her eyes, crude oil that overflowed those emerald barrels, dripped into that twitching upper lip as she walked up the ramp. backwards.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Prized Fighter

Unread post by Frodouken »

Keiko smile never leaves, even if Adelaide exits with the last words. The dragon’s blood was pumping with excitement, ready to show-off to the crowd what she’s made of. That the anxiety the retiree mentioned? Naaaahhh, it’s adrenaline. After they leave, is was time for Keiko as well. Before she does, she has tell the crowd something first.

Before our match tonight, I would like to tell you all…….My body is ready.” She drops the mic and her music plays again. She steps out of the ring to ringside, leaning against the barricade with the crowd behind her as they cheer her name. She gives a fan a fist bump before walking off, giving high-fives to everyone she can along the way. By the time she makes it to the stage, Keiko raises her sword up, hearing the crowd give her one last loud cheer before she leaves. Now, it was time for her to get ready for her match.
Last edited by Frodouken on Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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