Kathleen Hendricks vs. Alaina Sandra-Hanes

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Re: Kathleen Hendricks vs. Alaina Sandra-Hanes

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Kathleen could taste victory, the feeling in the air shifting after that slam sounded through the arena. Seeing Alaina getting slammed wasn't an uncommon occurrence considering her typical opponent, but by a smaller middleweight? It was certainly a shock, and the Amazon barely had anytime to recover before her skull was brutally slammed against the mat with that DDT.

Yet, even with the strong pin, it wasn't enough to put her away, and the Queen was tossed off. "GAH!" She cried, not out of pain but anger. There was nothing more in the world she wanted than to beat the Amazon, and she just refused to go down, continuing to fight. The arena lights shined down over them, and revealed the exhaustion that the two had. Coated in sweat, hair and attire sticking hard to them. their bellies and chests rising and falling, eyes doing their best to stay open. It had been a war between the two. And it was only fitting that the Queen won the war, wasn't it?

Rolling over, Kathleen grabbed onto the hair of Alaina's, and lifted her to her knees once more. Both hands cradled her face, and let the tan-skinned woman see the rage in the eyes of the woman above her, her reddened face and her dark oak-colored eyes burning with hatred and superiority."STAY DOWN!" She shouted, before using her grip to drive Alaina's face forward, right into the thrusting knee of the middleweight's for a sickening crack against her features. And then another, and another, repeated knees until five had rung out through the arena.

Then, Kathleen yanked on the head of the Amazon's once more, sending her backwards this time, only to drive the back of her skull and neck down against a laid-out knee, an improvised neckbreaker onto the heavyweight. But not her best neckbreaker.

Finally, if her last two moves hit, Kathleen would go for the final move in her flurry, lifting up Alaina and tucking her head between her thighs, squeezing down tight and wrapping her arms around her waist. The Queen was arrogant, but she wasn't arrogant enough to think that she could powerbomb her now. Instead, when she lifted up her heavier opponent, it was only half-way, before Kathleen jumped up and sat out,to try and land a brutal Jumping Piledriver onto Alaina, driving her head and skull down against the mat in cringe-worthy fashion!

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Re: Kathleen Hendricks vs. Alaina Sandra-Hanes

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Alaina moaned as she was pulled up, and held by Kathleen. "Argh! OOMPH! ARGH! AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHHHHH!" Alaina howled louder and louder with each successive knee to the face, her head and hair recoiling from the strikes. She was gasping for breath and had a bit of red on her lip from it being bust open by the furious, hard hitting knee strikes! The reeling, swaying amazon was putty in Kathleens hands as she as being manipulated with ease by her opponent.

Kathleen kept hold of Alaina's head and moved, sending Alaina crashing down with a neck breaker leaving Alaina laid out cradling her head on her back. She meekly kicked the mat with her feet, her thick powerful thighs trembling with each kick as Alaina looked down and out. She was putty in Kathleens hands as Kathleen hauled her up and held her before a final, agonizingly painful crashing down of the amazons skull to the canvas with a piledriver! Alaina howled in agony then went limp collapsing to the mat in a heap after, laying totally motionless save for her chest rising as she drew deep breaths.

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Re: Kathleen Hendricks vs. Alaina Sandra-Hanes

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How many could say that they had reduced Alaina Sandra-Hanes to putty in their hands? No matter the number, it must've been high company, and Kathleen would happily interject herself into that group, and make sure no one forgot it. Each move was one filled with anger, determination, wanting to crush the very being of the Amazon, and each one solicited gasps from the audience, seeing their fan-favorite heavyweight get brutalized.

And after it all, Kathleen was ready to dish out even further, before seeing the heap that her opponent was in. Bleeding from the mouth, limp on the mat and sucking in air, the Queen had a part of her that thought she could pin her right then and there. But that wasn't the exclamation point that she wanted. With the match almost assuredly won, her blood cooled, and she was able to suck in one, long deep breath to calm herself. This was hers, and she didn't need to waste much more time.

Grabbing onto the head of Alaina's, she gave a grunt as she began to haul the heavy woman up once more. "I told you... I.. am.. better than you!" The Queen's shout was not one of rage, but of straight confidence, a statement sent right into her opponent's skull. Of course, she'd neglect to even think of the backstage assault that had injured the Amazon's arm, the help of her Muscle. This win was all hers, and hers only.

But even with the assault, such brutality in the ring was still something to behold, and it was about to end as Kathleen hauled Alaina up, twisting her body until she was facing away from her, yet still keeping a tight hold on her jaw and head. Then, the QoD tugged that head forward, until her head and neck hovered above her right shoulder. And with one last kick of her legs and a drop into a sit-out position, the Amazon's head would be savagely driven against the shoulder of the Queen's for her specialized sit-out neckbreaker, which was about to earn its name... as the Culmination.

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Re: Kathleen Hendricks vs. Alaina Sandra-Hanes

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Alaina was hurting but still kicking when Kathleen began to put her plan into motion. The amazon groaned and was flailing her limbs about, stumbling as she was hauled back up. She grit her teeth her limbs moving as she was maneuvered by Kathleen before the hard crashing landing send pure jolts of agony coursing through her body! Her head and neck were the absolute worst as Alaina howled in pain upon her horrible landing.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Alaina howled as she hit the mat her limbs flopping and making spasms as she was laid out by the purely devastating neck breaker variant employed by Kathleen. Alaina was down and out her body language that of a defeated woman. Alaina had tried to overcome the attack and the brutal methods of Kathleen but right now a broken heavyweight was laying on her back with her arms meekly cradling her head.

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Re: Kathleen Hendricks vs. Alaina Sandra-Hanes

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Kathleen could feel that Alaina wasn't fully out of it yet, her limbs helplessly flailing as though to try and reach her escape. But the Queen's grip was iron tight, refusing to let go now, and with the Amazon's strength sapped, she couldn't push her way out of that hold around her jaw, moving her perfectly into position for the end. The crowd held their breath, hoping for a last minute escape from their favorite heavyweight...

But it didn't come.

Kathleen sat out, using her grip and the momentum of the drop to slam the back of Alaina's head and neck against her shoulder, for a sickening *CRACK* to ring throughout the arena, followed by the shriek of agony that came from the Amazon. Now, laid out, the middleweight wasted no more time. Crawling into the cover, her knee was disrespectfully placed right onto the face of the older woman, her hand reaching up to grip one of the kneepads for that thick leg and lifting it up to hook it, staring right into the audience and cameras, as so everyone could look into the eyes of the Queen of Domination, as she pinned her opponent in a dominant position.


Last edited by TickTock on Sat Nov 20, 2021 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kathleen Hendricks vs. Alaina Sandra-Hanes

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Alaina was bucking weakly and flopping her free limbs about as best she could, even working a small hip thrust into it trying to fight and dislodge Kathleen from her body to keep on going, to show that she could overcome the sneak attack.


But the final count coupled with Kathleens music playing meant that weakly struggling amazon humiliatingly fell short. She felt like she was the better wrestler yet tonight the outcome was not at all in her favor. The heavyweight title hopeful suffered quite the setback and she covered her head in shame, her arms cradling it in such a way that her face was blocked. She meekly kicked the mat in pain again, still laid out by Kathleen.

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Re: Kathleen Hendricks vs. Alaina Sandra-Hanes

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The efforts of Alaina to kick out were in vain as the third count sounded while Kathleen's body was still firmly atop of hers, and the Queen's music began to play to symbolize her victory.

"Your winner, The Queen of Domination, Kathleen Hendricks!" The ring announcer called, as if just to rub it in the Amazon's face, who was hiding it in shame over her defeat, and Kathleen soon dismounted from atop her opponent... Just to stomp down onto her head once she was standing, and letting the cameras flash, taking pictures of the Queen standing over the Amazon, as though she was a hunter posing with her prey, before leaning herself down, her face hovering over Alaina's head. "Let that be a lesson. If I see you in this ring again, I'll make sure your little twerps for kids will grow up without a mom."

Kathleen then used the foot on her opponent's head to step right over her, walking right out to exit the ring. That was a statement win, even with the pre-match assault, and one that the locker room better have watched.

The Queen of Domination was here to stay.

Winner by Pinfall: Kathleen Hendricks

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