Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

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Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

Unread post by SWLPal »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Condition(s): Pinfall, submission, or KO

The skinny blonde was getting herself ready and, as always, looking forward to the next opponent she faces off again as well! After getting her outfit on and warming her body up, she was set and made her way out and onto the ring as the announcer called her up!
The crowd went wild as usual when Pansy made her appearance. Along the way, she would high-five some of her fans and wave as well to them and everybody else in the crowd too! She then made it to the ring, climbed up on the apron and ropes and jumped in, and pull off a cool pose before making her way to her corner and await for her opponent to show.

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Re: Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

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The mood revived once more when Miss Fallacy revealed herself to the stage on the beat of her theme. She skipped down the ramp with a glimmer in her smile and a wave to the front row, holding the two open flaps of her blue crop coat to pull them over her star-spangled top. Her hand gripped the bottom rope so her knees could kiss the apron’s surface. Those hands grabbed the top rope, torqued back to explode onto her feet with a pop. Her star-spangled red, white and brown boots stomped the apron. One had a brown sleeve, same with her opposite arm.
When she scaled the turnbuckle from the outside, she pointed a finger gun towards the crowd and shouted, “Bang!” Then leaped inside to take that same corner, with another finger gun aimed at her opponent, accompanied by a wink as she let loose a quiet, “Bang…” The finger gun arm folded up, and she blew over her index, then resided to a hop from foot to foot, arms shaken out, head veered side-to-side, ready as soon as her music fizzled away.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

Unread post by SWLPal »

Pansy watched with amazement and awestricken by her opponent and her entrance into the ring. From her smokin' gorgeous outfit and looks, to her kickass theme, and to her cool and outgoing personality she was showing off to the crowd too! As she continued to watch her opponent enter the ring, she was a little caught off guard and blushed when she winked and made a finger gun pose at Pansy herself (which can be rare considering Pansy would be the one to try and make her opponent blush or embarrassed). But she quickly shook the feeling of nervousness off and felt the need to walk over and introduce herself to her foe before the match.

"Uhhh, hi there! My name is Pansy, but you probably knew that already right Hahaha! Well I just wanted to come over and say how I really loved your introduction and outfit! Plus I really hope to have a good match and have a fun time with it too!" The skinny blonde said as she was slightly blushing still while face-to-face with her opponent, not trying to say anything else that could sound flirty or embarrassing too.

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Re: Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

Unread post by Monsy »

She stood there and hopped foot-to-foot. Her smile was genuine, her nature even more so. Every match brought new thrills, to seek that first win for herself. Take it - no; earn it. That is why she can’t lose her spirit; walk down that ramp with as much vim and vigour as she had when she debuted, perhaps more now. Never would she forget her opponent’s either. She always afforded kindness to them. Everybody’s likeness towards her was all too invaluable to let it slip. So she stopped her hop, put her hands behind her back, and offered them a grin when they greeted themselves. She shared their laugh - albeit brief, then nodded along until they finished.

“D’aaw, you’re so sweet. It’s awesome to meet you - you can call me Fallacy. And don’t worry about the match - I’m gonna bring my A-game and so should you. It’ll be a blast!”

“Sooooo, here’s to some honest and competitive fun. What do ya say, Pansy?” She extended a fist to them, capped off by another wink and a corner smile.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

Unread post by SWLPal »

The blonde smiled back and bumped her fist with her own.

"Agreed! And I love your attitude too! I can already tell this'll be a great match! And don't worry, I promise to show you what I'm made of! Though despite my physical stature, don't be too surprised by what I might try to pull off in the ring, hehe!"

After that little, fun chat with her opponent Fallacy, she walked back to her corner and nodded to the ref to let her know she was ready to rumble before getting into her ready stance.

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Re: Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

Unread post by Monsy »

“Can’t wait to find out!”

After the fist bump, she struck her patent finger gun and backed up into the turnbuckle. Her hands glided across the top ropes. There was a hop in her step, foot-to-foot, and she nodded to signal her ready. The bell rung.

She kicked off the corner, skipped twice, then landed firmly on her boots, her hands up and ready, hungry to get a taste of what Pansy could do. Her immediate aims were to close the distance, shuffle forward with a squared stance, then lunge to try and tie up!
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

Unread post by SWLPal »

After about a moment or so of circling around the ring, Pansy decides to make the first move. She moves in forward and locks arms with Fallacy to test out her strength compared to her own. Despite being a little shorter, and not to mention in a different wight class too, she could sense that she could get some leverage against her opponent.

So after a hot minute, the blonde made her next move.

The skinny blonde attempted to break up the lock by kneeing her in the gut and follow with a reverse Full Nelson and slam her to the mat. Provided if it goes through and works that is.

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Re: Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

Unread post by Monsy »

They locked together, arms-to-arms. Fallacy’s hips drew back as did a boot to stab the canvas and push. She was two inches taller, not much, if any bit heavier to count here, so she’d lock, hunker down, stare in their eyes and prepare for one honest push. Meanwhile, she grinned, winked even, then thrust! Her body walked right into Pansy’s knee and her lungs skipped, a huff of wind came out her mouth to groan. Pain pinched her smooth belly, and she doubled over, then felt her arms raised above her head. Chills racked her nape as the canvas filled her view, and came closer as her feet kicked out and the world turned black. Bam.

“Gyah!” Her forehead was first to pound the ground, rebound up so she could grab. Brains thoroughly scrambled, a cloud settled over her brain; a headache drilled her and her sinuses grew tight. She turned on her side and everything swam…
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

Unread post by SWLPal »

The move worked! Not only did Pansy manage to knee her in the stomach, but she also managed to get Fallacy into the reversed Full Nelson and drop her onto the mat!

The blonde was surprised it succeeded, but she needed to take the advantage that she has now before her opponent quickly recovers. So after making her first move, she then flipped her opponent onto her stomach, sat on top of them, and grabbed one of their legs and prepared for a boston crab move. "Sorry in advance for this!" Pansy said to Fallacy before executing the move and tugging their leg with great force.

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Re: Pansy the Blonde vs Miss Fallacy

Unread post by Monsy »

Her lithe belly pressed into the warm canvas, face-down with a cheek mushed. The weight piled onto her back made her huff out. Her eyes welded shut, and she reached for handfuls of the mat, dragged her nails across and made semi-tight fists as Pansy hooked her leg into a crescent. All five senses revived when the torque almost ripped her hamstring to ribbons. It was an explosive pain, gripped her thigh like talons, burned and pulsated until she screamed. One eye opened; her mouth gaped to yelp, and she started to crawl on her elbows to the ropes. She looked down, chewed her bottom lip, shuddered and tried to take another set of inches towards salvation.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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