Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

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Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

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Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao
Smother Match
Victory is attained via smothering the opponent
The loser must appear on the winner's livestream and perform an act to be decided later by the winner

The lights of the LAW arena began to dim, as a pair of spotlights began to dance around the stage atop the entrance ramp leading to the arena's ring. As the sound of Girls' Generation began to pound through the arena's speakers, the two spotlights eventually came together in the center of the stage. Bright blue and pink laser lights began to flash around the stage, as one Vanessa Silverstone, world-famous Twitch streamer, stepped out into the spotlight, the crowd cheering and screaming for her as she made her debut appearance in LAW.
With a grin and her face and her head held high, Vanessa began to step down the ramp, the spotlights following her as she made her way towards the ring, moving and stepping in time with her music. She had been looking forward to tonight for a long while. She had spent a long time training herself and getting ready for her LAW debut, and now finally tonight the spotlight was on her. Tonight was her first official match in LAW, and tonight she was going to blow everyone away.

And even better? She was up against another streamer tonight. She was more of a fitness and martial arts streamer, but Vanessa was rather familiar with her, and she couldn't wait to go toe-to-toe with the woman. Not only was she excited for her big LAW debut and to win her first LAW match, but getting a chance to prove herself as the dominant woman over another streamer? She was thrilled to have the chance, and she couldn't wait for the match to begin.

As she reached the ring she slide in under the ropes and moved towards one corner of the ring, glancing around at all four corners as she did so. LAW's officials had granted her request, setting up a special series of cameras for tonight, one atop each corner of the ring. The match was being streamed from the arena directly to Vanessa's Twitch and Youtube channels, and she knew all of her fans worldwide would be watching the match, excited to see their favorite streamer in action.

Vanessa leaned against her corner as her music began to fade out and the lights of the arena began to brighten back up again. She grinned a little wider, and turned her attention towards the arena entrance, waiting somewhat impatiently for Julie to arrive so they could get the match started!

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Re: Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

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Julie gawked at her opponent's entrance. The neon-colored light show, the upbeat rhythm of her entrance song, and her first few glances at the crowd were all relatively standard, if still incredibly exciting and well put together. The roar of the crowd, however, was anything but standard. It seemed that Julie's next opponent, apparently a debutante, nonetheless had fame rivaling that of some of LAW's most popular wrestlers.

Of course, she wouldn't have expected any less. After all, Julie was going up against none other than Vanessa Silverstone.

For most of their careers, Julie and Vanessa had run in pretty similar circles. They'd appeared at many of the same conventions. They'd crossed paths a few times on Twitter and Twitch. Their fanbases had a lot of overlap (though Vanessa's was way bigger). They'd even worked with a few of the same charity events. But somehow, they'd never actually interacted for more than a few tweets here or a passing handshake there. Not out of a lack of desire, at least on Julie's part, but they were always just too busy.

And now they were about to fight.

Not, like, actually fight, mind you, even if this was an official LAW match. Julie intended to take the fight seriously, of course, but you could only take a smother match so far, especially when it was against someone who'd half-inspired your whole career.

For her own entrance, Julie was almost embarrassed to be going for something so tried-and-true. It was modeled after the openings to her streams and videos, and it was designed to be as her as possible. Rhythmic strobe lights, floodlights that turned to the blue-and-yellow glows of her match attire, a crowd-pleasing strut down the entrance ramp, the works. She even had her own fans in the audience, owing to her growing exposure in LAW and her own online profile. Still, next to Vanessa's entrance and fanbase, she couldn't help but feel a little outdone... something she might have to correct during their match.
Julie's Entrance Music - All That I Know by Moosh & Twist feat. Hoodie Allen
Julie's Match Attire
As Julie entered the ring, she all but skipped to the center of the canvas. "Oh. My. Goshhhhh!" she squealed. "The actual Vanessa Silverstone, in the flesh! The Stream Queen! I know we've technically met before, but I'm absolutely starstruck right now." Normally, Julie amped up her excitable personality a bit for the camera, but just being in front of one of the pioneers of their niche little corner of the Internet gave her goosebumps. "Your outfit, your entrance, all of it is just so on point." She glanced over at the cameras on top of each of the ringposts with a pout. "Aw, they're actually letting you stream the match? They made me sign the distribution rights away in my contract... Guess it pays to be the Stream Queen, ha!"

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Re: Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

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As Julie began to make her entrance, Vanessa found herself bouncing up and down on her heels, bobbing her head in time with the woman's music, an impatient grin on her face as her fellow streamer made her way towards the ring. She was excited for this! The several times that she had met and interacted with Julie before, she had liked the woman and had gotten along with her, and the idea of facing her in the center of the LAW ring, especially in this type of match? It thrilled her, and she couldn't wait to get started!

Of course, even as excited as she was, she was still a professional, and she knew that these people in the arena and the people watching at home would want to see a show, one that she was more than willing to give them.

As Julie skipped to the center of the ring, Vanessa stepped forth to meet her, taking the time to look up and down the woman's athletic body as she did so, quite obviously checking her out. She gave Julie a nod of approval, then listened to her spitting out her words. Then, when Julie had finished, the Stream Queen took a step closer towards her, reaching for the chin of the small woman. She gently lifted upwards, forcing Julie to look up at her, as she leaned her face closer, dropping her voice to a soft and sultry whisper.

For the show, of course. It was just for the presentation and was in nooo way meant to catch Julie off-guard.

"Damn right it pays to be me," she giggled playfully, her face just inches away from Julie's own. "Getting to share a debut in LAW against you, of all people? I couldn't think of a better opponent for tonight." Her words were soft and seductive, the streamer obviously trying to play things up for the audience. "I just hope you're ready for me. Make sure you put up a good fight before I smother you out, alright...?"

She then leaned in a little bit closer, lips moving towards Julie almost as if she was going to kiss her, before suddenly drawing back from her, flashing her fellow streamer a wink as she took a step back. She laughed, and then lifted her arms up, adopting a defensive position before giving Julie a nod. "Ready when you are, babe..."

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Re: Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

If Julie weren't totally obsessed with Vanessa's bright blue eyes, she wouldn't have noticed them roving over her body. Because Julie was definitely doing the same thing. Granted, the years that Julie had spent sculpting her lower body with kickboxing and squats definitely showed. Her butt was toned and round enough for her to be proud of it, sure, but Vanessa was just rockin'. As in "if it weren't literally her job not to get smothered out tonight, Julie would absolutely dive right into those damn pillows of hers" rockin'. Julie only stopped ogling her opponent when Vanessa's finger glided against her chin. She looked up, quirking her eyebrows and making a sultry pout to match.

For the show, of course.

The same reason that, when Vanessa leaned in, practically promising a pre-match smooch, Julie eagerly tilted her head accordingly. She was like a navigator on the pleasure cruise of her dreams, charting a course that would take her straight to Cutie Island, Japan. She floated in, getting up on her tiptoes to reach for the destination that was oh-so-temptuously-close...

-- And then she pulled away, at the exact same time that Vanessa did. It seemed that they shared a similar sense of showmanship, which was going to make this match all the better. Besides, even if Julie not-so-secretly wanted to kiss her opponent, it would be sooo much better -- both for them and for the audience -- if they let that unspoken promise linger for a while. Julie matched her opponent's giggles as she took a few steps back, squaring up like she always did, bouncy and fluid on her feet. As she turned, though, she gave herself a quick, teasing slap of a butt-cheek.

"Ooh, you're as confident as you always are, huh? Well, let's hope you're as comfortable resting between these cheeks of mine as you are getting slapped around in solo queue!"

Ordinarily, she'd pace herself, maybe throw out a few quick punches or kicks to keep her opponent honest. Even against an opponent who was more than half a foot taller than her like Vanessa was, that outfighting strategy could work. Julie's legs were long and powerful, and she knew damn well how to use them... Buuut nobody came here to watch Julie just dance around Vanessa until one of them was tired enough to let themselves get smothered. No, they came to see two pretty streamers use all their assets against each other.

That didn't mean she'd have to completely abandon her training, however. No, all she'd have to do was just... kick out at Vanessa's leg and try to force her onto a knee. Then, she'd be free to step forward, shooting for Vanessa's arms to set up for a more even test of strength than she'd normally hope to get. With less leverage and a lower position, the Stream Queen would be less able to take advantage of her length and weight to dominate from the get-go. With any luck, such a test of strength would start to give the audience the body contact that they were clearly craving from a match like this.

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Re: Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

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That pout, that sultry, almost begging pout from was almost enough to make Vanessa burst into a giggle. The girl was good. She knew why they were here and she knew her role to play in this. They were going to work over the crowd so hard, and Vanessa was going to have a blast in the process.

Though she had to stop and frown for a moment as Julie threw out her little barb about solo queue. "Not cool! Too far!" She shouted back at her, putting on an upset pout of her own as she folded her arms over her ample chest, making sure to exaggerate her motions to make it seem like she was angrier than she really was. "You know good and well that even someone like me can't carry some of those knuckleheads to a win!"

Her pout was quick to evaporate as she shifted into her ready position however, the Stream Queen finally ready to get this match properly underway. She had assumed that they'd start off with something like a lock-up, play up the closeness between each other for a few moments before getting more serious. As she stepped in and raised her arms to try just that, however, she quickly realized that she had assumed wrong.

Even if this was a smother match, at the end of the day Julie was a better trained and more experienced fighter, and with the size disadvantage she had against Vanessa, it wasn't a surprise that she went straight to the actual fighting. Her low kick slammed into Vanessa's leg, dropping the surprised streamer down to one knee, putting the two of them onto more even footing. Then Vanessa got what she wanted, locking up with Julie, just not in the way she had hoped.

"Tch! You're clever!" She tsked at her fellow streaming, bodies pressing together as the two of them began to push against each other. "But that won't be enough, Julie!" She tried to shove forth, arms flexing as she shoved into Julie. She wanted to push herself back up to her feet, to try and power her way back into a standing position, but with her body lowered and Julie struggling against her, that was going to be easier said than done.

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Re: Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

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In hindsight, voluntarily locking up with Vanessa Silverstone might not have been a good idea. Julie was strong, sure, but Vanessa was stronger, even without the leverage to use most of her size advantage. By the time Julie realized that, the larger streamer had already made significant progress in their test of strength. They were almost flush against each other now, their chests pressing together and their foreheads close to doing the same.

Still, appearances had to be maintained. Sure, some people liked a good squash match every now and again, but a battle like this one carried a lot of promises. No matter how tempting it was to just let herself get smothered the frick out between anything that Vanessa decided to throw at her... people would be disappointed. Including, Julie decided, herself.

... The problem, though, was that she didn't know exactly where to go from here. In the time that it took for Vanessa to get this far, she'd evaluated her situation. Her hands were currently occupied, and somehow, Julie didn't think her opponent would just let her take them back. Lifting a leg for a kick or knee would probably earn her a one-way ticket to Bowled-Over-Ville, courtesy of the Stream Queen. She didn't really want to headbutt Vanessa, even if that was the only part of her that was free.

"Nngh... HOOO boy -- yup! That's me, super clever! Now, uh..."

So, Julie did the only thing she could think of: She leaned forward and gave Vanessa a quick smooch on the nose! Just a quick peck, not enough to break the rules or push this match anywhere beyond what they'd already agreed to. Then, she let herself fall backwards, as if she were pulling a chair from underneath her opponent. As she pulled guard, Julie swung her legs up, hoping to lock them around Vanessa's toned, fit body. She'd have to be quick, though; if she couldn't stop Vanessa's fall forward fast enough, she'd end up in a prime position to start smothering Julie!

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Re: Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

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A shiver raced down Vanessa's spine, as she and Julie pressed together, body-against body and chest-against-chest, beads of sweat already beginning to trickle down the sides of her face. This was already proving to be fun, and this felt good, being shoved up against her fellow streamer like this. This was exactly the kind of thing she came to LAW for, and she was pleased she was getting what she wanted out of her debut match!

She could tell Julie was enjoying herself too. She could sense how into the grapple the smaller woman was, she could practically taste the desire radiating from her, and...

...wait, what?

Vanessa froze for a brief moment, blinking as Julie's lips teased at her nose. That had been entirely unexpected, catching the Stream Queen completely off-guard, and that brief moment of surprise was all the more skilled Julie needed to turn the tables on her. Before she could react, she felt Julie falling backward, Vanessa's own momentum causing her to fall forward as well. She dropped to her knees in front of Julie, just as Julie's legs shot up and clamped tight around her waist.


Vanessa's expression twisted into one of confusion and uncomfortableness as Julie ensnared her within the scissors, and at once she began to cry out. "H-hey! T..that was cheap!" She yelled down at Julie, as her hands slid downwards, quickly grasping at the more fit woman's thighs. She began to paw at them, her fingertips digging at Julie's skin, as she tried to find a grip, wanting to attempt to pry those legs apart before Julie could put too hard of a squeeze on her!

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Re: Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

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Vanessa was working over the crowd like a pro. She had to be, because there was just no way that Vanessa could naturally be this cute. Every single time that J.D.L. pushed or squeezed against Vanessa, the voluptuous streamer seemed to have a new whine or squeak ready to go. It was just too damn much for Julie's heart to handle!

"Sorry, babe!" Julie giggled at her opponent's complaint, responding in a singsong manner. "All's fair in love and waaar~!"

Despite her confident, teasing demeanor, Vanessa's next move almost turned her into putty. Those strong fingers gliding against her thighs, pressing insistently onto her skin... Even though it quickly turned into a powerful, desperate attempt to pry her legs apart, that first half-second or so would be burned into her mind for, like, ever.

Julie didn't need to put the clamps on Vanessa's abs, at least not really. Sure, squeezing the life out of Vanessa would make it easy to smother her out, but that wouldn't be any fun! Still, her legs were stronger than even Vanessa's barrel arms, so she was confident that she could at least keep the grip locked in.

But if she wasn't gonna body-scissor the hell out of Vanessa, Julie still needed to get in some actual offense. The smaller streamer crunched her abs as if doing a hanging sit-up, suddenly thankful that she'd added a lot of core workouts to her routine. Ignoring the slight burn beneath her belly, Julie reached out and tried to wrap her hands around the back of her opponent's head. If she was able to get a solid grasp, then she would pull the Stream Queen into her chest, smothering her in a way that only the most physically fit fighters could hope to do!

"How's that, Nessie?" She wiggled her chest back and forth across her fellow streamer's face. "Is this 'within the rules' enough for ya?"

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Re: Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

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Oh. So it was going to be like that, huh?

Vanessa couldn't blame Julie, not one bit. If the positions were reversed, she would be going straight for the smother too! The problem was, was that it was still far too early in the match for the Stream Queen to even consider letting Julie get a win here, and there was no way she was just going to lie there and take this kind of treatment!

As she was drawn into the ample bosom of Julie, she began to cry out, her breath warm and her shouts muffled against the chest of her fellow streamer. However, at the same time, she reached up, grabbing for Julie's shoulders. She began almost at once to push and shove against them, trying to simple power her way out, and force herself and Julie apart from each other so that she could pull her head from the other woman's chest.
Last edited by Lunaspark on Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vanessa Silverstone vs. Julie Dykstra-Liao ~ Streamer Smother Showdown!

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"Sooooo, whaddaya think?" Julie giggled as her opponent grumbled her dissent from beneath her breasts. "Hanging smother sit-ups. Yea or nay for my next workout vid?"

Thankfully, it seemed that Vanessa wanted to keep the show going, based on how insistently she was shoving at Julie's shoulders. Or maybe Vanessa just didn't want to lose. Either way, Julie was thankful, because all but hanging off of her fellow streamer was starting to kill her abs. Just being able to do what she'd just done was impressive, but maintaining it was a whole 'nother question.

Eventually, her hold gave way, and she all but flopped onto the canvas -- and totally not just because Vanessa was strong as all hell, by the way. Julie's legs splayed wide open, which must have made a confusing sight: a trained MMA fighter willingly giving up closed guard. But she wasn't just an MMA fighter. She was an entertainer. And honestly? Optimal fighting strategy was just boring.

"Ooh!" Julie squealed as she bounced on the mat. "Nice escape! So, whatcha got next?"

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