Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

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Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Fuko stood backstage mentally preparing herself for the fight ahead, she was going to be fighting her rival Kurumi once again. When they lost fought Fuko taunted Kurumi about her favourite sport, telling Kurumi she'd kick her ass in a topless boxing match next. Well apparently Kurumi took it to heart as she accepted the challenge for real.

Now Fuko stood backstage wearing only her jacket and jeans.
As her theme began to play Fuko ran straight the ring once again, stripping off her jacket and jeans. Leaving Fuko in just her panties. The busty ninja equipped herself with boxing gloves before yelling out. "ALRIGHT I'M READY COW! NOW COME ON OUT SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS AGAIN!"

The two women were tied when it came to their rivalry. Kurumi had beaten Fuko before she got her revenge. So there was a lot riding on this fight. It certainly wouldn't be their last but for the moment it was huge, and for Fuko it would make things all the sweeter to pull ahead of her rival by defeating Kurumi in her own favourite style of fighting.
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Re: Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

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For Kurumi, this was the fight where her best skills would be shown, not holding back and showing why she would become the best boxer in all of LAW, so then when she was called to the ring, her usual music would play, smiling then, listening to Inko's words, Kurumi would step into the ring, noticing that outside the ring, Valentine and Yukari were there, being her trainer and nurse, they should be there to help her once it was all over.

Looking furiously at Fuko, Kurumi would take off her garment, leaving her breasts in the air, raising her fists, she would say to Fuko
I swear on all the times my stomach was punched that tonight, you won't go out with a smile.

signaling to the Referee that she was ready for the fight.

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Re: Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

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"I'll believe it when I see it fatty" Fuko taunted in response to her rival's words. The referee got in between the two topless women to explain the rules.

"You get only one break. Victory is awarded when an opponent surrenders or I decide it is pointless to continue and the fight is over. As long as your attack is a punch there's no fouls. You may continue attacking your opponent while she's on the floor. Lastly, the victor may do whatever she chooses to the loser once the fight is over."

Fuko grinned at the last rule, thinking of the humiliation she'd inflict on Kurumi. Once the ref said to begin Fuko raised her arms prepared for Kurumi's assault.
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Re: Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

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Kurumi saw that it was time to fight and saw that Fuko seemed happy that if she won, she would take advantage of her, so Kurumi's look would have changed to a more serious look, without smiles, and when the bell rang and the fight started, Kurumi lunged towards Fuko, lowering her body a little to try to throw a full blow to Fuko's stomach.

"no more friendly Kurumi for you....."

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Re: Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

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The fight began and Fuko was caught completely off-guard by Kurumi. It was surprising considering Fuko though she had such a good grasp on Kurumi by this stage but the cow totally caught her with her pants down. Fuko took one of Kurumi's gut busting punches, immediately trying to retaliate with a sloppy left hook.
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Re: Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

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Kurumi would manage to explode her punch into Fuko's body, and although Fuko threw her punch, Kurumi received it, but it seemed as if she would not react, although Fuko's glove clearly hit her, thus throwing Kurumi an uppercut, but instead of the face, she went straight to aim to hit Fuko's stomach, saying a few words to her before the punch.
"hey.... want to see what a furious boxer is?"

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Re: Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

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Fuko backed up as Kurumi tanked her blow and then delivered another killer blow to her stomach. Fuko coughed and gagged from Kurumi's punch, trying to take initiative and punch Kurumi with a hook to the cheek.
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Re: Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

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Kurumi would sink her fist into Fuko's body, noticing how Fuko's breathing was affected, then looking at the situation, she would be hit in her face by Fuko, taking a few steps backwards, but approaching with speed to try to throw another punch, with her fist going again for Fuko's stomach, with the plan of screwing up her breathing as much as possible.

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Re: Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

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Though injured and being blitzed Fuko could clearly identify Kurumi's strategy of aiming for her stomach. Before Kurumi could land a clean hit Fuko blocked before aiming for an uppercut to Kurumi's chin.
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Re: Topless clash between rivals. Fuko vs Kurumi

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Kurumi had been attacking Fuko's stomach very often, which in the end would become predictable, and so it was, with Fuko having blocked her blow, Kurumi would be hit in a powerful Uppercut, making her stagger and retreat a few steps, leaving her exposed for Fuko to continue her combo of blows.

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