Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

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Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

Unread post by TheManVan »

Match Type: 5 Count Body Pin
Victory Conditions: Pinfall only after making the opponent Orgasm.
Ring: A pool filled with vanilla and chocolate pudding.

Gina was excited, finally all of her time working out and learning the craft of wrestling was going to come to a head as she was finally going to have her first match in front of a live audience. Her heart was beating, nothing in her life was more nerve racking than knowing she was going to step in front of literally thousands of people and who knows how many more that were going to watch at home. At first, Gina was not aware the levels of depravity that went on in her new promotion, taking in with her wide native eyes on more money than she had ever seen in her young life as a model, before she became more acutely aware of what was going to be expected of her.

But that was all right. Gina was confident in herself and her body, after all she put it on covers and bikini photoshoots. Showing off the rest of her body with nothing on was just the next step above. The other step beyond that took a bit of convincing and a lot of self hype up, Gina telling herself that she could out love any woman they would put against her and management was kind enough to put her against someone else who was starting in the company.

Ready as she'd ever be, Gina would begin to make her way towards the entrance as she was lead out onto the stage, the lights from above shining down and blinding Gina for a couple of seconds before her eyes had a chance to adjust. Once they could see, her lungs seized a little seeing the amount of people sitting in the stands around the center of the arena, where a pool of pudding awaited for her and her opponent to step in and do battle.
Shellshocked for a brief moment, Gina snapped back into reality as she quickly walked down the ramp, rained down with cheers and whistles at her barely covered body, Gina was taken in by the excitement as she began to wave, hopping her way down towards poolside as the cheers got louder as her large breasts began to bounce around in the tight bikini that was trying it's best to hold them in. Reaching poolside, Gina stopped at the side of the inflatable pool as she looked in, watching the melding of white and brown as she licked her lips.

The substance looked absolutely delicious, but she was going to hold in her curiosity as she turned her attention towards the entrance, waiting for her opponent to arrive to see just what she was up again!

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Re: Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

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After Gina had finished her entrance, the lights in the arena went out, leaving only darkness and some mumbles to be seen and heard.

Then a spotlight went on to the apron, showing an official ring announcer.
He declared, generating some hype in the crowd.
”LAW management is proud to announce you the debut of a new entrance to the official roster of our illustrious federation! Some of you may know her as an entertainer and performer. Others may know her from movie productions. BUT YOU ALL KNOW HER AS A WRESTLER! She is a former lightweight champion, battling enchanting and beautiful girls all over the globe in many leagues!”
The man explained, stepping a little bit aside to let whoever it was take some space.

Ending his speech, a big glittering disco ball would lower itself on the stage, illuminating the glittering silhouette of said Kelly Flowers under the branding cheers and calls of the audience. Driving on old fashioned roller skates, the blonde girl would stop first on one side and then the other, clapping for people to go with the rhyme of her theme song before graceful dancing and swaying in the rhythm of the single of her newest album.

After interacting with the crowd, Kelly would shoot down the ramp to the pool, rolling twice around it while giving her cute opponent a blink of an eye, occasionally stopping to make a selfie or clap hands with fans recognizing her.

Then she would stop, removing her rollerblades with trained ease to reveal her naked feet and face her opponent with a smile on her face and in her demeanor.
”Hi there honey! I am Kelly, nice to meet you!”
She would say, hugging Gina. There would be much hugging going anyway, so why not start with one?
Last edited by JollyRoger on Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

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Gina was feeling good about the match, waiting next to the pool in her white bikini and her sandals since she wasn’t about to get into the pool just yet. Waiting for her opponent, she was spooked a little when the lights went out as it sent a shiver throughout her body with the instinctual fear of being in the dark. But it wasn’t going to be dark for long as a booming voice came on the speakers with a spotlight tearing through the darkness to illuminate the ring announcer who gave an excellent introduction.

Gina found herself being hyped to see who her opponent was off of her quantities and achievements being listed off, so much so that the fact Gina was going to be battling against a former Champion in her debut completely floated over her head! Her. Eyes turned back towards the entrance, more of the light show beginning as a incredibly catchy beat infected the arena, Gina herself being swept up in the rhythm as she began clapping along as Kelly began to stake down to the ring!

Marveled at such an entrance, Gina watched on in awe as Kelly danced while rolling around at what seemed like the speed of sound, clapping hands with fans as she did a lap around the pool. Bubbling with giddiness, Gina laughed as she clapped her hands while bouncing up and down like an overzealous fan waiting her turn to meet with the star.

Only her meeting was going to be the most up close than anyone else in the arena.

Soon Kelly would come to her, taking off the roller stakes faster than anyone that Gina has seen before before standing in front of her. The two opponents sized each other up, but not in the normal sense of the usual wrestling match as Kelly came up for a hug and Gina happily accepted! Their breasts mashed together as Gina gave her a nice and tight hug, feeling the soft skin of Kelly’s expose skin on her back as she pulled in the entertainer in! “Nice to meet you too, I’m Gina! Woooooooow you put on such a great show! You got me so pumped!” She let out, squeezing Kelly as she swayed from side to side before letting go of Kelly and pulled back.

She had a bright grin on her face before she suddenly remembered that they were opponents. “Oh wait, we’re supposed to be fighting right?” She let out questioningly before she tried to put on her best angry face, to little success. “Grrrrrr! I’m going to beat you tonight in that pudding!”
Last edited by TheManVan on Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

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”Oh, thank you Gina! I am so glad that you like it, that means a lot to me. Please allow me to send you my albums, free of charge of course.”
Kellys cheeks turned a little reddish while her voice turned from excited to honestly touched by the compliment. It was not that easy to embarrass her in a ring, but her work as an artist, planner and performer were very dear to her.

The Canadian was about to say something more but Gina basically interrupted her with her growl, causing her to giggle extensively at such a cute aggression.
”Oh my, this simply makes me want to lay down for you so that you can you’re your way with me. I like you. In fact…”
A last giggle escaped from her lips before she bended down to dip both a finger into a patch of the chocolate pudding and then in the vanilla pudding.
”I will like you quite often in the next minutes.”
She declared, carefully smearing the vanilla pudding on her own lips with a finger before attempting to do the same with the chocolate pudding on the lips of Gina, already attacking her resolve with taking her time to do that.
”Let´s turn this into a mixed pudding.”

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Re: Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

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Her attempts to be intimidating failed so bad that Gina herself couldn’t help but laugh at her attempts as her and Kelly stood in the middle of the pudding pool of the mixed puddings, only barely melding together with the two girls standing in the center of it. “Oh! If you could that would be great! Then I would get to do whatever I want to you and your cute body in this pudding!” She gleefully let out as she couldn’t control her excitement, swaying her body about. “Buuuuuuut, what if I want you to do stuff to me too?” Any nervousness that Gina had felt before had washed away by this point, overtaken by excitement to have a chance to tangle with the talented performer! The two parted after their friendly greeting, Gina standing only a few inches away from Kelly as the performer bent forward towards the pudding to dip her finger into the delicious mixture of treats.

Gina watched as Kelly dipped a finger in both flavors of the pudding, watching as she smeared the the vanilla on her lips. It was quite a sight that Gina greatly found herself interested in, so much so, she didn’t bother to move when Kelly draped the chocolate coated finger across of her lips! “Mmmmmm…” she let out as the taste of chocolate seeped into her lips as Kelly offered an interesting proposal.

One that Gina took great interest in as well.

“Oooooooh, I quite like that idea.” She cooed before her arms coiled around Kelly once again to lean forward and plant her lips against’s Kelly’s, looking to meld the two flavors together!

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Re: Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

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The Blonde nodded in agreement when Gina did not go back and let her smear the pudding on her lips before bending forward to meet the other girls lips with her own, only kissing her tenderly and lip to lip only so that the two types of pudding would only meet and stick together.

The referee, after watching how the crowd burst out into claps of approval after a round silence with the question of Gina would be up to the kiss opening, signaled for the bell to ring so that the match had officially started.

Meanwhile, Kelly was watching closely into the eyes of Gina with a mixture of being friendly and a rising desire to find out what she would like to happen once the Canadian had conquered her. To reach these results she would use the tip of her tongue to mix the pudding even further, tasting both the substance and the alluring lips of Gina by nibbling on them.

Then one of her hands would wander to the hair of the other girl to comb it softly while the other would lie itself on the butt of Gina, softly putting a little bit pressure on the fingertips for the smallest kind of grope possible.

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Re: Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

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Gina enjoyed the wet lips of Kelly, the two of them melding their flavors of pudding together in a liplock as they were showered with cheers from the crowd around them. The referee was very lenient on the two and in fact saw it fit to start the match right then and there as the bell rang out, rather than pull away Gina figured to just keep on kissing the sweet lips.

And what a sweet pair of lips it was.

Gina could not get enough of them. She wanted to just suck them right off of Kelly’s face as Kelly did the same back to her. The kiss was even more addicting with the overwhelming sweet taste of the two different flavors of pudding melding in her mouth that Gina couldn’t resist but to shove even harder into Kelly’s lips.

Her kisses were slow and intense, intent on smearing her pudding with Kelly’s as she felt the tongue grazing and sliding across her lips as Gina responded in kind, pushing her tongue out to meet Kelly’s tongue and lips.

Kelly’s hands were also proactive, sliding down her back before taking a firm hold of Gina’s butt in it’s palm. “Mmmmmm….” Gina moaned into Kelly’s lips, her hands started to slide up on Kelly’s back, dragging across the soft skin upwards towards that beautiful blonde hair. Her fingers sunk into the locks, taking a firm hold but not to pull too hard, just holding Kelly’s head in place. Looking to push the pace ever so lewdly, Gina’s feet began to shift in the pudding, attempting try and press her thigh between the legs of Kelly and begin to push into her groin!

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Re: Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

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Kelly had not been sure what kind of a girl Gina was. But as it was quickly evident, she was far from shy and not only went with the flow that the Canadian had wanted to produce, she added some direction on her own when she got the blonde by the hair and initiated the closest contact by putting her leg between her tights, causing Kelly to deeply breathe in for a moment as she was getting pressed against herself, but after this breath she would put a foot a little bit behind so that they were basically matching each other stances.

Then both of her hands would look to reach around the waist of the other girl and squeeze her tightly in an attempt to gain the advantage in their lip lock by pressing some air out of Gina and also diverting her attention to the cause of breathing and getting squeezed at the same time. Her eyes were gleaming while doing this, ready to look how this was making her opponent feel and enjoy.

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Re: Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

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Gina’s cheeks were rose red already, burying her lips so deeply into another woman wasn’t something the girl had thought was going to happen when she came to Japan. But seeing the action that was expected and the numerous amount of beautiful women, it was something that was simply impossible not to be apart of with gusto!

And she was being rewarded with the intense liplock. Half of it was to assert dominance and the other half was simply enjoying the sweet exchange. The corner of her lips curled upward hearing the sharp inhale as she pressed her thigh into Kelly’s groin, feeling the warmth of the sensitive spot on her leg as the sensual sensation of being so close to an inhale sent shivers through Gina’s body. Almost in anticipation waiting to see what Kelly was going to do in retaliation, Gina was pulled in tightly against the blonde as Kelly’s arms encircled her, her breasts mashing against Kelly’s as the tight space between them got even tighter!

Now she was the one to let out a sharp exhale, a bit louder and longer than Kelly’s with how the blonde’s arms were forcing the air out of her. The grip she had in the blonde’s hair quickly let go as both of her hands slid to Kelly’s back, digging her hands into that soft back. “Haaaaaaaa…!” She gasped out, her back foot sliding in the pudding, pooling a pile before they melted back down. Gina began to hug tightly back onto Kelly’s, but her hug wasn’t as secured as Kelly, now at a disadvantage compared to Kelly.

Her eyes cracked open, looking at that beautiful face up close that she almost lost her breath… again. Her eyes darted away to break vision from Kelly as her eyes spotted the pudding beneath them as she got a dirty idea. Her arms tightened again to Kelly as she tipped to the side, trying to bring both of them down into the pudding for a splash!

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Re: Gina Livingston vs Kelly Flowers: Pudding Wrestling

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It had been a very good showing of Gina up until this point, but now Kelly was confident that she got her. The lusty lynx even had the confidence to smile when she thought that she had the blonde on the defense as she forced her to acknowledge that she found her hot and was quite warmed up to the idea of having her leg between her own legs. But who wouldn´t be hot for Gina?

Then the tables turned on her and Kelly was pressing them tightly together, safely securing the girl with her stronger bear hug position, causing her to even break the kiss for a gasp of pleasure and opening her eyes so that Kelly could gaze deeply into her while she lost her footing with the unspoken promise to make her pay in a sexy way for being so confident to smile at her in that way.

Afterwards, things took a rather unexpected turn again for Kelly. But not totally unexpected as she felt how Gina tightened her muscles to bring them down into the pudding. With her little preparation time, she would look to land on top of Gina. Not necessarily to press her down quickly, but to impale her sex with her own leg when they would land.
She would grunt softly when they hit the floor but was quick to whisper into the ear of the other.
”You lusty lynx! I like your style…”
Kelly purred.

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