The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

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The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

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Handicap Match
Victory is achieved through pin, submission or knockout

The music of the tag team, the Ancestors of Isis, blared throughout the arena, heralding coming of two exotic Egyptian twins. The infamous sisters would emerge from backstage to a chorus of boos and cheers, looking as beautiful and as deadly as ever. There was Nha, the sultry long-haired one who looked pleased as pudding to be back in the spotlight. Then there was Sha, the stoic, burly one who gave no other emotion other than grim determination. Clad in their matching wrestling outfits that were blue and red respectively, the twins looked ready to do what they were becoming famous for: deliver a brutal and humiliating beating to their outclassed opponent.
Wrestling Attire
They started down the ramp together and while Nha was happy to blow kisses and wave to the jeering crowd, Sha barely gave any of them a second look, keeping her eyes set solely on the ring. Once there, the red twin would leap onto the canvas first and make use of her impressive physique by lifting up the middle ropes. Nha would then leap up and make use of the hole her sister had generously provided her, but would do so slowly and methodically so the audience got a good view of her fantastic ass.

"(I do love a good handicap match,)" Nha sighed blissfully in their native Egyptian as she and Sha made their way to their corner. "(I'm so glad the league keeps throwing them our way.)"

"(Don't you think it's strange that we're a tag team that hasn't had an actual tag match yet?)" Sha questioned with her signature sarcasm.

Nha merely shrugged at the question. "(We'll get to it! For now, I'm happy to keep destroying these solo acts. Everyone else must like it too or why else would we keep getting booked for this, right?)" The logic made Sha roll her eyes but she didn't press the issue further.

Upon reaching their corner, the twins peered their way up the ramp they had come down as the music of their opponent started to play, and a wicked smile played across Nha's lips. "(Speaking of which....)"

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Re: The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

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With the Demon theme he kept on him, Aesiyn was definitely sure that it was a matter of time before he was matched with someone or the other with another theme similar to his. So it came as no great surprise to him when he found out his match would be against a Goddess themed girl..

But what did surprise him was that it was a handicap match, against the Ancestors of Isis, Nha and Sha. He hadn’t expected such a match right after his debut, but seeing how he handled the Lotus, he figured LAW officials already realised that he wasn’t exactly an easy mark. Not that he minded, though. Aesiyn smiled just a bit, before stepping out into the ring, his theme playing..! His opponents were already there, ready and waiting for him to come and face them.. they were rather stunning, he’d admit. But he wasn’t there for that exactly, as Aesiyn stepped through the ramp, waving at the crowds cheers, a wide smile on his face..

It was odd. By a funny twist of fate, the Goddesses were definitely not faces, and the Demon was far more good natured than them. So, stepping into the ring, Aesiyn exhaled, staring down at Nha and Sha, a slight smirk playing around on his features as he’d approach them, his stature looming over both.

He’d say, looking down at both of them. Both seemed nice, one a bit more muscular than the other, but the other was slimmer. Looked like twins.. reminded them of his own twin in fact. Aesiyn tilted his head, before smiling at both of them, before holding both his hands out for them to shake.

“The Ancestors of Isis huh..? Nice to meet you both.. hope we’ll have fun with this match..!”
Last edited by Aeri on Thu Nov 11, 2021 3:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

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Going into the match, the Ancestors didn't know just who it was they would be facing tonight. They knew it was against a male opponent but other than that had no real information. It was only when Aesiyn Reinhart and walked onto the ramp did the two first lay eyes on him, and neither one seemed disappointed at what they saw. Though for radically different reasons. "(My my,)" Nha purred watching the large, broad shouldered man make his way down to the ring, her eyes twinkling in excitement. "(He's a tall glass of water, isn't he?)"

"(He looks pretty strong,)" Sha said aloud, a smirk giving away her eagerness as well. "He might be a good challenge."

It was Nha's turn to roll her eyes this time. "(How are we sisters? Honestly, it boggles the mind...)"

As Aesiyn approached after entering the ring the twins got a much better look at him. He tall to be sure, but also looked to be quite powerful if his muscular build was anything to go by. Not only that, he seemed to be quite friendly, extending his head to shake both of there's as a formal greeting. The red twin Sha would stare at the hand for a second before smirking and grasping it firmly to shake, her powerful grip an indication of the strength she would be wielding.

When it came time to shake Nha's hand though, the blue clad Egyptian would smirk wickedly up at Aesiyn before shaking his hand as well. "Nice to meet you as well," Nha chuckled, slipping into English that had a distinct accent to it. "And not to worry. Sha and I will have plenty of fun in this match. Unfortunately, I don't believe you'll be saying the same...."

With that last cryptic statement Nha would slip her way out of the ring through the ropes so she could stand upon the canvas, leaving her more muscular sister in the ring to start them off. Sha would stare down Aesiyn with sweetly determination in her eyes, eager to test her might against such a larger opponent. She would soon get her wish, because not long after Nha left the ring, the bell would sound to begin the match!

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Re: The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

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He’d shake their hands, looking them over and taking a step back to assess them properly this time. He was judging them silently.. Sha seemed like the type to like a good fight, which he would willingly provide her today, but from her words and her smirk, he guessed Nha had not much of good intent in her mind. Tilting his head lightly, he decided he’d keep his distance from Nha, or at the very least, be wary of the blue clothed Egyptian, he was definitely not in LAW for purposes like what he supposed had in mind.

“We’ll see about that..”

Nha left, and Sha was what remained in the ring. He’d tilt his head, leaning down and staring at the Goddess, the bell ringing to start the match off! He didn’t usually go for tests of strength, but he figured that was what Sha wanted, so he’d lift his hands up, trying to lock up. If Sha obliged, Aesiyn would push forwards, attempting to shove her back, planning on pinning her against the ropes and getting a solid advantage over her right off the bat!
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Re: The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

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After a somewhat friendly greeting from their opponent (a gesture that Nha was decidedly less cordial of), the blue twin would leave the ring and let her red clad twin to face off against Aesiyn first. The way they usually started their matches, especially if it was a handicap match, was for Sha to start things off with brute force attacks to wear down their opponents, leaving them easy prey for Nha to come in afterwards with deadly submission holds to drain them further. It would be no different tonight it seemed. "(Try to leave some for me,)" Nha giggled from her position outside the ropes.

"(No promises,)" Sha replied with a smirk. The more muscular Egyptian stared at Aesiyn from where she stood, getting the lay of where his strengths may lie. She couldn't deny she was excited about testing her might against a strong looking opponent, and the large man certainly was confidence which suggested he knew what he was doing. Whether or not he could back up that confidence would soon be seen because the bell would ring to signal the beginning of the match. After cracking her neck side to side, Sha would make her way to the center ring to meet the silver haired demon.

When she arrived, Aesiyn had raised his arms up expectantly; an obvious test of strength invite. The red twin smirked, for she wouldn't have it any other way, always looking to test her strength against that of others. She would answer the invite by raising her hands up as well to grasp at his hands, entwining their fingers together in almost intimate fashion. Then the contest of strength began in earnest, with Aesiyn immediately pressing against Sha in an effort to overwhelm her! But the silver-haired giant would find that contesting Sha's strength was no easy task. The Egyptian grit her teeth as her muscles bulged to hold back the beast before her, refusing to give an inch. Rather than get pushed back, Sha remarkably held her ground. In fact, she would begin to pour her incredible power into forcing Aesiyn to yield in the test of strength. Though whether or not she was strong enough to overwhelm the Oni remained to be seen....

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Re: The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

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Nha hadn’t really seemed friendly and such, which more or less meant to him that he had to watch out for any sneak attacks from her, but Sha definitely seemed fun! He liked the fact that the other twin was going to try and match him head to head, her fingers lacing with his own and Sha forcing her own strength onto him! By no means was she lacklustre, him finding that she was definitely more than what he had initially expected, the red clad Goddess managing to push him back a couple steps..!

“Didn’t.. expect that..”

He’d mutter, but offered her a grin all the same. But he wasn’t gonna be overpowered by her, taking a step forwards and grounding his position.. as Aesiyn slowly beginning to push back Sha with a great amount of force packed into his body.. seems it wasn’t just for show! But instead of getting her to step back, his intent seemed to be to bring her down to her knees and keep pushing her back even then..!
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Re: The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

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The contest of strength between the two power houses was being cheered on by the excited gathering of fans, supporting either Sha or Aesiyn to come out on top. In the middle of the ring, Sha continued to battle against her male foe, sweat beginning to show across her bronze body for her attempts to overpower him. Aesiyn was just as strong as he looked but Sha was no slouch either. Thanks to her efforts she managed to force her opponent back a few steps, much to his apparent surprise. It was a victory for Sha to prove that she could stand up to whatever foe came her way, but it seemed Aesiyn would not go down easy. Much to her displeasure, he stopped himself from being pushed back any further.

Sha grit her teeth when Aesiyn rallied his strength against her once more, pouring on the pressure in another, much stronger, attempt to overwhelm her. She fought against it as best she could but in addition to being very strong Aesiyn had the advantage of size and weight. Eventually, it became too much for Sha to hold back and with a strained grunt the red twin would be forced to one knee!

"Having some trouble?" Nha asked smugly from their corner as she leaned against the ropes.

"Sh-Shut up!" Sha growled through her teeth, traying and failing to hold Aesiyn back.

"You need some help? Say pretty please."

"(Fuck off!)" Sha cursed in Egyptian, but despite saying she didn't need her twin at this rate her opponent was going to force her all the way down to the mat!
Last edited by Darius 2.0 on Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

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Pressing against the stronger of the duo of Goddesses, Sha, Aesiyn had a slight huff escape his lips. He was still fighting two on one, and couldn’t let himself tire out with Sha alone, he didn’t want to be easy pickings for Nha after all! Having successfully gotten her to her knee, he’d give her a small smirk.. hearing her get into a shouting match with her sister. He didn’t quite get the language but.. he could tell the intent..

.. so maybe it was time for him to give Sha a reprieve! Clasping her fingers suddenly, he’d yank her up with a surprising force, before pivoting his body and swinging her around, hoping to make her run into a rope and bounce off towards Aesiyn! If it worked as planned, he’d meet her right there with his arm stretched out and slamming the twin into the ground with a solid choke slam!

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Re: The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

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To her credit Sha had put up a hell of a fight, proving that she could stand muscle to muscle with the best of them. Unfortunately, Aesiyn was both big and strong, meaning she had to work doubly hard in order to hold him at bay. It was a battle she was starting to lose ground on, causing her to drop to one knee as she began to be overwhelmed. The red twin grit her teeth as she tried to hold on - to muster some kind of strength to rally. But it was too late. Aesiyn had gained the advantage over her and now he intended to use it.

Sha's eyes widened in surprise when instead of being pushed back further by Aesiyn she was instead yanked forwards and upwards. The suddenness of the pull combined with the fact she had been pushing only seconds earlier carried her onto her feet and sent her speeding across the mat. On instinct, she turned and bounced off the ropes which of course sent her running right back to the silver-haired Oni. But before she could stop her momentum Aesiyn had grabbed her by the throat, then used that grip to slam her hard into the mat!

"UGGH!!" the Egyptian cried out, hitting the mat hard back first. It hurt like hell and knocked the wind out of her at the same time, leaving her to roll onto her side coughing. Not willing to stay down this early in the match, Sha would attempt to get back to her feet. Though whether Aesiyn let her is another story...

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Re: The Demon and the Goddesses - Aesiyn Reinhart vs The Ancestors of Isis

Unread post by Aeri »

Aesiyn, to be completely frank, was rather new at wrestling. He could fight for sure, but he didn’t know many complex holds.. well, rather he hadn’t had much of a chance to try them on people. And with someone like Sha, who seemed like she could take it.. he’d figure she was a good test dummy..!

As his downed opponent made to get to her feet, he didn’t let her get her bearings just so soon! He’d clasp her head, tucking her head underneath his arm, and placing one hand to her midsection, turning to face the ropes. He’d give her a small apologetic huff.. before slightly grinning

“Have.. fun!”

He’d lift her up and off her feet, raising her legs towards the air!! If it worked as he intended to, he’d bounce Sha’s legs off the top rope and use the momentum to drop towards his back, slamming her down into the canvas back first into a rope assisted vertical suplex!!
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