
Finishing her preparations, Harper’s thoughts dwelled on her last meeting with her manager. Heck, the fighter really disliked that pompous bitch, with that demeanor that made her so irritating. Just some minutes with her and Harper really wished to punch her in the nose so bad, just to see wether that silver spoon-fed brat would show some spine or not. Despite how Harper disliked her, even the fierce greenette had to admit that she has been so diligent in booking Harper for a debut match, and a double debut nonetheless. Harper couldn’t care less about her rival being new to the ring or not, the only thing she demanded was her rival to be a strong one.
When a LAW assistant arrived and let Harper know that it was her time to make her entrance the woman gave her a fierce look. “Damn about time.”, was the only thing she said before getting up and walking backstage. Her entrance was unceremonious since Harper wasn’t there to make one of those flashy shows some other wrestlers made before the match to then become punching bags and be ridiculed. No, the greenette was there to show she was among the strongest so there was no need to put a stupid entrance up. Instead she just walked towards the ring with a determined pace that showed how resolved she was and arose an aura of threat around her. The public was curious about that night two debutants and even if Harper couldn’t give less shits about what the crowd thought she was going to show them how ruthless she could be so everyone in that league would think twice before crossing her. Slipping below the ropes, Harper rested against her corner while cracking her knuckles, waiting for her rival to make her appearance.