If there was any possibility of Sarah rallying against her attacker, it was effectively put to an end when she was thrust into the side of the pool table. The loud sound of her skull colliding with the hard wood resounded through the bar, the result of which had Sarah collapse to the floor in an ungainly heap. Only her groans of pain would indicate that she was still awake. The impact made her black out for a split second but her legendary endurance meant she was dragged screaming back to consciousness almost immediately after, sporting a fresh new head wound to boot. Sprawled out on the dirty bar floor, Sarah barely even knew where she was at the moment. It wasn't until she was being hauled upwards that she was became aware she was still in the process of getting the shit kicked out of her.
Groaning faintly as she was forced off the floor, Sarah would have to be completely held up by Alexa since her legs were practically jelly underneath her. Her face was now covered in streaks of blood leaking down from her head wounds, coating her battered features in a shower of red. Vaguely, Sarah was aware of her jacket getting removed off her shoulders, leaving her top half clad in a simple black halter top. Though it seemed even this was too much clothing for Alexa, who promptly tore it in half down the back, revealing Sarah's toned backside and black bra strap.
Coming somewhat back to reality after feeling the cool air against her bare back, Sarah was dragged off the the pool table she had been thrown against only moments before, though it seemed this time Alexa had a different plan for it in mind. She was laid out across the table, her beleaguered body pushing balls aside from the interrupted game as Alexa set her up. Her hands were forced into two pockets, wedging them in tight, effectively removing any hope of Sarah fighting back; not that there was much to begin with. When Alexa was finished with her, Sarah was spread across the pool table like she was on a rack, her back laid bare and exposed for the entire bar to witness.
Her cheek pressed against the felt of the table, Sarah tried to free herself from this unique trap, but her thoughts were jumbled after so many hard hits to the head. Her efforts amounted to dazed squirming, which would do her little good when Alexa lifted her head off the table by her hair. Sarah's fluttering eyes had just enough time to catch sight of Alexa's next brutal attack before it collided HARD with her face in the form of a cue ball. No sound came from Sarah other than the harsh crack of the hard sphere meeting her head. Again she went limp, flopping against the table, propped up only by her hands trapped in the pool table pockets.
Miraculously, even this didn't knock out the Queen of Brawl. Her weak, whispered groans of pain were a clear indication she was still clinging to consciousness.
So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar... (Completed)
- Darius 2.0
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Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...
Alexa was sure this wasn't the first time Sarah sported the crimson mask. In fact, she knew it wasn't, she was too much of a hardcore legend not to have her features enveloped in crimson while sporting a sadistic smile on her face. But right now? There was no smile, there was no look of sadism. She was a victim in this assault, her eyes fluttering and glassy with the constant shots to her face and her mouth agape with lazed groans of pain, but of course her legendary durability meant that, no matter how many times her brain bounced in her skull, she'd hold strong. She'd stay in the land of the living through it all, forced to endure all of Fury's devious plots and attacks.
And one of those ideas had that jacket and top removed, though it wasn't as though she had anything sexual in mind. Sarah was a decently attractive woman, most of her hots came from the fact that she loved to hurt people in every which way. But no, getting herself wet wasn't the reason to expose her back. It was to make sure that there was no resistance for her coming assault.
Once that that cue ball cracked and nearly split in half over Gatt's face, she tossed it aside, to let the ground and momentum finish the job of snapping it into two, before she walked to the other side of the table. "This is usually the part where people beg for mercy, ain't it? I've heard it plenty, and I'm sure you have too." That voice was all too giddy, all too excited, dripping with enjoyment over what she's done. Yet it wasn't over just yet. She hadn't even used her favorite weapon yet!
And while they didn't have an exact replica of a kendo stick here, pool cues were aplenty in a popular bar like this, and they served the same purpose. Long, durable sticks of wood. In fact, there were three scattered across the floor, knocked over once Sarah was thrown atop, and Alexa leaned down to pick up one.
"But of course, you're not gonna beg. So that's fine. I'll just be satisfied with your screams." She said with a chuckle, before twirling one of the poles in her hand, and then taking a MLB-worthy swing right for the exposed back of Sarah's, just underneath her shoulder blades for the center of her spine. *SMACK* And then another. *SMACK* And another. *SMACK*
Five total hits were enough to crack the pool cue in half over her back. "Ah, these are shit sticks! Wouldn't you say?" Alexa said with a sigh, dropping the shattered stick on the ground. Good thing there were more laying around...
And one of those ideas had that jacket and top removed, though it wasn't as though she had anything sexual in mind. Sarah was a decently attractive woman, most of her hots came from the fact that she loved to hurt people in every which way. But no, getting herself wet wasn't the reason to expose her back. It was to make sure that there was no resistance for her coming assault.
Once that that cue ball cracked and nearly split in half over Gatt's face, she tossed it aside, to let the ground and momentum finish the job of snapping it into two, before she walked to the other side of the table. "This is usually the part where people beg for mercy, ain't it? I've heard it plenty, and I'm sure you have too." That voice was all too giddy, all too excited, dripping with enjoyment over what she's done. Yet it wasn't over just yet. She hadn't even used her favorite weapon yet!
And while they didn't have an exact replica of a kendo stick here, pool cues were aplenty in a popular bar like this, and they served the same purpose. Long, durable sticks of wood. In fact, there were three scattered across the floor, knocked over once Sarah was thrown atop, and Alexa leaned down to pick up one.
"But of course, you're not gonna beg. So that's fine. I'll just be satisfied with your screams." She said with a chuckle, before twirling one of the poles in her hand, and then taking a MLB-worthy swing right for the exposed back of Sarah's, just underneath her shoulder blades for the center of her spine. *SMACK* And then another. *SMACK* And another. *SMACK*
Five total hits were enough to crack the pool cue in half over her back. "Ah, these are shit sticks! Wouldn't you say?" Alexa said with a sigh, dropping the shattered stick on the ground. Good thing there were more laying around...
- Darius 2.0
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Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...
As she lay spread across the pool table after taking that last hit, Sarah spat out of a wad of blood across the green felt. If one looked closely enough they would see a tooth among the red liquid. That's what happens when you hit in the jaw with a goddamn cueball. If it didn't knock you out cold it was for sure gonna do some damage. Sarah knew that from her years of bar brawling experience, though often she was the one doing the hitting. That wasn't the case tonight though. Tonight Sarah had become the punching bag for a girl looking to make a name for herself.
Still conscious and still hurting, the Queen of Brawl was forced to endure more monologue from the chatty bitch. Of course, Sarah wasn't exactly innocent when it came to lording over the people she was beating up. Now she wished she could just pass out from blood loss already if only to avoid enduring any more bragging from her attacker. That or escape. But as she weakly tugged at her arms again to free her wrists from the pockets only to fail miserably, she knew that wasn't happening.
Strapped down to the table as she was, Sarah couldn't see what Alexa was up to but she had a few guesses, but again couldn't do anything to stop her. That's when the first strike of the pool cue smacked against the skin of her exposed backside. Sarah's red eyes nearly bulged out of her head as pain exploded across her back, jolting on the table from the blow. The sudden, sharp pain served to snap Sarah somewhat out of her stupor but in the worst way possible. Despite Alexa's hopes, Sarah did not scream, refusing to do so. She merely grit her teeth and tried to push the agony down, not wanting to give this bitch the satisfaction.
But then came the second hit across her now tender back. Again, a harsh jolt but no scream. Then came the third and Sarah couldn't help but let a small whimper past her lips. By the fourth hit, Sarah could hold back no longer, letting loose a anguished scream that echoed through the bar. Those that still remained to witness this brutal beating winced in sympathy for the redhead, especially when that fifth hit cracked the cue across Sarah's back. The Queen of Brawl let out another cry of pure agony after the blow, collapsing onto the table afterwards. Her back back down sported five long red welts that were tender to the touch, looking like she had just undergone corporal punishment. The redhead trembled from the pain, heaving heavily as she tried to deal with it.
"F-Fuck you...." she whispered out pressing her head against the table. "C-Cunt...."
Still conscious and still hurting, the Queen of Brawl was forced to endure more monologue from the chatty bitch. Of course, Sarah wasn't exactly innocent when it came to lording over the people she was beating up. Now she wished she could just pass out from blood loss already if only to avoid enduring any more bragging from her attacker. That or escape. But as she weakly tugged at her arms again to free her wrists from the pockets only to fail miserably, she knew that wasn't happening.
Strapped down to the table as she was, Sarah couldn't see what Alexa was up to but she had a few guesses, but again couldn't do anything to stop her. That's when the first strike of the pool cue smacked against the skin of her exposed backside. Sarah's red eyes nearly bulged out of her head as pain exploded across her back, jolting on the table from the blow. The sudden, sharp pain served to snap Sarah somewhat out of her stupor but in the worst way possible. Despite Alexa's hopes, Sarah did not scream, refusing to do so. She merely grit her teeth and tried to push the agony down, not wanting to give this bitch the satisfaction.
But then came the second hit across her now tender back. Again, a harsh jolt but no scream. Then came the third and Sarah couldn't help but let a small whimper past her lips. By the fourth hit, Sarah could hold back no longer, letting loose a anguished scream that echoed through the bar. Those that still remained to witness this brutal beating winced in sympathy for the redhead, especially when that fifth hit cracked the cue across Sarah's back. The Queen of Brawl let out another cry of pure agony after the blow, collapsing onto the table afterwards. Her back back down sported five long red welts that were tender to the touch, looking like she had just undergone corporal punishment. The redhead trembled from the pain, heaving heavily as she tried to deal with it.
"F-Fuck you...." she whispered out pressing her head against the table. "C-Cunt...."
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Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...
Alexa was having too much fun right now. Beating up on a legend like this? It was something she only thought possible in her dreams, but here, it was happening, and it was even better than she thought. Goodness, Sarah was just like no other, her durability meant that she was forced to endure any and everything inflicted upon her, and she still kept that fiery resolve in her, refusing to beg or plead for mercy. Instead, she took it and threw out some pathetic swears afterwards, just like how she did after a pool cue was broken over her spine, and she sported some bleeding welts on her back.
"There you go, keep it up. Love hearing that classic Gatt resilience stand true!" Fury encouraged, leaning down to pick up two more pool cues, placing one on the table and spinning the other in her palm. The punishment on her back didn't cease there, as Alexa lined up that stick once more, before taking a baseball swing right for a spot that wasn't bright red. *SMACK* And another. *SMACK* And one last one before the stick snapped in two. *SMACK*
"Gah, this one was even worse than the last one!" She said in a fake sad tone, before hatching a plot inside that sadistic brain of hers. A devious one, as eyes scoured that gushing head of Sarah's, oozing blood in so many spots. "Well, might as well make use of it. Think I got enough screams out of you for now." Alexa said with a minor giggle, before lifting up the head of Gatt's once more, forcing the smaller half of that broken pool cue into the mouth of the legendary hardcore fighter, making sure her teeth were clamped down onto the wood. Then, the newcomer reached for the third and final pool cue, and licked her lips. "Oh, I got a feeling this one's a toughie. It's a thick boy.."
Alexa then swung the newest pool cue, but instead of aiming for Sarah's back, it was for the back of her skull. A rainbow swing, from her back, swingng in a perfect motion right back down against the redhead's skull, both smacking her head with the stick and forcing her face to bounce off of the green felt with that wooden gag forced against her mouth. And Fury repeated this motion, over and over again, filling the bar up with the sounds of wood meeting flesh and bone, and one could only be thankful that it was just that. Though, it was unlikely that Sarah thought that, as Alexa repeated bashed in the back of her head, over and over and over again, the stick's toughness on display as it refused to crack and break, no matter how many times it was smashed down...
"There you go, keep it up. Love hearing that classic Gatt resilience stand true!" Fury encouraged, leaning down to pick up two more pool cues, placing one on the table and spinning the other in her palm. The punishment on her back didn't cease there, as Alexa lined up that stick once more, before taking a baseball swing right for a spot that wasn't bright red. *SMACK* And another. *SMACK* And one last one before the stick snapped in two. *SMACK*
"Gah, this one was even worse than the last one!" She said in a fake sad tone, before hatching a plot inside that sadistic brain of hers. A devious one, as eyes scoured that gushing head of Sarah's, oozing blood in so many spots. "Well, might as well make use of it. Think I got enough screams out of you for now." Alexa said with a minor giggle, before lifting up the head of Gatt's once more, forcing the smaller half of that broken pool cue into the mouth of the legendary hardcore fighter, making sure her teeth were clamped down onto the wood. Then, the newcomer reached for the third and final pool cue, and licked her lips. "Oh, I got a feeling this one's a toughie. It's a thick boy.."
Alexa then swung the newest pool cue, but instead of aiming for Sarah's back, it was for the back of her skull. A rainbow swing, from her back, swingng in a perfect motion right back down against the redhead's skull, both smacking her head with the stick and forcing her face to bounce off of the green felt with that wooden gag forced against her mouth. And Fury repeated this motion, over and over again, filling the bar up with the sounds of wood meeting flesh and bone, and one could only be thankful that it was just that. Though, it was unlikely that Sarah thought that, as Alexa repeated bashed in the back of her head, over and over and over again, the stick's toughness on display as it refused to crack and break, no matter how many times it was smashed down...
- Darius 2.0
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Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...
Sarah was in so much pain that she could barely even move without it feeling like flaming knives were stabbing into her back. Even though she couldn't see them, the agony of the marks the pool cue left on her back gave her a picture of what they looked like. There were angry, red lines all across her muscled backside, some of which were bleeding from being hit so hard. In addition to her blood soaked head and face, the Queen of Brawl looked like a complete mess. It was hard to believe that only minutes ago she been taking a drink at the bar...
Despite wanting to give the bitch attacking her more choice words, Sarah simply didn't have the strength anymore. The loss of blood and mind-numbing pain had her fluttering on the edge of consciousness. Her eyes struggled to stay open and awake even though it would have been so much easier to just pass out. A lifetime of fighting seemed to be instinctively keeping her conscious, a trait she would regret when the yellow eyed woman again took a pool cue to her back side. The hit to her already tenderized back elicited another scream from Sarah who could no longer hold back her anguish. Then came another, and another still that cracked the pool cue across Sarah's destroyed back. By that time Sarah had screamed herself hoarse, collapsing onto the table with a small whimper. Now it would only take the slightest breeze to cause her back to explode with searing pain.
But it still wasn't over. Barely conscious at this point, Sarah would feel her head getting lifted off the table. Was someone grabbing her? In her half-dazed state she could barely make out a pair of merciless yellow eyes. It was right before something was stuffed into her mouth. What it was she couldn't tell but it certainly felt firm to bite on. Vaguely, she could hear Alexa talking to hear but by the time she was dropped onto the table she couldn't even tell where she was anymore. Through thing in her mouth, Sarah let out a muffled groan, instinctively trying to lift her head up again.
Only for it to be knocked back down by a sudden HARD hit to the back of her head. Sarah's vision exploded with white as her head bounced off the table but oddly enough there was no pain. Just a kind of freeing feeling. Then the second hit struck the back of her head and Sarah felt nothing at all, letting darkness claim her. After a savage beating that had her bleeding like a stuck pig, the Queen of Brawl had finally been knocked unconscious by Alexa.
Despite wanting to give the bitch attacking her more choice words, Sarah simply didn't have the strength anymore. The loss of blood and mind-numbing pain had her fluttering on the edge of consciousness. Her eyes struggled to stay open and awake even though it would have been so much easier to just pass out. A lifetime of fighting seemed to be instinctively keeping her conscious, a trait she would regret when the yellow eyed woman again took a pool cue to her back side. The hit to her already tenderized back elicited another scream from Sarah who could no longer hold back her anguish. Then came another, and another still that cracked the pool cue across Sarah's destroyed back. By that time Sarah had screamed herself hoarse, collapsing onto the table with a small whimper. Now it would only take the slightest breeze to cause her back to explode with searing pain.
But it still wasn't over. Barely conscious at this point, Sarah would feel her head getting lifted off the table. Was someone grabbing her? In her half-dazed state she could barely make out a pair of merciless yellow eyes. It was right before something was stuffed into her mouth. What it was she couldn't tell but it certainly felt firm to bite on. Vaguely, she could hear Alexa talking to hear but by the time she was dropped onto the table she couldn't even tell where she was anymore. Through thing in her mouth, Sarah let out a muffled groan, instinctively trying to lift her head up again.
Only for it to be knocked back down by a sudden HARD hit to the back of her head. Sarah's vision exploded with white as her head bounced off the table but oddly enough there was no pain. Just a kind of freeing feeling. Then the second hit struck the back of her head and Sarah felt nothing at all, letting darkness claim her. After a savage beating that had her bleeding like a stuck pig, the Queen of Brawl had finally been knocked unconscious by Alexa.
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Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...
How many women could say that they had rendered Sarah Gatt unconscious? 1? 2? A woman known for her legendary endurance and her ultimate will to fight, she was undefeated, but to say that you knocked her out was a rare occurrence. And that was what Alexa wanted. To beat the everliving shit out of the legend in the business until she could write her name among a very rare few that had been able to knock Sarah Gatt's lights out.
Still, that wasn't her only intention. Her intentions couldn't be broken down to merely one single reason, as there were many. To turn the lights off in her head? That was just a nice bonus.
If that was her only intention, she wouldn't be enjoying herself painting the back of Sarah red with pool cues, right? Each smack harsher than the last, and especially more satisfying as Gatt was unable to stop herself from screaming, singing a song of white hot agony with each blow that made the thighs of Alexa quiver and her tongue dash out to wet her lips.
Though now with just one pool cue left, she had to get back on track with finishing Sarah off. Sure, she could beat the redhead in with all the stools, mugs, beer bottles and more that the bar had until the sun came up, but as she noticed out the corner of her eye, bystanders were on their phones, calling 911. She didn't want the cops to get in the way of such a loving rivalry in the works now.
So, stuffing Sarah's mouth with that half of wood, Fury aimed for the defenseless back of Gatt's head with her last pool cue, before raising it up and smashing it against her skull, causing a sickening SNAP and THUD sound to ring out, as Sarah's head bounced off the pool table. And then another, and the redhead went limp, indicating to Alexa that she had been knocked unconscious. But the newbie didn't stop. Several more blows came crashing against her head, over and over again, before the bulkiest stick yet gave in after 10 smashes and broke in two.
"Gaah... oh man, finally gone to sleep.." Fury cooed, grabbing onto Sarah's blood-matted hair and lifting her head up, just to get to look at the hardcore fighter's unconscious face, how she looked with the lights off. "Hopefully you'll remember this. I'd know you'd be proud of me if I did this to, well, anyone else..."
"Enjoy your rest, and know that the ring awaits us." Alexa whispered into her ear, before dragging two fingers against her bleeding forehead and bringing her mask down to lick at it, tasting Sarah and walking out of the establishment, leaving it a total mess, just as ambulance sirens could be heard in the distance...
Still, that wasn't her only intention. Her intentions couldn't be broken down to merely one single reason, as there were many. To turn the lights off in her head? That was just a nice bonus.
If that was her only intention, she wouldn't be enjoying herself painting the back of Sarah red with pool cues, right? Each smack harsher than the last, and especially more satisfying as Gatt was unable to stop herself from screaming, singing a song of white hot agony with each blow that made the thighs of Alexa quiver and her tongue dash out to wet her lips.
Though now with just one pool cue left, she had to get back on track with finishing Sarah off. Sure, she could beat the redhead in with all the stools, mugs, beer bottles and more that the bar had until the sun came up, but as she noticed out the corner of her eye, bystanders were on their phones, calling 911. She didn't want the cops to get in the way of such a loving rivalry in the works now.
So, stuffing Sarah's mouth with that half of wood, Fury aimed for the defenseless back of Gatt's head with her last pool cue, before raising it up and smashing it against her skull, causing a sickening SNAP and THUD sound to ring out, as Sarah's head bounced off the pool table. And then another, and the redhead went limp, indicating to Alexa that she had been knocked unconscious. But the newbie didn't stop. Several more blows came crashing against her head, over and over again, before the bulkiest stick yet gave in after 10 smashes and broke in two.
"Gaah... oh man, finally gone to sleep.." Fury cooed, grabbing onto Sarah's blood-matted hair and lifting her head up, just to get to look at the hardcore fighter's unconscious face, how she looked with the lights off. "Hopefully you'll remember this. I'd know you'd be proud of me if I did this to, well, anyone else..."
"Enjoy your rest, and know that the ring awaits us." Alexa whispered into her ear, before dragging two fingers against her bleeding forehead and bringing her mask down to lick at it, tasting Sarah and walking out of the establishment, leaving it a total mess, just as ambulance sirens could be heard in the distance...
- Darius 2.0
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Re: So the Queen of Brawl Walks into a Bar...
What happened next for Sarah had to be relayed to her by the hospital staff since she had been far too unconscious to recall any of it.
After Alexa had disappeared into the night, the ambulance had arrived to collect what was left of the Queen of Brawl. They freed her from the pool table, loaded her up onto the stretcher and then stuck her into the ambulance for transport to the nearest hospital. There she would be treated for the harsh welts on her back and numerous head injuries that resulted in no small amount of blood loss. It would be days before Sarah regained consciousness and even longer for her to make a full recovery.
But recover she would. It wasn't the first time Sarah had been laid out like this, nor would it be the last. Granted, this had been one of the more brutal beatings she had received but all it would serve to do was light a fire in the redhead's belly. This Alexa had come looking to beatdown a legend and get her name in the history books, and while she had certainly done that tonight it was not to end here. This had been more than an attack. This was an outright challenge to meet Alexa in the ring. Sarah had recognized it only because it is exactly something she would do.
But just because she understood Alexa's motivations didn't mean she wasn't going to kick the shit out of her the first time they meet in the ring...
To Be Continued...
After Alexa had disappeared into the night, the ambulance had arrived to collect what was left of the Queen of Brawl. They freed her from the pool table, loaded her up onto the stretcher and then stuck her into the ambulance for transport to the nearest hospital. There she would be treated for the harsh welts on her back and numerous head injuries that resulted in no small amount of blood loss. It would be days before Sarah regained consciousness and even longer for her to make a full recovery.
But recover she would. It wasn't the first time Sarah had been laid out like this, nor would it be the last. Granted, this had been one of the more brutal beatings she had received but all it would serve to do was light a fire in the redhead's belly. This Alexa had come looking to beatdown a legend and get her name in the history books, and while she had certainly done that tonight it was not to end here. This had been more than an attack. This was an outright challenge to meet Alexa in the ring. Sarah had recognized it only because it is exactly something she would do.
But just because she understood Alexa's motivations didn't mean she wasn't going to kick the shit out of her the first time they meet in the ring...
To Be Continued...
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