Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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Hentai Match: Victory to be awarded via forcing the opponent to climax. The winner will move on to compete in the Finals of the Hentai Title Tournament

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Re: Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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Artemis smirked eagerly as she tossed her hair back after fixing it from her previous boutin the Hentai Tourney. Which despite a minor hiccup had gone exactly as she planned and now she found herself in the semi finals against one of the two women she had been most eager to participate against. Michelle Bennet. Future daughter in law of the veteran Dana Ashford and well known sex fighter.

But what perhaps interested Artemis beyond the woman's sexual prowess was her technical skill. Michelle as she had learned was extremely skilled in submissions and that being one of Artemis's own specialties prior to her change up had earned her intrigue. None the less Artemis made a few last minute adjustments to her crimson attire before nodding to herself and strutting towards the entrance ramp with a cocky smirk as she was given the ok to make her entrance.
Coming out from behind the curtain Artemis posed with her hands behind her head and a knee bent as she blew a kiss towards the crowds as a loud chorus of boos and cheers rained down on her due to her performance in the last round tearing apart poor fan favorite Lindsay. Taking the reaction in stride Artemis began sashaying her way down the ramp with a sway to her hips and a grin on her face as she climbed the steps to stand on the ring apron.

Walking out to the middle of it Artemis would turn and blow a kiss up the entrance ramp before throwing a leg up over the middle rope and sensually sliding her way into the ring. Turning she would suddenly sprint and jump up onto a corner. Perching herself on the middle ropes she threw her hands in the air earning another pop from the crowd before gesturing to her hips, indicating her intent to win the title. Blowing another kiss to the audience Artemis would hop down from the corner and turn around to face the entrance ramp, waiting eagerly for her opponent to make her own entrance so they could get this show on the road.

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Re: Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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Michelle Bennett managed to advance to the semifinal after defeating Amano Jaku, and she was planning to win this round in order to advance to the final round. Clad in her skimpy wrestling outfit, she waited for her cue. From what she had learned, her opponent for tonight would be Artemis Grace. She had heard of her before, but this would be her first time meeting each other in the ring. Whoever she was, Michelle was planning to make it a show nobody would forget where she would turn Artemis into her plaything.

When it was her turn to make her entrance, Michelle stepped out to the ramp, making quite a show with her own appearance. Despite receiving mixed reactions from the crowd, she could tell that there were more people cheering for her than booing her. Of course, these horny people would cheer for any sign of exposed skin, and she would take advantage of it to the fullest. Swaying her hips as she walked down the ramp, she headed over to the ring where she would face her opponent tonight.
Michelle Bennett
Soon, she entered the ring, and Michelle took a good look at Artemis. Smiling confidently, she folded her arms under her ample breasts as she would lean against her corner, waiting for the match to start. She would keep her eyes on her opponent, as if studying her. She was also wondering what kind of face she would be making once she made her putty in her hands. She couldn't wait to find it out as she looked at the direction of the official who would be starting the match soon.

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Re: Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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Bent forward, hands on her knees Artemis was looking up at the entrance ramp with a predatory gaze, excitement brimming up within her at the thought of facing the busty beauty that would be walking down. Luckily for Artemis's libido the woman was soon walking down the ramp and as she did Artemis found herself licking her lips in excitement, finding Michelle lived up, physically at least to all of her expectations.

Thankfully the woman didn't take long to enter the ring, forgoing poses and preening for the crown in favor of getting right into things. Something Artemis quite liked. Locking eyes into her opponent's Artemis would give a playful wave with her fingers. "Mhmmmm my oh my you're every bit of lusciousness as I've heard... I can't wait to make those supple curves of yours writhe and quake in pleasure." Artemis said to Michelle with a purr, her hand going from her chin and sliding down her own ample bust and down her toned stomach in a tease.

All the while however Artemis's eyes roved over Michelle's body, inspecting and analyzing it, as if trying to determine Michelle's sexual spots through gaze alone. Most of all Artemis focused on Michelle's eyes and breasts. Whenever her gazed flickered past either fantasies of seeing Michelle under her complete control, enthralled to her touch filled her mind with pleasure... and her body too. All in all Artemis was just beyond excited for that damned bell to ring for the two to get started.

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Re: Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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Hearing Artemis' words, Michelle couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. "While I do enjoy to be brought to the height of pleasure, I suppose since I'm here to win, the one who's losing her mind will be you..." She smirked as she continued studying Artemis. "Prepare to surrender yourself to me, dear. At this point, it is nothing but a foregone conclusion..." Michelle was oozing confidence here, looking sure that she would be triumphant in this sexual match-up against the other woman.

And soon, both wrestlers were called to the center of the ring. The referee would then call for the bell, starting the match between Michelle and Artemis. Licking her lips, Michelle would take her stance, starting the match with wrestling. She wanted to see if her opponent could handle the grappling part first before going for the more intimate part of this match. From there, she would then surge forth, looking to lock up with Artemis in a contest of strength.

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Re: Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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Artemis smirked just a bit wider at Michelle's words, finding them quite enticing and further causing her well of excitement to deepen as she looked into the emerald eyes of her opponent. "Mhmmm bold words I like it. It'll make breaking you all the sweeter." Artemis countered back to Michelle whilst licking her lips in excitement. "Don't worry though, I'll be sure to keep you're pretty fiance company till you're able to join us... After you recover from this loss I mean." She added with a flirtatious wink and shift of her shoulders back while tensing her body.

Only to spring forth as the bell rang! Arms going up immediately Artemis caught the hands of her opponent's, gripping each other as the two immediately entered a test of strength. "Oooh you really are bold to enter a test of strength against a heavyweight." Despite her transformation and new focus on hentai, Artemis was indeed still a heavyweight. Granted she was on the lower end of that weight class, but she still held a good few inches and pounds over Michelle, likewise the blonde's strength was nothing to scoff at either.

"Well? What are you going to do my dear?" Artemis would ask aggressively as she pushed herself forward, pressing their chest against each other while trying to bend her opponent's wrist back and pushing forward. Doing whatever she could to secure as many advantages and assert her weight and strength over he opponent. Determined to show Michelle who would be the one to come out on top this bout!

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Re: Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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Michelle was aware of Artemis being much heavier than her in terms of weight class, but weight wasn't the only deciding factor on one's victory, and she also wanted her opponent to feel overconfidence so that it would be much better to take her down when she least expected it. Of course, being the lighter one between the two, Michelle was pushed back by Artemis, who wasted little time in attempting to overpower her in this contest of strength.

But Michelle wasn't one without a plan. As she was pushed back, she was planning to guide her opponent to push her towards the direction of one of the turnbuckles. She would feign exertion in order to deceive her opponent. As they were getting closer to the turnbuckle, Michelle planned to spring up her trap, in which she would suddenly slip to the side so that Artemis would end up stumbling forward, hopefully sending her chest first into the turnbuckle.

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Re: Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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Artemis smirked in utter satisfaction as she pushed down against her opponent with significant force and power that drove the brunette further and further back. Perfect. With no fear or signs of worry on her face Artemis continued to steadily attempt to force her opponent back against the corner, knowing that once there she would have a decisive advantage against her.

On top of that the woman's grunts and groans were extremely enticing and arousing all at once. Motivating the blonde to continue to push Michelle further and further into the corner. However as excited and aggressive as she was with the seemingly dominant test of strength Artemis never once considered the idea that this is what her opponent had wanted to happen.

So as they neared the corner where she had planned to continue her assault, she was instead led by her own momentum and slammed into the corner herself! "Gah!" Exclaiming in surprise as her chest slammed into the corner Artemis leaned against it with a soft groan of pain as she leaned against it in a stunned state.

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Re: Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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Michelle's ploy worked as intended as she managed to send Artemis chest first into the turnbuckle. Chuckling in amusement, she would stand behind her, a mischievous grin on her face as she decided to tease the heavyweight for a bit. While her opponent was still against the turnbuckle, Michelle would try to hit her right at her backside with a slap.

"Haha... you should've seen that one coming, honey..." Michelle purred as she would lean towards Artemis, whispering to her ear. She would then bring her hands onto her breasts so that she could start squeezing them. "Now, let me give you the first taste of what to come..." She whispered to Artemis' ear in a luscious tone, not even bothering to cover her true intention.

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Re: Michelle Bennet vs Artemis Grace

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"Grrrr." Growling into the turnbuckle Artemis was mad at her own short sightedness at being tricked into smacking face first into the turnbuckle, in turn leaving her wide open. "Mhmmm." Something Michelle was quick to capitalize on by immediately working over Artemis's breasts making her moan with the pleasure that surged as a result.

In turn however.. Artemis had an idea on how to perhaps use this to her advantage. Hands going over Michelle's the blonde would rub them softly. In addition the Canadian would pop her hips back, pressing her large and firm yet soft butt into Michelle's groin. If successful than Artemis would begin grinding and rubbing her ass into the groin. Teasing and playing with Michelle while releasing another erotic moan, this one being much more intentional then before. "Mhmmm if thats a taste I want the meal ~" Artemis would say in a soft, erotic tone of as she continued to grind and rub up against her opponent's groin.

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