Nathan Ballwin

He smile feeling real good about this, goes around the ring as he slapping some hands before heading to one of the announcers to ask for the microphone, taking it and head to the ring to roll himself inside, climb up to the nearest turnbuckle and looks around, smirking with confident then hops off to land on his feet, goes to the center to look out, trying to find the camera honestly. "HEYYYYYY EVERYONE! Your newest and BEST wrestler is here! Nathan Ballwin!" some good reactions but not a whole lot he hoped for, but doesnt fazes him.
"ANYWAY, after defeating giant tits, one after another, I think I can handle some more, in fact, I want MORE! I think bunch of big babes are so easily to defeat! Except some... but in the end, I WIN, I always WIN! So, right now, I want to challenge someone backstage, hot giant jobber to face me ONE on ONE, anything goes! Winner can do whatever to the loser! Of course, I choose to humiliate the loser! HAHA! Come on out and lets do this!"