Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

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Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

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An ever-winding void coursed through all she saw. Wetness trickled off her chin, yet she could not see its glimmer. Her hands grew numb, sweat-licked, yet unseen in the vacuum of space. She took a rattled breath, then chewed her bottom lip as her chin dipped against her collar, where more of the same black smiled back. She inhaled again, but it got pinched inside her throat as something rang. A hand came to nurse a cough, and her eyes gaped to stare down her wet face in the mirror. Arms pinned against on the countertop; hands turned towards herself to grip white-knuckled over the counter’s sharp lip. Beside her was her black smartphone, vibrating with the alarm banner labelled “Showtime!”

She tapped dismiss, looked back in the mirror, and smiled.

“Bang…” She said with a raised arm and fingertip, the tip of index nudged the class.

Her smile drooped; her elbow did as well.

“Err….” She slapped her cheek, “Come on…” Then the other hand. “Come on…” Both hands struck together to leave a burning sting and slight red imprint. Her left arm raised once again, elbow half-bent. “Losing is starting to really suck…” But it’ll get better, won’t it? Tonight is another chance. Every match is a chance. “Yeah!” That arm fully extended; index now pressed firmly against the glass, her smile flourished into a grin, and a wink garnished it all. “Bang!”

"This match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Venice Beach, California, weighing in at one hundred and twenty-five pounds!... Miss Fallacy!"

The rhythmic heartbeat of her theme music awakened a warm reception as the ever-happy Evelyn Fallanger skipped onto the stage! The pip of her brown boots swung, the dress of thigh-high garments, one brown and the other star-spangled, striped red and white with surrounding blue. She also wore a blue cropped jacket, with a red and white stripe along the collar, shoulders and sleeves. The left side had a brown sleeve overtop, forming a fingerless glove. She grabbed the two sides of her coat and pulled the flaps against her striped and star-spangled bikini, and she skipped down the rampway with periodic waves to the beloved people in the stands. She leaped and grabbed the middle rope to pull herself onto the apron by her knees first, then came up with a hop, where she threw an arm over the time and skipped to the opposite corner. A boot pushed down on the second turnbuckle, and she’d lean over the top, point a finger gun to the masses and go, “Bang!”

Then she pushed off. Her feet flew over the top and landed with a bounce on the white canvas below, then walked to take her corner.
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
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Re: Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

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Piper grunted and groaned softly as she stretched backwards while holding onto the wall, her leg propped up on a bench in front of her as she arched her back into a C shape. Tonight Piper was slated for another match up in the lightweight division. Something that brought a smile to her face as she thought about her more rapid paced booking, knowing it was a sign management had noticed her improvement. Sitting back up Piper would remove her leg from the chair and toss her gold hair back before looking in the mirror to admire her appearance in her ring attire, still not believing how much she had changed since her debut.
Bouncing on her heels softly Piper knew she had momentum on her side, that she needed to keep it going and that to do that she would have to win tonight. Something that put a smirk on her face, confidence already brimming up within her. Heading to the entrance ramp she bounced on her heels in anticipation before finally getting the signal to go ahead Piper smirked as her entrance music kicked on.
Running out from behind the curtain Piper received a mixed response that consisted mostly of boos due to her past actions. However Piper paid no mind to it, after all a reaction was a reaction. In fact.. Raising each hand up Piper gave double middle fingers to the crowd getting another round of boos that Piper paid no mind too as she sauntered forward down the ramp.

As she reached the halfway point to the ring Piper would spring forward onto her hands, arching her body through the air and repeating as she performed a series of flips to the ring. Upon reaching it Piper would come down legs first performing a split as she came down to land on the outside apron with her arms in the air. Posing for a moment Piper lowered her torso down and rolled the rest of the way into the ring.

Turning to her opponent for the night Piper sneered and gave her a thumbs down. "Hope you're ready to eat defeat miss America." Piper taunted with a smirk as she walked backwards to lean against her corner waiting for the bell to ring.

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Re: Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

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Flips, tricks and divine, tasteful splits. Perhaps there was something to note there? Perhaps something… Err… Right, that didn’t matter right now.
The hellish downpour of scorn tugged her head both ways. Thumbs being placed down, a gale of shouts, those who cupped their mouths to hurl their voice an extra few feet. Her face chilled; her back shrivelled as spiders scattered across, pricked their hairy legs until she trembled and opted to stand rather than lean on the turnbuckle. However, when they entered the ring, the noise became more white, and Evelyn dialled her eyes in.

“We’ll see about that.”

She said as she drew her finger-gun, aimed it, then pursed her lips, “Also, it’s Miss Fallacy, not Miss America..”

The bell muffled her grievance. Yammers leaked from the front row, the white noise ever-more vivid. Her head wagged it off, donned a lopsided smile and strode forth to circle the ring’s centre. However, as she swivelled on her feet, where the crowd’s spirits still bubbled from the bell’s song, Evelyn presented a clenched fist towards them.

“Here’s to fair and square, yeah?”
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
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Re: Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

Unread post by Bare »

Piper looked across at her opponent with a calculative gaze, trying to get a read on the girl and how she'd likely fight. The boos from fans still vexed by her entrance mired her thought process but she began tuning them out as she had grown accustomed too. All that mattered after all was that she had their attention. In any case Miss Fallacy as her opponent insisted on being called looked about her build which was good, but unfortunately beyond the sweet america gimmick she couldn't derive much about how she would fight so Piper would just have to wing it.

Seeing the little finger gun taunt from her opponent however caused a sneer to tear its way across the arrogant blonde's face. "Miss Fall-on-my-face got it." Piper said mockingly in response to the correction from her opponent about her nickname.

Spreading her legs apart Pipe began leaning forward, bouncing on her heels in anticipation as she watched her opponent with eagle eyed intensity all until...


The bell rang starting the match and prompting Piper to bound out from her spot and nearer towards her opponent with her hands up and expecting a lock up. However as she did so her opponent approached at a more controlled gait and extended a fist for a fist bump.

'you've got to be kidding me.' Piper thought to herself as she looked at the offered fist for a moment before smirking as she relaxed herself and approached her foe with her own extended fist. "Yeah.. fair and square." She said as she seemingly went to bump fists... only to change gears and swing her fist upwards to smack her opponent in the mock with a sucker punch!

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Re: Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

Unread post by Monsy »

The bell sound sowed butterflies, but the approach was all instinct.
One side of her side flinched. Their attention was seen; Evelyn could only muster a chortle, “That makes as much sense if I called you Pepper Shercookies.”

Preparation donned them both. Evelyn’s leg had dialled back when she took the ring’s heart, extended the fist. Something egged her to move. Their approach felt like someone from her flank crept up with a knife, coursed cold steel up her spine. But that just wasn’t something she could act on. They were both human, competitors, athletes, faithful and true. She looked left and right when their fists came close, ready to sprinkle that hand up and wag all her fingers-like fireworks, yet when she looked forward, she only found a fist to kiss her mouth like an inexperienced hasty lover. Pain stung throughout her gums and sent shockwaves throughout her jaw. The lining of her skull pulsed like something exploded on the inside. “GAH!”

Her neck felt unscrewed as it lurched back; her eyes darted towards the ceiling as she stumbled on her boots. They crisscrossed and took rapid, scampered steps to recollect. She ended up turning around, bending over with a hand upon her knee and this leftover hangover. The feeling of swelling grew its own heartbeat in her lower jaw, and pressing her lips together felt like grinding two bruises against the other. Then there was numbness. A full-course sensation exploded inside her arms. A power that turned her legs stiff, like all her muscles could flex at once! She turned around, a hand on her jaw and tried to reassert a smile through one closed eye.

“W-What a way to be friendly… Alright, you’re on now, Piper!”

Evelyn now gave chase, legs spread and arms up, dialled in to see if she could tie up elbow and collar. No more shenanigans or peace gestures, for now, just a show of skill and perhaps a vent of building steam underneath the swollen blankets.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
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Re: Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

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A dull thud was the best way to start this match off for Piper. The sound of impact created from her fist on Evelyn's face felt fantastic to the blonde and brought a sick smile to her face as she watched her opponent stumble away clutching her jaw in pain. THIS is what she was missing, what she wanted, even as boos rained down on her from the sucker punch.. it didn't matter to her. Whether good or bad they're attention was on her and solely her for the time being and she loved it.

Now she just had to keep it on her.

Looking at Evelyn as she finally managed to get her composure Piper just flashed another cocky smirk at the girl's attempt to fire a insult back at her.. if Piper could even call it that. "Aw I'm sorry I didn't realize we were being paid to be friendly!" She shot back to her opponent with a smirk as she took notice of the way the girl had spread her legs and raise her arms up which only caused the blonde's smirk to raise a bit more. "Alright if you're asking for it..." She said with a grin as she steadily approached the girl with her own arms raised as if she was about to accept the lock up attempt... except...

Instead as she approached Piper would suddenly dart forward far faster than her opponent. As she did so Piper would duck low and aim to spin around behind her opponent before pushing in and wrapping her arms around Evelyn's waist. If successful Piper would lock her hands together and try to pull her opponent back with a rear waist lock!

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Re: Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

Unread post by Monsy »

The canvas felt like a surfboard on water that she stood on. Her shoulders tossed, as did her upper half. Fear tickled her spine and made her cringe like someone had licked the skin. Then she struck back, an arm that formed the baton to catch her opponent within her net, but so lithe it was, that it only opened the bottle of opportunity for Piper Sherwood. Her arm collected air as Piper went underneath. The arm folded across her chest as arms took her waist. She peered down, gaped eyes bore into the lock that imprisoned her and put her on her heels. Each wrist of theirs was now given a partner that pried. She bit her lower lip, dry yet fidgety; she grunted and felt the strain cackle in her arms as it did her hips and stomach, which now gave every breath a bit more effort.

“Being friendly wouldn’t hurt, yah now?!”

She said and fumed out her nose. Her foot slid back, and she jerked her hips forward, if not to separate their bodies, then to regain only a modicum of balance. Both hands now settled on a singular wrist, her fingers now dug beneath theirs to see if she can mine her way through each digit, bend them back and move on to the next, where bit-by-bit, she’d undo one arm, raise it and duck beneath while twisting the wrist clockwise. She moved to the side, a hand to keep the coil that she had made, and a second hand reached to press on their bicep.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
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— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

Unread post by Bare »

Piper smirked sinisterly as she tightened her grip on her opponent's waist, determined to hold onto Evelyn's waist and throw her weight around... literally. Piper was jerking side to side, determined to keep Evelyn off balance and unable to formulate a plan, keep the match well within her pace and control. There was no need to rush things, Evelyn was in her grasp and even with the woman trying to resist it would only cause her to expend energy early on while Piper was able to conserve her strength. No matter what she was the winner in this situation and there was nothing her opponent could do about this.

Of course it wouldn't stop her from trying. Grunting in frustration as the woman pulled at her wrists, prying and bending her fingers back the blonde winced in pain and anger as one by one her extremities were pulled away until her whole hand was pulled off by Evelyn. 'Well shit.' She thought to herself as Evely lifted her arm up trying to reverse the grip.

"Not happening!" Piper shouted as she swung her leg up amidst her opponent's attempt to turn, if she was successful her kick would catch Evelyn right in the stomach and cause the grip of Evelyn to be released. If this worked successfully Piper would be sure to pull her hand away from her opponent and take a few steps back from the woman. If it worked she would then turn around run at the ropes, turning and rebounding off the ropes to launch herself back at Evelyn, jumping up and throwing her leg out for a running knee strike to Fallanger's chest!

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Re: Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

Unread post by Monsy »

Was she the ragdoll?
Tossed side-to-side, as though a dog held her within her mouth and thrashed on its new chew toy. Evelyn wanted no part, so, widened her base, tried to gather a pattern to counter the violent toss by throwing her weight the other way. She also pried at those hands, dug, finger by finger until she gained what she needed. Speed took her next move. To crunch and twist their limb. She also smiled again, and then a kick pounded her gut. The wind was squeezed out her lungs in a wheeze; ripples shot from the impact zone, and she hopped on foot, lurching with arms crossed over her gut. It was like she was stuck, her muscles constrained, metamorphosed into steel. She stumbled a few steps forward, her eyes glued on her reddened belly as she breathed with a hiss. When she peeked up, they were already there. A knee struck her chest, and Evelyn’s stumble turned the other way. Her feet whipped towards the ceiling, her back canvas-bound, smacked flush. She coughed, moaned as her legs joined her, then she turned on her side, now protecting her chest that throbbed - permanently breathless, unwilling to move.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Evelyn Fallanger vs Piper Sherwood - Standard Match

Unread post by Bare »

Ragdolling girls was gonna quickly become one of Piper's favorite feelings ever if it was always like this. After all she had just knocked all the wind out of her opponent before knocking the girl flat on her back and it felt amazing! Maybe it was because the first half a year and then some with this company she was a jobber, and thus wins and dominance were still fairly rare for her. But she quite enjoyed what it felt like for now. So with her opponent on the ground Piper would flash a cocky and smug smirk on her face. "Aww gonna cwy?" She asked mockingly before turning around and making a bee line for the ropes, as she did so Piper would turn and bounce off them, rebounding back towards her opponent. Once she was most of the way there Piper would leap forward, landing on her hands and swinging her legs around the air before descending with her legs bent in order to try and crash her knees into her opponent's open side!

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