Name: Karasu Tengu
Hair Color: Indigo
Eye Color: Gold
Height: 5’6
Weight: 118
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance Music: Lightning’s Devotion
Raven Flip






Personality: Generally Karasu is a quiet person, only because she speaks when she feels it is necessary. Seemingly unable to make light of things. Sometimes taking things to seriously despite them possibly just being jokes. Karasu does have a softer side for those who can get somewhat close to her. It is just hard to do so because she is more focused on other things to allow friends being close.
Karasu can’t speak to her early life that much. The most she can say is what is obvious to those around her. She was adopted by a particular clan. Particular because it was a clan of world renowned ninjas. Though unlike many clans, Karasu was raised as if she was a blood relative to the others. There was no distinction made between Karasu and the other children in the clan. It always boggled Karasu’s mind why she received this treatment. She would more than understand being the adopted daughter that received less love and attention than the rest. Regardless of her treatment Karasu had a self inflicted chip on her shoulder. Karasu thought that because she was the adopted daughter that she needed to push herself more. As to not dishonor or embarrass the clan. Her brothers and sisters would often see Karasu training late at night alone. Making it a personal job of theirs to try and lighten Karasu up. To some success at least, since they heard Karasu make her first joke and laugh. But it felt like she could always flip the switch and go back to they way she was. When it came time for Karasu to start embarking on some missions. She would execute them flawlessly, but with a new avenue to represent her family. Karasu only applied herself even more, to the point where on more than one occasion she passed out due to exhaustion. The head of the clan, who was Karasu’s mother was worried that Karasu might work herself to death. She would express the importance of taking breaks and even picking up a hobby of sorts. But Karasu was more focused on her current mission and her representation. Not being sure how to get through to her daughter, and making it stick. Karasu’s mother thought of an idea to through to Karasu. While not at the same time putting away her responsibilities. Karasu was signed up for a wrestling promotion. Karasu had several brothers that enjoyed the sport among other combat sports. Wrestling being the more “joyful” sport, Karasu’s mother thought it would make a good fit. Obviously Karasu would decline the idea immediately, and knowing that she would Karasu’s mother instead phrased it as a important mission only Karasu could undertake. Of course knowing Karasu, she flipped on her switch taking it with the utmost seriousness. Now Karasu was competing in Law because of her family for reasons she may not understand.
General Statistics:
Endurance: 2 - Karasu is a glass cannon when it comes to the ring
Strength: 3 - While not the strongest, it is enough for Karasu to do what she does best
Speed: 5 - Lauded for her speed by peers
Defense: 3 - Defense could be better if not just reliant on dodging
Technique: 5 - Karasu had devoted herself to honing her skills
Attire 1

