Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

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Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

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Match Type: Standard Tag Match
Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout.
It was time once again for the Heartbreakers to take to the ring - and they couldn't be happier. Thus far, their career had brought them nothing but glorious victory after glorious victory, and they had well established themselves as mainstays of LAW's tag division, and as a faction everyone should wach their backs around. They saw no reason to believe this match wouldn't be like any other. Just another notch in their belt to cement themselves as the future champions they were.

What was different about this match was that they'd be going up against a debuting tag team. Although neither of the girls had any idea what to expect from their opponents, that didn't dull their enthusiasm one bit. If anything, they were plenty excited to be the ones to do the honors in showing these so-called Holo-Stars just what they were in for if they wanted to join the League.

"Coming first to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan, at a combined weight of 255 pounds! THE HEARTBREAKERS!!"
Kyoko Kobashi
Misako Enjoji
As the Heartbreakers' skull-and-baseball-bat logo came up on the big screen, the lights dimmed on the two girls stepping out onto the top of the entrance ramp, striking a pose with their arms crossed and their backs against each other. Both wore leather jackets with their logo across the back, and they proceeded down to the ring side by side, glaring at a few booing fans as they passed. When they reached the ring, Kyoko pushed Misako through the ropes before getting up herself, and the two of them shed their jackets, standing ready to face whoever came their way next.

"You ready for this, Misako?" Kyoko asked, leaning over her partner's shoulder as she patted her on the back.

"You don't know me enough," came Misako's response.
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Re: Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

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After their entrance finished, the blue icon showed up in the big screen with some pyro at the sides of the top of the runway.


Later, two cheerful girls showed up and salute the crowd while going around both sides of the ringside and later both stand on the apron and get inside the ring over the top rope, standing on half of the corners while taunting at the crowd, getting the positive vibes in their first match.

After their entrance ended, Miko and Kanata go to their corner, with Kanata as the first of the duo to begin.

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Re: Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

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From the moment Miko and Kanata started to come down the ramp, they were greeted by cheers from fans on all sides of the aisle. Although they were new to the League, the enthusiasm they showed going into their debut proved infectious, and soon the crowds were whipped up into a frenzy for them. Many believed in them, and more still were just so fed up with the Heartbreakers' antics that they wanted to see them finally taken down a peg. Either way, it was clear they had quickly established themselves as fan favorites.

A fact that only frustrated their opponents. Misako let out a groan, kicking her foot against the canvas in frustration. "Oh, come on!" she said. "None of you idiots even know what they're going to do, and you're already cheering for them!?"

"Yeah!" Kyoko added. "They could be a bunch of scrubs, for all you know!"

"Pssht...I'd say that anyone going up against us is 'a bunch of scrubs.' Wouldn't you agree?"

Kyoko giggled at that. "Heh...yeah, that's right!"

As Kanata took point in the ring first, Misako stepped forward to meet her, cracking her knuckles before lowering into a stance. Her fingers flexed as she went in to offer a lockup. "Alright...let's see what you can do!"
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Re: Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

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Kanata didn't said anything and started with a warm up before getting into a stance with both arms and hands ready. After the bell sound, Kanata walks in circles inside the ring and then starts a lockup with Misako, doing back and forth for a while.

Kanata really showed up how strong she is after that test of strength, then she delivers a soft kick to the midsection and trapped Misako into a tight side headlock, making sure that her opponent can't get out while smirking.

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Re: Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

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In truth, Misako wasn't hoping to stay in the test of strength for long. She took hold of Kanata's hands, giving a firm push backward as she squeezed, but she had hoped that her opponent would fall for the bait, in willingly putting herself in such close proximity to the delinquent, for Misako to deliver a cheap shot from close range. When she was up against a newcomer, there was no reason to hold back on any of their tricks; her opponent couldn't possibly see them coming.

But to Misako's surprise, Kanata stood up to her right from the start of the match! She was proving stronger than Misako had given her credit for, and, as she pushed back against her hands, the dark-haired girl soon found herself stumbling backward, struggling to stand against the pressure. Her eyes widened in shock - she hadn't seen this coming at all, and in that moment, she had forgotten to take advantage!

It was Kanata who would be the one to break the struggle - as she kicked up a leg that caught Misako in the stomach. She stumbled forward with a cough, but it still wouldn't be enough for her to let go of Kanata's wrists. Instead, she lifted her head and looked back up at her, narrowing her eyes. "Pssht...was that supposed to hurt?"

Little did Misako know, Kanata was only getting started! While she was dazed, the newcomer was able to throw her arm around her head, squeezing tight as she pulled her against her side! Misako coughed and sputtered as she tried to hold the air in her lungs, her hands flailing aimlessly through the air as she stumbled around on uneasy footing. Her groans grew more and more frustrated by the minute, the more she struggled with no hope of escape, and she stomped a foot on the mat. At last, Misako saw fit to fight back, kicking behind her with one leg and swinging an elbow toward Kanata's gut to try and get her to let go!
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Re: Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

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Kanata grunted and gets back to stand against a corner after that elbow strike in the gut as she let Misako go. Kanata was holding her gut while holding herself on the ropes until she sees her opponent coming and counters with another kick to the gut, then Kanata Irish whips Misako to the ropes and at the comeback she (Kanata) applies a pair of flying scissors which made Misako fall over the mat.

"Don't think you will beat us so easily just because we're new here." Kanata said to her opponent with a smile, later she pushes herself to the ropes and gives a missile dropkick to Misako in the chest.

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Re: Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

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Misako had planned on using the lockup to her advantage, getting in a good hit on her opponent before Kanata would have time to take control. But when the white-haired girl had surprised her with her strength and stamina, Misako quickly found herself stumbling backward. She'd underestimated her opponent, and now she was paying the price. But as soon as she realized that, she was ready to turn it around - something she would be quick to put into action, as she landed an elbow to Kanata's stomach that sent her backward against the ropes!

As her opponent staggered away from her, Misako smiled. Kanata was going to the ropes, which would leave her in the perfect position for the delinquent to follow up. She bent lower, raising her hands for a stance - but just as she reached forward to try and grab at Kanata, she swung out with another kick that struck Misako squarely in the stomach!

With a cough, Misako doubled over forward, clutching at her gut. Her head going low, she was forced to take her eyes off her opponent - which meant she was left open as Kanata reached out to grab her, whipping her across the ring! Misako suddenly found herself running, going into the ropes and rebounding off them, and when she looked up, it was with wide eyes to see Kanata come flying toward her, her legs kicked out to snap them around Misako!

Against the incoming force of the blow, Misako was bowled off her feet, going to the ground with a thud! The crowd let out an even louder cheer - though it was Holo-Stars's first match, they were already proving themselves more than capable in the ring. Misako felt it too, as she rubbed at her head and groaned under her breath, starting to sit back up. She didn't want to admit it, but she'd been hit hard, and the soreness in her body stood as proof. But it was just then that Kanata came flying from the top rope, landing a hard-hitting dropkick against Misako's chest just as she was about to rise!

Crying out in pain, the dark-haired girl was thrown down onto her back. The canvas rumbled underneath her landing, and her arms flopped at her sides, the air driven out of her from the collision. Sprawled on the mat, she lay back, gagging and gasping.
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Re: Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

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Kanata has taking control of the match by picking Misako up, then the blue haired girl throws Misako at the ropes, later she delivers a knee strike to the midsection, followed by a scoop slam on the middle.

The crowd was really amusing while seeing how the newcomers were dominating their opponents between chants.

Kanata then picks Misako up and makes the tag on her partner, Miko. Both Irish whip Misako to the straight ropes and delivering a double dropkick to her at the comeback. Few seconds later, Miko connected a standing moonsault as Kanata did a leg drop over the throat, both moves at the same time. Miko then hooks the leg for the cover as Kanata rolled outside.

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Re: Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

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Misako already knew she was in trouble, as she was laid out flat on the mat, her arms and legs splayed around her as she gasped for air. But if she was in a tricky situation already, things were only going to get worse from here. She had been expecting Kanata to try for a pin - a choice that no one could have faulted her for feeling she could pull off in such a situation, but something that Misako was sure she could escape from. Little did she know, Kanata was only getting started - as she pulled Misako back up, hurling her straight for the ropes!

The delinquent went running, her feet pumping at the air beneath her to carry herself into the cables at a breakneck pace. She landed against the ropes with a gasp, as she was sent backward, into the path of Kanata's knee strike! The blow sent Misako doubling over forward as she clutched her stomach, but that just left her open for Kanata to pick her up for a slam, sending her into the mat with a thud!

As the cheers began to pick up louder, celebrating the newcomers for their strong showing right out of the gate, Kyoko crossed her arms with a pout. She turned back to the stands, waving her arms in the air to try to get the fans' attention as she attempted to start up a chant of her own. "LET'S GO MI-SA-KO!" she began, only to swiftly get drowned out by the chants for the members of Holo-Stars instead. First match or no, the two of them were already proving to be naturals in the ring, and the fans took notice.

That only grew more apparent as Kanata hauled Misako up once again, dragging to the corner to tag in Miko - and from there, the two of them were able to pull off some impeccable double-team manuevers, sending Misako straight across the ring before they both met her with a dropkick at the same time! Against the impact, Misako was thrown on her back, gasping and groaning - and then, as both the newcomers climbed the ropes to execute their own high-flying moves in tandem, she had no choice but to take them both head-on!

With Kanata's leg coming crashing down on Misako's throat as the same time Miko landed across her body, the dark-haired girl let out a choked cough, her body arching up off the mat as a spasm rocked her from side to side. Soon after, she crumpled against the canvas, letting out a hoarse wheeze with what little air was left in her lungs. Her body was heavy and her eyes were glazed over, and she had little strength left in her with which to fight off her opponents' assault, particularly as Miko climbed on top of her for the pin!

"One! Two!"

The ref began the count, and Misako lay there motionless. The fans began to cheer even louder now - Holo-Stars, it seemed, were about to demolish the competition in their very first match, and prove themselves to be champions in the making! It was because of all this noise, however, that Kyoko was drawn back to reality, distracted from her futile attempts to hype up the crowd - and, as she turned around, she looked over with a gasp to see Misako pinned down under Miko!

She knew what she had to do. Kyoko took off running, hopping onto the ring apron and sticking her leg out as she let her momentum carry her across the ring with a baseball slide. She would time things just right so that she'd drive her leg into Miko, knocking her off just as the final count was about to be made!


At the last second, the count had been broken! Seeing her partner in need, Kyoko was quick to tag herself into the match. She stood back up, looking down at Misako with a proud smile and planting her hands on her hips. "Don'cha worry, Misako! I can take care of things from here!"

"Yeah, that's great," Misako muttered in a weak voice. "You think you can...gimme a hand here, though?"

"Oh! Oh, right!" Remembering then that Misako was winded and needed her help, Kyoko took the girl's wrist, going to guide her back to her feet. Misako let herself rest against the ropes to catch her breath. Then, though, Kyoko would rush in closer to Miko, whipping her leg around to try and connect a roundhouse kick to her head as she came close!
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Re: Holo-Stars [D] vs. the Heartbreakers (Kyoko Kobashi and Misako Enjoji)

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Miko didn't seen Kyoko tagging and incoming against her with a kick to the face, grunts after falling while holding her jaw and crawling to the ropes, as Kanata was looking a bit shocked how her partner was in trouble but Miko wasn't able to counter at the moment.

At that moment, the crowd starts chanting "Let's go, Miko! Hololive rocks!", cheering at her while trying to recover and standing up on her feet.

Miko sees Kyoko coming this time and counters with an uppercut, some sidekicks to her right leg, keeps up with a spinning kick to the belly and a leg drop at Kyoko in the neck, showing up to the heartbreakers that they would need more than that to take the Holo-Stars down. Miko would crawl fast to pin Kyoko for the cover, with a leg hooked.

"ONE!... TWO!..."

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