Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Fight Type: Hentai Match
Victory Condition: victory will only be obtained by performing a Pin, forcing the Opponent to surrender or knocking her out after she has cum.
Nadia was a bit nervous, her hentai fights weren't many, and Nadia's trainings weren't.... The best, but now knowing that she was fighting to show everyone that she would never stop smiling at the challenges she faces, so preparing her whole outfit, she would receive a visit from Yukari, who would tell her that her opponent was really tough, and to be ready for anything, Nadia would just smile with a thumbs up of approval.

When her music started to play, Nadia would greet all the audience, her joy and happiness showing, walking down the ramp, greeting all the audience she knew well that she had to try her best, so when she stepped into the ring, she would wait patiently for her opponent to make his presence known.

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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One match in, and Satsuki had already been booked for something she'd been anticipating for quite a while. Her first match against Vanessa Vixen had gotten decidedly sexual given the stakes, but the fight itself was fairly standard. Tonight, though, she and her opponent would be staking something that only LAW could demand. Not just their bodies, but their pride in those bodies. They'd always fought to protect themselves in the ring, but their ability to keep their most guarded parts of themselves sacred was a completely different test. It was one thing to get fucked for losing. It was another thing entirely to lose by getting fucked. To have their bodies violated in every way possible at the hands of their opponent.

So to Satsuki, it wasn't a stretch to say that a Hentai Match in LAW was the ultimate wager.
Satsuki Hayano, the Queen of Clubs
Satsuki's Entrance Music - GAMBLER by MONSTA X
As she walked down the entrance ramp, the soft silk of her jacket brushed against her otherwise bare nipples. If her excitement for the night's events weren't already at an all-time high, the contact would have been arousing. But she couldn't focus on even that physical feeling of arousal, with her heart threatening to jump right out of her naked chest. She barely remembered to toss her hat and necklace aside as she slipped into the ring.

"Hey there, kitty cat," she greeted. "I'm Satsuki... I like the getup. Are you gonna be purring for me tonight, too?"

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Nadia would have been waiting somewhat nervously in the ring for the arrival of her opponent, finally hearing the music that signified the arrival of her opponent, when the opponent got into the ring, Nadia would see that Satsuki's outfit was very provocative and not very protective, as she could literally see Satsuki's nipples, so then approaching her for a handshake she would say to her
Well, I promise that if I lose I can be your kitty, as a way of rewarding you.
So then she would gladly wait for an answer from Satsuki.

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Satsuki rose an eyebrow at her opponent's promise. She wouldn't mind having a kitty for the night... but she didn't open her legs for just anyone, mind you. Over the course of her match, the Queen of Clubs would have to see whether or not Nadia earned the right to feel her. She took her opponent's hand, accepting the handshake politely.

"Well, if I win, I'll keep you to that promise. And if I lose... well, who knows what kind of prize you might earn?" She bent down and brought the back of Nadia's hand to her own lips for a quick, light kiss before letting go. "Anyway, should we get started? I've been looking forward to this all day."

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Nadia would laugh when she saw that her idea if she lost was accepted, so to balance the balance she would tell her
Well in case you lose, I think you'd better wear very tight clothes in your next fight.

But before she could continue showing her happiness, she would be suddenly attacked......with a kiss, something that took her by surprise, and so, with the referee making indication to the rules already established, the bell would finally ring and the fight would start, with Nadia running to launch herself with a kick aiming straight to Satsuki's stomach.

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Satsuki tried not to let things catch her by surprise. In the wrong circumstances, the unexpected could quickly become a death knell. Even if she didn't know for sure what might happen in every situation, the Queen of Clubs made it a point to at least react long before the surprise became a problem. But getting kicked in the gut right after a kiss to the back of Nadia's hand?

...Okay, maybe in the grand scheme of things, such a kick isn't too uncommon. Satsuki had spent enough time in nightclubs to watch a thousand impetuous men get smacked silly for doing the same thing. But in this ring, in this kind of match? She really thought she was just being polite.

Still, she was able to take a quick step back just as Nadia kicked at her. The blow still caught Satsuki in the stomach, causing her to gasp out briefly. But instead of fully catching in her gut, the kick just shoved her towards the ropes. Satsuki bounced off those ropes, using them to build up speed to catch Nadia with a brutal clothesline!
Last edited by FreestylePoet on Mon Nov 01, 2021 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Nadia had faith that her skill with her legs would help her to weaken Satsuki and thus make the job of making her run easier, when the kick had impacted, Nadia would smile, seeing how she bounced off the ropes, she would not expect the following, as she would be charged with a clothesline, being taken to the ground in a painful way, the movement was so strong that it sounded in the whole arena.

Nadia had her neck in a lot of pain, but that wouldn't stop her so easily, moving backwards, she would grab the ring ropes, getting up and positioning herself so she would take the defensive role.

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

Satsuki landed the clothesline, dropping Nadia to the mat easily. Now was the time to press her advantage. Watching her opponent slowly rise to her feet, she bounced off the ropes once more, reaching her arms out, and --

"Go down!"

-- and shot down for a spear, launching herself right at Nadia's torso! Her arms wrapped around her opponent's waist as if to tackle her. Satsuki wasn't the strongest woman in the Lightweight Division, not by a long shot, but hopefully her momentum would help her bring Nadia to the mat. Being so rough early on might make it hard to bring Nadia to orgasm later, but she had to start somewhere.

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Nadia was in trouble, her strength to get up wouldn't have helped much when Satsuki charged at her and sent her to the ground, hitting her hard, many would think that Nadia was in a situation where it would be an easy win for Satsuki, but that was wrong, only Nadia was a little upset, so when she was on the canvas, she would try to use her legs to entwine her legs around Satsuki's body, if she couldn't do it, a simple kick would be enough.

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Almost as soon as Satsuki tackled Nadia to the canvas, her opponent locked her legs around her. Now faced with a guard to pass, her options were severely limited... But not closed off entirely. After all, this was a very different type of match than the ones she'd had to this point in her career. One that opened up so many fun, new possibilities.

"What's wrong, Kitty Cat?" she cooed, smiling at her opponent with mock concern. "It's almost you don't want me on top of you...?" Then, she craned her neck down, seeking to capture Nadia's lips in a kiss! Satsuki wanted to be the one to deliver the first of many sensual attacks in this match, and her kiss was a way to do that.

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