Making a new friend and breaking a hotel room!

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Re: Making a new friend and breaking a hotel room!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia was sure to beat Sheila again, wearing her out with several holds but what the Aussie presented her was just amazing!
Harmonia came down like the eagle she represented, ready to strike at her pray.
She felt alive like never before but she got hit by Sheilas legs all of this came crushing down on her.
"Scheiße...",she managed to get out while she tried to stay concious.
That blast to the belly was a hard one Harmonia grabbed her midsection tight.

And then a shadow started to loom over her as Sheila managed to get to the side of the bed, using a post like a turnbuckle.
Harmonia could'nt get away fast enough and everything went in slow motion.
Sheilas sexy body came down in a hiptoss, aiming for her vulnerable belly and then connected with full force.
Harmonia gave a silent scream and then everything went back to normal as the bad crashed with a loud and unnerving sound.
But Harmonia did'nt care anymore.
Her eyes rolled back into her skull, a light trace of salive trickled down her chin and her body lay limp under Sheilas. It was over.

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Re: Making a new friend and breaking a hotel room!

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When it came to holds and ground-based offense, Harmonia had the edge. She was far more versed in how to control her opponent than Sheila could hope to understand, and the Young Lioness had suffered for that in their spar. She had been brought to the brink of passing out, and her aching joints and muscles struggled to support her weight even as she tried to fight her way back up. But now that Sheila had managed to swing up a kick and smack Harmonia out of the sky, she was grasped with a new rush of inspiration. Now, she could turn this around - and she was emboldened to do so like never before! The thought that maybe, just maybe, she stood a chance at beating Harmonia motivated her as she climbed to the top of the bed. It didn't matter if she hurt, or if she was burdened by fatigue - this was her chance!

Her feet left the mattress below her, and Sheila took off into the air, turning herself around so that she would come down on top of her opponent with full force! Her hip sank into the blonde's gut, and at once, the world around her shuddered. Harmonia's body buckled, the wind knocked out of her lungs. The mattress beneath them sank against their weights. And at last, the bed frame itself was unable to bear the intensity of the action, and with a loud snap, everything - bed, Harmonia, and Sheila alike - collapsed to the floor!

Sheila shuddered; the force of the impact had been enough to rattle her just as much as it had rattled her opponent. She braced herself against the bed, and she panted to catch her breath. Soon, though, she looked up, seeing the mess they'd made of the room around them - and beneath her, Harmonia, out cold and motionless.

Sheila's eyes went wide with a gasp, and she fell on top of the model, jerking at her shoulders. She'd been consumed by the heat of the moment, but now that things had calmed down, she was aghast at the thought that she might have caused her friend harm. "MONI! Are you okay!?"
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Re: Making a new friend and breaking a hotel room!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia maybe was stronger and definetly a thread with holds but the Austrian Eagles had a serious disadvatage against technical highflyers and Sheila was definitly one of this sort of wrestlers!

And Harmonia wanted to learn all about it, adding the training with Sheila to her plans to get to the top of LAW!

But for now the Blonde was out cold.
Harmonia was'nt as busted as Sheila was but she surely was tired as the applying of the holds and Sheilas constant countering had worn her out.
After getting Sheilas feet into her guts and flying back on the bed she knew she needed a little rest before finishing Sheila off but all her plans were destroyed as she saw the adrenaline filled Aussie jumping up the bed and then into the air.
//After all I did to her body she still can do this...I have to learn everything that is to know about her style//,the Blonde thought before Sheilas body connected with hers.
And then it all happened fast...
The bed broke, they fell down and the match was done but instead of pinning her, Sheila was more interested in her friends wellbeing.

Slowly Harmonias eyes opened as she gave a slight moan.
"Congrats...Miss Koala...",she smiled and leaned at Sheilas shoulder.
"You have beaten me fair and square. I am so proud of you...",she said softly, her whole body stiff and aching.
"Don't mind the bed...I'll pay for it. But would you just help me with one thing..."

And an hour later both women were in the luxurious bathtub that Harmonias suite offered, sitting face to face from each other, various kinds of drinks, foods and sweets next to them.
Harmonia sighed as she leaned back, her big and shapely breasts covered in foam as she took a sip from her champagne and then looked at Sheila.
"This...was just amazing Sheila. Could you please show me those highflyer moves,ja?"",she asked eagerly.

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Re: Making a new friend and breaking a hotel room!

Unread post by CaptainL »

As she looked down at Harmonia's limp and lifeless body beneath her, Sheila's jaw dropped open, and the color drained away from her face. A moment ago, she'd just been having fun, showing the blonde what she could do, and overflowing with the excitement that could only come from knowing she was well on her way to making waves in her career. But in an instant, she'd come down on her opponent hard, and now Harmonia wasn't moving. Had she been too rough? Had she gotten carried away? She could only hope this wouldn't mean their friendship would have to end now, before it had truly begun.

When Harmonia at last began to stir. Sheila sucked in a breath, afraid that whatever came out of her mouth would be anger and scorn. But instead...Harmonia was proud. Sore and breathless, but still proud.

Sheila's muscles relaxed, the tension slipping away from her body as her grin widened. " are?" The thought that she had won made Sheila's excitement swell inside of her, but there was more than that. Sheila knew she had someone she could count on in Harmonia. Even as she was making her journey from the Young Lioness Program to becoming a top name in LAW, she had her support - and Harmonia, more than anything, would know she had what it took. For Sheila, that was the best gift of all.

"Thank you! Thanks sooo much, really! Hey, uh, what's this about helping you..?"
Back in Harmonia's suite, Sheila let out a sigh as she leaned back in the warm water, her hands behind her head. She had nothing like this back in her rural home, and not even the LAW dormatories could compare. "Thanks again for letting me in with you," Sheila said. "This bath is really nice! I want one..."

Then, though, as she heard Harmonia ask her about teaching her about high-flying moves, the Australian girl's interest was piqued. She sat up straighter in the water, facing Harmonia with a grin. Not only had she beaten her, now she knew that she had demonstrated such mastery of her moves that the more experienced blonde wanted to learn from her! Now, Sheila was sure, she had truly made it.

"From me..?" Sheila flashed a thumbs-up at Harmonia. "Yeah, of course I could!~ I'm still learning things myself, but...for me, that sorta thing just comes easily! I'd be happy to help out!" Then, she drifted a little closer, giving Harmonia a playful smack on the shoulder. "With my'll be unstoppable!~"
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Re: Making a new friend and breaking a hotel room!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia liked Sheila, she really, really did. Next to her teammates and Cheelani, Sheila was her best friend and she was so ever thankful for that.
"Oh you are sooo cute!",Harmonia smiled and pressed Sheilas head against her bossom while hugging her tight.
"I am really thankful for having you Sheila. I am so glad that we are friends!",she smiled.
"And with your help I will be on the top someday and you will too and then we fight again...for the middleweight title!",Harmonia said, wanting nothing more than be the best.
And so the two friends enjoyed their bath, forming a lasting friendship.

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