Shei Lin

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Shei Lin

Unread post by SimplePride »

Shei Lin
”Let’s have fun together!”

Name: Shei Lin
Age: 23
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Weight:115 lbs
Nationality: China
Alignment: Lawful Good

Entrance Music:

Shei Lin is a pretty Chinese girl with very long hair tied in a pigtail behind her, reaching down all the way to her thighs. She makes no effort to hide her cute, petite body.

Shei Lin has a fun loving, cutesy personality that just wants to be happy. She’ll dance around and sing before a match. However, don’t mistake her bubbly personality for weakness. She’s a trained martial artist, and will not hesitate to knock you out with her hands or fett.

Wrestling Information

Strategy:More of a martial artist than a wrestler, Shei Lin will more often strike down an opponent, rather than grapple, though she’s not afraid too if the situation calls for it.

Style: Cruiser
Type: Striker

Preferred Attacks: Strikes

Preferred Matches: Any

Attitude To Hentai: “That sounds like fun! Yes!”

Physical Statistics

General Statistics
Endurance ★★★–About average
Strength ★★★ –Average
Speed ★★★★ –Faster than most
Defence ★★–Can defend herself fairly well
Technique ★★★ –Nothing particularly fancy

Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★ –Hits for contact,.
Submissions ★★★ –Not bad
Powerhouse ★★- Definitely not a pixie, though not very strong, either
Aerials ★ –Just isn’t her thing
Counters ★★★★ – Prefers to dodge

Match Ending Moves

Signature Move
Dragon’s Bite: Roundhouse Kick

Finishing Move
Eastern Wail: Arm bar

Shei Lin was born in a small fishing village in western China. She was always a bit of a wild child in her youth, seemingly always getting into trouble. Her parents worried that this would continue into adulthood…

Their fears were nullified when Shei Lin expressed an interest in martial arts, and as it turned out, she was a natural at it, and soon became a master of multiple disciplines, and sure enough, became quite the fixture at martial arts tournaments.

After seemingly flying through the Chinese circuit, Shei Lin decided that her options were limited in China, so she moved to the United States, where she would work various odd jobs when she wasn’t competing in tournaments.

After some time, martial arts tournament began to bore Shei Lin, and soon decided she wanted to do something with more…pizzazz. As luck would have it, an agent of a local wrestling fed in her new home of Los Angeles wanted to recruit her. Her natural bubbly personality fit well with the style of pro wrestling.

During her time in the fed, she began to notice something; the male opponents were easily distracted by female opponents, especially if they wore revealing clothing. Wearing a traditional gi at this point, Shei Lin decided to make an outfit that would show off her more…appealing features. That outfit is what you see today. Sure enough, it worked.

One day, after another male fell to her charms, she was approached by a gentleman who was a recruiting agent for some wrestling fed called LAW. Seeing as she hit the ceiling of this fed long before, she quickly accepted. Shei Lin was headed back East…

-Won vs. Tanya

Random Facts
-Pride always wanted a cutesy, bubbly lightweight, akin to the famous Gil. This is how Shei Lin came about.
-Shei Lin has a crush on Isaiah Bowen. Isaiah thinks she's crazy.
-She sometimes uses her long hair as a whip.







Last edited by SimplePride on Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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