Already waiting in the ring with her light pink attire on, Raposa caters to the crowd before her opponent could come out. She shakes her hips rhythmically, seducing the crowd as they catcall whistle back. She forgets who her opponent is, not having a care in the world. As long the capoeirista has herself and the crowd entertained, it didn’t matter who she faced.
Raposa’s plan is the same usual: show-up her opponent and kick the crap out of them. Just another day of wrestling for her and some food money to be made.
Last edited by Frodouken on Fri Oct 15, 2021 1:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
Ugh what the hell am I doing in this match... Emerald told herself as she was backstage waiting for her signal to make her entrance. Emerald was bored out of her mind without any good fights recently. Boredom reaching anger as her next match was against Raposa Faisca. As far as Emerald was concerned it was a match against some nobody jobber that had no sort of future here. Rubbing the back of her head as she sighed. Might as well get this over with She said as a official came in to give Emerald the signal to do her entrance.
Wanting to make this quick and easy, Emerald didn't do anything extra. Her music played on the loudspeakers and with that Emerald came out of the backstage with a mix of cheers and boos coming her way. Raising her eyebrow to them Wow, seems like they are more active today She said walking down the ramp with her arms crossed. Not even caring much about her opponent despite seeing her clear as day. Using the steps the get in and getting through the middle and top rope. A final gesture Emerald did was move her hand in some circular motion, finishing in making her fingers touch together. As if to silence the crowd, with it working better than what most expected. Emerald keeping her unamused expression as she looked at Raposa and waited for the start of the match.
Last edited by Aqua on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Seeing how her opponent seems to have a bit of an attitude, Raposa feels tempted to mess with her a bit. When the bell rings, she struts to the center, already trying to show off to her Emerald. She turns her back to the red-eyed woman, waving and spanking her butt.
“Come on, you want some of this? Come an get!” Hoping the taunt would infuriate the greenette, Raposa plans to slip by whatever grab or hit thats thrown, then would perform a backflip onto the ground while performing a Pele Kick to get some momentum on her side.
Last edited by Frodouken on Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Emerald raised her eyebrows to Raposa heading to the center of the ring. Maybe she was trying to make an early impression on Emerald. Turning her back to Emerald and spanking her own butt. With a quick surprised expression Emerald would say Oh so you are one of those type of people. Well the match wasn't going to fight itself to Emerald needed to make the first move. Since it looked like Raposa wasn't going to.
Honestly? No I don't, but you'll be regretting this match sooner rather than later Emerald said as she approached Raposa. Looking to start things off quick with a kick to her stomach. One that Raposa easily dodged and right after jumped high to her side. Wha? AHH Kicking Emerald right in the head, not enough to knock her down but it did certainly stagger Emerald and had her off balance heading to the ropes.
Raposa satisfies herself with such an amazing kick, smiling brightly as she’s the first to land a hit. She goes to the corner with her ass wiggling for Emerald’s attention, wanting to lure her in for her Brazilian Bunda. If she got Emerald to surge at her, she’d catch her head with her legs and forcefully beat and shake her butt into the Sustrai’s face, then Mule Kick her away.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t catch any of that! Why don’t you come on over here and say it closer? Hehe.~”
Emerald was just about done shaking the cobwebs out of her head. Thankfully Raposa didn't do anything to continue her attack. Instead heading into a corner and wiggling her ass. At this point toying with Emerald and it was working. Sure the pele kick was a good move but it didn't mean Raposa was winning this in the slightest.
Getting up and sprinting to Raposa looking to punch her lights out, Emerald would be surprised with legs reaching her shoulders. This taking her out of it for a moment, but long enough for Raposa to bring Emerald's face into her butt. Muffling as she was basically get stinkfaced, not being able to respond to Raposa's taunting.
But it wasn't like Raposa was getting all of the offense in. Emerald would grab onto her legs and essentially keep them close. With one fluid motion Emerald would yank Raposa off the corner and slam her violently on the mat.
Alright, ENOUGH of that Emerald said with a big pop from slamming Raposa down on the mat. Things were not ideal with how the match started, but at least Emerald stopped it before it went to far. While Raposa was getting herself back up Emerald would be doing the same thing.
Before she could let Raposa get her stuff together, Emerald would try to rush Raposa. Looking to clothesline Raposa's head right off her body, and if she missed. Emerald would continue forward and bounce off the ropes behind them. Since they were so close Emerald's second plan would be to dropkick Raposa right in the back.
After recovering to the center of the ring, the Brazilian bombshell would see her opponent coming straight for her with something. She ducks on reflex and could tell it worked. Pretty sure her opponent would rebound, Raposa quickly turns back and drops chest down near Emerald’s feet, tripping her onto her face. Instead of capitalizing, she just further insults the green-haired woman.
Emerald was more than ready to rip into this girl already. It seems that things were looking her way, that is until Raposa decided to play more games with Emerald. Dropping down quickly to her chest, tripping Emerald before she could make her move. Emerald falling right on her face, the crowd getting all giddy behind the move.
ARGHH THAT'S ENOUGH Emerald screamed as she slammed the mat with her fist. Getting back up as fast she could, rage all over her mind at the moment. If Emerald could she would try to punt kick Raposa right in the face.