Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

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Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

Unread post by Lederface »

Type of Fight: Best of 3 rounds cage oil fight
Victory condition: Successful submission by Pin, Tapping, or Smother 3 times.
The fight will be in an octagon covered by a layer of oil

Nadia didn't really expect a fight of that kind, but she would never reject that idea, knowing how much fun she would have and even better, she could improve her fighting skills with oil on her body, so by putting on a better suit for that kind of fights, instead of her classic suit, she would start to appear when her theme started to play, dancing with the music as she advanced down the ramp, greeting everyone she saw, before the door to the octagon opened, and entering there, she would start to prepare herself mentally for it.
Last edited by Lederface on Tue Oct 19, 2021 8:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

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Adam would be very intrigued about his new upcoming match as most of his female opponents seemed to be nice, but still felt kind of humiliated by the ways he lost so far and it didn't help his confidence too much that smothering was allowed in this octagon match! Added stipulation of oil covered all over the ring definitely made him think over the strategy he was gonna use to try and win this match!

He would finally hear his entrance music as he made his way down to the ramp as the crowd seemed interested in him, but not super into him either as it was almost like they felt bad for the new upcoming star! As Adam would get into the ring he would feel the oil slide all over his boots as he looked at Nadia and offered a handshake "Good luck and let the best person win"!

Last edited by jdo_sss on Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:18 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

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Nadia would finally see her opponent, he was someone who looked very good, dressed according to the fight, and he really didn't look like someone Rose had to face, once he entered, the door of the octagon would close, meaning that it would only open again when one of the two of them managed to submit 3 times the other, so then Nadia would gladly accept Adam's handshake, and with a smile she would tell him
of course! may the fittest one to be in these fields be the winner, and if I win, I'll buy you a beer.

When the bell rang, Nadia would run full speed at Adam, but she would slip and fall in front of Adam, which was a bad start to the fight.

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Re: Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

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Trying not to laugh at Nadia because he wasn't a heel and he didn't feel very good at laughing at someone's misfortunes, but a small chuckle left his mouth as she slipped and fell running full speed at him as he offered a hand out for her to help her up trying to be very generous "This is probably wouldn't be best to run in this match.." Adam would say waiting for her grab his hand and if she refused he would back into his corner trying to give Nadia some time before he starts taking the match completely serious

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Re: Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

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Nadia falling into the oil, she would feel a bit embarrassed, but when she looked up and saw Adam offering her help to get up, Nadia would be really happy to accept it and when she was standing up, she would tell him
you're right, running is not the best idea.....but grabbing.
After saying that, Nadia would try to grab Adam's hand, with the intention of trying to make the boy fall down thanks to the oil, although Nadia's already covered hands were giving her some difficulty to do it.

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Re: Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

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After Adam would grab Nadia's hand and try to help her up, but she would grab him throwing him right into the oil! He would be covered almost all in oil as he just let out a chuckle "Fair enough.." he would say crawling to her on his knees looking for a lock up with her!

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Re: Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

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Nadia seeing how Adam seemed to be happy to be covered with oil, something she expected, but what she didn't expect was that Adam would come closer and close his arms with hers, Nadia would do her strength not to give in, but the oil complicated a lot, being that she was slowly backing off

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Re: Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

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Adam seemed to be a bit more dominant over Nadia as he pressed her against the mat as she tried to retreat as all the squirming and oil kind of bucked him off! He crawled to the nearest corner standing in it as he attempted to climb it for a high flying move, but his boots was already too slippery for that holding the ropes to make sure he's up float

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Re: Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

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Nadia had hardly any experience in oil fights, but if there was one thing she knew well is that you can always count on one of the 2 to fall and cause trouble, and when she saw how Adam clearly couldn't make his moves, Nadia decided to approach ..... as if she were a cat, taking advantage of the fact that it gave her some more control over how she moved.
Last edited by Lederface on Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Adam Colt vs Nadia Fortune!

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Having a hard time climbing let alone standing he saw Nadia slowly approaching him slowly, but surely as he knew he had to make a move soon otherwise she would be all over him as he leaped forward hoping to catch her in his collision

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